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April 11, 1969 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-04-11

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Friday, Aprjl 11, 1969


. Page Nine

Friday, April 11, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine


Knicks stop Celtics
NEW YORK (AP) - The New .for-22 performance that built a But Barnett, who finished with
York ,Knickerbockers, warming to 28-19 spread at the end of, one 20 points, scored the next basket
their task, jumped to an early period. A run of eight straight and when Boston pulled within
lead behind Dick Barnett and points, four by Dick Barnett, broke 82-78, Frazier scored.
Walt Frazier, and then Bill Brad- a 14-all tie and had the Knicks Boston's last gasp cane mo-
ley joined in to hold off Boston winging. ments later when Bill Russell
101-91 last night in their National Another run of seven points, in- brought them to within four
Basketball Association p 1 a y o f f cluding three more by Barnett, points, 84-80, but three points by
game. increased it to 49-34, and the Frazier and three by Bradley
The New York victory cut the Knicks led 51-41 at the half, as made it 90-80, and the Knicksl
defending champion Celtics' ad- Frazier scored 15 points and Bar- were home free.
vantage to 2-1 in the best-of- nett 14. The Knicks, trying to erase the
seven Eastern Division final series. With Bradley scoring 10 points memory of Wednesday night's
New York, which hit only 33 per in the third quarter, the lead was debacle, succeeded just the way
cent of its field shots in absorbing 72-57 before Boston made a run Walt Frazier planned it.
a 112-97 drubbing Wednesday for it and closed to 80-76 with "We had to come out swinging,"
night, found the range with a 12- 9:48 left, said the star guard of the Knicks,
whose inspired floor play high-
lighted New York's victory,
S ers favored over Harwks "Maybe the last loss was what
weneeded to get motivated,"
Frazier said. "We were embar-1
ZINA.anRou}eos ,Alk-Stars rassed. If our guys have any pride,
they had to go out there and get
them. I know I couldn't wait for
By The Associated Press Wilt Chamberlain, Bill Russell this game.
LOS ANGELES - Favored, and Jerry. Lucas failed to make i"Bston w
but knowing they can't just win either the first or second t e a m wBoston was as good, but we
by showing up, the Los Angeles for the first time in their s t a r r y "W knew we were betterthan
Lakers battle the Atlanta Hawks careers. Wene ng. e d Willis
tonight in the opening game of The other two on the first All- Wednesday ght, added Willis
the Western division finals in the Star team are automatic p i c k s Boston guys off tonight."
National Basketball Association --"Oscar Robertson and Elgin Frazier finished with 26 points
playoffs. Baylor. Robertson, the Cincinnati and Bradley 18, 17 in the second
Shocked by losses to San Fran- backcourt great, made it nine out half. Bradley also did a fine de-
cisco in the first two games of the of nine times. Baylor, of the Los fensive job on Boston's high-scor-
semi-finals, the Lakers came back Angeles Lakers, has been a first ing John Havlicek, who managed
to win four straight. team choice 10 of 11 years, miss- only eight points.
Atlanta reached the final round ing only in 1963 because of knee Russell, hitting 10 points in the
with a 4-2 series margin over San injuries, ' final period, led Boston with 16,
Diego after those two teams split Monroe, the flashy guard and followed by Bailey Howell, Sam
their first four games.
To nons urprise, Rookie of the Year for 1967-68, Jones and Emmette Bryant with
To no one s surprise, Jerry West' 15 each .
provided the most Laker offense and Robertson are the guards, Un- 115 eh.
against the Warriors with an seld the center, and Cunningham a nationrly-tulevised game Sun-
average of 31.8 points per game. and Baylor'the forwards. day afternoon,
Three times he tallied 36.

Backstrom scores in overtime
as Canadiens topple B ruins

MONTREAL P) - Ralph Back-
strom's goal with just 42 seconds
gone in sudden death overtime cli-
moaxed a Montreal rally that car-
ried the Canadiens to a 3-2 victory
over Boston in the opening game
last night of their National Hock-
ey League Stanley Cup East Divi-
sion final series.


Serge Savard, who assisted on NIGHT EDITOR:
each of the Canadiens' goals, set JOE MARKER
up Backstrom's winner as de-
fending Cup champion Montreal second s after Eddie Shack drew
ran its playoff winning streak to a penalty, seemed to ignite t he
10 games over the past two sea Canadiens. But Henri Richard
sons, drew a penalty at 15:21, an d
Jean Beliveau's goal with 56 se- Montreal had to hold off Boston's
conds left to play earned t h e manpower edge before buzzing
Canadiens the tie after John Far- Cheevers again.
guson's power play goal with 612 I Finally at 19:04 Believeau won
minutes left finally got the a faceoff in the Boston end and
Canadiens on the scoreboard. fed the puck to Jacques Laper-
Until Ferguson scored, t w o riere. The defenseman got the
goals by Derek Sanderson and'air- puck back to Believeau, and the
tight goaltending by Gerry Cheev- Canadiens' captain scored his 71st
ers had kept the Bruins on top. career playoff goal as the Forum
Ferguson's goal, which came 17 r went wild.

Phil Esposito, Boston's record-
breaking scorer, crouched in tears
in front of the Boston bench as
officials cleared the debris from
the ice following Believeau's goal.
Montreal's momentum carried
right into the overtime, and
Backstro beat Cheevers for the
The game was 'cnaracteristic of
this year's Eastern Division play-
off games in the sense that a
major fight broke out, this time
during the first period.
Barely two minutes into the
game, Glen Sather and Derek
Sanderson from Boston and Dick
Duff and Yvon Cournoyer f o r
Montreal drew major penalties for
fighting. Five minutes later, T e d
Harris (Montreal) and Bobby Orr
went at it, but the rest of the eve-
ning was devoted to lightning-fast
The second game of the best-of-
7 series will be played at Montreal


THE STANLEY CUP semi-finals got off to a rousing start last
,night as Montreal's Yvon Cournoyer (right) engaged Boston's
Glen Lather in a round of fisticuffs in the first period at the
Montreal Forum. The altercation earned a five-minute penalty
for each participant and also aroused the jam-packed Forum
gathering of over 18,000.

Stewart stars
in East victory
By The Associated Press
HONULULU-Led by Michigan's
Dennis Stewart, who scored 29
points, the East defeated the West
Wednesday night, 109-107, in the
Aloha Classic before a crowd of
3,000 fans.
John Warren of St. John's of
New York sank a 20-foot jump
shot with three seconds remaining
to give the East the victory.
Ed Siudut of Holy Cross con-
tributed 19 and John Baumof
Temple hit 17 for the winners.
The West attack was led by

and GRADS!


* * *
NEW YORK - There was a
new look to the National Basket-
ball Association's All-Star team
announced yesterday by Commis-j
sioner Walter Kennedy.,
Wes Unseld, the Most ValuableI
Player, Rookie of thel Year andI
teammate Earl "The Pearl" Mon-

Smith seeks; to mcantaion winning, habits



roe of the Baltimore Bullets, and It may be a reassuring, fact to
Philadelphia's Bill Cunningham Michigan supporters to learn tl at
all made the first team for the one of their new assistant football
first time. ' coaches has never been associated
with a losing team. Throughout
his playing and coaching career,
o1nct f rosh guard and center coach Larry
Smith has constantly been con-
netd with football squads that
sweep twin i achieved a high degree of success,
and he has no intention of ending
The present may be blealr for that record in the near future.
Michigan baseball fans, who wit- From the time that Smith start-
nessed Coach Moby Benedict's ed playing for his high school
team's two losses earlier this week, team, he never played in a losing
but the future showedia glimmer game until his junior year in col-
of hope as. Coach Dick Honig's lege. A two-way end in high school,
freshman ball club swept a dou- he attended the United States
bleheader from Northwood In- Military Academy for a year before
stitute by scores of 5-3 and 6-4 transferring to Bowling Green.
yesterday at Ferry Field. For three years he lettered while
The Wolverine freshman squad playing both offense and defense
received fine pitching perform- in the last days of the one-platoon
ances in each of the games. In era. Captain of the team in his
the opener Gene Lanthorn hurled senior year, he went after grad-
a four hitter. The righthander uation to his first coaching job,+
struck out eight and walked only that of assistant to Jim Young,
two in the seven inning contest. now Michigan defensive co-ordi-
Ed Bryson, who hurled the night- nator. He served under Young for
cap, yielded seven hits, walked two years at Lima (Ohio) Shaw-
two and struck out nine during nee High School, and the team
his seven innings on the hill. was undefeated in both campaigns.
Gil Maienknecht, Bruce Vinson, When Young left Shawnee,
Bill Hellstein and 'Larry Danek Smith stepped up to the head
were the keys to the Wolverine
attack in the doubleheader.
First Game WANT TO M
Northwood 003 000 0-3 4 4
Michiganc031 010 x-5 7 2 A LIVING E
Second GameL
Northwood 001 011 1-4 9 2
Michigan 010 113 x-6 8 1 INSTEAD OF A RI

coaching job. During his three'
year tenure in that position, his
teams were twice State Cham-
pions, and in his last season, gave
up only six-points in ten games.
He attracted the attention of of-t
ficials at Miami University at that
time, and served as the defensive
end coach for three years be-
fore following head coach "Bo"
Schembechler to Ann Arbor.
Originally slated to become
freshman co-ordinator, Smith took
on his present position when the
vacancy appeared. His chief prob-
lem will be to find a new center
to replace the graduating Dave,
Lenzin. He feels that "center is a
tough position to learn because
everything begins with the snap of
the ball," but is attempting to
break in Tim Killian, a linebacker
last year, at the unfamiliar posi-
The guard position does not pose
a similar problem. Several experi-
enced players are back at that
position, including Bob Baum-
gartner, who sat out last season
with an injury. Dick Caldarazzo
and Frank Titas both saw action
last. year, and freshman Reggie
MacKenzie has shown a lot of
promise, giving the position excep-
tional strength.

Popular conception holds that field. They can't move around like Don Griffin of Stanford. He col-
interior linemen are being big and the defensive linemen, nor can lected 21 points-one better than
dumb. This season's Wolverine they use their hands." Harry Hall of Wyoming.
guards will not fit that image. The new offensive paterns the The East team, with a height
"They must be able to block one coaching staff is installing will advantage, took rebounding honors
on one and have the speed to pull 54-43. Both teams hit 50 per cent
and get ahead of the ball-carrier. place an extra burden on the in-of their field goal attempts.
We're not looking for the 240- terior line. Guards will have to do In the first game of the tour-
pound monster" Smith explains, more pulling and trap blocking nament, the favored Midwest All-
while maing it clear that his than previously."With our type Star team defeated the South
guards will have 'to be able to interfo line be tighth"t 111-89.
master the many blocking tech- -_-_--
niques necessary to open holes in Wolverine fans can rest as
the line. sured that he will do all he can to
Smith is enthusiastic about this make the line as "tight" as pos-<
new assignment. He feels that of- sible. Never associated with a loser,
fensive linemen are at a distinct':.
disadvantage. "They are in the Larry Smith does not want to start
most awkward position on the losing now.
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thinking of the
9?eigous Life..
If you are seriously thinking
of the priesthood, the ques-
tion becomes not "what" but
Who can allow you to utilize
your own innate talents?
Who is muost attuned to our
times? Who can offer the
most freedom in your work?
The answer is the Paulists.
Their goal is to meet the
needs of all God's people as
they arise in each era and
each age. The Paulist tries
to make Christ, His teach-
ings and His Church more
understandable to those he
can reach.
In our recent Renewal Chap-
ter we established the guide-
lines by which a Paulist
seminarian and priest would
operate in these changing
times. A summary of these
renewal principles is avail-
able to those who question
"whether a priest can really
be with it today."
To find out more about the
Paulist spirit, send for an
illustrated brochure and a




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