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April 11, 1969 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-04-11

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Page Six

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fridov. Aprill1969

__ __

I I . U ' rljII7,1 1 U.

Daily Classifieds

(Continued from Page 5)
TYPING - Your choice of type. Free
pick-up and delivery. 663-7894. J4
TYPING WANTED-business or college.
70 yrs. experience. Call 971-2806 after
6 P.M. J2


ROOMMATE WANTED summer halfF2 BEDROOM, 2-MAN, all utiilties paid; 1 GIRL NEEDED for 4 man luxury apt.,
term-cheap. 663-2290. U1 near campus, top floor of house. 2 min. from camps, betw, hospitals
..--.-- Rent negotiable. May-August. Call! Call 761-6502 after 5 p.m. U43
SUMMER SUBLET 769-1647. UE - -
4 bedrooms, large living room, kitchen, ---- ---.1-2 GIRLS needed to sublet Mliy-Aug.
dining room, good location. 769-1626. MOD. 4 man. May-Aug. Bi-level 2 bed- 3-man, 2 bedroom, furnished modern
U2E room, air cond., dishwasher, disposal,j apt., air cond., parking. Arbor Forest
parking, Geddes near Observatory. 1 Apts. Call Barb, 769-4947. U45
NEED 1 MAN for 2 bdrm., 2 man apt, 761-9344. U3631 -A U M Ad-
- o. p.,fly un. r'boksfom1..--_-.®__.--__ __ 3 MAN SUBLET M ay-Aug. Modern, air
mod. apt., fully furn., 21 blocks from QUIET mod. furn. 1-2 pers. EFFICIEN- cond., Park Plaza, 1320 S. Unit., No.
campus. May-Aug. 761-5118. U29 Cy. May-Aug. Negotiable and In- 12. 761-7657. U44
expensive. Call 769-2532 U6
LIVE TOGETHER (OR ALONE) $85/1_MODERN 2 bdrm apt.; plsnt, surround
mo. 2callrooms, clean, osecampusif 2 BDRM., bi-level. Air conditioned, close to campus (Cambridge & Olivia)
you) cleb- oeplae. agn dishwasher, parking, close to campus. Grad, only. $41/mo. Call Dan Harrison,
now). 665-2480. 1U30 Call after 5 p.m. 764-7482.1346
ISUMMER SUBLET-1-2 ir n edd 7for9-4126


JULY-AUG. sublet. Furnished, air con-
ditioned, two bedroom apt. 721 S.
Forest. Call 769-3390. U6
TWO BEDROOM three man on campus
Spring 2 $120/mo. 662-1838. U7
MAY-JUNE, furn. 2 bdrm. apt. $125.
Only couple, wonderful for children.

work in her home. Thesis,t
typing, stuffing, etc. IBM
Call Jeanette, 971-2463.
TYPING: Papers and thesis,
pertly done at home. IBM

etc. Ex-'

971-1$65U! ivvcc rri- g irs nee o
3 bedroom house near IM building.!U2+
4 M N APT.; and a single, very reason- Call 662-5990. U31
able. Call 761-3618 U10 - NEED 1 MAN-for sublet to complete
.MAY-AUG. mod. 3-man apt, with pool, 4-man 1 block from campus (near
A U_3 a m air cond. 665-6365. U42 Law Quad), has dishwasher, disposal,
SPACIOUS, luxury 3-man apartment!_ 2-bdrms, balcony air-cond. mod, fur-
for summer. Call 663-7974. Mike or!2brs acn ircn.md u-
Rick, anytime. U9 MODERN two-man summer sublet. nishings normally $93/m., subletting
Fantastic location. $110 negotiable. for a mere $45/mo. May-Aug. Call
ONE MAN NEEDED for two-man apt. 665-8797. U41 769-1091. UF
$35 p-^r month-72- ^~ S-tate, 769-5198 ,
per month. 720 S. State, 769-519812 2 OR 3 MEN for July-Aug. mod. apt. ONE GIRL looking for apt. to sublet
Good deal. 769-5025. U40 May and June. Will share. Call 764-:
NEED 2 GIRLS to sublet half of 4 man,- 5925 persistently. UEI
M ' MAYNARD HOUSE-1 bdrm, furnished, - ----MAmi
Cheap! Call Karen, 761-0933 after 5 air-cond.; summer with fall option. HOUSE FOR SUBLET, May-August;k
Call 665-4406, 12-5:30-Apt. 1006 after 769-4472; three girls needed; fireplace,
p.m. U11 7 call 761-8119. U39 back yard for sunning, air-condition-
NEED MAN for Albert Terrace sub- - ~~~--- - -- -- - -- er, very near campus. UF

ONE, TWO or THREE MEN to sublet
May through August. $50 each. Ideal
apt with carpeting, many closets
disposal, parking, basement laundry.
congenial open-minded neighbors and
landlord. Call 769-4784, 110 Hill No. 2
2 GIRLS NEEDED to share large
apartment for summer. Very close to
campus. 665-0003. UF
2 BEDROOM summer sublet. Modern,
furnished, cool, quiet. Minutes to
hospitals. 663-3666. U31
AVAILABLE MAY 1-1, 2, 3, and 4-man.
The Ambassador Co. 761-7982. U27


3 BEDROOM, 3 or 4 man. Across from
Law Quad. May-Aug. Cheap. 769-6251.
EXPERIENCED SEC'Y. wants to type
many scripts, thesis papers, etc. 911-I
4066. .-33
TYPING DONE on elec. typewriter. Very'
reasonable. Call 483-1008. J37
WE TYPE and duplicate term. papers
thesis, etc. We also take dictation
for conferences Now's the time, call
us soon, 665-3767. J
Paddles, Flowers, Bands.
,Special Favors & Sportswear show
on Feb. 26, 27-over 500 items. Calla
Neil or Dick for appointment at 761-1
6632. .J34
Call 668-6200
over 35 years.


let. Dishwasher, balcony, swimming
pool, bi-level, good neighbors, many!
extras. 769-1468 between 5 & 7. U13

'MODERN 4 man apt. near campus and
hosp. Air cond. Parking, laundry fa- , SUMMER
cilities. Call 665-9624. U37

_ ___ n

SUBLET Prof furn-a M-- ~ oSUMMER SUBLET - 2 bedroom, air
SUBLE'I rofs.furomapt.amus4MayAucond., close to campus and hospitals.
May-Dec. 2 biks. from caps rm
hosp. 1 bdrm. Great for couple. Call $157/mo. Move in May 4th, Call 727
662-7386.U51 E. Kingsley, No. 16. 769-3528. U36
NEEDED 2 bedro aMay-Aug, for p SUBLET FOR COUPLE. Available July
Iman 2 edrom pt. earcamus, 1 with option for next year. Very
reasonable. 761-2625. U15 nice, very quiet. Next to Law Club
-_---_--_and Bus. Ad. 665-3418. U35
1-MAN FURNISHED apt. near campus.
Parking, $75/mo. Sacrafice. Available ONE ROOMMATE to share two bed-
May 1. 769-5658. U16 room modern apt. Own room, air
cond., Call Sue: 769-4293. U33
MAY THRU AUG. furn. 2 man 1 blks.-
from campus. 1015 Church, No. 3.! 1 GIRL NEEDED for 4-man 2-bedroom,
663-5737. U18 air conditioned, modern apt, with}
swimming pool. May-Aug. $55, goodI
2 MEN NEEDED-for modern, 3-man I location. Call 763-0730 or 769-0913.

1 bedroom-418 E. Washington
2 bedroom-521 Walnut
Rental Information, 761-2943

our sublet of sublets! Each room of
our roomy 51 room 2 bdrm., 4-
man is huge in itself, fully carpet-
ed, air-cond., of course, modern as
an apt. can be. Need dishes? Pots
U40 and pans? East Madison near Pack-

- and andi that's close! Call 769-1649,
APT. SUBLET;7July-Aug.; 2-3 men: ; ask for anyone.F
s cool; cheap. 769-3619. 1341C
- ----.4#ONE, TWO, or THREE MEN to sublet
3 GIRLS FOR May through August. May through August, $50 each. Ideal
CHEAP. Call 761-2625. U apt. with carpeting, new furniture,
3-MAN__ UMEtCEA C-s cooling, new kitchen, many closets.
3MAN SUMMER Sublet. CHEAP.Close37U disposal parking basement laundry
t campus. Call 761-3678. UD congenial open-minded neighbors and
AIR-COND., 2 bdrm. choice. All kitchen landlord, Call 769-4784: 110 Hill, No
equip, and extras included. Near 2. U50
j athletic field. 1-864-3852 or 1-352 MOD. 4-MAN, close to campus, air
1490. 132 cond., parking, balcony. $45 each.
will negotiate. Call 665-6253 aftr s



sublet. Air-conditioned, balcony, dis-


By appointment only
Phone 764-9216
U of M Photo Services
526 LS&A Bldg.
All iypes and sizes
U of M Photo Services
526 LS&A Bldg.



8 .
- E

The Best in
Good Used Cameras
Everything Photographic j
Repairs on all ma es
Charges accepted)
W:)odward and North
(At our new location)
4254 N. Woodward, Royal Oak
Between 13 and 14 Mile Rd.
LI 9-6355
'T'ake 94 to Southfield Expr. North to
(Michigan Bank, Security and Diner
13 Mile Road-then East to
MARRIED COUPLE wanted for new,
2-bdrm. townhouse on North Cam- ,
pus. Spacious, furnished, parking.
769-0798. U29
EFFICIENCY - May-Aug. Air cond.,
close to campus. Can use dishes,
linen, radio, etc. Call 761-6982 before
10 a.m. or evenings or 665-4406 during
day. Ask for Apt. 602. U24
SWIMMING POOL-football field across
street. 2 bdrm., 4 man air cond., bal-
cony. Call 665-7839. U50
ED. Modern 2-Man. 515 Lawrence,
No. 2. 761-3262. U2
4 MAN on-campus, across from V-Bell,
next to Mudbowl. Air-cond., 2 bdrm.,
2 balc., parking, laundry, res. man-
ager. Rent negotiable. 761-2372. U25
OWN ROOM in mod. 2 bdrm, air-cond.
apt., close to campus. Avail. June 1-
Aug. 23. Call 769-3094. U26
son. Air-cond., near campus. 769-0643.
SUBLET: 1 bdrm. Northward II May 10
thru Aug. 19. Couple, $110/mo. 662-
9519 after 3:30. U3
WHEN WE SAY this apartment is BIG
and CLOSE to campus we mean it.
5 or 6 man, 3 bedroom, dishwasher, 2
Johns, central air. 1335 S. Univ. Apt.
D. 769-3585 for Spring ? term. U4,
3 bedrooms, garage. Yard, grad pref.
$175/mo. 761-9670. U14

posal, parking, excellent location. $-. ---------=------------1 MAN NEEDED for 2-man sum. sub.i
665-5920, U25 AIR-COND., 4-man near Law Quad and Spacious; close to campus; price ne- _UC
Angell Hall. 712 Oakland. 662-0286. gotiable. 65-7239. U33 MODERN
SUBLET_2 bdrm, apt. unfurnished. U32 _irc____dit___._ _ _., mm
Chatham Village May 1-June 30. --'-- -- ------ - - - ---- -- 2 OF 2 MAN, 2 bdrm, Call 663-9475. tes from campus and South U. 761-
Lease available for 69-70 school yr.,SUMMER SUBLET-May-Aug. 2 man U34 . U48
Will sell furniture. 769-4180 after 6. close to campus apt., 1 bdrm., dis-
1U19 posal, parking lot, air-cond. 769-5716. AIR-COND. 3 or 4 man bi-level apart- WANTED-1-2 nice people wh like be-
3 U30 ment with dishwasher. 761-6460. U35 G ouse for f sum. A st
FURNISHED 2 bedroom cottage 15 min. ---- - - -- --- -------- - ha- Gretel house for full sum. AO 1st
from Ann Arbor. $100 mo. Available 1 MAN FURNISHED apartment near ROOMMATE NEEDED to share summer half: 2 miles from campus. 971-7782
May 1-July 1. 761-1320. U21 campus. Ideal for marrieid couple. sublet May-Aug. Own room. A.C evening. 136
Cheap. Available for fall. Call 769- I$65. Call Jane: 763-1731. 39---
SUMMER SUBLET-2 girls in 4-man 0285. U29
near Frieze. 761-8020. U22 --.- - - - __---OLDER 2-bedroom 3-man apt. Close toSu ri ner
nearFrieze 76-8 0U--_ -O E2TWO MAN apartment, one bedrm., fur- campus. $125/mo., all utilities incl.;
3-MAN 3 bedroom apt., $45/each. May nished. Call 761L9339. U28 fall option. 307 S. Division, No. 6. 761-
thru Aug. Near corner of State, -------------------- - 8860. U40
Packard. Call 665-6855. U23 NEED 3 OR 4 MEN, May-Aug., 3-bdrm.-mo.,ircon.--4ma.B-lve , 3 N
mod. ar cnd~ 4man Bilevl.TV, 3-4 MAN first floor of house S large
BEAUTIFUL 2-man apt., one huge bed- kit, utensils. State and Packard. 761- tooms. 511 Hill. 665-8188. U41
room, huge living room, large kitch- 3103. U26
en, porch, bay window. Rent nego- ---i--HUGE 3 or 4 MAN; fully furnished 737 P
tiable. 769-4520. UD NEED TWO GIRLS May-Aug. 3 bdrm., $130. Call 769-3612. U18
- 4 man., mod., bilevel, air cond., TV, --- 1-5 pm. 761-8063
all kit. utensils. 663-0055. State and MODERN APT., air cond., parking, on U2
Packard. U25 campus. 1-2 men. 662-8307. U41 ~~- ~R U -^ -T
Luxurious apartment A, 909 Church THREE BEDROOM spacious apt. Close SUMMER SUBLET_5-man large house, in house. Great location-price nego-
Street, 769-4735, U34 to hospitals and campus for summer private bedroom, campus area. 761- tiable. Call 764-7600. UD
------- __ - sublet. Reasonable. 769-0612 anytime. 4089. U36 -
ATTENTION: 4-man sublet. Two com- U- SUBLET-Modern 4-man, close to cam-
plete bths. front and back doors, free- - -- 3-MAN MODERN apt.-Spring-summer pus. Name price. 769-4922. U41
parking, sun deck, laundry room, 500 CLOSE, modern 4-man. Carriage House or summer only. Air-conditioned, ---_-__-_-_
yds. Union. Call 769-2524. U49 No. 9, air conditioned. 761-0908. U22 f parking. State-Packard area, 4-min.
to Diag. 769-5680. U37 Need a Summer Apt.?
MOD. 4 man, May-Aug., bi-level, 2 bdrm. LARGE, Mod. apt., bal., air cond., park- ------- -d-a--ummer-Ap-.?
air cond., dishwasher, disposal, park- ing. Call 761-2046, U21 SUBLET - 1 bedroom wood paneled FREE LOCATING SERVICE
ing. Viscount Geddes near Forest. - apt.-in older bldg. Cool; pvt. en- Best deals in town
Call 665-0394. U48 WHY LIVE in a crummy apartment this trance, parking. Close to campus.
------- - summer? Share a 2-bdrm. house with May-Aug. $50/mo. 764-0432 or 769- Sublet Service
ORGY ALL SUMMER in modern 2 to 1 one other person. May-August. Call 0630. U38 1217 S. University
4 man. Close to stores, campus, and Dean at 662-3978. U20 - ---- - --------- ----- 665-8996
pools. Many extras, including dish-- - JULY-AUG. - One female needed to U38
washer and air conditioner. Call 761- 3-4 MEN in 4 man apt. or 4 females, share large, modern, air cond. 4-man.1
3325 after 4. U47 central air cond., off street parking. 2' blocks to campus (Arbor Forest).
St. Joe area-$40/mo./man. 665-9617. 665-0829. U39
NEEDED: 1-4 men for summer. $40/ea. U19---._
Mod., 2-bdrm., air-cond., parking. -- --- - - - LIVE IN a friendly house, 3-4 man.
Close to camp. 1327 Wilmot, No. 9. MODERN 3 BEDROOM house for sec- big living room, breakfast nook. Call
761-2594. U46 ond half. 3 or 4 man ,air conditioned, 769-2841. U40
- --.----.- --. - .--parking. dishwasher, near campus. -_____ _________
WOMAN NEEDED for s ummer half- Cheap. Call 769-2761 or 769-2763. UD SPACIOUS 3 or 4 man, parking, air-
term. Near hosp. and campus. 769- cond., close to campus. 927 S. Forest,
0580. U45 NEEDED-2 or 4 people for summer. No, 203. Call 663-9866. U13
Large, modern, air-cond. Forest Post, -
NIFTY HOUSE on E. Ann, 4 bedrooms, No. 3. Call 769-4911, U8 MAY-AUG. sublet for 2 men to share
reasonable. May-August. Call 764- with one until July. Good location,
7996 anytime. U44 FEMALE GRAD wanted-May-Aug. Bi- furn., air cond., will negotiate, 769-
level, modern apt. with 3 other grads. 1627. U14
WANTED-2-3 males for summer sub- Call 665-3179. 139
let. Spacious, bi-level, 2 bedroom apt,- -- SUMMER RENTALS
Close t o campus. Air conditioned, LARGE 2-3 MAN, two bedroom apt., 2, 3 or 4 man apt.
dishwasher. Call 769-1874 or stop by 1 block from campus, garage, modern 406 Packard-Parking, dishwasher, air
610 S. Forest, Apt. 8. U43 kitchen. 665-8294. U10 cond., etc. $30-$40/man. Stop or Call
Mgr., 769-1394. U29




If you can put $2756.00 into a Volkswagen station wagon
you can put ] ,612,462 beans into a Volkswagen station wagon.
'plus tax and license


Howard Cooper Volkswagen

2575 So. State St., Ann Arbor


Phone 761-3200

Open Mon. & Thurs. till 9 P.M. Overseas Delivery Available

The following tenants of Apartments
Limited have indicated a desire to
sublease their apartments for the
* 820 Fuller No. 206. 2 bdrm., hospi-
tal location. 662-0857. Susan.
* 1412 Geddes No. 6. 769-3195.
1412 Geddes No. 7 761-9344
both 2 bdrm. bi-level.
* 818 Brown, No. . 2 bdrm. $150. 761-
* 848 Tappan, 2 bdrm, to share $45/
mo. 761-9554
If you are a tenant of Apartments
Limited and have not yet contacted;
us regarding a sublease, please do so
immediately so we may update our

MARRIED COUPLE wanted for new, 2-_ __i
bdrm, town hse. on North Campus. SWIMMING POOL, air cond., 2 bed-
Spacious, furnished, parking, 769- rooms in mod. 4-man, 1 or 2 girls
0798. C29 needed May to Aug. 764-9626. U30
SUBLET May-Aug. Couple only. Packard SPRING-SUMMER sublet, 2 bedroom, 3
and Fifth. Reasonable. 662-2286. U50 man. Dishwasher, appliances, parking,
good locationcampus-hospital. Rent
negotiable. 521 Walnut, No. 12. 769-
Stuck with a 12 mo. 4144. U15

Leaving town? Moving?
Let us rent your apt. for you
Sublet Service
1217 S. University
LARGE 4-man in Arbor Forest Apts.
Bar, air condit., dishwasher, plenty of
parking. Great campus loc. $160/mo.
761-7451. U3

FREE TV, balcony, air cond., 3 bdrm.,
2 baths, luxury apt. on campu~s needs
4 or 5 for entire summer. 769-1726. UD
SUBLET - Mod., close to campus, 2
bdrm., central air-cond., several park-
ing spaces. Call 761-3409 or 769-5193.
1 GIRL NEEDED to share our breezy
summer house May-June. You can
have whole house to yourself or with
a friend July-Aug. All for $45/mo.
769-6788. U17


MODERN, bi-level four man, air con- 1-2 GIRLS NEEDED for 3-man summer
ditioned, 2 balconies, on campus apt. sublet, immediate occupancy. Also
May-Aug. Best offer. Call after 6 available for fall. 764-2460 or after 5,
p.m., 769-1174. U16 769-6753, ask for Phyllis. U42




We're putting our money where
t does you the most good.

9rAATA sn fYl4Ttr F7 ;tc ttant Fa v"ilinn r n fr

A nd [x7sa c,-A ¢h-it fknci- nAf t'Y A trAt


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