See editorial page
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43 a . tj'H
sunny and warmer
*Vol. LXXIX, No. 157
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, April 11, 1969
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Board as s
no hours rule
The Board of Governors of Residence Halls yesterday
recommended that all restrictions on women's hours be abol-
ished at the beginning of the fall term.
Presently only those women under 21 who have parental
permission are exempt from curfew regulations. About ten
percent of the women living in the residence halls now have
hours restrictions.
The Board also recommended the approval of an experi-
mental plan to alternate men's and women's rooms on one
corridor of Mosher-Jordan Hall.
During the discussion on hours several members of the
, Board emphasized that parents are given. a "false sense of
security" if they believe their
V Tyne
daughters are in at a set hour
"locked safely away" when in
fact they could very well be
staying out all night.
Also included in the motion was
a statement of belief that lack of
hours restrictions "would leave
discussion of such matters where.
it belongs - between parents and
daughters - before the students
even arrive on campus."
The Inter-House Assembly-
sponsored proposal will be further
discussed with Barbara Newell,
Interim Vice-President for Stu-
Police raid
injures 50;
200 seized
From Wire Service Reports
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-About
1200 Harvard students voted a
three-day strike yesterday in
angry response to a police
raid that recaptured Univer-
sity Hall from students pro-
testing the Reserve Officers
Training Corps program.
-Associated Press
- I. - IN - I - I -
iThe Van Tyne House;secession
ists from Markley Hall were virt-
ually ignored yesterday by t h e
Board of Governors of Residence
The secessionists, who claim the
present system of dorm govern-
ment isunrepresentative, asked
Sthe Board to consider abolishing
the requirement that all dorm re-
sidents join and pay dues to a
The secessionists have proposed
a house government plan whereby
each corridor would elect repre-
sentatives to an executive council
which would "apply policies set by
the residents." Corridors would
also elect representatives to a
judicial council which would re-
solve inter-corridor disputes.
But the Board told the dissatis-
fied students to work within their
resent house government if they
hsink it needs reforming.
The Board then approved a mo-
tion made by Inter House Assem-
bly President Jack Myers that "re-
states our endorsement of the
student government of the basic
housing unit."
The Board of Governors a 1 s o
approved granting unlimited late
permission for Michigras activi-
ties today and tomorrow.
The Mosher-Jordan plan, which
would take effect in the fall,
would involve 38 people living on
the second floor-of Mosher-Jo r-
Participation in such an ar-
rangement would be voluntary,
and only those students f u11y
aware of the living conditions on
the corridor would be assigned
rooms there.
In an explanatory booklet out-
lining reasons for and implement-
ation of the proposal, Mosher Hall
residents Phil Cherner and Rich-
ard Sanok say:
"The advantages of a living
community such as the one pro-
Posed range from a heightening of
respect for and, an awareness of
the problems of other people..
Not only would a sense of coop-
eration be achieved but a living
and working pattern would be es-
See DORM, Page 10
- IU'
SGC namo
f j
ends ciass
Student Government Councilj
last night withdrew its recogni-
tion of the Senior Board and all
senior class officers, and appoint-
ed Bob Nelson and Al Warrington
to the two Council seats vacated
by Howard Miller and Mark Ros-
The Senior Board consists of
f the presidents of the senior classes
of all the schools within the Uni-
The motion to -withdraw° recog-
nition was introduced by Panther
White, who was elected president
of the literary college senior class'
on a platform of eliminating the
office. He has since resigned.
A li Ben
after sudd
Bentley Chair in history, named
for his parents.
police oust LHalrardstudents
Tr y rui"x-% T
John Werbe, '72, a secessionist- -
spokesman said, "We feel theyw
were just trying to get the meet- v 1) .
ing over with and they didn't e n t
listen to the issues. We have a
very negative reaction to the
whole procedure" - * .A rizo
After the meeting, Myers said
,this kind of complaint occurs al-
most every year at the same time. Regent Alvin Bentley died yes-
"If these guys had a real legiti- terday in Tuscon, Ariz. of an in-
mate interest, they would h a v e fl i4fl rp n
More than 4 0 0 policemen
wearing helmets and plastic face t/
masks and carrying nightsticks,
rushed' University Hall at 5 a.m.
yesterday and arrested students}x
in the building who had ignored a *A:-
University order to leave the night
0 ftCB TBCO ref nthTheOstrike vote was taken by a
minority of Harvard's 15,000 stu-
dents. It is impossible to estimate
White said, "The office has been ficers, engineering and education, what impact a strike might have.
eliminated for this year. The pur- which does not even give the The strike is scheduled to be- 4".
pose of the motion is to help keep board enough members to have the gin today. Its second day, Satur
it from being recreated." traditional set of four officers." day, would come when relatively
Traditionally the LSA senior Nelson and Warrington were few classes are held, and its third
class president has been elected on selected from a list of five candi-' day, Sunday, when the only
the same ballot with the SGC of- dates chosen by a committee that scheduled activity is religious ser-
ficers- Last night's action will end interviewed all those who peti- vices.
this practice which means that tioned for the seats. The other Early yesterday morning Dean
some new action would have to be three people nominated to fill the Fred Glamp had announced that
taken for a literary college senior vacancies were Michael Kane, who H rrotesters in University Hall
class president to be elected in the ran for SGC vice president in the would have five minutes to clear
future. March election, Ron Thompson. to building before police entered. s
White, in proposing the with- president of the Black- Student Bent apparently few inside weren
drawal of recognition, called t he Union, and Ruth Ryan, a graduate able to hear him.
Senior Board "anachronistic and student in social workh Nearly 200 were arrested. Seven
extraneou." Nelson, who was defeated by policemen were injured, and 45
He said, 'Only two schools Marty McLaughlin in the run-off Harvard or Radcliffe students and .
bohrdt lc eircaso-election for SGC president, says three other persons who were not y -Ascae rs
his views fall in between the iradi- students at either place were hos- Stdents flee Univers ity Hall
cals and conservatives on Council. pitalized.
d ie' He is in agreement with most of The strike vote was taken at a
S the stands taken by the radicals, rally in Memorial Church across
[ley ,but says he differs in his ap- the street from the Harvard Yard.
.proach to the solutions of thesei Those present adopted a resolution l SafrS
problems, "to thoroughly condemn the bring-
e esWarrington, a junior in educa- ing of olice onto this campus,
.-I1 tion and a transfer student from and the excessive use of violence
Ford Community College, would while they were here."
Education in 1963 by then Gov. like to see "a major change" in ! Various splinter groups met in-
George Romney. Bentley also v, as the roll of SGC. ;formally during the day, one of
chairman of the interim commit- "I want the faculty and the them included some members of
tee which recommended increased administration to be coming to the faculty and -students in the From Wire Service Reports
state support for Michigan public us to see if what they are doing is Divinity School, who drafted a Nearly 400 Stanford University students continued to
colleges and universities. all right instead of us going to statement supporting the strike occupy a campus electronics laboratory yesterday in a protest
Bentley was on the governing them," he said. move. They also issued a set of
board of Cleary College in Ypsi Warrington added that the their own amnesty for students against classified research at the university.
- Wrigo de ha h hi w mnsyfrsuet
lanti, Nazareth College in Kala- "only way to accomplish this involved in the University Hall Meanwhile students, at several 'other colleges around the
change is to take some issue and takeover, and condemnation of
mazoo, and Midland'sNorthwoodhgs a sm scountry carried on protests over a wide variety of issues
Institute. push it through all the way and Harvard for calling in the police. ranging from Peace Corps recruitment at Oberlin College to
show that we really do have About 150 Boston University stu-
He was also trustee of the' power." - dents marched to Harvard from the reinstatement of expelled protesters at the University of
Clarke Historical Library at Cen-' In other action, SGC issued a Boston, to demonstrate their sup- Chicago.
tral Michigan University and a , statement formalizing the relation port, a spokesman said.
member of the University of Mich- , of all student judiciaries to each At Massachusetts Institute of The target of the Stanford protest is the classified re-
gan Clements Library Associates. other. The statement said any Technology, a mile downrivef search done at the university's Applied Electronics'Labora-
In Lansing Gov. William Mil- "major governing organization, from Harvard, about 150 anti- tory and at the Stanford Research Institute, an off-campus
liken expressed his sympathies members of a house, or the stu- war demonstrators broke up a organization owned by the university.
yesterday but did not indicate dents of any school or college" meeting at which Walt W. Ros- The non-violent sit-in began Wednesday night following
when he would appoint Bentley's may establish a government . . tow, former presidential advisor,
successor. and "may set up a judiciary." See HARVARD, Page 10 a meeting during which the participants voted decisively not
_._-_- -- _ __ _ -'to damage property or disturb
lamma lon aiiecti ng e cenurai. ..
brought it up earlier in the i Bentley's gift is the fi'st fully
up erlir inthenervous system. He was vacation-
year," Myers claim "A t ing in Arizona when he became ill endowed chair given to the Uni-
pears 'now, they are acting like Tuesday, family members sa esiysi5Mprgamb.a n
anyone else who doesn't want to TBetlywam0said. dividual donor. The terms of the
p a y d u e s w"h o d o e s n ' tnwn tlt oiBe n t l ydwa s 5 0 .e n d o w m e n t a l l o w a p p o i n t m e n t o f
py dues" 'ePresident Fleming said yester- a scholar in whatever field the
Bob Levi, '72, another secession- day, "We have lost a true public history department finds th'e most
ist leader, said the group is still servant." He added that the Uni- outstanding candidate, and does
planning to follow through with versity "is grateful to have had not restrict successive appoint-
its attempts to obtain a hearing (Bentley's) counsel as a member ments to that field.
before Central Student Judiciary, of the board, his leadership, in
(CSJ). the recent capital funds program. Bentley also contributed to the
However, CSJ has asked the his many years of devotion to the Bentley Foundation which pro-
kgroup to submit a detailed ac- University, and his service to all vides college scholarships of vary-
count of its grievances before the higher education in Michigan." ing amounts for under privileged
judiciary will consider hearing the Bentley a Republican, was ap- students in the state.
case. pointed Regent in 1966 after Prof. John Bowditch, acting
Levi also stated the secessionists Eugene Power resigned following chairman of the history depart-
may organize a "boycott on pay- a conflict of interest ruling by the ment, said yesterday that Bentley
ing dues" among dorm residentssr.es
next fall. However, Werbe admit-n state attorney genetuald awasan extremely conscientious
Oted "few if any" of the secession- In 1967 Bentley presented the student and an ardent lover of
ists would actually be living in re- University with a $500,000 gift to history.
sidence halls next year. establish an endowed professor- Although Bowditch said he per-
_ ____. ship in history, the A.M. and H.P. sonally disagreed with many of
Bentley's renowned conservative
views, he said he was ultimately.-
impressed by Bentleys"courage
and spirit" while recovering from
his injuries.
Health service growth stymied
"He was. a friend of the insti-
tution and of higher education,"
Bowditch continued.
Both Bentley and his parents
were alumni of the University.
Regent Bentley graduated with a
BA in history in 1940 and then
earned a masters in history in
1963. From 1941 to 1950 he was
a Foreign Service officer and
worked at posts in Mexico, Co-
lumbia, Hungary, and Italy.
Returning to Michigan in 1950,
Bentley was elected to Congress
whei'e he served four consecutive
terms. He narrowly escaped death
when four Puerto Rican national-
ists fired weapons into the Douse;
Chamber in 1954.
In 1961 Bentley was elected as
a delegate to the Michigan Con-'
Eleventh in a Series
If you're going to be sick next year, get
in line now.
The traditional jam-up in the Health
Service waiting room looks like it will
continue unless the clinic receives more
money to expand its services. ^
Health Service had asked for a $120,000
increase in funds in the University's orig-
inal budget request, but money for all new
increases out of the 'U' budget was cut by
the governor.
Dr. Robert Anderson, director of Health
Service, says the University's clinic "has
been considered one of the leading college
health services, but we may have slipped
because we haven't been able to keep
abreast of the new methods due to lack of
tive wing of the building to doctors'
-Using rooms in the infirmary to re-
place the offices that were moved. (These
can be reconverted to rooms .for patients
on ten minutes notice if necessary, how-
--Keeping some offices and files in the
attic of 'the building;
-Using rooms for more than one pur-
pose. (One room doubles as a dining room
and a library);
-Converting closets used for storage
space to offices.
This overcrowding has been caused by
'U' and the
L - I nj fl - fl fl
an increase in total staff, especially in
the number of physicians available to
treat students.
Anderson says Health Service cannot
expand anymore within the existing build-
ing. But he admits there is a "glimmer of
hope" for a new building which will be
proposed "in the near future."
Any new facilities should be located in
the center of campus, Anderson adds. "We
shouldn't expect students to miss class to
come to Health Service," he explains-
In addition to increasing the staff, the
clinic had hoped to expand the immuniza-
tion center presently located in a small
basement office. The center administers
vaccinations and. gives advise. on immuni-
zation needed for overseas travel. Ander-
son says the center could be enlarged to
treat more students and to dispense more
infnm4glnnnn yk ngrimmimim innm
classified materials in the
The "SRI Coalition," an organi-
zation of five campus groups and
five from the adjacent community
of Palo Alto!, organized the pro-
test around -three demands : the
end to all classified research done
on the campus an at SRI; the
end to research into counterinsur-
gency methods; and the holding
of an open meeting with students
when trustees act on the SRI's
future role.
On Tuesday the university trus-
tees requested that SRI delay,
taking further contracts which
deal with chemical or biological
warfare until a hearing next Tues-
day with students, faculty mem-
bers and the administration. How-
ever the trustees failed to act on
the SRI Coalition's demands.
At Oberlin students- finally vac-
ated the school's administration
building yesterday after an all-
night occupation in protest of the
presence of Peace Corps recruiters
on campus. The Students also de-
manded the reinstatement of Jere-
myk Pisker, leader of the Oberlin