iime £ridygan Dai1 Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in ol| reprints. just a song in the wind The revolutionary politicos t b igJ heck THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDY SARASOHN The language decision:' The faculty fails again THE SLOUGH of academic changes adopted by the literary college Mon- day represent frantic forts to deal with the ment. Faculty efforts to quirement seem more cool the urgency of rather than deal with and fruitless ef- language require- "modify" the re- like attempts to academic reform the problem head on. The problek remains simple enough: is the study of a foreign language re- quisite to a "liberal education?" The faculty's response to the question is unduly complex and disturbingly eva- sive. Making language study pass-fail would undoubtedly relieve the pressure students- now feel when obliged to attain fourth semester proficiency of a. strange tongue in order to receive a B.A. Un- doubtedly the faculty consider this move' magnanimous and academically sound; it preserves the requirement, but it waters it down.. Unfortunately, making language study pass-fail does not make language s t u d y relevant or prove its worth in a viable' academic program. Nor does it improve the quality of language instruction, which is presently so low as to make' many students and even some faculty wish to abolish language study altogether. Language taught on a pass-fail basis is just as poor as the present, graded lang- uage study. THE SECOND modification of the re- quirement passed by the faculty al- lows students with four years of high school language study to place out of the requirement. Faculty must feel this is quite indulgent since it will probably cut the enrollment of upper level lang- uage requirement courses considerably. If enrollment in language courses drops, the requirement probably can be improv- ed. But this admits that language study- done at the University is on the same level with that of high school programs. Language study becomes a matter of how many hours or years of study completed, rather than a matter of how much is learned. This is exactly what students are pro- testing. THlE THIRD faculty modification will' establish a track systems for language instruction. It isi the only change which would really be an academic reform of the requirement, allowing students to take either reading or speaking tracks for completion of the requirement. Bufiness Staff GEORGE BRISTOL, Business Manager STEVE ELMAN .,Administrative Advertising Manager SUE LERNER ...... ....Senior Sales Manager LUCY PAPP ......... ......Senior Sales Manager NANCY ASSN Senior Circuiatt'rr manager, BRUCE HAYDON..........Finance Manager DARIA KROGULSKI.......Associate Finance Manager BARBARA SCHULZ........ ...Personnel Manager But it is an almost negligible step. The requirement is maintained, even though the options are greater. While establishing track systems, acknowledges that present language instructional methods are in need of reform this does not explain why language must remain an academic requirement. FOR MORE than a year now, faculty have been archly defending the re- quirement without really seeming to know why. Apparently, faculty are striving to salvage the prestige of the beseiged lang- uage departments and many faculty members have rallied to 'the cause. For the faculty, the language debate has become a matter of the literary col- lege's institutional pride. Faculty argue- eloquently that students have challenged their Institution-given right' to decide educational matters and that such stu- dent presumption should be resisted at all 6'osts. This is not to argue that many profes- sors are insincere in the faith that lang- uage study is essential to literary college students. But many faculty seem to be justifying their view from a limited vant- age point. Outside of personal experience, t h e faculty have an astounding lack of in- formation on what two years of. lang- uages study in college means. This be- comes extremely significant since the little data which does exist, suggests that language is irrelevant and is learned to be forgotten. It i8 all too apparent that faculty have made their decision to preserve the language requirement on the basis of their personal experience as professional academicians, rather than as educators of men's minds. They are setting stand- ards for students, most qf whom will live and work in a different environment than the faculty does. Worse, they are setting educational standards ih an informa- tional vacuum, revealing their lack of vital educational concern. HOWEVER, THIS does not mean the. question has been settled. Although the faculty have effectively sidestepped the issue, they have hardly settled it by creating a new degree or modifying the present language requirement. And they have not made overtures to settle it by seeking outside information which might prove or disprove their preconceived no- tions. Sooner or later, the faculty must make a commitment either for or against the requirement. Meanwhile, SGC President Marty Mc- Laughlin argues the faculty must make a stand now. He has recently discussed ac- tion on the issue and certainly action is warranted. -HENRY GRIX Editor -'-RON LANDSMAN Managing Editor HARRIS WON THE ELECTION and even I felt happy. I'm not quite sure why. Having divorced myself from the political scene with such marvelously up- lifting thoughts as peace, brotherhood and anarchy - a package deal no one can re- sist - the election of anybody shouldn't really be thrilling. But it was, and more than likely it was due to the madman Kazarinoff's extreme joy so well preserved in the page one photograph by Sacks. VICTORY IS A TIME for speculation. Through the whispers and grunts of vic- tory-party intimacy came the names of those persons who' will be the up-and- coming politicians in the years to come. These aspiring politicians are the stan- dard bearers for those who would like to be revolutionary, but who choose to be too pragmatic to commit themselves to any- thing but the System. People like this are sometimes encour- aging. They produce occasional radical programs from a system which is basically conservative. The question, of course; is whether the System can forestall revolu- tion for the 15 years necessary to mature our revolutionary politicos into full-fledge, political specimens. The second question is whether their radicalism can withstand the niellowing of compromise. THERE ARE AS YET many kinds of unthought-of revolutions. Who can de- scribe the revolution that will ensue when the schism between the black man's ide- ology and the one with which he finds himself involved finally becomes obvious? Or even the gentle turbulence of Kaza- rinoff walking through city hall carrying a broom? Rennie Davis or Tom Hayden or Dave Dellinger will not bring us revolution, primarily because they are expected to. Rebellion that can be anticipated can be stopped. Neither will revolution come by the blacks. They, too, have demonstrated far too much militancy to take society by sur- prise. They must wait until someone else begins the revolt. THERE IS, RATHER, a mystical revolu- tion in the offing. Something exceedingly strange, perverse, ironic. Perhaps it will be a revolution initiated by the conservatives who in their ignorance and unrelenting worry believe rebellion has already been initiated by their foes. Or perhaps it will come suddenly with a single political act that causes immediate polarization of the people. Or perhaps it will come so peace- fully it is not recognized until it is ended. Many of our more noble government of- ficials now see it as their duty to try to anticipate all kinds of revolution - to develop a mechanism in society to restrain any rebellion whatever: Law and Order. For them the hippy is no more a threat to civilization than the radical congressman. David Walker author of the Walker "Police Riot" Report recently told a church gathering north of Chicago that he must now be especially careful when driving his car. He told the group he wouldn't dare to drink anything before driving and that he must always appear " presentable then behind his steering wheel. He fears reaction from Chicago's police. He is afraid because once a chauf- feur for the company he is employed was stopped on Kennedy expressway in Chi- cago and asked if he ever drove Mr. Walker. "It was my first lie," the chauffeur later told Walker. What will happen, then, if Law and Order is successful? "The streets of our country are in turmoil. The universities are filled with students rebelling and rioting. Com- munists are seeking to destroy our country. Russia is threatening us with her might. And the republic is in danger. Yes, danger from within and without. We need law and order! With- out it, our nation cannot survive ...." Taking quotes from the past indicates too much faith in re-occurring history. The past is so old it's not really worth saving, anyway. But that quote by Hitler in Hamburg in 1932 is too similar to what is happening today. The revolution, then, may be the world against us as we become the new Germany. This dissertation on the ominous future is not meant to be a plea for sudden sanity. Sanity is not something we choose. It comes as the result of curing insanity. This is merely an observation tinged with the frustration that revolutionary politicos have the same goals in mind as I do and might be able to achieve them. They wish to cure insanity with a bit of itself; I seem to think it must be shocked into ra- tionality. Fur just as there are many unthought-of revolutions, so there must be many un- thought-of resolutions to revolt. But cer- tainly what exists at present is not a solu- tion, and if aspiring politicians adapt themselves too readily to a system that has so far failed to pacify those ruled under it. there can be little hope they will coun- ter the trend towards a dismantlement of the institutions in:our society. OUR REVOLUTIONARY politicos exude a certain pioneer courage that bespeaks the tackling of a system that has thus far proved repressive. It is difficult to know whether to wish them good luck and vote for them at the poles-or to pity them and spend time thinking up their eulogies. 4 9 0i LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Students should supportChryslerStrike To the Editor: THE WORKERS at the Chrysler Steeling plant are out on a wildcat strike. Close to 100 men, including all the local leadership. were fired because they refused to work under unsafe conditions. The UAW international has re- fused to support them and ordered the men back to work. They are still out, partly owing to the wel- comed support they have gotten from students in picketing. It is quite appropriate that stu- dentsshouldsupport theworkers in their struggle because their situations are parallel in many respects. Both institutions-the factory and the university-are run from the top down, to serve the interests of those in power in our society, with the people in these institutions having little or no say in decisions which intima- tely affect their physical, .emotion- al and mental, well-being. To anyone engaged in these struggles it immediately becomes clear that they cannot be won in isolation. The powerful in all these institutions have interests in ^ n- mon and work together to :verve them. -Nancy Holmstrom Ann Arbor Independent Socialist Club April 8 Reply to Avrunin To the Editor: GEORGE AVRUNIN, in his Ap- ril 3 article, argues that ROTC should be attacked "only" on the basis of an assault on the role of the U.S. military in the world. I have no reason to believe that he would eschew the elimination of ROTC on any other than his own maximalist (and, in my view, cor- rect) grounds: But readers might draw the implication that the re- moval of the military monster f i o m the campus for academic considerations would constitute a step backwards, a n d that those who use that approach - whether -000 ,i p 'HOWAR~P!! NO MNfTTeg 4 J 0 d; d. b. 0 d. I r i n ...... fir- --= - ; / ,' l 1 oP NtoN! . VIA?' I : PAM NCSC M l t YOU ,ks+. Yo (xlR cti UJ4 ' "RE i+ Ad's i SPt V ' L rq SRS S WtSA' A 4 Ph'.. ' , kI *I 0 NIw-womo I ---... r... ----.. r... as a conviction or as a tactic - 4re enemies. That would be a sad conclusion. In point of fact, if the U.S. mili- tary and the U.S. government, by somy remarkable transformation, were to start playing a progressive role, would not ROTC still be non- academic? ANALOGOUSLY, the essentially liberal demands of various organi- zations of black students h a v e been met in some measure in some places. Administrators generally cloak their partial acquiescence with disingenuous statements to the effect that they had planned to institute the particular changes in- any event. Should black students reject such settlements in the absence of formal administrative confessions of long-standing racist insensitivi- ty? Where is the substance and where is the form? To agitate on principled grounds is one thing. To accept small victories on only those grounds would be patholog- ical. What should be the radical posi- tion on the fascist attack u p o n Judge George Crockett? (As an aside, this is a correct use of "fas- cist" in the American context. The -cute attempts of some professors of history and others to pin the label "fascist" on New Left mili- tancy are motivated either by in- sipid hysteria or academic pros- titution.) Crockett is being villi- fied for upholding the law and protecting the constitutional rights of citizens. BUT ISN'T the laWv a sham, written by and for the propertied and powerful? It is. Thus should not Crockett be abandoned be- cause he is a party to an unjust judicial system, even though he activated some of the few safe- guards that do happen to exist in a manner rare in contempor- ary America? After all, Crockett did not attack the fabric of U.S. The multi-dimensional. analyses of black culture By MARY RADTKE W HITE SCHOLARS have lately shown an intense, almost penitential inter- est in black culture. They have endeav- ored to isolate and examine it with the same singleness of purpose that a fran- tic biologist might apply to a suddenly important microbe which science, has ignored for two hundred years. Commendable as such post factum zeal may be, its perspective is too nar- row. Most white scholars and black in- tellectuals see black culture in only one or, two dimensions and seem unable to visualize it as a 'three-dimensional structure. The one-dimensional view studies black culture strictly within the con- text of b la c k society. Black history courses that emphasize the African past and black writers who tell of their re- actions to the b 1 a c k experience are looking "one-dimensionally." This black-on-black perspective does have its merits. It helps to make black people aware that they have a unique history and art and a non-white way of life. It gives them a reason for saying "Black is beautiful." The narrnw fnu sof a nn-rimen- whites - except that blacks are always on the outside looking in. his theory that black adaptations to the Next to the black-on-black and the white-on-black dimensions of black cul- ture is the often ignored black-on-white third dimension. This view studies the fragments of black culture that have either been assimilated into white cul- ture or used to influence the direction of its development. Harold Cruse, author of The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, writes that the black man is "the creator of all popular American dance forms from the fox- trot to the twist" and calls jazz "the basis of the American classical music tradition." "Practically every Negro innovation in music, dance, and theatre," he con- tinues, "has been glorified by absorp- tion into the American popular idiom and thoroughly 'whitened.' The Negro carriers of these popular idioms have passed through the decades into cul- tural oblivion." BLACK CULTURE CANNOT be fully appreciated until the parts of it that have been absorbed in white culture are The papers black attitudes ry, movies and which were r e a d, the discussed, and the poet- music presented as part of the conference dealt with 'black cul- ture almost exclusively in terms of iso- lated cultural products and black re- actions to white culture, The papers on literature focused on James Baldwin, whose main themes in- volve finding a self-identity that does not debase himself or his race and fac- ing a reality of hate and fear without being destroyed by it. Baldwin writes about himself, and his responses to his particular experiences are fundamentally human rather than racial. While the importance of univer- sality in literature cannot be underrat- ed, with a subject such as "Black/White Literature in America" one might ex- pect discussion of the dynamics of their interaction. MILLIONS OF WHITE Americans have read James Baldwin, Ralph Elli- son, and Le Roi Jones, but apparently neither white scholars nor black au- thors believe that this input of black literature has had any effect on white culture. sent the black p a s t as a catalyst of white cultural reactions. And if black intellectuals refuse to investigate this third dimension of black culture, white scholars are not likely to do so either. Yet it is precisely black in- sistence on a unique history t h a t is causing slow but meaningful change in white attitudes toward the black ex- perience, In contrast to this separatist position, the samples of lblack art presented at the American studies conference con- centrated on bridging the racial gap with universalities. "AN EVENING OF BLACK/WHITE Poetry" featured four black poets~ who were, on the whole, speaking more in terms of human experience than black experience. Although this is an accep- table artistic position, s o m e attempt might have been made to discuss the interplay of black and white poetry as well. The movie Nothing But a Man (1965), while it presented t h e Baldwinesque story of a black man's individual search for identity in a racial world, also re- frained from tackling the larger ques- tion of cultnra interaction. law and is this not the "only" legitimate position? No, it is not, and ther should be vigorous ac- tion on -Crockett's behalf wlich is tantamount to action on behalf of Detroit's black community in the foremost instance. (Again, I do not impute this line of rea- ) soning to Avrunin.) Victories are hard enough ,to come by these days and the going will get even rougher. A certain level of repression can, indeed, breed resistance. But another lev- el of repression breeds concentra- tion camps. Only if the left were strong enough to accede to power could it afford to disdain victories short of maximal principles.' As things stand, would one put odds on our occupying state power or on our occupying prison cells? --Larry Hochman April 6 CSJ .'test' To the Editor: S A FACULTY MEMBER of the Ad Hoc Committee on the By- laws, I would like to make it very clear that I, at least, regard the recent SDS incident as a clear test of whether a Central Student Ju- diciary can work. It is irrelevant who brings the charges (i. e. President Fleming or the Engineering students). And I am not really concerned with the outcome. I shall be concerned with the ability and willingness of the students to handle their affairs. Secondly, as a member of the Commission on the Role of the Student in Decision-Making, I would 1ik e to support President Fleming's position regarding the structure of student government. THE COMMISSION members all agreed that SGC was not rep- resentative (there is not one men- tion in the report of SGC as the legitimate student government), and we specifically called for re- gental delegation of authority to a representative, responsible stu- dent government, when it exists. Set your own house in order, stu- *1