Growing, Growing, Growing! That's the Paper Back Book Department on the Mezzanine of. rciI~TT~cMCHIGAN F(LLETT' BOOK STORE STATE STREET AT NORTH UNIVERSITY " ANN ARGOR More Titles and More Publish'ers Every Day NOW OVER 6000 TITLES IN STOCK Come in and Browse NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-05354 Thursday, April 10, 1969 PROTEST SUSPENSIONS: Students a S rssfroPi im4c ir r'tgttn atty second front page Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three Alexander ask quits post as i il# Iom eual rv Aw N1,XPW ILA opportunity chief .A 4 RESISTANCE OPENHOUSE -10 P.M. TONIGHT 802 MONROE (Basement) Come talk about non-co-operation-with the draft, women's liberation, etc. Resistance is planning a Day of Non-co-operation TH URS, APRIL 17th April 11--12 KNOFHEARTS Alan Bates Genevieve Bujold "Wildly raffish, slapstick and satire"-N.Y Times FRIDAY and SATURDAY, 7-9 P.M. Aud. A, Angell 75c By BOB FUSFELD Rex Houser, speaker for the The Ann Arbor School Board Ann Arbor High School Student met with opposition last night as Union, explained "Our goal is the - - - ---- - a large number of Pioneer High creation of a more just and less School students protested the oppressive society." board policy regarding distribution Houser was one of the eleven B Oat of literature on school property. students who were suspended last A crowd of 125 witnessed the week following a protest after an- school board "public briefing ses- other student was suspended for sion" at which several students distributing "unauthorized liter- to c t expressed their disagreement with! ature." - the policy. School regulations "The real issue at stake is pace stricmtlimitatioh cnth whether awe can institute innova- types of material which can be tive methods and creative solu-rebelsJI distributed in the high school. tions to thereal problems of the high school," said Bob Wittes, a By RUSS GARLAND "*! former student at the high school. Bi n e ss Several students questioned the. Director of University Hous legal right of the school board to ing John Feldkamp yesterday regulate what they termed their expressed sympathy for the a iconstitutional rights of freedom of complaints of, 32 secessionist aX cred it press and speech. Van Tyne Hpuse students and Joseph Julin,}President of the suggested they bring their school board said, "We are author- the Board of ized to institute these restrictions ps s by state law." IGovernors of the Residence W. Scott Westermann, superin- Halls. WASHINGTON (M-The invest- tendent of schools added "We have The students, who have at- ment credit, a business stimulant the responsibility of maintaining a tempted to withdraw from their counted as a triumph by Presi- suitable climate for learning in house government because it is dent John F. Kennedy, is under the schools." "unnecessary," said they will heavy fire from Democrats and According to several students, bring a proposal before today's labor unions. there will be a massive demonstra- regular monthly meeting of the Meanw,~hile business spokesmen tion at the high school this Mon- board. who predominantly opposed the day when school reopens after "I feel the complaints of the measure when Kennedy pushed for spring break, to protest the sus- secessionists represent a large it in 1962 now appear to want pensions. number of students," said Feld- its continuation-as does the Pam Baker, a student at the kamp. "I told them to put their Republican administration of Pres- high school commented that there proposals in writing and bring ident Nixon. are other serious problems at the them before the board." The House Democratic Caucus school which deserve immediate Today's board meeting will be will be asked next Wednesday to action by the school board. She held at 1:30 p.m. in Markley Hall, go on record in favor of repealing recommended the establishment of where Van Tyne House is located. the credit, a committee to deal with solutions Secessionist student leaders said Rep. Charles A. Vanik of Ohio, to these problems. they hope to have all 32 students a member of the tax-writing Ways - ;present and Means Committee, advised The 32 students announced his colleagues he will offer such 0a their secession from the house a resolution. government about a month ago. The credit enables a busi7 ssa They have argued that the gov- firm to recapture aportion-seven wich they had been per cent for most businesses-of els eforced to join - is not necessary its investment in equipment for the welfare of the students. through a straight tax deduction. EAST LANSING UP) - A Navy Rather, they have argued, the Kennedy, taking office at the #vtrnwosys ei gis trough of a recession and prom- veteran who says he is against basic unit of dormitory govern- ising to get the country moving tepn naed new tdn orin-chie ment should be the corridor. They again, made the investment credit of the State News, the Michigan have proposed that each corridor one of his first economic recom o State Nes, the M ehia elect representatives to an execu- menatins.State University student news- tive council which would "apply It was advanced not only as a paper. policies set by the residents," and direct stimulus, but with the aigu- James Crate, 27, a sophomore to a judicial council which would ment that U.S. production plants and transfer from the University resolve inter-corridor disputes. t had slipped toward obsolescence, of Wisconsin, was named to head Under this plan, discipline with- while Europe, having to rebumldthe newspaper for the 1969-70 in each corridor would be left to after World War II, was enjoying major ad Ho of a Canaisa the residents of that corridor, t the productivity of modernequip- major n of a Canadian air "A strengthenedstudent gov- ment and the competitive adva nt- 1enetgaddb h rni ages that go with it. Student editors of the news- --, les of participatory demhocracy is :::<:::: < the nws to day I.. 'r l. A .f l --' .J ,^ Tn' n,.,....C--: Former EOC Chairman Clifford Alexande Blasts lack of support from Nixon WASHINGTON -Clifford L. Alexander Jr. resigned as chief of the Equal Opportunity Employment commission yes- terday with a blast at the Nixon administration. Alexander, a 35-year-old Har- vard-educated black and a dem- ocrat, said the conclusion is in- escapable that vigorous efforts ko enforce the law on employment discrimination "are not among the goals of this administration." "It is my sincere hope," Alex- ander said in a letter to Presi- 'dent Nixon, "that you will pub- licly dispel these ever increasing doubts." Nixon's press secretary, Ronald L. Ziegler, said, "The President has, I think, made it very clear the administration intends to en- force the law in this area." Ziegler said the record will bear him out and added "the entire direction and thrust of this administration has been positive" in the field of equal opportunities. Alexander said his resignation r as chairman of the Equal Em- - ployment Opportunity Commission will take effect May 1, unless Nixon wants it sooner. He said he intends to fill out the remain- ing three years of his term as a regular member on the commis- sion, which was created by the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Alexander tangled with Sen. Everett M. Dirksen, (R-I1), last month when Dirksen told him during a Senate hearing that ons "harassment" of private business i- men must stop "or I am going to the highest authority in this gov- ernment and get somebody fired." The White House said the next e Em- morning that Alexander would be from replaced. Nixon's replacement for Alex- begin ander is William H. Brown, 'a Philadelphia black who was nomi- nated for membership on the five- :anada member board last year by Presi- Later dent Lyndon B. Johnson. s with Congress adjourned without acting on Brown's nomination, but Nixon resubmitted it after he vials took office. is. There had been published re- ports, evenbeforenAlexander's en- ,ende counter with Dirksen, that Nixon and would name Brown to the chair- manship. re let Alexander said at a news con- proper ference announcing his resigna- ir job tion as chairman that Dirksen had threatened to have him fired for gainst "vigorous enforcement" of Pon- South discrimination in employment. At his vacation home in De- n the bary, Fla., Dirksen declined to comment on Alexander's resigna- tion, saying "Why should I?" Dirksen's criticism at a March ow- 127 hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee's subcommittee on ad- nment ministrative practices and proce- dures was not limited to Alexander mbers but encompassed as well the meth- ,and ods of the Labor Department's Office of Federal Contract Com- pliance and other agencies en- stop- gaged in enforcing nondiscrimi- local nation in employment. s over In resigning, Alexander said he was victim of "a crippling lack of administration support." by Thbe Associated Press and College Press Service COMMUNIST CHINA has agreed to full-scale negotiati with Canada over the question of diplomatic recognition, formants said yesterday. Sources speculated the talks could begin next month. In response to Canadian invitation, officials of the Chinese bassy said on Feb. 21 in Stockholm they would seek instructions Peking regarding a time and site for the main talks. The Chinese are believed to have said they are willing to talks without delay. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau announced last year C would seek a diplomatic exchange with Communist China. .. .. ... .. L. «. 5,i .. LL . .....«« .. .« S. ..1 5« , L . F .«... «.1.. 5. « Early in 1966, on the recomn- ,paper previously had been criti- mendation of President Lyndon cized by the administration and B. Johnson, Congress moved on by legislators for the printing of several fronts to damp the econ- four letter word obscenities in the omy. One measure suspended the newspaper. investment credit through Dec. 31a "For the future, I doubt if I 1967. '' will ever print a word classified The Federal Reserve also step- I as obscene," Crate said. "I am not ped on the monetary brakes. an advocate of printing obsceni- The combined effect produced ties as society sees them on any nervousness about a possible re- page of the newspaper." cession and Congress restored the Crate was selected from a slate investment credit as of March 9, ; of eight candidates by the advisory 1967. I board to the newspaper, STARTING FRIDAY E.17r- MICH IGAM ENDING TONIGHT Cliff Rolertson as CHARLY all ythatwe-ask," said secessionist statements indicate the government is willing to forgo relations leader John Werbe, '72. Nationalist China in order to, achieve this recognition. Under present board of gover- * nors regulations, all dormitory THE NAACP charged several Nixon administration offic residents must join their house with failure to enforce federal job discrimination regulation governments.,- The NAACP Legal Defense Fund filed charges against D Feldkamp said he does not feel Secretary Melvin Laird, Secretary of Labor George Schultz the issue can be resolved before Deputy Secretary of Defense David Packard. next fall because of the lack of time remaining this semester and The suit charged that $9.4 million in defense contracts we because next year's dormitory con- to three Southern textile companies without first getting p tracts-which include a provision assurance that the firms would comply with laws requiring fa for required house government treatment of blacks. membership - have already been MEANWHILE, the justice department has filed suit ag printed. Cannon Mills Co., operator of 16 factories in North and The secessionists had also filed Carolina for violating federal job discrimination regulations. for a hearing before the Central Cannon Mills C'5. s not one of the companies mentioned Student Judiciary (CSJ). last night, CSJ members decided NAACP suit. they would consider the case only if the students submitted a more THE RULING JUNTA OF ROME resigned yesterday, thr detailed account of their griev- ing the city into deeper political and financial trouble. ances, the method in which their The resignation raised the prospect that the Italian govern grievances were handled by judi- itself may take over the administration of Rome. ciaries in Markley, and their rea- The resignation of the junta was handed in because the me son why they felt the Van Tyne of the three ruling parties-Christian democrats, Socialists judiciary did not handle their case Republicans-were unable to agree on policies. properly.R If the additional information is Rome's government has come under fire for frequent water received soon, the CSJ will decide pages, the city's chaotic traffic situation, the dilapidated state o at a special meeting next Monday parks and the inefficiency of many of it's services. The city is whether or not to consider the full $2 million in debt. case. (Continued on Page 7) WHAT'S BOTHERING YOUI MRS. CAMPBELL, BABY.' What rat left you in Italy with a beautiful bouncing souvenir? Why have three G.l.'s sent you money all these years? What happens when they all return to sunny San Forino expecting to see your daughter? What happens when their wives find out? When your daughter finds out? I *-. -~--~ I Order Your Daily Now- THE ALTERNATIVE and MAD MARVIN Present a IR91 I DOUBLE FEATURE CAMP MOVIE PROGRAM Admission only $1.00 Shareholders $.75 FEATURE NO. 1: BUSTER CRABBE in "MARS ATTACKS THE WORLD" (1938) _.... o ) 1F M / First . . To .GIme April 11 4-6 P.M. FRIDAY INGALLS MALL. Between League and Hill Aud. Thn0M ICHIGRAS I I I wr rADkLI1A I Ii A. I I