SHOWS AT 1,3,5,7,9 TODAY IS LADIES DAY Ladies Pay 75c Until 6 P.M. Program Information 662-6264 6 P.M. JAMES GARNER IN THE HAWKSIAN WESTERN (Shades of Cat Ballou) NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 94P~ Bhr~itjtan ttii9 seeond front page Wednesday, April 9, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three I'l I y The 1969 MICHIGANENSIAN Will Arrive This Week. Reserve Your Yearbook Now Before We Sell Out. Distribution Dates Will Be Announced. the news today by The Associated Press and College Press Service THE NIXON ADMINISTRATION will probably support fund- ing of the 1969-70 Model Cities program at the same level proposed by the Johnson Administration. Presidential press secretary Ronald Ziegler yesterday confirmed reports that the administration plan's funding of about $750 million for the program during the next fiscal year. However, plans reportedly being devised by Secretary of Housing and Urban Development George Romney would modify the program in such a way as to give more authority to states and cities. AN NLF DELEGATE at the Paris peace talks has brushed aside recent peace proposals advanced by the Saigon government. Tran Hoi Nam, a deputy chief of the NLF delegation in Paris, declared yesterday that "nothing positive" was contained in a six- point peace program outlined by South Vietnamese premier Nguyen Van Thieu. He also dismissed peace proposals suggested in a news- paper interview by chief Saigon delegate Pham Dang Lam. The South Vietnamese have suggested free elections which would be held in South Vietnam under international supervision. The NLF would be able to present candidates for office in these elections under Violence erupts 0 in as Hussein meets with Nixon Mideast anotner party label. Nam's statement was interpreted by some observers as a setback at a time when substantive negotiations between representatives of the Saigon regime and the NLF appeared to be nearing. THE UNITED STATES has presented a new plan for an international accord to halt production of enriched uranium and plutonium for use in nuclear weapons. In a significant shift, U.S. delegate Adrian Fisher told the Geneva disarmament conference yesterday that the United States is willing to let the International Atomic Energy Agency police an agreement on such a halt. Big Four representatives meet on Mideast For the last 13 years, the U.S. has insisted on a mutual safe- -- - -------------- guard system with American and Russian officials inspecting each DEMO CRA TIC CONVENTION DISORDERS: other's installations. The Soviet Union has rejected this concept the grounds that it would amount to espionage. a ""!" ."""11"""." . jj11i" !.." 1""ff"I.I.i """"f"..11"f" """"..11.1"" ""f"""1.""":i " 3 1' x ".t " i . i ." i : " " s " " . ii1 " " i"f" i "r". " " "ri1""i "i " """+ f "".." i1" i Ii " """" "i" " """"" i. f i f "" 1.f111 "" i"ii".+Iii 11 1 " . . f""1 " ".f."""" +i " r " " f" s " .. " e" "i i " " f 1 . s."" 1"" i"f"1" """ i1.1" "".f "."." "1" " f i ii "+ + "f""" . iiii ff "" 1"""" """ " iiiifi f i - Ii " i"" e1" i"."i i " """ +ii " f s i1"i " ef + r i "". if +i "i+iii " 1 " f " + ii " " iiiiiii " " " . "" ii " " viii "'i. iiiii iiii " "" . i. iiiis is iiiia i + .""1......x..11 1""f Ii r i i Iyri i .i'i f" Ii1" ""1111x"1 "" " "".""....s"1 +"".".""R11 11.1111" """111.1.1" 1111M 11.111"ff" 11111"t t' -Associated Press :t"nmp OF THE YEAR'S- TEN BEST!" -Hollis Alprt and Arthur Knight. Saturday Review II "'JOANNA' IS A NEW CULT MOVIE." Glamour Magazine HASKELL KARP, who was kept,.4alive for 65 hours with the world's first completely artificial heart, died yesterday. Karp, who received a transplanted human heart Monday in place, of the artificial organ, died following a cardiac arrest, apparently brought on by rejection-of the new heart, pneumonia in the right lung, and kidney failure.- TELEVISION MANUFACTURERS have not done enough to 1 counter the danger of radiation emitted from color TVs, govern- c ment experts said yesterday. A recent Long Island survey showed that 20 per cent of 5,0001 color television sets checked emitted potentially dangerous radiation. The Surgeon General's office has said earlier that long exposure to radiation could cause such effects as sterility and genetic damage.2 MAYOR RICHARD DALEY of Chicago suffered his second t political setback in a month yesterday. William Singer, a young liberal Democrat, defeated the Daley- backed organization candidate in a close race for alderman. 9 Chicago police plead innocent; demonstrators conclude case. CHICAGO (1P)-Four Chicago po- licemen pleaded innocent yester- day of federal charges growing out of street disorders during the Democratic National Convention in August. The specific charges against the policemen were violating the civil rights of demonstrators by mis- treating them during confronta- tions convention week. Three of the policemen appeared before Judge Joseph Sam Perry in U.S. District Court and denied beating John Linstead, a Chicago Daily News reporter, on the near North Side Aug. 27. The judge set April 25 for a ruling on motions and set May 12 as a trial date. The other policemen pleaded in- nocent before Judge James B.I Parsons of U.S. District Court. Mayer was accused of assaulting, Kovin W. Cronin Jr., 20, a student, on the Southwest Side, several miles from Grant Park where anti- war protesters had massed on Aug. 20th CenturyFo, SCo R k U OPAl MONDAY thru THURSDAY-7 :00, 9:00 ivjruwir lor by Deluxe NAVISION Is PROMISES 'EXTENDED DEBATE Hart criticizes proposed By DAVE CHUDWIN explaining his opposition to the ABM. from any public concern, we were able t "We must not, we ought not, common Hart discounted reports that the Soviet count on 45 votes against deployment." ense cries out that we should not go ahead Union is developing a first strike capability This was not enough, however, and al ith the deployment of the ABM before that could overwhelm the U.S. in a single most $500 million was appropriated. :++vner .3..-.vih.- ..c- tQ . cc attack. "AS a result of that money, late in th i -. J ' 4 se W] LO 2e 29. Four other policemen are to be arraigned at a later date. In a related case, Magistrate Arthur L. Dunne heard final argu- ments yesterday in the trial of 13 men andwomen arrested at the end of the last protest march during the Convention. The chief prosecutor, Camillo Volini, said the protesters became disorderly and raised the danger of "a riot or disruption." The defense attorney, Thomas Sullivan, called the paraders or- derly, and declared the police or- der banning rallies near the con- vention hall had been hurled "in- to the teeth of the Constitution." T h e parade of 2,000 to 3,000 persons, protesting against war policies and police handling of demonstrators, moved down Mich- igan Avenue the night of Aug. 29. Police and National guardsmen halted the procession at 18th Street on grounds that peace would be endangered if it moved farther south in the direction of the convention hall, the Interna- tional Amphitheatre. The 13 defendants, including five delegates from New Y o r k, walked south. They were arrested on disorderly conduct charges. On Aug. 28, Sullivan said, Po- lice Supt. James B. Conlisk had is- sued a directive against assemblies near the convention hall - an or- der Sullivan called "a political, rather t h a n a police, decision." This, he said, "suspended consti- tutional rights." "The gut principle," he submit- ted, "is to what extent police must investigate the circumstances be- fore they tell people to stop." "If you find the defendants not guilty," he said, "Y o u will im- prove law inforcement." Magistrate Dunne, who is hear- ing the case without jury in Cir- cuit Court, plans to announce his decision Monday. The trial began Feb. 27. By The Associated Press Violence broke out at two points in the Mideast yesterday, while Jordan's King Hussein met w i t h President Nixon in Washington and diplomats met at the United Nations in search of a viable peace formula. Lord Caradon, British delegate to the four-power talks in N e w York, declared that "lots of pro- gress" was made during the 3% - hour secret session yesterday. He did not elaborate. The aim of the four-power talks has been to reach a consensus among the United States, the Sov- iet Union, Britain and France on what would be an acceptable so- lution to the Mideast question. Israel, however, has declared her- self opposed to any "imposed" solution not achieved by the par- ties themselves. The Arabs are hopeful that the, new Administration in Washing- ton will have a more favorable at- titude toward them than h a v e previous American governments. So, the Hussein-Nixon confer- ences are considered to be of ut- most significance. The President greeted Hussein warmly, describing the Arab mon- ? arch as a man of "courage, wis- dom and moderation." Hussein has warned repeatedly that tie is running out in which to find a Mideast peace formula. "I really hope we will move in a direction of a just and honor- able peace in this explosive situa- tion fraught with danger" said, Hussein yesterday. The danger of the situation was again demonstrated during two clashes between Arab and Israeli forces. One clash occurred with rocket and air attacks on civilian targets at the head of the Gulf of Aqaba. The Israelis claimed that Arabs rained rockets from the Jordanian port of Aqaba on the nearby Israeli port of Elath and that in reprisal Israeli jets struck at the Arab port. Al Fatah, the Arab commando organization, ac- cused Israel of sending its planes over first, and claimed that Arab troops -shelled in retaliation.w Shortly afterwardra large-scale battle erupted between Israeli and Egyptian forces entrenched along the Suez Canal, from El Qantara in the north to port Suez in the south. A United Nations-arranged cease-fire finally ended the shoot- ing, but nine hours later another artillery duel erupted. New Detroit plans probe New Detroit, Inc., has promised to investigate charges by a Repub- lic of New Africa leader that police deliberately shot three of the four persons wounded in the New Bethel Church shooting. The incident occurred after a white policeman was gunned down March 29. Minutes later, police stormed the church where a meet- ing of the black separatist Repub- lic of New Africa group was end- ing, and arrested over 100 persons. The charges were made in a let- ter from Republic of New Africa first vice president Milton Henry to New Detroit president William T. Patrick Jr. New Detroit, Inc. was formed out of the New Detroit Committee, which was -initiated in 1967 to study the causes of the Detroit July riots. sitting aown witn he t ussians to scuss arms control," Michigan Sen. Philip Hart said yesterday. Speaking to over 100 students in the Lawyers' Club Lounge, the pemocratic senator promised "extended discussion" of the proposed Safeguard anti-ballistic mis- sile system when it reaches the floor of the Senate. "Even Southerners rarely admit they are filibustering; certainly no Northerner would," explained Hart. "But an extended discussion of a thing as complex as this is warranted and there will be such a dis- cussion." Hart added, however, that he would not favor preventing the Senate from voting on the measure after "a very complete debate." "It is really folly when the Russians have extended to us an open invitation to sit down and discuss with them the re- duction of nuclear arms to begin deploy- ment of a new defense system," said Hart, "The question is whether our retaliatory strike capacity is adequate," explained Hart. "Everybody, except (Defense Secre- tary Melvin) Laird on every other Tuesday. says it is." Hart said he respects those with tech- nical training who support the ABM but pointed out they are not infallible. "Since World War II the military has sold Congress with over $22 billion worth of equipment that has either been obsolete before it was deployed or didn't work," claimed Hart. ' Earlier in his remarks, Hart detailed the history of the ABM controversy. He said late in 1967 former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara was pressured into rec- ommending a Sentinel ABM system, sup- posedly to protect against a future Chinese Communist threat. "In the spring of 1968 there were four roll call votes in the Senate to delay de- ployment," Hart related. "Even absent fall teams from the Defense Department appeared to measure backyards for ABM sites," Hart continued. "Having a nuclear topped missile on the next street sparked the organization of citizens commiittees," Hart said. When the Nixon administration came into office, deployment of the ABM system was temporarily halted. Last month Presi- dent Nixon announced a modified Safe- guard system, supposedly to protect mis- siles sites. Hart disputed the contention that the Safeguard system would be capable of de- fending against an enemy attack on mis- sile silos. He said the system depends on a sensitive radar system that is ten times more sensitive to blast than the ABM mis- siles themselves. Hart reported that a student organ- ization against the ABM will be announced latey this week and urged students to join it. M,:,-, ,; , 4f 3 Si .. . ..... ..... . .. . ' . &..i . t .t . . ,. . . n . THE HOMECOMING GENERAL CO-CHAIRMEN proudly announce THE HOMECOMING '69 CENTRAL COMMITTEE ALUMNI RELATIONS GRAPHICS SPECIAL EVENTS JAMES KLEMANSKI - GLENN POISON RICK SEABOLT VINCE MALONEY LYNN THOMPSON EVA BEA MEYER BOOK LE T P AR ADE T ICKE T S MEL MILLER LARRY CHANEL JULIE PHILLIP MARGO NEWMAN STEVEN ROSENTHAL MARCIA KESSLER Furt4TAIbJAA*T FRIDAY--April 25-8:30 P.M.-FORD AUDITORIUM PETE SEEGER "I would place Pete Seeger tn> the first rank of American folk Isingers."-Carl Sandburg TICKETS: $5.50, $4.50, $3.50, $2.50. Available at Ford Audi- torium, all Grinnell and J.L. Hudson stores, Wayne State University and University of Detroit. Student Discount of $1.00 per ticket at each price level for tickets purchased at Wayne State University or University of Detroit Mail orders should include self-addressed, stamped envelope Auspices: American Civil Liberties Union SUPER, SLIMS why cart all those clothes home ? 0 Call Greene's Cleaners today! We'll deliver a storage box- Fill it with your winter garments- We'll pick it up-clean your garments- -Mothproof them and Store them in our air conditioned vault. Net fall-nive usa call .We'll deliver- The super trim version of the original