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April 09, 1969 - Image 1

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See Page 7




Cloudy, cooler,
chance of showers

Vol. LXX IX, No. 156

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 9, 1969

Ten Cents

Eight Pages






The traditionally quiet Medical School
is currently embroiled in a controversy
which ultimately involves the issue of how
the University should relate with the com-
munity outside its glass and steel walls.
The controversy concerns an experi-
mental family care clinic which the school
is planning as part of its program in com-
munity medicine.
Although the clinic as well as most other
facets of the broad-based program are
still in the embryonic stages of planning,
students, faculty members, and administra-
tors have already begun to take sides on
the question of how the clinic should serve
the surrounding population.
One group of students in particular, the
Student Health Organization, (SHO), has
emerged as a sort of pressure group to
make sure the clinic does not become a

facility which caters to the suburban
middle class population while ignoring the
"The poor and the rural people are sim-
ply not receiving medical care," says Lou
Giancolo, a student in the public health
school. "Doctors tend to gravitate into the
wealthy areas where the facilities are best.
Hospitals and clinics are often inaccessible
to large portions of the population be-
cause of geographical, sociological, and
economic factors."
Giancolo and a group of medical stu-
dents from the SHO, fearing the new fam-
ily clinic would be housed in vacant nurses'
quarters on the grounds of the Veterans
Administration Hospital on North Campus,
have petitioned Medical School Dean Wil-
liam Hubbard to build the clinic near a
poor neighborhood, such as the Willow
Village area in Ypsilanti.

"Hubbard denied the legitimacy of our
arguments," Giancolo said. "He said
teaching and research were the most im-
portant considerations, and service was
tertiary. He said the new clinic should be
no further from the Medical School than
the VA hospital or the Parkside Medical
facility, just over the Main Street bridge."
However, since that meeting, SHO mem-
bers have been included on the planning
committees for the program. Futhermore.
administrators have indicated the nurses'
quarters at VA hospital, which have been
rented by the University, will probably not
be suitable for the new clinic.
"That space wouldn't by any flight of
fancy be suitable for this program," Hub-
bard said yesterday.
Prof. Donald Smith, director of the en-,
tire community medicine program, says.
"A site for the clinic has not been chosen.

We have been told that we can use the
space at the VA if we want it, but we'd
rather delay that decision until we think
it through."
Smith envisions what he calls the "com-
prehensive family-centered health care
facility" as "a kind of model to try a
variety of different approaches to com-
munity medical care. In the area of finan-
cing, for instance, Smith anticipates that
patients will be able to pay bills for medical
care on a prepaid insurance pattern as
well as a straight fee-for-service basis.
The clinic would provide preventive,
therapeutic, and rehabilitation services for
family groups selected on a cross-sectional
basis of the population.
"It has been definitely decided," Smith
states, "that the clinic will serve a cross-
sectional sample of the general population,

and that no group will be under or over
While some, like Smith, want a cross
section of the population to be served,
others think the clinic should be oriented
toward care for the poor.
SHO's Robert Salinger, a freshman med-
ical student, was'recently included on the
program's planning committee..
"They won't define their terms of a cross
section," Salinger says. "It could be a
geographical cross-section or an economic
one. We want a cross-section that is heavi-
ly biased toward the poorer segments of
the population."
Hubbard points out that one area, of
the program oriented toward poor people
is the medical school's connection with the
Wayne County General Hospital at Eloise,
University medical students have worked
there for seven years.

Financing will also be an acute prob-
lem if a new building has to be built for
the clinic. In addition to the University's
annual request, for funds from the State
Legislature, the Medical School has applied
for a grant from the federal department
of Health, Education, and Welfare to
finance the project.
Since hardly anything about the project
has been definitely decided upon, it is
entirely possible that the controversy over
the clinic's patient population will be
settled as students, faculty. and adminis-
trators work together in the planning
The question the planning committees
will have to answer is whether the Medical
School's responsibility toward the poor who
are "living sick" justifies concentrating on
them more than any other segment of the





Sterling plant
still on strike
Special To The Daily
STERLING HEIGHTS, Mich. - The rank-and-file of
United Auto Workers' Local 1264 continued their wildcat
strike against Chrysler's Sterling Stamping Plant yesterday
in defiance of the oirders of the UAW International Execu-
tive Board.
The workers began the strike after a dispute over work-
ing conditions. A number of workers, on the advice of their





committeeman, refused to
to aid loca

clear away a dangerously high
pile of sharp scrap, piled-up}
by a faulty conveyor system.
The Chrysler management-fir ed
all of the union officers and shop
stewards in retaliation, and fir ed
the workers for not obeying the
management's orders,
In support of those fired, the DOUGLAS A. FRASER, second from right, head of the UAW's C
plant-wide wildcat strike was call Sexton, president of UAW Local 1264, listen to a reporter's question
ed. Although the original officers
have now been reinstated, how-l
ever, nearly 70 of the strikers have DEMS' SPRiNG CLEANING:
been fired for their "illegal" pro-
test action.

-Daly-James T. Neubacher
hrysler Department, and James'
at a news conference yesterday.


Some 50 people attended a The international took control ]
meeting last night to organize of the UAW Local Monday after-
support for the strike at the noon after local union leaders re--___w eep ing out C i ty H all
Chrysler plant in Sterling Town- fused to order their men to end
ship. the strike.
The meeting included members Despite pleas from Walter\Reu- By HOWARD KOHN last night's lameduck city council tory, tempered Kazarinoff's ex-'
of Independent Socialist Club ther, president of the UAW, urg- Associate Editorial Director 1968-69 meeting, Kazarinoff pledged to uberance with a mildly-worded
(ISC), Radical Caucus, R e n t ing the men to end the "illegal" Councilman-elect Nicholas Kaz- purge intransigent members of the statement.
Strike Steering Committee and strike, more than 50 workers, aid- arinoff (D-Third Ward) walked city clerk's office and the traffic "We won't have any specific
Students for a Democratic Socie- ed by students representing Wayne through Angell Hall and down to engineering department. plans until we (the Democrats)
ty. Plans were organized for send-,State University SDS and Ann City Hall yesterday brandishing City Clerk John Bentley has caucus later this week," he ex-
ing students to the plant to sup- Arbor's Radical Caucus, manned a corn-bristle broom "as a man- been under fire for his hardshell plained. "Until then I would just
port the strike. picket lines across the employe date from the electorate." policies in registering student like to say that a call will soon go
Afterwards, about 20 students entrances to the plant throughout I Kazarinoff, one of five Demo- voters. "If we can get enough out for citizens to help us design
fterardsheabut 20j tuentisthe daydyesterday. crats elected in Monday's history- votes we'll fire him," said Kaz- new programs and carry out the+
left for the plant to join the pick- In addition to Radical Caucus making city elections, was making arinoff. "Or maybe we'll just tell public education process so essen--
and Wayne SDS, the Rent Strike good on a campaign promise to the city administrator that we tial to their success.''
ISC member, Dennis Sinclair, Steering Committee yesterday an- carry the broom as a symbol ofi need new personnel and let him Harris' plurality over Richard
sadysedy The workers nounced its support for the rebel sweeping change to come under handle it."j E. Balzhiser, the favored Republi-
seemed receptive to the support local and plans to assist the the first Democratic city admin- Mayor-elect Robert J. Harris, can candidate, was set at 608i
of the students." pickets today. istration in 30 years. with the biggest (7-3) Democratic final official tabulation yesterday
"We have to go down at night See CHRYSLER, Page 8 Still suffering from euphoria at . majority on council in city his- after being earlier reported at
to show that it wasn't just a, ' - - -~-only 89.
morning and afternoon affair," - Robert Faber (D-Second Ward)
said another student. reb els seced e gave special credit to students for
would be better to just identify ward. "But I would also like to
ourselves as students." '.think the Democratic majority
"This shouldn't be a platform V a means people here are more aware
for one group or another, he I r..In ' vaii of the problems facing the city,,
added. despite efforts to suppress those;
If. any group brought signs, the problems."
By RUSS GARLAND from a house party, the contro- were incensed by this 'injustice' Faber said he would push the
press could! use pictures to make , Fbrsi ewudps h
it seem like that group was the That bastion of Michigan tradi- versy grew to include the question I and decided that this was the time council "in the direction of humanr
only group involved, he' also said. tion, the dorm house, may be of the legitimacy of dorm govern- to initiate their secession. concerns-model cities, etc."
crumbling. Thirty-two members of ment, which the secessionists Many of their complaints con- Henry Stadler (D-Fifth Ward).
At a Radical Caucus meeting Claude Halstead Van Tyne House claim is forced on all residentsf cern the usual injustices within winner over the onlY Republican
following the meeting, Gary Roth- in Markley, led by freshmen Bob without asking their consent. the present house system, such as incumbent running, seconded Fab-
Berger said it should be. m a d e Levi, John Werbe and Steve The secessionists have pleaded: the assessment of dues which er's concern for better low-income
clear thatkthendemonstrators are Schear, are attempting to secede their cause with Van Tyne and freshmen have no voice in setting, housing. "I would be in favor' of]
"not just making a thrust against from the house. Markley Councils, and Van Tyne and the unrepresentativeness of using the council's appointment
the company, but also against the Starting with the problem of and Markley judiciaries. They the house governments, power to put more effective people
hierarchy of the union which tries what to do with extra ice cream have also filed for a hearing from But the basic issue is this con- on the housing commission." he
to snuff out grassroots contol." .- - ------ Central Student Judiciary and See DORM, Page 8 said.
SwhveJohn Feldkamp, director ofU
University housing. SURVEY 1
However, Feldkamp last night
the case rests with the Board of
~Governors of the Residence Halls..
tuenssu or
Jack'Myers, president of Inter- u dpo
".° House Assembly and a member of
. .. the board, explained last night By-TOBE LEV to provide this mone
R r f I that no precedent exists for allow- sides with the Regen
ing part of a house to break away.e8nnvemtstud Four years ago, the
I Myers added that the board's suppomt the idea of a University-owned Fre eis ago th
agenda for their next meeting and operated bookstore,. ety old bo
4tomorrow is extremely fl.vensity. should not<
mro sereeyfull. Almost as many-80 per cent-favor the merchants. Since t
The secessionists are now con- mrhns Snet
sidering appearing at the board present trimester system. liberals have been elec
meeting, although they are not on These were some of the more striking the Regents may bev
- the agenda because they previous- results of a survey conducted by the Stu- requested funds as
ly did not know whose agenda to dent Advisory Board on University Rela- tuition.
be on o t tions on a wide range of issues which have The survey support
. .. y. ims t . been focal points of conflict in the past endum as an indicatio

President Robben Fleming
yesterday reaffirmed the au-
thority of Central Student
Judiciary (CSJ) to hear the
case of Students for a Demo-
cratic Society vs. Engineering
Placement Office, but indi-{
cated the case could have been'
referred to another judicial
1n a letter to Mark Wohl, chair-,_
man of CSJ, Fleming answered six'
questions concerning the right and
validity of CSJ jurisditction. CSJ
had requested the President to
answer these questions in a lettert
April 4.
CSJ has suspended all proceed-
ings in the case pending Fleming'sl
"We will meet tonight to con-
sider Fleming's reply," Wohl said
yesterday. "If CSJ finds that
Fleming's responses are sufficient
to clear up the jurisdictional dif-
ficulties, we most likely will sched-
ule a preliminary hearing in .the'M si r
case for April 16 Sen. Philip Hart (D-Mich.) speaks a
The controversy in the Engi-
neering School arose when sonie guard anti-ballistic missile system y
25 persons led by SDS kept a Club Lounge. About 100 students hear
naval recruiter locked in a room talks with the Russians. (See story, Page
in West Engineering Bldg. for 5%-
hours, preventing students from'S
keeping their appointments withSOME APPROVAL
In its letter CSJ asked Fleming
"under what Regental bylaws and ,
executive decisions" CSJ is em-, R esid en ts c
powered to hear this case?
Fleming said yesterday that
CSJ's authority "is derived from
the Regents' approval of the Stu- o e C it e
dent Government Council plan"
and added that "if there is any
question about this, I consent, as! By LANIE LIPPIP
President of the University to the About 250 residents attended a I
authority of the Judiciary in the sial Model Cities Neighborhood P
cases you refer. to." Chambers last night. Residents disci
Another question asked if the
University is "committed not to ness of the board, methods of notifi
adjudicate before any of its agen- board, and the powers the board will'
cies the cases we decide, properly Model Cities, a six year progran
brought before us under our and urban development department,
Manual and Constitution." and environmental problems of urb
Fleming said the. University is
committed to this principle, how- received a $112,000 planning grant
See FLEMING, Page 8 program in the north central area, bi


gainst the proposed Safe-
esterday in the Lawyers'
d Hart urge arms control
e 3.)

o . plan
S~ "R
hearing on the controvert
olicy Board in Council
ussed the representative-
cation leading up to the
n funded by the housing
seeks to solve the social
an areas. Ann Arbor has
for the first year of the
Lut planning cannot begin

-Daily-Peter Dreyfus


ey, howeve
Regents 1
,tore saying
hen, howe
cted to the
willing to
part of
s last mon
n that stud

'' bookstor
r, still re- to SGC, Inc. and the corporation has l
dormant since then.
blocked the On another issue, over 53 per cent
g the Uni- those who knew what classified resear
with local is said they do not find it objectionab
ver, a few The research issue prompted a series
board, and teach-ins and demonstrations a year a
collect the The question died down as the Senate.
next fall's sembly created a committee to screeno
research which was aimed at injur:
nth's refer- human beings.
dents think Students were somewhat split ont

- ---<until the board is approved by
council and knows What pow-
ers it has..
Although no decision was
reached at the meeting, the ma-
) jority of speakers expressed satis-
faction with the present policy
board and the autonomy it seeks
in community control.
ain Walter Hill, executive director
of the Community Center and an
of area resident, said "The policy
rch board represents a cross section of
ble. individuals in the area as well as
of groups that have shown interest in
tgo. the area and have expressed
As themselves over the years."
He added that council should
out approve the board immediately so
ing that planning can begin. More
people in the area can be invol-
the See MODEL, Page 8

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