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April 08, 1969 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-04-08

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Page Six

THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tue~dev. Ar'ril R.19OIg


J wl43uuyt I'i , I 11 01 1-.7U7


tl111IN OII( 1 1 1 11 11 1 II II 1

baily' Classilieds

Students protest recruiting
by police on MSL campus




AVAILABLE MAY 1-1, 2, 3, and 4-man. 2 BEDROOM 4 man, air-cond., dish-
The Ambassador Co. 761-7982. U27 washer, etc. 1 block to campus or
hospital. 1330 N. Univ., No. 4. 761-
WANTED: 1 or 2 rmmates for bi-level , 25720t U33
3-man, 2-bdrm. mod., air-cond., dish., ._
dlsp Cal Bb 71-334.U13FOUR ROOM, 3 min. from Frieze, 2
HOUSE FOR SUBLET, May-August; man, air cond., off street parking,
769-4472; three girls needed; fireplace, Negotiable., 761-9331, U12
back yard for sunning, air-condition--____
er, very near campus. UF GREAT 3 bedroom 5-man apt., tri-level,
__________ ____________ ___ air-cond., dishwasher, balcony, 1 bilk.
to campus. Call 769-2733. U27
SUMMER MOD. 4-MAN, close to campus, air
cond., parking, balcony. $45 each,
1 bedroom-418 E. Washington will negotiate. Call 665-6253 after 5.
2 bedroom-521 Walnut UC
Rental Information, 761-2943 SUMMER SUBLET-May-Aug. 2-3 man
U40 apt., 1 bdrm., on campus. Phone:
769-0537, 4:30-7:00 p.m. U7
APT, SUBLET; July-Aug.; 2-3 men: -__--- _ - _ -
cool; cheap. 769-3619. U41 HUGE 3 or 4 MAN; fully furnished.
$130. Call 769-3612. U318
2 ROOMMATES WANTED for 3-man for -_ _ _
sunmer sublet and/or fall. 1 pvt. 2 BDRM., MOD., air-cond. apt. Near
bdrm. $45/mo. avail. Apr. 23, 1 bed in hosp, but within easy walking dist.
partitioned bdrm. $25/mo. avail. May of campus. $150 but willing to bar-
1. 3 min, from Angell Hall on S. Div. gain. 665-7212. U26
761-4752. 1334 --- _____ -___ _ __....
HUGE 3-MAN apt. 1 block from cam-
3-MAN SUMMER Sublet. CHEAP. Close pus, with garage. Call 665-9467. UC
to campus. Call 761-3678. UD - --- - _ _.
------ WANTED-1-2 nice people who like be-

EAST LANSING (P)--Nearly 100 1 hallway in the building, told the
Michigan State University students students he could not decide un-
3 demonstrating against campus re- der such on-the-spot pressure who
cruiting by the Oakland, Calif., may or may not recruit at the
police department yesterday sur- university.
I rounded and jostled Acting MSU At one point Adams said to the
President Walter Adams. students, "You don't give a tink-
The incident occurred during a er's damn about the blacks here."
brief shoving match as the dem- He said the interviewers would not
onstrators, many of them mem- return to the campus today.
bers of Students for a Democratic "There are no more interviews
Society, tried to wedge their way scheduled," he said. "They've com-
into the office where interviewing pleted the interviews today."
was taking place. Adams, hailed as a liberal and
The students apparently were "one of the most popular teachers
protesting the shooting death a on campus" when named acting
year ago of Bobby Hutton, a mem- president to succeed Dr. John
ber of the Black Panthers group Hannah, reportedly was the first
in Oakland. MSU chief to meet with protest-

were taken after dissidents jam-
med a hall outside the office they
were using previously.
Shingleton opened the door to
let in Adams and-after a brief
shoving match involving protestors
and the officials-the acting pres-
ident and several dissidents made
their way into the room.
The student also got in, finished
his interview in an adjoining of-
fice while Adams talked with pro-
testors, and left.
Adams personally escorted a
second interviewee through the
crowded hall into the office, stop-
ping to show protestors that the
student was a prospective civil
engineer, not a police recruit.
Some three hours after the con-
frontation b e g a n, plainclothes
campus police and SDS members
escorted the stony-faced, non-
commenting Oakland representa-
tives from the building.
Two members of the student
governing body, the Associated
Students of MSU, immediately
issued a statement praising Adams'
handling of the situation and
condemning dissidents' tactics.
"We believe that the right of
demonstration and dissent is a



MOD. 2-BDM. 3-man apt. for $120.
Parking, disposal, air conditioning. 5
min. from campus on S. Forest. Call
761-6742. 1U42
ONE'GIRL wanted to share 4-man mod.
apt. next to St. Joe's. Call Iat after'
6. gNO 2-0169. U43'
5 B'EDROOM HOUSE, 1023 S. Church,
4 or 5 man, rental to be discussed.
Call 761-9063 or 769-1327. U8
MODERN 4 man AIR cond., DISPOSAL.!
SUPERB location, SPACIOUS parking
lot. 1001 S. Forest, No. 330. $50/mo./
per person. WILL BARGAIN. Call 761-
2566. '11

ing outside to share 3 bdrm. Hansel-
Gretel house for full sum. A/O 1st
half: 2 miles from campus. 971-7782
Sum mer
Come in and check our listings at:
737 Packard
1-5 pm. 761-8063
SUMMER SUBLET-Two-man efficiency
in house. Great location-price nego-
tiable. Call 764-7600. UD

Despite the demonstration, the
Oakland police department com-
pleted its interviews.
Most of those in the demonstra-
tion at MSU's Student Services'
Bldg. were white. Witnesses said
there were shouts of "Oakland
Pigs" and "No more brothers in
jail." A few demonstrators carried
posters signed by SDS.
Adams told the group, which
fluctuated in size from 100 to
around 30 at various times, that
he would make no immediate de-
cision about the university's re-
cruiting policy. That statement,
witnesses said, came during what
was called a nose-to-nose con-
frontation with several' young
Adams, surrounded in a narrow

ing students in 27 years.
"If you think you're going to
abolish the Oakland Police by pre-
venting them from recruiting.
you're much more naive than I
ever expected," he said.
"You may resent my style,"
Adams added. "That's your pri-
"But," he said. pointing to a'
youth waiting to interview, "as
long as I am in charge, this young
man is going to have his oppor-
tunity to talk with them.
"If this is not acceptable I amj


deeply sorry-but that's the way cornerstone of any real democ-
it's going to be." racy," said Harv Dzodin, ASMSU!
The confrontation took place vice chairman, and Chuck Mod-
outside the office of MSU Place- tov, a sophomore member-at-E
ment Director Jack Shingleton, large.
where the Oakland representatives "However, it is a sad state ofJ
____ affairs when those who profess
democracy resort to the totali-
tarian standard of might makes
~i AD, right."

-Associated Press
Storming the Presidio gates
An estimated 10,000 anti-war demonstrators marched Sunday from San Francisco's Civic Center
Plaza to the Army Presidio, scene of a sit-down Army prison protest for which 14 privates went on
trial for mutiny yesterday. The group listened to speakers before the Presidio closed gates.
LSA approves concentration

SPACIOUS 3 or 4 man, parking, air-
cond., close to campus, 927 S. Forest,
No. 203. Calf 663-9866. U13
MAY-AUG. sublet for 2 men to !share
with one until July.' Good location,!
furn., air cond., will negotiate. 769-
1627. U14
2, 3 or 4 man apt.
406 Packard-Parking, dishwasher, air
cond., etc. $30-$40/man. Stop or Call
Mgr., 769-1394. U29
SWIMMING POOL, air cond., 2 bed-
rooms in mod. 4-man, 1 'or 2 girls
needed May to Aug. 764-9626. 1330
SPRING-SUMMER sublet, 2 bedroom, 31
/man. Dishwasher, appliances, parking,
good location =campus-hospital. Rent
negotiable. 521 Walnut, No. 12. 769-
4144. U15
FREE TV, balcony, air cond., 3 bdrm.,
2 baths, luxury apt. on campus needs,
4 or 5 for entire summer, 769-1726. UD
SUBLET - Mod., close to campus, 2
bdrm., central air-cond., several park-
ing spaces. Call 761-3409 or 769-5193.
2 GIRL NEEDED to share our breezy
summer house May-June. You can
have whole house to yourself or with
a friend JulyAug. All for $45/mo.
769-6788. U17
MOD. FURNISHED, 2 man, 1 bdrm, apt.
Air cond., balcony, May-Aug. 728 S.
Main, No; 306 769-4321 U32
1-2 GIRLS NEEDED for 3-man summer
sublet, immediate occupancy. Also
available for fall. 764-2460 or after 5,
769-6753, ask for Phyllis. 1342
1 GIRL NEEDED for 4 man luxury apt.,
2 min. from camps, betw. hospitals
Call 761-6502 after 5 p.m. U43
1-2 GIRLS needed to sublet May-Aug.
3-man, 2 bedroom, furnished modern
apt., air cond., parking. Arbor Forest
Apts. Call Barb, 769-4947. U45
3 MAN SUBLET May-Aug. Modern, air
cond., Park Plaza, 1320 S. Univ., No.
12. 761-7657. 144
MODERN 2 bdrm apt.; plsnt. surround.,
close to campus (Cambridge & Olivia).
Grad. only, $41/mo. Call Dan Harrison,
764-7482. U46
2 MEN NEEDED, modern, on campus,
parking, air cond. $35. 662-8307. U9
SUMMER SUBLET 4 man. Arbor Forest.
Air-conditioned. 761-5958. U46
MODERN air conditioned apt., 5 min-
utes from campus and South U. 761-
9023. 3 U48
NEEDED-one or two for a house. Good
location. Rent negotiable but cheap.
Call 761-9368 evenings. U2



3 BDRM. APT. in new bldg. May thru
Aug. Hospital-campus area. 761-7940.
ONE, TWO, or THREE MEN to sublet
May through August. $50 each. Ideal1
apt, with carpeting, new furniture,
cooling, new kitchen, many closets.
disposal parking basement laundry,
congenial open-minded neighbors and
landlord. Call 769-4784: 110 Hill, No.
2. USO
ONE, TWO or THREE MEN to sublet
May through August. $50 each. Ideal
apt with carpeting, many closets,
disposal, parking, basement laundry,
congenial open-minded neighbors and
landlord. Call 769-4784. 110 Hill No. 2.
2 GIRLS NEEDED to share large.
apartment for summer. Very close to
campus. 665-0003. UF
2 BEDROOM summer sublet. ,Modern,
furnished, cool, quiet. Minutes to
hospitals. 663-3666. U31
3 GIRLS FOR May through August.
CHEAP. Call 761-2625. U
FISHER-400 receiver. $160 or best offer.
665-6844. X47
Super custom 250 watt 2-2 speaker.
Reverb, verbrate, ex. cond. Call 971-
8537. X48
STEREO amp; tape deck; speakers;
turntable. Ex. cond. Call 769-0868,
John or Jim. X46
GUITARS: 12-string, Gibson 6-string,
Epiphone classical. Call 665-9467. X34
Unavailable instruments, repairs and
instructions-209 S. State. 665-8001.
VOX WYMAN BASS, showman top. Cab-
inet with 3 Lansing D-140-F bass
speakers. 764-7774. X43
BIG FENDER Bassman-Farfisa mini-
compact. Best offer, must sell. 764-
9746. X37,
VOX, hollow-body guitar ($425 value
for $200). 60-volt amp. ($200 value
$80); or both for $250. Call Mike,
764-1133. X30
BIG FENDER Bassman-Farfisa mini-
compact. Best offer, must sell. 764-
9746. X37
VOX, hollow-body guitar ($425 value
for $200). 60-watt amp. ($200 value
$80); or both for $250. Call Mike, 764-j
1133. X30
compact. Best offer. Must sell. 764-
9746. X37
NEW MARK II super teak stereo cart
w 2 elliptical needles. 764-2622. X213
VOX, hollow-body guitar ($425 value
for $200). 60-watt amp. ($200 value
0 orboth for $250. Call Mike,
764-1133. X30
UPRIGHT PIANO. excel. tone, good
cond. $85. 665-6307. X2
VOX, hollow-body guitar ($425 value'
for $200). 60-volt amp. ($200 value
$80); or both for $250. Call Mike, 764-
1133. X30


i16 LOW 1%

Meanwhile, across the campus,
MSU Board Chairman Don Stev-
ens invited the entire academic1

For top athletir Westchester day camp. Men from
Westchester, Fairfield, and Rockland counties. Men
and women from Manhattan. To instruct in a variety
of activities. Experience preferred. A real love for
kids is essential. Phone collect: Area Code 914-
WH 9-2635, at night 914-WH 9-6852 or write
Mohawk Oay Camps, Old Tarrytown Road, White
Plains, N.Y.

community to submit nominations i
for a permanent successor to
Hannah. Continued from Page 1) The committee ruled that ROTC should determine future policy on
fIastrnly, ncoand e studen, to call a special session, and in.. be counted within the 12-hour recording of its sessions.
faculty, alumni and the public to stead made Mann's motion order! limit of courses allowed to be~ osrojcewiesm
come forward with names of qual- ofbusiness at its first meeting in taken outside the college; that Tonsor objected, while some
ified individuals," Stevens said. the fall, ROTC credit will no longer be the tapesis like stopping free
Spokesmen already named to Earlier, in the meeting. Prof. computed as part of Atudents' speech
participate in .the "Search and Se- Stephen Tonsor of the history cte- cumulative grade average; and ____sec
lection Committee' represent MSU partment moved that the cur- that credit will not be given for
faculty, Oakland University fac- riculum committee's decisions cn basic military training in the arm-
ulty, MSU undergraduate students, ROTC should be reviewed by the ed services outside the University.
graduate students, black students, faculty before taking effect. How- The committee also recom-
black faculty and alumni. ever, Tonsor was overruled. mended the faculty code be re-
-___-__-vised to allow three voting student
members on the committee. This oo n
I JOINa bsidered by the faculty in the fall.
- - r r- r1 A .. -1 In areport fro~m the *ol', *

for two vacant seats on



Applications are available at



SAB. Sign up for interviews and return
applications by Wednesday, April 9, 5
P. M.


Come In Any Afternoon

9 !

recomain will alsoII be1C on-M"rD
executive committee Prof. Philip
Elving of the bhemistry depart-
ment said the committee was con-
sidering'setting up a represent-
tie assembly to make college-
wide decisions. This is still in the
formulative stages and will alsot
come before the faculty in fall.I
At one point in the meeting a
motion was introduced to stop the
tape recorders of WCBN radio
which were taping the meeting.
Dean Hays ruled that in this ;

Continued from Page 1)
requirement in principle, the feel-
ing of the -faculty yesterday was
that the change was too far-
reaching to be decided at one
Prof.. William LeVeque, of the
mathematics department said an
entrance requitement would make
admission harder for students


meeting the recorders were per- from smaller high schools which
missible but that the faculty dQ not offer four or even three

Lurn your COmpanion on


. . .. .... ..

- 3

Ipf . I

'ijll llVltV t ,, uu4liu ilts141IV4mm I'm mi 51 uti/1I 1I/11311t 1ininiL\\l\\\

H arris
Ielecte d
(Continued from Page 1)
student populated second ward,
said last night "so much credit
for our victory is due to students."
"They did a phenomenal job,"
he said.
Kazarinoff, the successful candi-
date in the third ward also gave
credit to student votes for his un-
expected victory in the tradition-
ally Republican ward.
Several Democrats said t h e i r
success was due at least in part
to the Democratic registration
drive earlier in the year.
Asked about his victory, may-
oral candidate Harris requested
that he be not required to make a
statement until today. His cam-
paign manager, Michael Berla,
said only that "It sure beats los-
Balzhiser could not be reached
for comment last night.

3 years of language instruction.
Prof. Carl Cohen of the philoso-
phy department said ran entrance
requirement would have "a mark-
ed adverse effect on languages not
taught in high school such as the
Germanic laniguages."
The faculty also defeated a pro-
posal from Prof. James O'Neill,
chairman of the romance lan-
guages department, recommending
a language proficiency of only
three semesters and granting
eight hours credit for students
placed in a third or fourth se-
mester language course.
Prof. Frank X. Braun of the
German department said that
this means the college is "quite
openly giving credit for high
school courses. What stops high
schools from wanting credit for
their geography or other courses?"
Braun asked.
Prof. John Milholland of the
psychology department said grad-
uate schools would look with dis-
favor on giving credit for high
school courses.
Later Prof. Ronald Tikovsky,
chairman of the general studies
committee which formulated the
degree proposal, said a student
could take as many 300 level and
above courses as he wanted in a
department but that only 20 credit
hours would count toward the

our sublet of sublets! Each room of
our roomy 51,2 room 2 bdrm., 4-
man is huge in-itself, fully carpet-
ed, air-cond., of course, modern as
an apt, can be. Need dishes? Pots
and pans? East Madisonanear Pack-
ard and that's close! Call 769-1649,
ask for anyone. UF
The following tenants of Apartments
Limited have indicated a desire to
sublease their apartments for the



E 160
108 __140
106 - 120
142 $
94 =7
87 _5 3


FENDER Stratocaster elect. guitar with

* 1321 Wilmot, No. 303, 2 bdrm., ex. I b ar ellcase, $17. Rick, 761-2870
location for hosp., ask for Nancy, X12
* 832 Packard, No. 14, 1 bdrm., with BIKES AND SCOOTERS
balcony and sundeck, ask for Mike,
662-6867 1965 YAMAHA 80cc. $150. Call 769-2541
* Park Plaza, No. 14, good view, ZiC
across from V-Bell, Fred or Mike,
769-3918 B 1967 TRIUMPH Bonnesville. Call Mike
* 911 Forest, No. 13, near Forest and Parks, 764-3680 or 761-5676. Z11
Ill, 761-3663 g 1968 HONDA CL9O Scrambler. Great
If you ared atenant of Apartments buy with helmet.Call Steve, 665-6439,
Limited and have not yet contacted Z12
us regarding a sublease, please do so Z12
immediately so we may, update our BMW R-50, good condition. $500 or
filesTbest offer. Mike, 761-2612. Z13,
HONDA 50, step through, cheap. Call
THIS AD CHANGES DAILY Jerri, 761-0155. ZD;
_ _ _ _ _ LATE '66 HONDA 300. Modified. All
MAY-AUG.-1-2 men' to share close chromed. 1500 miles. $350. Call 769-
mod. 2 bdrm, air-cond. 761-9122. U23 5804, Z7


- ----------------- --------------------------------------------------

Radical Caucus
General Meeting

Your Companion AM/FM portable by Panasonic from Quarry, that
is.,For the latest happenings in contemporary living ... it's radio.
And, for the latest in radio precision . . it's Panasonic. The Com-
panion--your companion wherever you go. AM/FM portable x AC,
Battery powered . 4" dynamic speaker x Built in Antennas Illumi-
nated slide rule tuning . AFC on FM 1t Continuous tone control
Earphone for private listening. At the Quarry... a complete line of
portable radios for your sound investment.
Panasonic AM/FM RF-757 $49.95
Panasonic portables start at $9.48n

Third Floor, SAB


2 MEN NEEDED, modern, on campus,
air cond., parking. $35. 662-8307. U24
LOOKING FOR A groovy apt. near the
Arb and hospitals? 2 bedrm., bilevel
in the Chalet. Lg. liv. room, separate
kitchen, balcony, all the mod. conv's.
Stop by 1364 Geddes, Apt. D or call
769-0664. UF

C-102.................. .. 157.15
C-110....................... 191.43
CA-160. ..................... 384.29
CA-77 dream ...............421.43
CB-160 red or white-------- 42858



The Quarry... hub of the good vibrations. PANASONIC

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