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April 08, 1969 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-04-08

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Fashion Show and Dance
Friday, April 11 9 P.M.-1 A.M.
TICKETS AVAILABLE: Tutorial Project-2547 S.A.B. and at door

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552




secoind fromt page

Tuesday, April 8, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three

news today
by The Associated Press and College Press Service



1 1 V V ..1



r a

THE UNITED STATES has postponed imposing economicI
sanctions against Peru, Secretary of State William Rogers saidE
The sanctions would have' been invoked beginning tomorrow as a
result of Peru's expropriation six months ago of oil properties be-
longing to the International Petroleum Co. (IPC), a subsidiary of
Stanadrd Oil. Under federal law, Washington may cut off aid to Peru
six months after the expropriation if Lima has not offered appropriate
Peru, in turn, has assessed a huge debt against the oil company,
which they claim balances any compensation still owed to the firm.
However, Rogers indicated that the Peruvian government has
said IPC would be given an opportunity to contest the debt. He said
the decision on economic sanctions would be held in abeyance pending
the outcome of the litigation.
U.S.-Peruvian relations have been further strained by repeated
Peruvian seizures of U.S. fishing vessels. However, U.S. policy-makersf
fear that invoking economic sanctions against Peru might have adverse
effects throughout all of Latin America.
KING HUSSEIN OF JORDAN has forecasted another major
confrontation in the Middle East if a solution to the conflict is
not found soon.
In a short speech following his arrival at Kennedy Airport, in
New York, Hussein also warned of the "possibility of outside involve-
ment and entanglement" if such a confrontation materializes.
However, he voiced hope that the Big Four powers are successful
in their search for peace in the Middle East.
The Big Four-the United States, France, the Soviet Union and Secretary
Great Britain-recently began meeting in an effort to work out a ---
peaceful settlement. However the Israeli government has stated it
will not accept a settlement that is imposed upon the Middle East by lITS IA 5:

t possible
WASHINGTON ()- - Secretary of State William Rogers
voiced hope yesterday for mutual U,.S.-North Vietnamese
troop withdrawal this year.
However, Rogers ruled out a one-sided American pullout
at the present time.
"We do have a plan which we think is a fair and reason-
able one for ending this conflict," Rogers added. But he again
avoided naming any peace date, saying "there isn't any magic
formula" for ending the war.
Speaking at his first formal Washington news conference,
Rogers also said the United States is preparing to start mis-
sile talks with the Soviet Union in late spring or early sum-
mer. One of the first topics for discussion will be recent in-
telligence reports of a Soviet -..

ell Midrash at Ann Arbor
Sponsored by the College of Jewish Studies in Detroit in
Cooperation with the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation at the
University of Michigan
PREREGISTRATION-Spring, Summer, Fall 1969
Address on June 1 .................... Phone ..........
Address on August 28 . . . . . . Phone ......... .
University of Michigan year Major .................
Will be at Ann Arbor: spring (1IlA) . . . ..: summer (111B...... .
fall ......
Please check those courses you would like to
take and return this form to: 1429 Hill St., Ann
Arbor. Courses are described in the Beit-Mid-
rash Catalogue. More information will be made
available later.
Spring half semester (III A)
1. Hebrew for Beginners (intensive: 2-3 meetings a week)
2. Intermediate or Advanced Hebrew
3. A Survey of Judaism: History, Religion;and Thought
Summer half semester (IlII B)
. 4. Hebrew for Beginners (intensive, 2-3 meetings a week)
5. Intermediate or Advanced Hebrew
6. A Survey for Judaism11(for those taking No. 3
Can.be taken independently immediately)
Fall semester, 1969
S. .7. Basic Judaism-Jewish Ethics
- . A Comparative Study of Biblical Literature
9. A History of Zionism in America
10. Introduction to Jewish-Arab Relations 1936-1969

-Associated Press
Rogers addresses newsmen

GEORGE WEIN Presents the 16th Annual
July 3 thru July 6, 1969
At Festival Field 1 Newport, Rhode Island
Four Evening Concerts-Thursday: For the Jazz Aficionado-
willie Bobo, Kenny Burrell, Bill Evans/Jeremy Steig, Young-Holt
Unlimited, Freddie Hubbard, Sonny Murray, Anita O'Day, Sun
-Ra, and others.
Friday: An Evening of Jazz-Rock-Jeff Beck, Blood, Sweat and
Tears, Roland Kirk, Steve Marcus, Ten Years After, Jethro TuIl;
and others.
Saturday: Dave Brubeck/Gerry Mulligan, Woody Herman, Sly and
the maFily Stone, O. C. Smith, World's Greatest Jazz Band, and,
Sunday: Schlitz Mixed Bag - Herbie Hancock, B. B. King, Buddy
Rich Orch., Buddy Tate Band, Joe Turner, Winter, Led Zeppelin,
and others.
Three Afternoon Concerts - Friday: Giant Jam Session with
Jimmy Smith and Friends. Saturday: Art Blakley, Gary Burton,
Miles Davis, Mothers of Invention, Newport All-Stars, Red Norvo,
Tal Farlow, Ruby Braff, and others.
Sunday: An Afternoon with James Brown.
Evening and Sunday Afternoon Tickets:
$3.50, 4.50, 5.50, 6.50-Box Seats $10.00
Friday and Saturday Afternoon-General Admission $4.00
July 16 thru July 20
Four Major-Evening Concerts Thursday through Sunday; af-
ternoon Workshops Friday and Saturday; Children's Day Wed-
nesday; concert Wednesday evening; Friday and Saturday eve-
nings (additional concerts at another location); Sunday after-
Johnny Cash, June Carter, Len Chandler, Judy Collins, Cham-
pion Jack Dupree, Ramblin' Jack Elliott, Everly Brothers, Ike
Everly, Jesse Fuller, Arlo Guthrie, Rev. F. D. Kirkpatrick,
Tex Logan, Taj Mahal, Joni Mitchell, Bill Monroe, Bernice Rea-
gon, Don Reno & Bill Harrell, Pete Seeger, Otis Spann, Muddy
Waters, Bill Fd Wheeler, Mac Wiseman, and many others.
Major Evening Concerts-Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun.:
S$3.50. 4.50. 5.50-Box Seaits$10.0

Hussein will confer with President Nixon today on the Middle
East situation.
In a related development, Israel's two most influential leaders
have urged that the nation remain in the Arab areas occupied during
the June 1967 war.
Deputy Premier Yigal Allon said Sunday that settlements should:
be established in the occupied areas to secure the borders. Defense
Minister Moshe Dayan was even more specific in his recommendation,'
saying "we should create a new map for Israel."
JAMES EARL RAY yesterday filed a motion for a new trial.
The motion alleges that Ray was pressured into pleading guilty
to the charge that he shot Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. After a per-
functory trial last month Ray was sentenced to 99 years in prison.a
Should Ray decide to enter a plea other than guilty, he will be
granted a jury trial. Under the guilty plea, the state was only required
to present evidence that a crime was committed.
* * *
FARE has set as its top priority a reduction in the welfare rolls.:
According to Mary Switzer, the department's chief welfare ad-
ministrator, the states have been asked to submit by mid-April plans7
for the job training of people presently living on welfare. However,l
the government will still need at least $1.5 billion more each year
to meet demands for welfare and medicaid programs, Miss Switzer
She also hinted that the administration was preparing a proposal
for a national floor to standardize welfare payments from state to
THE NIGERIAN ARMY has claimed its troops are almostt
within artillery range of the capital of Biafra.
The claim was based on a report that federal troops had overrun
Uzuakoli, a town eight miles north of Umuahia, the capital.
However, the Biafrans said yesterday their troops had recaptured
Uzuakoli and were continuing to gain more territory from the Ni-
The state yesterday called its last witness, a psychologist who
reportedly tried to show Sirhan's alleged assassination of Sen. Robert{
F. Kennedy was a deliberate deed.
Although the defense has acknowledged that Sirhan actually
shot Kennedy, they attempted earlier in the trial to show that thei
murder was the act of a demented mind.
It is expected that the trial will go to jury some time this week.t
THE UNITED AUTO WORKERS yesterday attempted to halt3
a wildcat strike at a Chrysler plant near Detroit.
The UAW's international board assumed control of the rebellious1
union local that had called the strike. Douglas Fraser, a UAW.
vice-president and director of the union's Chrysler department called
the strike "unconstitutional and illegal," adding that the walkoutt
was saving Chrysler money and hurting the workers.
However, many strikers have vowed they would fight any attempt
to end the strike, which began last Wednesday following a disputei
over working conditions.
The first in a series of
retrospective showings of
collected works of.major j
American Independent

U.3. stops am toU
segregated schools



WASHINGTON u - The fed-
eral government announced yes-
terday the cutoff of funds f or
three school districts accused of
racial discrimination.j
Two of the districts are inI
Georgia, and one is in Mississippi.
Funds were also cut off from
three Mississippi hospitals charg-
ed with discrimination.
The Department of Health Edu-
cation and Welfare said the Mis-
sissippi hospitals whose funds
were cut off are: Kuhn Memorial
Hospital, Vicksburg; Matty Hersee
Hospital, Meridian; and Natchez
Charitz Hospital in Natchez. All
are administered by the board of
trustees of the state Eleemosynary
Institutions of Mississippi,
Leon E. Pannetta, director of
the Office for Civil Rights, said
Secretary Robert H. Finch has ,
approved the termination for fail-
ure to comply with the non-dis-
crimination provisions of the 1964
Civil Rights Act.
Reports of the action were sent
to the appropriate Senate and
House committee Monday. The
terminations become effective 30
days after notification of t h e
Panetta said Finch approved the
orders after extensive efforts to
secure compliance through nego-
tiations had failed. He said efforts
will continue to provide whatever
help the school districts and hos-
pitals may need to comply with
the law. I
In a summary of compliance ac-
tivities as of March 27. of this
year, Panetta said the southern
school picture looked as follows:
- Of 4,529 school districts in
17 southern and border states.
3,004 are nondiscriminatory.
- Of the 1,525 remaining dis-
tricts, 360 are desegregating un- I
der federal court order and 650
are successfully desegregating un-
der a voluntary plan. The remain-
ing 515, or 11 per cent of the total
number of southern school dis-s

tricts, are either in noncompli-
ance or in questionable compli-
ance with the law.
Of this number, federal funds
for 126 have been terminated. 103
have been cited for administrative
proceedings and 286 are currently
in negotiations with the depart-
Panetta said, "These figures are
clear evidence of the fact that the
vast majority of southern school
districts are in compliance with
the law. HEW's responsibility now
is to do everything possible and
provide whatever assistance may
be necessary to bring the remain-
ing few into equal compliance."

Smothers consider Canada

NEW YORK I) - Tom and
Dick Smothers said yesterday
they have an offer f r o m the
Canadian CTV network to pro-
duce their show in Toronto next
year if they cannot place it with
an American network.,
Dick said the chances were
"very slim" that they would re-
turn to CBS, w h i c h canceled
their show for next season after
a long dispute over censorship.
CBS's cancellation came af-
ter a long dispute between the
network and the brothers over
censorship of political, sexual,
social, and religious satire on
the program.
Robert D. Wood, CBS Televi-
sion president, said on Friday
the Smothers Brothers had
committed a "breach of c o n-
tract" by failing to submit the
tape of last Sunday's show in
time for previewing by affiliate
stations over a closed circuit.
Wood said t h e scheduled
show, which was not shown, was
in "bad taste" because of a reli-
gious satire.
Tom and Dick said their main

concern was not "whether peo-
ple like the Smothers Brothers
show or think it artistically cre-
"Our concern is that in Amer-
ica it is more than ever neces-
sary that unpopular opinion and
divergent views be shown on tel-
evision," Tom explained. "T h e
network presidents repeatedly
say that the air waves belong to
the people. We believe that."
Tom said he found that many
programs presented sexual hu-
mor with greater candor than
his show. "Unfortunately, we,
were told we opened a lot of
doors and now they want to
close the doors," he said.
In a news conference Sunday,
Tom discussed originating t h e
Smothers Brothers s h o w from
"We could call it The Smoth-
ers Brothers in Exile," he said-
He also announced t h a t he
and Dick have reversed their de-
cision to sue CBS for their ac-
Dick Smothers said the chanc-
es that they would return to

CBS were "very slim." He said
they had not received any of-
fers from ABC or NBC, but that
they were open to any offers.
The disputed show was aired
without cuts on CTV in Canada,
where one critic said a comedy
sermon by David Steinberg
"could hardly be considered of-
fensive by anyone. It was a
brief and tame satire on a bibli-
cal theme."
In the program, shown at the
news conference, Steinberg re-
lates that Jonah had not been
swallowed by a whale, but in-
stead sailed on a ship "com-
mandeered by 23 Gentiles." He
said the Gentiles, "as they are
wont from time to time, threw
the Jew overboard" and he was
swallowed by a giant guppy.
Another segment, w i t h Dan
Rowan of NBCs "Laugh-In,"
satirized Sen. John O. Pastore,
the Rhode Island Democrat who
termed television loaded w it h
"sex and violence" at r e c e n t
Senate hearings. Tom Smothers
and Rowan awarded Pastore the
Flying Fickle Finger of Fate.
- . il

buildup of SS9 nuclear rock-
ets, he added.
Pentagon experts contend t h e
SS9's indicate a Soviet first-strike
capability against which an ABM
defense is needed.
The development of the huge
missiles has been used as an argu-
ment by t h e administration in
seelping senatorial support of the
proposed "safeguard" anti-ballis-
tic missile system-
However, Rogers said yesterday,
he had "difficulty in believing the
Soviet Union would initiate the
first strike" which would m e a n
"destruction of mankind" in a
<nuclear war."
As to whether he had any real-
istic h o p e of starting to bring
GIs home in 1969 from the 540,-
000-man force in Vietnam, Rogers
said "I would certainly hope that
there would be some chance of
mutual withdrawal of troops this
But "we don't anticipate any im-
mediate withdrawal of troops"
without North Vietnamese agree-
ment to do likewise, he said.
Rogers concededherdoes n o t
know, pending further negotia-
tions, whether Hanoi leaders real-
ly are interested in a political set-
tlement. However he suggested
that North Vietnam's continued
attendance at the Paris peace
talks indicates they are. ,
Rogers also announced he would
make his first visit to Vietnam
late in May, spending three or
four days there. The trip will also
take him to Bangkok and Tehran.
At Bangkok there will be a meet-
ing of the Southeast Asia Treaty
Organization, and in Tehran he
will attend a Central Treaty Or-
ganization meeting.

Laird cites
new Soviet
warhea ds
WASHINGTON () -Secretary
of Defense Melvin R. Laird said
yesterday the Soviet Union is test-
ing a triple warhead nose cone
for the big SS9 rocket he con-
siders a threat to U.S. missiles.
Laird has cited Soviet deploy-
ment of the SS9 as justification
for the controversial Safeguard
antimissile system.
Currently the Soviets are esti-
mated to have only about 200
operational SS9s, but intelligence
estimates indicate that there will
be about 500 around 1973 at cur-
rent deployment rates.
Triple warheads for the 500
would give the Soviets 1,500 nu-
clear bombs for possible targeting
against the 1,000 U.S. land-based
Minuteman missiles.
Each Minuteman missile now
has only one warhead, but the
United States plans to equip some
of them with three warheads.
The SS9 has been described by
U.S. officials as big enough and
accurate enough to destroy hard-
nede Minuteman silos.
"One has to look at this capa-
bility that is being developed, and
certainly one would have to as-
sume it is being developed in
order to knock out our Minute-
man missile system," Laird told a
group of foreign journalists visit-
ing the Pentagon.


375 No. MAPLE RD. -7691300

MON. thru FRI.
6:30 & 9:15



These Nazis
aren't for real!
They are Allied agents
who must Wln
World War 11

The University of Michigan
Center for Russian and East European Studies


Department of Economics
present a lecture by


Professor of Economics,
University of Ljubljana (Yugoslavia),
Visiting Professor of Economics,
University of Virginia
TIME: 4:10 p.m. Tuesday, April 8





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