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April 06, 1969 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-04-06

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Page Ten


Sundoy, April 6, 1969

Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, April 6, ~9~9

History approves credit increase

(Continued from Page 1)
Prof. Harvey Brazer, chairman
of the economics department,
says the question has not b e e n
raised at all in his department.
"Besides," says Brazer; "w h y
stop with four courses per term.
Why not have complete freedom
for students and offer even fewer
courses than four per semester?"
Prof. Irving Copi of the phil-
osophy department says he knows
of no movement in his department
to Introduce four hour courses.
Prof. Russell Fraser, chairman
of the English department, says
English 235 and English 123 have
been built up to four credit hours,
but there has been no "wholesale
Prof. Albert Reiss, chairman of
RC, to vote
on course

the sociology department, Prof. E.
L. Hoch of the psychology depart-E
ment, and Prof. William Schorger,
chairman of the anthropology de-
partment also say they have not
heard any movements in their de-
partments to establish four hour
LSA Assistant Dean James
Shaw favors a 3 credit - 4-credit
option on a college wide basis.
"If a student wishes to major
in the field it could be in his best
interest to choose the four credit
option. However, if he is choosing
the course as a cognate or elective
he may wish to choose the three
credit option," Shaw explains.
However, Shaw predicts many
faculty members. would object to
having two types of students in
their class. "Students may be con-
stantly switching their option in

mid-term and other complications'
could easily arise," he says.
Perkins says the history facul-
ty is currently considering in-
creasing all graduate courses to
four credits.
He says the decision to make
grad courses in history four cre-
dits involves more complicated
factors since grad students p a y
tuition on the basis of credit hours
Prof. William Freehling of the
history department says proles-
sors of undergraduate history
courses have the option of peti-
tioning before Friday to keep their
course at three credits.
Freehling expects few professors
to petition, however.I

Harriet Katz, '69, a history ma-
jor, points out, "The proposal has
been introduced at faculty :neet-
ings for years and nothing has
ever been done about it. This year
there was strong student support
and it was approved."
Department chairman ohn
Bowditch says, "Students were
very enthusiastic about the change,
but we were for it from the start.
I doubt if they had much effect."
Dennis Goldford, "74, a political
science major, says that the stu-
dents initiated the plan to grant
four hours credit for all ad-
vanced level courses in his depart-
"The proposal was brought north
by the Undergraduate Political

(Paid Political Advertisement)
Robert Harris has lived in Ann Arbor since 1,959. A pro-
fessor at the University of Michigan Law School, Harris
is a nationally-recognized authority in the field of faair
housing legislation. He is secretary of the Washtenaw
County Legal Aid Society; a legal consultant to the New
Detroit Committee; and has worked with members of the
Michigan Legislature in the drafting of new legislation.
Harris, his wife, Mimi, and their three children live at
1623 Granger.


It is not clear how much in- j Science Association and was pass-
fluence student opinion had en ed as a student resolution last
the history department decision. January," -he explains.

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M 1k LU I 1(1.LI. V U }The Daily Official Bulletin is an I pean Studies and Department of Eco- Dentist, Registered Nurses, Phycholo-
official publication of the Univer- nomics Lecture: Alesander 'Bajt, Profes- gists, Social Work rs, Physical Thera-
frPaesity of Michigan. Notices should be sor of Economics, University of Ljubl- pists, and Medical Technologists. Book-
(Continued from Page 1) sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r m to jana 'Yugoslavia) and Visiting Pro- let describing the projects in areas
Robertson, director of the Resi- r Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before fessor of Economics, University of Vir- of Appalachia avail.
dential College.* 2 p.m. of the day preceding publi- ginia, "Market Socialism and Econo-
Both instructors supoorted the cation and by, 2 p.m. Friday for mic Reform in Yugoslavia": 101 Econo- SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE
establishment of a 3tudent-run Saturday and Sunday. General mics Bldg., 4:10 p.m., Tuesday, April 8. 212 S.A.B., Lower Level
estalismentof stuentrun Notices may be published a maxi-
course, but were opposed to the mum of two times on request; Day Physical Education department f o r Interview at S.P.S. April 8, Camp
modification of present Coi se re- Calendar items appear once only. women: Dance department. An in- Nahelu, Mich. coed, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Student organization notices a r e formal presentation of modern dances Openings for cabin counselors, water-
quirements. not accepted for publication. For will be held in the Dance Studio at front directors, instructors in arts &
A group of students Similarly more information, phone 764-9270. Barbour Gymnasium on Monday, April crafts, gymnastics, and damatics,
opposed to the modification if re- D7 at 8:00 p.m. Most of the work shown
quirements Immediately began cir- SUNDAY, APRIL 6 will be class projects by beginning. ln- EDUCATION DIVISION
termediate, and advanced U-M dance
culatiiig a petition calling fir the students. The presentation will end The following schools will interviewI
repeal of the assembly's decision Day aln rwith the performance of "An Epistle prospective teachers in our office.
and collected enough signatures ,to Mr. Tambo" choregraphed by Miss MONDAY, APRIL 14
Carol Richard. Open to the public Sacramento, Calif.: Spec. Ed., Ment,
to force a referendum on the Chamber Music Recital: Lynne Bar- without charge. Ret., Aurally Hdcp., Vis. Hdcp., Ortho.I
Issue. tholomew, piano; assisted by Marilyn I-Kdcp., Elem.
The referendum, which has been M ca olin;Margret HMooes Dr E BridgeportMich.: Elem, Ment. Ret.,
modified to permit expression of a p.m. Sp. Corr. Jr. Hg.: Engl., SS. High Sch.:
wide range of voter opinions cn Cinema Guild: "The Married Woman"
the issue, may force the assembly directed by Jean-Luc Godard: Archi- Kenneth Ralph .t Rebman .Mathe- TTSDAY, APRIL 15
to ecosier tsacton bu w L ecture Auditorium, 7:00 and 9:05. p.m. matics, Dissertation : "Non-Unimodu- River Rouge, Mich.: Elem., Spec. Ed.3
to reconsider its action, bat will Professiona Theatre Program: Ben lar Network Programming," on Mon- and All Secondary iFelds.
Jonson's "The Alchemist" by the Strat- day, April 7 at 9:00 a.m. in Engineer- Roselle, Ill.: (Lake Park H..): IA,
member. ford National Theatre of Canada: Lydia ing Faculty Lounge, West Engineering Art, Dr. Ed., Engl., HE, Ger., Guid. &
The first ballot in, the ref ell - Mendelssohn Theater, 8:00 p.m. Building, Chairman: R. M. Thrall.iChs.,HibE
dumwil as vter toappov or DegeeRecital: David Altemose, clar- Sister Lora Ann Quinonez, English I .,i Hist.
um will ask voters to approve or Degree Recital l Language and Literature, Dissertation: Flint, Mich. (Atherton Schs)-Elem.:
disapprove in principle: I "The Concept of Man in Representa- Jr. High: SS, Engl, Math., Sci., Spec.
---the setting-up of a student- pm.tive Dystopian Novels," on Monday, Ed.-Type A. H.S.: IA, Engl., Sci., Bus.
run se;dMONDAY, APRIL 7 April 7 at 11:00 a.m. in 1613 Haven Hall, Ed., SS, Math.
AuncourserNDc , And Chairman: J. L. Davis. Midland, Mich: (Bullock Creek Schs.)
the establsCourseofRegistra-
-the establishment of clterna- Semnar and Trainng C Investigating Paul Kent Brandon, Psychology, Dis- - Elem., Type ,A. H.S.: IA, Commerce,;
tive courses to those presently re- tion: Michigan Union Lobby, 8:00 am. satin Th EffectCouftiErro -on Chem Bator ich.:Eem. Jr. High:
quired. Department of Engineering Mechan- for in Rats," on Monday, April 7 at Math, Sr. High: Engl., Journ., HE, IA,
The second ballot will ask stu- ice Seminar: Professor Alien C. Pipkin, 1:00 p.m. in Room 6410 MedicalScience Math., Sci., SS, Sp.
dents to approve one of three Division of Applied Mathematics, Building, Chairman: C. R. Schuster. Atlanta, Ga.: Elem. & All Secondary
n which tudBrown University: 311 West Engineer- Alexander Pollatsek, Psychology, Dis- Fields. E.ffSec. Couns.
waysi wh a s ent-run ing, 4:00 p.m. sertation: "Rehearsal, Interference, and Joliet, Ill. (H.S.) - Lib., Spec. Ed.
course might be implemenmed, with School of Public Health Lecture: Dr. Spacing of Practice in Short Term Me- Geog., Fr., Sp Ther., Engl., HE, Rein,
tlose opposing such a course William Haber, Professor of Economics, mory," on Monday, April 7 at 2:15 Read., Biol., Couns., Auto Mech., Dr.
marking "none of the above." and Dr. Carey McCord, Lecturer in p.m. in Conference Room, Perry Build- Ed., IA, Math,. SS, GPE, Ger., Earth
Industrial Health, University of Mich- ing," Chairman: B. A. Bjork. Sci., Journ., Bus. Ed., Psych.
The methods proposed include: igan, "Labor, Health and Alice Hamil- Alan Ross Hoffer, Mathematics, Dis- ni-pfcUC4lnH ch,(dD
-the formula adopted last week ton": Auditorium, School of Public sertation: "Polarities on the Lenz-Bar- WEDNESDAY, APRIL. 16
by the assembly, calling for an Health, 4:00 p.m. lotti Classification," on Monday, April Berkeley, Cal - Elem.: K-6. Lib.,
a "dry-run" Computer, Information and Control 7 at 4:00 p.m. in Room 4205 Angell Hall, Span./Engl. High School: GPE, SS/
experimental of the Engineering Seminar: Dr . W. M. Chairman; D. G. Higman. Afro Amer. Hist., Engl.ffMex. & Negro
"Communications" seminar, slid Wonham, N.A.S.A., Electronics Re-! Hist., Journ., Math., Bus. Ed.
committing RC to a large scalel search Center, Cambridge, Massachus- ! Dearborn Hts. Mich.: Elem. H.S.:
operation of the course in the fall ettsa,"Decoupling in Multivariable Lin- acenitiie t Sci., Math., IA, Type A-No Eng. or SS.
ear Systems": 1504 East Engineering, r f Wyoming, Mich.: (Godwin Hts.):
of 1970 as an alternative to re- 4:00 p.m. GENERAL DIVISION Elem., Type A, Guid., Lib. Jr. High: Art,
quirements; Population Studies Center and Cen- 3200 S.A.B. Math., Sci., Voc. Mus., Instr. Mus.,
-the establishment in the fail ter for South and Southeast Asian Engl., SS. Sr. High: Math., Set., Engl.,
of hi yaroftheesetinsofStudies: Ashish Bose, Institute of Current Positionl openings received by Bus. Ed., HE, GIPE, SS, German, Span.,
of this year of three sections of Economic Growth, New Delhi, "Ur- general division by mail and phone,dnot EPsych.
the proposed seminar to be olled banization in India": 200 Lane Hall, interviews on campus, call 764-7460 for Racine, Wisc. (The Prairie School) -
by 24 students, half of whom 4:00' p.m. application procedures and further n Elem., Instr. Mus., Art, GPE, Psych.
Women's Research Club Banquet: Dr. formation. Marshal, Mich:: Elem. Lib.. IA, Vocal,
Barbara Newell, Acting Vice-President These positions are expected to be Band/Beg. Strings, Type A, Art, H.S.:
required courses affected; for Student Affairs, "Parallel Problems filled with a month or two, at most* Lib., Sc i.
-the offering of the course in of Women's and Negros' Education": so spring graduates are encouraged to Niagara Falls, N.Y.: All fields.
apply soon if they mneet the require-
the winter of 1970 as an elective Michigan League, 6:45 p.m. et ome in ah d nebow Battle Creek, Mich. (Lakeview S.D.):
the intr o 190 asan lec;lv l imen. Cme n an brwsethrughAll fields.
that could not be chosen in place iidirectories if these current listings do West Bend Wisc.: All fields.
of the required courses. This pr- r l otCes not cover your field, or ocation pre- THURSDAY, APRIL 17
posal also calls for the explicit i e- McPherson Community Health Cent- Armada, iMch.: Elen. K-6, PE. Sec.:
peal of the decision :dready taken The Computing Center announces a er, Howell, Mich.: Social Worker, Ba- Band, Lat./Engl., Fr., Vocal, Govt., HE,
by the assembly.short course in the use of *PIB, the chelors level and exper. preferred, co- Cleveland, Ohio (Cuyahoga County,
All of the proposals call for an Poygraphics computer animation ord social work programs in Livingston Gen. Bus., Math., Engl.
Aloth prpalca. oanpackage, and *FLIKPLT, the hard copy County. S.D.) : All fields.
evaluation of the experimental package that complements *PIB. A YWCA of Bay County, Mich.: Execu- Cleveland, Ohio (Cleveland Hts.): All
course. The last two proposals knowledge of FORTRAN will be pre- tive Director, BA in approp. field, and I fields.
would mae a large -scale opera- sumed. The course will be given on 10 years exper. in community related Richmond, Cal.: All fields.
Tuesday, April 8 from 3 to 5 p.m. in work. FRIDAY, APRIL 18:
tion of the course contingent upon 3080 East Engineering. National Student Marketing Corpor- Manistee, iMch.: Intermed. S.D.
the results of the evaluation. A Polygraphics User's Manual is now ation, N.Y.C.: Junior or Sophomore Spec. Ed., .Sp. Ther., Diag., Read. Cons.
The original proposal world available from the Computing Center, with work exper., and interest in mar- Hartford, Conn.: All fields including
free of charge to sponsored research keting for campus representative, large Guid, Soc. Wk., Psych., Spec. Ed.
commit the RC to the operataon and faculty users. variety of products and services in the Lansing, Mich.: (Waverly Schs.): All$
and evaluation of 'a large-scale Questions may be directed to R. L. youth market. Fields & Space Sci. Specialist.
student-taught option to requie- Phillips, Department of Aerospace En- Appalachian Health, a- project of To arrange appointments contact
ments for one full semeste" before gineering, 764-7200 or 764-4305. Appalachian Regional Commission - Mrs. Staelin at 3200 S.A.B. 764-7459.
decidingroneitscontinuaeio re Centerfr aOpenings in areas of Medical Director- This will be the last week of inter-
deciding on its continuation, Center for Russian and East Euro- I ships, Dental Hygienist, Public Health views at our office.


Councilman Curry was first elected to the City Council in 1965. The
voters returned him to office two years ago. His range of experience on
the Council includes service on the Building Code Advisory Board, the
Housing Commission, the Human Relations Committee, the Elizabeth
Dean Fund Committee, and the Clean-up, Fix-up Committee. A car-
penter, he has been active in union affairs at the local and state level.
He is a member of NAACP and has served as a deacon and teacher in
his church. The Currys, who have raised four children have been Ann
Arbor residents for eighteen years. They live at 110 Felch Street.

Bob Faber is a successful Ann Arbor businessman who is also known for
his exceptionally high participation in important community activities.
He has been chairman of the Citizen's School Committee; founding
member of HELP; founder and board member of Ann Arbor ADA; and
member of the City Planning Commission since 1964. The Fabers, who
live at 2455 Adare, have lived in Ann Arbor since 1954. A veteran of the
Army Air Force in World War 11, Bob attended Lehigh University.

Nicholas Kazarinoff is a life-long resident of Ann Arbor. He graduated
from Ann Arbor High in 1946 and has been a Professor of Mathematics
at the University since 1956, having received his PhD at the University
of Wisconsin in 1954. He is a former chairman of the local A.C.L.U. and
president of the Unitarian Church. Professor Kazarinoff was a winner
of the Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award, 1968. Long an
advocate of fair housing and sound money management, Nick was an
early critic of the $14 million second Ann Arbor High School. He lives
with his wife and six children at 1515 Cambridge.


A resident of Ann Arbor since 1950, Mrs. Caddell has been active in the
League of Women Voters, having served on its executive board, as sec-
retary, and as finance chairman. She hold bachelor's and master's degrees
from the University, and has done graduate study at Oxford, England.
Doris lives with her husband, Robert, and their three children =at 1840






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Henry Stadler will bring to the City Council the experience and training
he has accumulated as a physicist and research engineer. Henry has lived
in the Fifth Ward for more than eight years, and has been active in
school and other civic affairs here. Before coming to Ann Arbor, he was
the organizer of a successful bus system in Massachusetts. A veteran of
World War Ii, he lives with his wife and three teen-age children at 910

the platform


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