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April 06, 1969 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-04-06

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sunday, April 6, 169 THE MICHIGAN DAILY

Page Seven

- - -..-- LIii



For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557
Monday through Friday, 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

Who wants to
keart al that stuff
t_ .home ?
CALL GREENE'S for a Handi-Haimper. Fill it at
your leisure-leave it for summer storage and
get your garments al'l fresh and clean when you
get back next fall,
USE THAT EXTRA ROOM to give people rides,
split the cost of gas and ,pay, for your storage
box that wdy. Storage isn't expensive, just regu-
jar cost of cleaning and $4.95 for storage and
} F
Store it with Greene's!
Have it delivered when
you return next fall
JUST CALL'GREENE'S for one of those fabulous
Hondi-Hampers. Pack all the clothes you won't
wear until fall - Clothes you would ordinarily
pack up, take home, have cleaned, pack up
again and bring back in the fall.

1 BEDROOM, bi-level, May-Aug. Air NEEDED-one or two for a house. Good I
Cond., disp., parking. Good for couple. location; Rent negotiable but cheap.
Near campus, stores. Call 769-1067. U47 Call 761-9368 evenings. U2
EFFICIENCY - Comfortable furnished WANTED-1-2 nice people who like be-
for couple or loner; State/Packard ing outside to share 3 bdrm. Hansel-
area; around $100/month inc. utilities, Gretel house for full sum. A/O 1st
769-6257. 1-28 half: 2 miles from campus. 971-7782
SUMMER RENTALS ~_~_evenings._ U36
2, 3 or 4 man apt. 3 BEDROOM apt. $45/per :person. In-
406 Packard-Parking, dishwasher, air cludes utilities. May-August 25. Near
cond., etc. $30-$40/man.,Stop or Call corner of State & Packard. Call 665-
Mgr., 769-1394. U29 6855. U37
SWIMMING POOL, air cond., 2 bed- .
rooms in mod. 4-man, 1 or 2 girls LOOK, SEE
needed May to Aug. 764-9626. U30 our sublet of sublets! Each room of
MOD. FURNISHED, 2 man, , bdrm. apt, our roomy 5% room 2 bdrm., 4-
Air cond., balcony, May-Aug. 728 S. man is huge in itself, fully carpet-
Main, No. 306 769-4321 U32 ed, air-cond., of course, modern as
an apt, can be. Need dishes? Pots
1-2 GIRLS NEEDED for 3-man summer and pans? East Madison near Pack-
sublet, immediate occupancy. Also ard and that's close! Call 769-1649,
available for fall. 764-2460 or after 5, ask for anyone. UF
769-6753, ask for Phyllis. U42
Call 761-6502 after 5 p.m. U43U
1-2 GIRLS needed to sublet May-Aug.
3-man, 2 bedroom, furnished modern The following tenants of Apartments
apt all Bar 69-447. 4ArborForest Limited have indicated a desire to
Apt._Cll_ arb_ 76-49_._45 sublease their apartments for theE
3 MAN SUBLET May-Aug. Modern, air summer.1
cond., Park Plaza, 1320 S. Univ., No. * 1321 Wilmot, No. 303, 2 bdrm., ex.
12. 761-7657. U44 location for hosp., ask for Nancy,
MODERN 2 bdrm apt.; plsnt. surround., ! 832 Packard, No. 14, 1 bdrm., with
close to campus (Cambridge & Olivia). balcony and sundeck, ask for Mike,
G'ad. only. $41/mo. Call Dan Harrison, 6624867
764-7482. U46 ; Park Plaza, No. 14, good view,<
across from V-Bell, Fred for Mike;
2 MEN NEEDED, modern, on campus, 769-3918
parking, air cond. $35. 662-8307. U9 *!911 Forest, No. 13, near Forest and
--____ - Hill, 761-3663r
SUMMER SUBLET 4 man. Arbor Forest. If ,you are a tenant of Apartments
Air-conditioned. 761-5958. U46 Limited and have not yet contacted
us regarding a sublease, please--do so
MODERN air conditioned apt., 5 min- immediately so we may update our
utes from campus and South U. 761- files.
9023. U48 APARTMENTS LIMITED-663-0511
HUGE, MOD. air-cond., 4-m n apt. 2 THIS AD CHANGES DAILY
min. from Diag. Dining, .lkving and I DNA
study rooms. Call 761-6732. U20 U4C


MAY-AUG.-1-2 men to share close
mod. 2 bdrm., air-cond. 761-9122. U23
2 MEN NEEDED, modern, on campus,
air cond., parking. $35. 662-8307. U24
LOOKING FOR A groovy apt. near the
Arb and hospitals? 2 bedrm., bilevel
in the Chalet. Lg. liv. room, separate
kitchen,' balcony, all the mod. con's.
Stop by 1364 Geddes, Alt. D or call
769-0664. UF
2 BEDROOM 4 man, air-cond., dish-
washer, etc. 1 block to campus or
hospital. 1330 N. Univ., No. 4. 761-
5720. U33
FOUR ROOM, 3 min. from Frieze, 2
man, air cond., off street parking.
Negotiable. 761-9331, U12
QUIET, spacious house, 4 bedrooms.
4-5 men, near campus, hospital and
the Bell. Free parking reasonable. Call
761-0257. U45
SUBLET-Modern 4-man, close to cam-
pus. Name price. 769-4922. U41
Need a Summer Apt.?
Best deals in town
Sublet Service
1217 S. University

2 BDRM., MOD., air-cond. apt. Near
hosp. but within easy walking dist.
of campus. $150 but willing to bar-
gain. 665-7212, U26
HUGE 3-MAN apt. 1 block from cam-
pus, with garage. Call 665-9467. UC
NEEDED: 1 man or 2 for May-Aug. sub-
let. Bi-level, A.C., on campus. $45.
Call 761-5015. U50
Sub lets
Come in and check our listings at:
737 Packard
1-5 pm. 761-8063
SUMMER SUBLET-Two-man efficiency
in house. Great location-price nego-
tiable.-Call 764-7600. UD
3 BDRM. APT. in new bldg. May thru
Aug. Hospital-campus area. 761-7940.
ONE, TWO, or THREE MEN to sublet
May through August. $50 each. Ideal
apt. with carpeting, new furniture,
cooling, new kitchen, many closets,
disposal parking basement laundry,
enngenial open-minded neighbors and
landlord. Call 7694784: 110 Hill, No.
2. U50
SUMMER SIBLET-2 bedroom apt. 2.
ylocks 'from hospitals, fully furn-
ished and air conditioned. Lots of
parking. Call 761-7407. UF
ONE, TWO or THREE MEN to sublet
May through August. $50 each. Ideal
apt with carpeting, many closets,
disposal, parking, basement laundry,
congenial open-minded neighbors and
landlord. Call 769-4784. 110 Hill No. 2
2 GIRLS NEEDED to share large
apartment for summer. Very close to
campus. 665-0003. UF

2 BEDROOM summer sublet. Modern, RADIOS, REPAIRS
furnished, cool, quiet. Minutes to ---
hospitals. 663-3666. U31 VOX, *hollow-body guitar ($425 value
G for $200). 60-volt amp. ($200 value
3 GIRLS FOR May through August $801; or both for $250. Call Mike, 764-
CHEAP. -Call761-2625. 1L 1133. X30
MUSICAL MDSE., FlNDER Stratoeaster elect. guitar with
RADIOS, REPAIRS hard shell case. $175. Rick, 761-2870.
Unavailable instruments, repairs and BIKES
instructions - 209 S. State. 665-8001.
1967 HONDA CB160 w/scrambling pipes.
Good cond. Best offer. Call 761-1335.
STEREO amp; tape deck; speakers; Z8
turntable. Ex. cond. Call 769-0868 -
John or Jim. X46 HONDA 50, step through, cheap. Cal
Jerri, 761-0155. Z
GUITARS: 12-string, Gibson 6-string,
Epiphone classical. Cali 665-9467. X34 '66 HONDA 300. Modified, AU
_ --chroned. 1500 miles. $350. Call 769-
VOX WYMAN BASS, showman top. Cab- 5804. Z7

inet with 3 Lansing D-140-F bass
speakers. 764-7774. X43,
BIG FENDER Bassman-Farfisa mini-
compact. Best offer, must sell. 764-
9746. X37
VOX, hollow-body guitar ($425 value
for $200). 60-volt amp, ($200 value
$80); or both for $250. Call Mike,
764-1133. X30
BIG FENDER Bassman-Farfisa mini-
compact. Best offer, must sell. 764-
9746. X37
VOX, hollow-body guitar ($425 value
for $200). 60-watt amp. ($200 value
$80); or both for $250. Call Mike, 764-
1133. X30
compact. Best offer. Must sell. 764-
9746, X37
NEW MARK II super trak stereo cart
w 2 elliptical needles. 764-2622. X21

3-4 MAN first floor of house 5
roonis, 511 Hill. 665-8188.


1966 YAMAHA 250 YDS-3. Excel, cond.
Price includes insurance and helmets.
$380 or best offer, 764-4994. Z5
CM-91...............4.. $155.72
S-65 ...................170.00
C-100 .................. 178.58
G-110 ... ......... 191.43
CA-160................. 384.29
CA-77 dream ....... 421.43
CB-150 red or white .. '.....428.58
CB-160 black or blue.......434.29
CB-77 red ................55.72
CB-77 black or blue.........618.58
CB-450 4 speed ............. 708.58
Price does not include freight prep-
aration, taxes, or license fees.
All orders must be made by April
30 for delivery by May 31.
All sales are conditional as' to model
and color availability.
000OPackard at Platt
(This ad must accompany ordgr)

GREAT 3 bedroom 5-man apt., tri-level,
air-cond., dishwasher, balcony, 1 blk.
to campus. Call 769-2733. U27
MOD. 4-MAN, close to campus, air
cond., parking, balcony. $45, each,
will negotiate. Call 665-6253 after 5.
SUMMER SUBLET-May-Aug. 2-3 man
apt., 1 bdrm, on campus. Phone:
769-0537, 4:30-7:00 p.m. U7
HOSP.-CAMPUS - Large mod. 3 bdrm.
3-6 man apt. 761-7940 after 5. U35a

VOX,)hollow-body guitar
for $200). 60-watt amp.
$80): or both for $250.
cond. $85. 665-6307.



tone, good



is turn the

Hmper over to Greene's. They clean the lot at
regular cleaning prices, and store it in a refrig-
erated moth-proof vault. When you return in the
fall, call Greene's again, your clothes will be
taken out of the vault, returned to you freshly
pressed on hangers and packed in neat poly-
ethylene bags, ready-for your clothes closet.
Call Normandy 23-23-1 or Stop at
any Greene's Plant for Information

Frank Cormier, White House correspondent for The Associated.
Press and this newspaper, gets President Nixon's attention with a
question during a presidential press conference. Cormier is 'one of
150 Assbciated Press Washington reporters, photographers and oth-
ers who .get the answers to many questions daily for this newspaper.
He has been covering the nation's capital since 1954. He reported
the Washington financial beat four years and there is little he doesn't
know°about the U.S. Treasury, the Securities and Exchange Com-

mission, Budget Bureau and other government departments.
Assigned to the AP's White House- staff since-1962, Cormier
knows Presidents and he knows Washington and the nation. A fam-
ily man himself, with a wife and three children, he also knows many
of the questions you want answered.
The stories by AP men and women who ask the questions for
you every day in Washington, appear in...

516 E. Liberty St.
NO 3-23-1

1213 S. University 1940 W. Stadium
NO 3-3016 NO 2-2543



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