Page Eight
Saturday, April 5, 1969
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SDS 'rap-in' centers around
research, recruiter lock-ini
,:;;=ti=ipate In denisu that concern ther
RESOLVED: That Student Govern-
"iteit Council sponsor a demonstration
agahnst the LS&A Schoolif the f-
L;;""}:"x":"x":}:":" <{a"..; ."... ,c,.ltyu"doe:;..not:.satisfy the d ma d of
...:......... .O ,....,.. :. ..: ... :; .. , ..." ..:: . ,:. ' the students as exp ressed in the refer-
By TOBE LEV1 around the issues of war research
About 35 people attended a at the University and the recent
"rap-in" staged by Students for SDS lock-in of naval recruiters at
a Democratic Society yesterday in the East Engineering Building.
the first floor lounge of the Union. "It is ridiculous to think the
The two hour discussion evolved University would give up the kind
into a debate between SDS and of research done at Willow Run
Radical Caucus members on the without a massive drive by the
proper goals and tactics of radi- students," said Eric Chester, Rad-
cals at the University. ical Caucus member.
Most of the debate centered However, SDS member Diana
Oughton countered saying "War
research at the University is not
an issue concerning just students
because the military effects the
lives of many other people.
"Whether the majority of stu-
dents support the actions of SDS
regarding war research is irre-
levant to the morality and legiti-
macy of our actions, which are
dictated by matters of personal
conscience," she added.
Fleming, Thompson
eulogize Rev.i ng
(Continued from Page 1) "There cannot be integration
not been an equal participant in 1a society which continues to p
our society. "It is not reasonable snit these conditions which affro
to suppose that against such a human sensibilities," said Flemi
background the black man can "Neither, however, can a sense
play his legitimate role in an in- dignity, of pride, of confider
tegrated society," Fleming con- develop.
tinued. "If we are persistent, if
"In a truly integrated society place our common humanity ab
there cannot be first, second, and accidental differences, if we p
third class citizens," Fleming ceed with humility and court
stated. "All must walk in dignity we will find the path that Mar
and pride." Luther King tried to point ou
Fleming said Rev. King devoted concluded Fleming.
himself to exposing the deplorable Thompson compared King t
conditions of the poor in the midst father - teaching, scolding,a
of plenty. comforting his children.
Fleming specifically mentioned "We were like children befo
the problems of housing, unem- said Thompson. "Blind and ign
ployment, the welfare system, eco- ant, we didn't know whatu
nomhic exploitation, crime, and in- ours."
adequately supported schools as "He taught us," ThompsonF
preventing racial progress. e " tah t
The SDS people also disagreed
with Chester and' Bruce Levine,
another Radical Caucus member,
on which University research pro-
jects should be eliminated.
Chester argued "Radicals should
aim at more specific goals and
1 should start first with the elimi-
in nation of classified research."
ont Miss Oughton claimed "War re-!
ng. search does not exclusively entail
of classified research, it also entails
mce behavioral research in the social
sciences and unclassified research
we in many of the physical sciences."
ove Prof. Raymond Tanter, of tl e
ro- political science department, cau-
age, tioned against indiscriminate at-
tin tacks on every Department of De-
fense project currently underway
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN faorm nto
Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before
2 p.m. of the day preceding publi-
cation and by 2 p.m. Friday forI
Saturdy and Sunday.FGeneral
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices a r e
not accepted for publication. For
more information, phone 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Baseball: U-M vs. Detroit: double-
header: Ferry Field, 1:00 p.m.
Degree Recital: Catherine Nicolenko,
viola: School of Music Recital Hall, 2:30
Professional Theatre Program: Ben
Jonson's "The Alchemist" by the Strat-
ford National Theatre of Canada: Ly-
dia Mendelssohn Theater, 2:30 and 8:00
Degree Recital: Nicia Meirelles, piano:
School of Music Recital Hall, 4:30 p.m.
Cinema Guild: "The Married Woman"
directed by Jean-Luc Godard: Architec-
ture Auditorium, 7:00 and 9:05 p.m.
General Notices
Population Studies Center and Center
for South and Southeast Asian Studies:
Ashish Bose, Institute of Economic
Growth, New Delhi, "Urbanization in
India": 200 Lane Hail, 4:00 p.m., Mon-
day, April 7.
gree. in its entirely, abolishes all lang-
uage and distribution requirements and
allow: the option of following a con-
concentration; and WHEREAS: Passage
of only the Bachelor of Science in Gen-
eral Studies while not allowing t h e
option~ of following a concentration.
would delete the most significant as-
pect of the proposal: THEREFORE, BE
IT RESOLVED: That SGC. in light of4
student sentiment, urges the faculty
to pass the proposal for the Bachelor
of Science degree, In its entirely and
that the passage of this degree not
be considered in any way eliminating
the necessity of removing the language
and distribution requirements from the
Bachelor of Arts Degree.
Approved: That the Central Student
Judiciary Manual of Procedure be givenI
a temporary two week approval.
Approved: Amendments to Articles
IV, VI and IX of the Student Govern-r
ment Council Constitution.
'ium by its meeting of April 7. 1969.
John Peter Carey, E ucation, Disserta-
tion. "Influences on Thomas Jeffer-
son's Theory and Practice of Higher Ed-
Scation," on Saturday. April 5 at 10:00
a.m. in the Center for the Study of
Higher Educatio, Chairman: J. S.
Gerald Weiss, Anthropology, Disterta-
tionl 'The Cosmology of the Campa'
Indians of Eastern Peru," on Satur-
day April 5 at 10:00 arm. in 210 An-
gell Hall. Chairman: E. R. Wolf,
Therese Westerdale, Romance L a n g-
uages & Literatures: Romance Linguis-
tics. Dissertation: "The Acoustic Dis-
tinction Features of French Frica-
tives." on Saturday, April 5 at 10:00
a.m. in Room 3050 Frieze Building,
Chairman: Ernst Pulgram.
-Associated Press
Rev. Abernathy speaks in Memphis
Rally in Memphis
honors I
o a at the University.
ond "There is a difference between
war and classified research and
re," DOD research into the behavioral
zor- sciences."
was "There is a way to work in the
system,". he added, citing DOD
ex- Iresearchers who recommend arms
"ch. cuts and disarmament.
He Levine and Chester attacked the
us SDS lock-in at the Engineering
ent Building.
aws Chester said "The issue is how
had ; to get power, not just how to pro-
in test. The lock-in- mystique or
Bla k la
rzuitc . rc tausituO . I.a
He taught us civil disobedience.
taught us to protest. He taught
not to accept a funky deal."
Thompson said the governm
passed laws, but that these la
only affected the few who t
hlhimone-y enough to buy homes
white neighborhoods or travel. He model of two years ano is no longer
o, said that Rev. King pointed out as important as the need to build
diseussion there could be no integrated so- a meaningful movement to gaie
ciety where half/ the people are power.".*
(Continued from Page x) impoverished. Levine added, "I've been to
test scores of the prospective black "You had a vision, you had been' countless fraternities and dorms
applicant," he claimed. to the mountain-top. You had a and theyalread realize the 'ih-
Andy Haims third year law stu- dream of people working together ,a heyaole pralie t.
dent, expressed doubt that Law for all the people," Thompson tary is a tool of imperialism."
School offered a desirable type of called out to King. "The lock-in did not dramatize
education for blacks concerned "After Cicero (Ill.) we realized anything to students they did not
with real change. "I'm in a Law non-violence was not enough," already know," he added.
School training me to work in a continued Thompson. "We could- However, Miss Oughton.coa-
legal system that hurts my peo- n't be together physically but we meHted after the meetin- "We are
ple," he said. were together spiritually. You led mntedaafteedthem eting "Weti
Ted Spearman, also a law stu- us in the last of the non-violent not paralyzed from taking action
9 . ' until people join us, you don't just
dent, agreed with Haims, "L a w marches to show that there are educate people for three years to.
School is producing lawyers to poor people in this land."mth.n.,"
help big corporations, which are "We will carry through your prepare them to do somhin
simply war machines to kill peo- d r e a m," concluded Thompson. One SDS member attacked the
ple. They certainly aren't going to "Power to the people. Black power, Radical Caucus support for aboli-t
teach you how to overthrow the dear Martin, to the black people." tion of the language requirement,
system. Later in the afternoon, the saying the Caucus failed to relate
"Law School is stealing the best Black Student Union held another its support to the plight of power-
black minds and watering them memorial program at Canterbury less people everywhere, including
down," he said. House in memory of Rev. King. the ghettos and third world.
(Continued from Page U
"Let us work so no man be
1denied a job by the evil of dis-
crimination . . . If I fight for
these goals for all my public life,
there is no greater service I can
do for 'my country," he added.
Abernathy, ,undeterred by the
heavy rain that struck during his
talk, announced that the service
was the beginning of the second
chapter in the Poor People's
Campaign, which King began be-
fore his death.
He promised to reassemble a de-
legation of the poor to move into
Washington and pressure Con-
gress for bigger antipoverty pro-
grams, and listed five demands to
be made.
- "Free food stamps for ev-
ery family making less than $3,000
a year."
- "National uniform welfare, so
that welfare recipients in liberal
states, like New York, will not en-
joy a degree of relative comfort
while their fellow recipients in
Mississippi are forced to die from
malnutrition and starvation,"
- "The total elimination of
unemployment . . . even if the fed-
eral government must be turned
to as the last resort."
- "The welfare freeze that is
to become effective in July, 1969,
must be repealed and buried as
dehumanizing and totally un-
realistic legislation."
Vandals struck near the p e r -
ilieter of the crowd before all of
the marchers - who had paraded
Appointed: Carol Hollenshead to the
through downtown Memphis - Policy Board for the Office of Financ-
reached the plaza. The uproar ial Aids.
touched off a moment of near Appointed: Marty McLaughlin to the
Student Relations Committee of
panic. SACUA.
When the first store windows Appointed: Wahly Stromberg, M ry
crashed, police swarmed to the Livingston, Joan Shemel, Marty Me-
interview petitioners for the two va-
scene. The column of marchers, cant Council seati.
six abreast in the middle of Main Approved: That SGC allocate $65 to
Street, momentarily Swerved the Mobilization Committee toward ex-
twrdthe ooe y sideofthed penses for their march in Chicago.
Approved: That SGO allocate $75
street. to the Social Work Student Union.
On the speaker's stand, the Rev. Approved: That SGC allocate expens-
f JmesLawon eaed;frothemiC !es (amount to be determined by the
James Lavson leaped to the mic- Treasurer) to send two people to Wash-
I rophones, brushing aside a singer, ington, D.C. to lobby to prevent cut-
and shouted: ;backs in the Opportunity Awards Pro-
"Stay where you are! Do not Approved: WHEREAS: There are sev-
run! This has nothing to do with eral groups now seeking ex-officio seats
us!" on Council; WHEREAS: There are no
hclear guidelines concerning what bodies
There was a dull boom off to ; should be allotted seats and w h a t
the right of the crowd and a cloud priorities Council should set in this
of bluish vapor roiled up. Police matter; RESOLVED: That Council es-
c e d t sntablish a three-man committee to re-
converged on the scene. port shortly on the question after
"It's nothing but a smoke consulting the organizations involved;
AND FURTHER: That aall applications
bomb," shouted the Rev. Mr. Law- for new ex-officio seats be tabled until
son, as the tightly massed this committee reports.
crowd swayed indecisively- fomen Appointed: Mary Livingston, Darryl
screamed, "Do not run! Let us Gorman and Wally Stromberg to serve
on the Committee on Ex-Officio Seats
sing, We Shall Overcome'!" on Council.
The familiar civil rights anthem Approverd: WHEREAS: The student
body through petitions and a ref eren-
restored calm. dum has overwhelmingly demanded the
The Alabama demonstrations abolition of the language requirement
were part of a series in several and through petitions has also de-
southern states by the SCLC which manded the abolition of distribution
requirements; and WHEREAS: The pro-
King headed for 11 years. posal for the Bachelor of Science De-
t SGC will debate and vote on t lie
following motionston April 10 a t" Mary (i1 icem ent
Markley Hall at 7:30 p.m. Interested
persons are Invited to participate in GENERAL DIVISION
the debate personally, by petition, or ;'320 S.4.B.
by some other means. .
WHEREAS: The voters for the office}federal Service Entrance Examina-
of the LSA Senior Class rPesident have tions will again accept applications on
chosn t hav th offce bolihedApril 9 for test on May 17. Applications
chosen to hae olit onist cendida e. available at Placement Services.
WHEREAS: It is the obligation of an nagement Intern Oral Exanin-
officer to serve his constituency. atins for persons having qualified for
WHEREAS: Without the LSA Pres- Mgmt. Intern position on ,previous
seFSEE examinations will be 1held at
ident, the Senior Board only repre- Placemneices on Te Aprii
sent a inoityof he nivrsiy'sPlacement Services on Tuesday, April
sents a minority of the University's 22, the day before exam period begins.
WHEREAS: The new (to be) Senior You will be notified. individually of
Board has only two mmbers (only En- you qualifications in this regard,
gineering and Education elected mem-
bers this year), not even enough tofilllAn Amnnoncement from L e sm e y Ce-
dent, secretary and treasurer tradi- sion is available in the Career Plan-
tionaly elected by the Senior Board ning Division of Placement Services.
WHEREAS: The President of the E- Summer session from June 32 . Aug. 15,
gineering Senior Class (to be) ran un- offers graduate and undergraduate
opposed, tcurssorinther sedcain,eamntryc-
WHEREAS: The Senior Board does ticu is for further tud in lementary.
not even have a constitution, early childhood, or special education.
WHEREAS: The existence of t he s
Senior Board is not acknowledged SUMRPAEMN=EVC
(written) in any Univrsity of SGC 212 S.A.B.. Lower Level
codes or operating procedures.
WHEREAS: The Senior Board has no Tennessee Valley Authority, Knox-
ville, Tenn., offers summer, openings
delegated University power and at-
'tempts to gain power have been futile for civil, electrical, and mechanical en-
WHEREAS: The Senior Board is pre- gineering students.
WHEREAS: In view of the above, the offers Summer Intern Program f o r
present Senior Board (class of 1969) has holders of bachelors degrees in a r e a
refused to recognize any future Senior related to social welfare, of students in-
Clase Officers of the colleges. terested in this area, also limited open-
WHEREAS: The present Senior Board ings for undergraduates who have tak-
after which decided to abolish its ex-! en the Summer Employment Civii Ser-
istence. vice Exam.
THEREFORE: Be it resolved that tGeneral Electric Company, Chicago
SGC will no longer recognize the Sen- Heights, Ill., opportunities in assemble
for Board or any Senior Class Officers Campbell, Wyant and Cannon Foun-
of the Colleges, and; dry Company, Muskegon. Mich., labor
THEREFORE: Obviously will n o t type work, good hourly pay, starting
hold, sponsor, support, or condone any immediately after exams.
elections in the future for any such City of Flint Police Department, of-
offices. fers Summer Intern Program for Jrs.
MOVE: That SGC set up a subcom- and Srs, over 21.
mittee called the Senior Gift Board Camp Chateaugay, N.Y.: coed, open-
made up of seniors to handle the ings fo trip master and men for coun-
Senior Class funds and select the Sen- selors to teach tennis, soccer and
or Class gift each year, waterfront activities, contact J o h n
Steinberg, 769-0748.
Amendments to the Election Rules Burroughs Corporation, DetroitMic.
Completion of Jualiciary Structure
WHEREAS: ' The LS&A faculty have
to abolish the language requirement,
a clear mandate from their students
WHEREAS: The LS&A faculty have
consistently disregarded the expressed
will of the student body and refused
to recognize that students should par-
offers students majoring in journalism
or advetising, inteesting in entering in-
dustry upon graduating, a s u m m e r
working in advertising-public relations
atmosphere with staffs in Detroit, pre-
fer juniors, will consider sophomores.
": !
At State and Huron Streets
Hoover Rupert, Minister
Bartlett Beavin, Campus Minister
Interim Associate, William B. Lutz
6:00 a.m,-Sunrise Service. Covenant Play-
ers presenting "Transit Gloria." Breakfast
8:30, 10:00, 11:30 a.m.-Easter Worship.
Sermon by Dr. Rupert, "Resurrection-God
7:00 p.m.-Drama and Dialogue with the
Covenant Players Troupe from California.
7:00 a.m.-Communion.
7:30 a.m.-Breakfast.
6:00 p.m.-Wesley Grad Dinner.
7:00 p.m.-Wesley Grad Program. "Program-
ming for Prime Time TV" with Mr. Jack
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
1511 Washtenow Ave.
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 6:30 a.m. - Student-Led Easterj
Sunrise Service, followed by breakfast.
Sunday at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.-Easter Fes-
tival Services, with sermon by the Rev.
Alfred Scheips, "Ressurrection Responsi-
bilities," with Holy Communion in the
9:30 service.
Wednesday at 10:00 p m.-Midweek.Devotion.
330 Maynard
11:00 a.rn.-Festival Service of Holy Com-
munion. "A Rock Celebration of the Roll-
ing ar the Stone." Tomb by the Electric
Efchoton. Music by the Passover Plot.
1001 East Huron
- Minister: Calvin S. Malefyt
10:30 a.m.-Rev. Calvin S. Malefyt-"A New
Life Style."
7:00 p.m.-"Easter and the Passover Plot,"
Rev. Paul Swets.
1432 Woshtenow Ave.
Phone 662-4466
Sunday, April 6-EASTER SUNDAY
Three Services at 9:00, 10:30, and 12 noon.
Guest Preacher: David G. Buttrick of Pitts-
burgh, Pa. Chancel Choir will sing Scar-
latti's "Exultate Deo."
Presbyterian Campus Center located at the
306 N. Division
W. Stadium at Edgewood
Across from Ann Arbor High
John M. Hamilton, Minister
10:00 a.m.-Bible School.
11:00 a.m.-Regular Worship.
6:00 p.m.-Evening Worship.
7:30 p.m.-Bible Studv.
8:00 a.m.-Holv Communion.
9:00 a.m.-Holy Communion and Sermon.
1 1 :00 a.m -Morning Prayer and Sermon.
7:00 p.m.-Evening Prayer.
Transportation furnished for all
NO 2-2756.
1236 Washtenow
Donald Postemo, Minister
10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship. "Three
11:00 a.m.-Coffee
5:00 p.m.-Supper.
6:00 p.m.-Service of Holy Communion.
1679 Broadway (at Baits Drive)
Rev. William S. Baker, pastor 663-2969
Only 3 minute walk from Burslev Hall
10:00 a.m -Forum (discussion aroup)
(unconventional building shared with
Aiden's Episcopal)
But how come
that color TV set
his fraternity just bought
costs $300 less than
it used to?
1679 Broadway
tat Baits Drive-North Campus)
9:00 a.m.-Lighting of the Pascal Candle;
Holy Baptism; Holy Communion.
On the Campus-
Corner State and William Sts.
Terry N. Smith, Minister
Ronald C. Phillips, Assistant
8:15 a.m.-Family Worship Service.
9:15 and 11:00 a.m.-Worship Services, Rev.
Terry N. Smith preaching. Sermon: "The
Big Change."
1 833 Washtenow Ave.
1917 Washtenaw Ave.
Dr Erwin A. Gaede, Minister
Church School and Service at 10:30 a.n.--
Sermon: "Tidings of Invisible Things,"
Rev. J. Edgar Edwards.
Student Religious Liberals at 7:00 p.m.
Hill St at S. Forest Ave.
Donald G. Zill, Pastor
11:30 p.m.-Easter Vigit. First Easter Com-
8:30 a.m.-Easter Breakfast.
9:30 a.m.-Holy Communion.
9:30 a.m.-Seminar "Biblical Study: A New
11:00 a.m.-Holy Communion.
6:00 p.m.-Supper.
7:00 p.m.-Proaram. Speaker: Mr. Vernon
Bowman, "The Christian and the Plight
of the American Indian."
Ten years ago, a typical 21-inch color TV set sold for $700,
Today, you can get a comparable set for under $400. With a
lot of improvements, to boot. Like automatic fine tuning. And
less need for servicing.
What brought the price down so dramatically? Many mil-
lions of doblars of advertising, mainly.
Weren't there a lot of-technological improvements, too? Yes.
But they might have actually added to the price-without the
423 S. Fourth Ave.
Telephone 665-6149
Pastors: H. G Kroehler, A. C. Bizer,
W. C. Wright
9:30 and 10.45 a.m.-Worship Service.
9:30 and 10:45 a.m.-Church School.