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,_Try Daily Classifieds
NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
seconid front page
Saturday, April 5, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three
'news today
by The Associated Press aild College Press Service
CZECHOSLOVAKIAN LEADERS have apparently been forc-
ed to accept the -presence of 45,000 more Soviet troops in their
Though the troop increase was not officially announced, Czech-
oslovak informants said the buildup increasing the number of occu-
pation forces in the country to about 115,000 was one of the "tragic
consequerices" which Czechoslovakian First Secretary Alexander Du-
bcek warned of Thursday after widespread anti-Soviet demonstra-
The demonstrations followed the Czechoslovakian championship
hockey victory over the Russians at the Warsaw pact games which
ended yesteiday.
In giving his warnings against violence, Dubcek assured the peo-,
ple that the liberalization program begun a year ago would not be
dropped. Yesterday, however, the Czechoslovakian parliament de-
clared it would support whatever measures were needed to insure
"unconditional dbservance of the law."
The establishment of press censorship and the strengthening of
the security police, which also occurred Thursday, were evidently
some of the measures.
Student rights demonstration
causes- 40
arrests at
Special To The Daily
KALAMAZOO - About 40 Western Michigan Univer-
sity (WMU) students were arrested early yesterday morning
following demonstrations protesting WMU's decision-making
structure on matters such as housing, the student newspaper,
and student discipline.
The violence came after a statement by WMU President
James Miller in which he declared legal authority over the
student union, where the students planned to hold a "be in"
after closing hours. He ordered studetns to leave the building.
The order was complied with by all except a few students.
These remained behind to move some equipment out of the
building.- - ----
--Act to eliminate conditions that
led to flooded basements in the
lost year.-
(Paid Political Advertisement)
Shows at
HOUSE REPUBLICANS yesterday urged President Nixon to
reconsider his poition on electoral reform and endorse direct
Presidential elections,
Though Nixon has favored a compromise measure saying he was
convinced a direct election measure could not be ratified by the re-
quired 36 states, between eight and ten of the Republicans on the
Judiciary Committee appear ready to endorse a direct elections pro-
posal in opposition to the Nixon position.
With at least 16 of the 20 Democrats on the committee taking a'
similar stand, the Republicans feel that Nixon could enhance his
leadership position if he gets behind the proposal when it is passed
by the committee after the Easter recess.
Nixon, however, has said he will remain out of the debate on the
issue until both the Senate and the House have ratified a measure.!
He says he will support whatever is passed.
* * *r
4 1
EXTRAORDINARY. "It's time to rejoice!"-RAPF, LIFE Magazine
CASTS A SPELL. "In a season of remarkable performances Cliff
Robertson ranks with Joanne Woodward in 'Rachel, Rachel?'."
--LOOK Magazine
s,-u and 8:50
-Time MaRazine
SURGEONS at a Houston hospital accomplished yesterday
total replacement of a human heart with a mechanical device.
The device, which is known as an orthotopic cardiac prosthesis,
was implanted in the chest of Haskell Karp, 47, by a team of phy-
sicians led by Houston's famous Dr. Denton Cooley.
A spokesman said the device, which is about the size of a human
heart, would only be used until a donor could be found for a human
heart transplant for Karp, however.
The artificial heart has four chambers with valves like those of!
a human heart made of plastic and fabric. It is connected to an elec-
trical pump to circulate the blood, however.
* * *'
A PAPER calling for the deployment of the ABM system in
domestic waters instead of on land is being circulated in Congress.
Under the terms of the proposal, ICBM's and other missiles would
be carried on ships stationed in the Great Lakes, Great Salt Lake,1
Chesapeake Bay, and waters along the Alaskan panhandle instead of
current land-based sites as the Nixon plan proposed.
According to the authors of the plan, the system's installations
would be less costly than those of the proposed system and would
also be more difficult for Soviet satillites to pinpoint.
Some Congressmen are reportedly ready to consider the plan,
although the idea has not been formally introduced into debate nor
have the unknown authors of the proposal indicated whether they
have any organized support.
U.N. DIPLOMATS said yesterday that the big four talks on
the Middle East showed considerable agreement.
Both the U.S. proposal from March 24 and a Soviet proposal dat-
ed December 30 apparently propose to end the fighting in the Middle
East with U.N. help by having the Israelis withdraw from territories
captured in the June 1967 war and by having the Arabs recognize
Israeli sovereignty.
While the meetings took place, however, the 11 day lull in fight-
ing across the Suez Canal was broken.
Each side blamed the other for the attack which involved rocket
and tank firing as well as the usual small arms fire.
TOTAL U.S. DEATHS in the Vietnam war have surpassed
the number of U.S. soldiers killed in the Korean war.
According to U.S. Army figures, this country has now lost 33,641
men after eight years of involvement, making the war the longest in!
U.S. history and the third costliest foreign war in terms of lives.
However, the U.S. command in Saigon announced yesterday that
the U-S. hAd averaged less battle deaths since calling the bombing halt
last November first than in the 31 weeks beforehand. The announce-
ment is expected to surprise those who opposed the halt last year.
Battle deaths have increased, however, since the U.S. began last
week a new set of offensives against Viet Cong supply routes. Two
more offensives initiated yesterday increased to about 16,000 the num-
ber of U.S. soldiers combing the South Vietnamese jungles in an ef-
fort to weaken the Viet Cong's recent offensive.
Policeman arrests WMU student
CBS terminates
Smothers Brothers
One of the students said, "We
will make the National Guard and
the state cops look like a bunch of
fools if we leave at 11 p.m."
Arrangements had previously
been made for the demonstration
to move to the Canterbury center,
private property, when the Union
closed. The students who remained
in the building were needed to
move the equipment for the "be
in" to the Canterbury center.
The other students gathered
outside the Union to see whether
the police would arrest those who
remained inside. The police ha d
at first said they would not grant
those students any extra time to
clear out the equipment.
Meanwhile, taunts and rocks
were thrown at the 200 police who
were standing by.
After the last person had left
to building, the students, who.
had massed on the lawn, refused
to leave either that area or the
street they were blocking.
Some students left for the pri-
vate center, but, about 6000 re-
mained in front of the Union and
awaited the appearance of state
troopers who had arrived earlier
in busses and massed at a city
high school. Some time later, be-
fore the arrival of the police, the
students moved to the front lawn
of the president's house where
they stood yelling "We w a n t
Miller" and blocked the street in
front of the house.
About 100 police attempted to
clear the street, but were unable
to do so. After another 100 of the
troopers arrived, however, t h e
police swept the area in a long
line clubbing students and verbal-
ly insulting them as they moved.
Police also attempted to am-
bush some students by lying
down next to a pond, hiding, and
waiting for the students who were
on their way back to their dorm.
The students saw the police be-
fore they could, be grabbed, how-
ever, and escaped arrest.
The studetns who were arrested
spent Thursday night in jail and
were charged with eitherunlaw-
ful assembly or intent to do bodily
harm. Four or five Kalamazoo po-
lice were slightly injured in the
protests, but none were hospital-
All had suffered only bruises'
from rocks and firecrackers. They
were simply treated with first aid.
Miller has promised to take all
disciplinary and legal action pos-
sible against those "responsible"
for the current unrest. Earlier in
the week, following a similar "be
in" at the union, the administra-
tion had similarly vowed to
"maintain order" at the univer-
sity. No student demands have so
far been met.
The students claim the univer-
sity is controlling what they feel
are right rather than privileges.
The administration, h o w e v e r,
views the demonstrations as only
tightening the university's posi-
tion of not granting changes.
Sattl er
Prof. William Sattler, chairman
of the speech department, died
Friday at St. Joseph Mercy Hos-
pital after a month's illness.
Graveside services will be held
at 11 a.m. Monday at Washtenong
Memorial Park, with memorial
services following at 1 p.m. in the
First Congregational Church.
Memorial contributions may be
made to the University depart-
NEW YORK (A)- The Colum-
bia Broadcasting System said yes-
terday it has canceled the Smoth-
ers Brothers Comedy Hour tele-
vision show next season. ending its!
running dispute with the two co-
medians regarding taste and cen-.
Jan. 5 show was apparently Joan
Baez's dedication of a song to her
husband, a draft resister presently
serving a jail term.
In a telegram to Tom Smothers
Friday Wood said the tape of to-
morrow's show had not been re-
ceived in time to be reviewed.
In announcing cancellation 0f '"On the basis of our informa-
the show, one of TV's most pop- ab ts of tht,,
ular, Robert Wood, president of ion aou " pais o aie that rm
CBS-TV, said the Smothers Broth- Wood a "witspesetv ormat o
ers consistently had failed to de- programintpre.''
liver tapes of the program to thenobeacpbl.
I network in time for review by net- Wood said he understood t h e
work executives and local stations. ( program included "at the v e r y
A spokesman for the network least . . . a monologue which in
said the Smothers Brothers Nov. our opinion would be considered
10 show would be rerun tomorrow. to be irreverent and offensive by
Under t h e current contract, he a large segment of our audience
said, the Smothers brothers are and, therefore, unacceptable even
scheduled for t w o additional if this were not the week of the
shows this season. Eisenhower funeral rites and even
if Sunday were not Easter Sun-
The spokesman said tapes of the day." .
two shows would be considered on da
their merits before they are run CBS also released the texts of
The network announcement ad- two earlier telegrams from Wood
ded that it was "abundantly clear" to Tom Smothers, insisting that
that Tom and Dick Smothers were the network was unwilling to "ex-
unwilling to accept the criteria of empt" t h e Smothers program
taste established by the network's "from the program standards and
program practices department. procedures were apply to all oth-
On several occasions parts of er entertainment."
the Smothers brothers show have Tom Smothers t o 1 d reporters
been cut by the network, and a March 2 the show had considered
show scheduled for Jan. 5 was re- leaving CBS, but then decided "to
placed with the tape of an earlier help force a new policy . . . by
show. being on the air rather than off
The objectional material in the the air."
Dr. William Sattler
ment of speech scholarship fund.
Friends may call at the Muehlig
Sattler was a member of the fac-
ulty for 21 years and department
chairman for eight years. He at-
tended Yankton College, S.D., the
University, and Northwestern Uni-
versity, where he received his doc-
toral degree. He also studied at
Columbia University.
Sattler was the author of a
1954 book, Discussion and Confer-
ence, with N. Edd Miller, ,as well
as numerous articles on speech,
language and conference com-
munication which have appeared
in professional speech and busi-
ness journals.
He was born in Tyndall, S.D.
Sattler also taught at Northwest-
ern University, University of. Il-
linois, University of New Hamp-
shire, and the University of Okla-
Sattler was appointed assistant
professor of speech in 1948, and
was promoted to associate in 1951,
and full professor in 1957. He was
appointed acting chairman of the
department in 1959, and chairman
in 1960.
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with William Hutt,
Powys Thomas,
Directed by Jean Gascon
April 5, 6
"Bubbling cauldron
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"A fantastic
theatrical romp!"
Eves. 8:00 P.M.
in cooperation with the
Center for Chinese Studies
375 No.MAPLE RD.-"769.1300
MON. thru FRI.
These Nazis
aren't for real!
They are Allied agents
who must win
World War II
I E .....