Thursday, April 3, 1969
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IM happenings
South Ferry Field parking...
:Ruts and other holes
SOUTH FERRY FIELD is not exactly the ideal place for
football, rugby or softball. With a good sweeping, it could be a
tennis court. As it stands now, it is best suited for football parking,
and on football Saturday's each fall, that's what it, is used for.
Club Sport and Intramural groups feel that allowing cars to
park -on South Ferry Field damages the condition of the fi ld and
creates dangerous ruts. Student groups also complain that there
is little left on the field after the cars leave and that they have to
clean them off before they are suitable for use.
Dave Strack, Athletic Business Manager, feels that the field's
cement-like condition is caused mostly by normal use and that the
cars really effect little damage. Strack feels that the shortage of park-
ing areas near the stadium makes it essential that all available areas
he utilized as a service to the public.
No one would deny that there is a dearth of parking places near
the football stadium. However, only 750 cars can park on Sputh Ferry
Field, and the value of these places diminishes considerably when one
realizes how small a part of the overall picture the Ferry Field area is:
AT LEAST 5,000 cars can park at Ann Arbor High, and another
2,500 can go at the Golf and Outing Club. With the addition of the
paved and dirt parking areas by the Events Building, it would ap-
pear that the need for parking on. South Ferry would be lessened.
When one adds the parking done in front yards and on side
streets near the stadium, it seems reasonable to estimate that at least
10,000 cars can park in the area immediately surrounding the stadium.
The loss of 750, parking placeq would not be, a great one relative
to the total amount of area available.
That the parking harms South Ferry is certain, but the amount
of damage it causes is uncertain. Wines Field is not used for parking,,
and it is usually in bad condition. Perhaps most of the damage does
come, from normal use.
IF DAMAGE caused by cars is really that minimal, one cannot
help but wonder why parking is not allowed on the varsity practice
fields. The varsity fields could hold at least twice as many cars as
South Ferry, and because they are in better condition, they wouldn't
cause so much damage.
Obviously, the Atbletic Department does not want parking on
their practice fields because the fields could be damaged, thus making
them dangerous for athletes. The same problem arises when cars
park on South Ferry Field.
Considering the lack of playing fields near the Central Campus,
750 infrequently used parking places might well be a price worth pay-
ing to get a few blades of grass to grow. This won't solve the problem,
however. It will only begin to get at the roots of it.
Strack is probably right when he contends that the normal
use is mostly responsible for the bedrock surface at South Ferry.
The condition of the field becomes inevitable when one considers
how little effort is made to keep up the field. Strack admits that al-
though he would like to be able to keep the fields in good condition, he
doesn't have the money to do it. With new recreation areas being
planned for North Campus, Strack expects to have a separate ground
crew responsible for Intramural fields. But until some action is taken,:
conditions will only get worse.
DISCONTINUING PARKING on South Ferry Field is only a
first step towards improving it. Strack said he expects that artificial
turf will be put down on Wines Field and perhaps in other areas in
the next ten years, but no definite plan of action has yet been formu-
lated. In the meantime, some action should be taken to improve the
M conditions of the fields, and. ending parking on South Ferry Field is a
definite step in, the right direction.
Trackmen initiate spring rite
Hot rodders blasting down 1-94
in their super-charged Motor City_
racers won't be the o n 1 y ones
kicking up cinders around A n n
Arbor this spring.
The Wolverine trackmen, fresh'
off a third place finish in the Big
Ten indoor meet and an eleventh
place spot in the NCAA's l as t
month, are also expected to kick
up their share of dust as t h e y
move outdoors this weekend for
the opening of the 1969 outdoor
track season.
The Wolverines will open their
fair weather sprint season on the
bluegrass of Kentucky at the Lex-
ington Relays, where they will be
one of 53 team entries from col-
leges, universities and track clubs
throughout the south and the
midwest, including Big T e n in-
door champion Wisconsin and
runnerup Indiana.
In last year's Relays, the Wol-
verines struck gold in the Blue
Ridge hills, setting three varsity
records, ard then going on to cap-
ture second place in the Big Ten
outdoor meet, a point behind Min-
these records, Olympian Ron Kut-
schinski, is back again this year
and is expected to lead the cin-
dermen in their pursuit of a con-
ference championship.
Kutschinski, who finished sec-
ond in the half mile in the NCAA's
and smashed the Michigan varsity
record in the 1000-yard run this
season, is the strongest of a strong
field of middle and long distance
men that also include junior Paul
Armstrong and sophomores Rick
Storrey and Norm Cornwell.
Storrey holds the varsity indoor
record in the mile with a 4:07.8
clocking, and Cornwell, a late dis-
covery, has shown continued im-
provement through the indoor
season, while Armstrong has turn-
est indoor mark was 6' 8", however
he is expected to show improve-
ment in the outdoor season.
Polevaulter -Ron Short was
consistent during the indoor sea-
son, with his high-water m a r k
coming at 15' 6". Shortt is cur-
rently recovering from a leg in-
jury, but "heshould be ready for
the Big Tens (May 16-17)" ac-
cording to Martin. The Wolverines
also have freshman vaulter Larry
Wolf, who competed in t h e
NCAA's, and w il1 be eligible to
compete in the Big Ten meet this
spring under the new freshman-
eligibility rule.
Giulio Catallo is the strongest.
of three sophomore shot-putters
that also includes Dan Dierdoff
and Marty Huff. Catallo's b e s t
mark was a heave of nearly 52
Coach Martin, in summing up
his thinclads' chances for an out-
door conference championship,
said "We're a good, solid team, but
you have to give the edge to Wis-
consin, since they took the indoor
crown. But they're never as tough
outdoors as they are inside, and
we just might slip in."
TRIPLE-JUMPER BOB WEDGE leaps through the air, dis-
playing the form he used in capturing the crown in the Big Ten
Indoor Championships this winter. The Wolverines are hoping
Wedge can duplicate the form, and the results, in the outdoor
season, which opens this weekgnd with the Lekington Relays.
The man who
Gymnasts seek NCAA ho
By JERRY CLARKE champ Don Hatch and all-around-
Although not represented by an ers Bob Dickson and Rich Scorza,
entire gymnastics team, Michigan the Hawkeyes boast a powerful
fields a strong group of individuals contingent, that appears quite
in the NCAA championships which capable of capturing the cham-
begin today at Seattle, Wash. Led pionship. Stiff competition will be
by all-arounders Rick, McCurdy provided by the teams from Cali-
and Sid Jensen, the Wolverines fornia, Southern Illinois, Iowa
hope to stifle the disappointment State, and Penn State.
of not having the rest of the, team Among the top Wolverine con-
tenders for national honors is
Kin kead captain Dave Jacobs. Although the tram-
Gary Kinkead has been se- poline championship is now its
G lary Kiea a s own meet, Jacobs will be in
lected by his teammates to Seattle trying to regain the floor
captain the 1969-70 -Michigan exercise crown he won as a sopho-
swimming team. more. Ham-pered all season by an
A junior from huntington, injured hamstring muscle, Jacobs
dKh be will need to be in top form to beat
saie perrmer for the Wol- defending champion Toby Towson.
verine tankers,.cmeigi ikRihrsadRnRp
butterfly, backstroke, distance Dick Richards and Ron Rap-
freestyle and individual medley per, both Big Ten parallel bars
events. titlists, will try to bring that na-
Last week in the NCAA's, he tional championgship back to Ann
placed second in the 400-yard Arbor. Richards is rated second
I-M, third in the 200-yard in the meet on the basis of his
backstroke, eleventh in the 200- qualifying score, and Rapper is
yard I-M, and swam the back- fifth. Coach Newt Loken feels that
stroke leg of Michigan's fourth both contestants have a chance to
place 400-yard medley relay. win.
On the rings. the Wolverines'
helped set two of ed in some fine times in the half-
heled et xxoofmile this winter.
In addition to these long-legged
couriers, the Wolverines will also
be counting on high-stepping
hurdler Larry Midlam to add to
the team totals this spring. Mid-
n o r lam, who holds three varsity rec-
ords and is the co-owner of four
more, copped the Big Ten indoor
rown in the 70-yard high hurdles
this winter, tying the conference
mark with a 7.6 clocking.
Junior Sol Espie, and two sen-
iors, George Hoey and Leon
Grundstein, will lead Coach Dave
Martin's corps of sprinters down
the track. Hoey, also a gridiron
star running in the 60 yard dash,
and Grundstein in the 300, both
";..churned out fourth place finishes
in the indoor conference champ-
ionship. Sophomore sprinters Lo-
renzo Montgomery and Tom Plagg
are also expected to add zip to the
Wolverines' attack.
Besides this formidable contin-
gent of cinder speedsters in both
the sprint and longer distances,
the Wolverines boast a strong field
of high flying thinclads with prov-
en ability to leap, jump and vault
to the victory column.
Knieks shoot lownBullets;
Montreal, Boston triumph
Paul Armstrong
A potent pair of triple jumpers
Dave ,!aCObS - senior Bob Wedg'e and junior
Warren Bechard -- finished one-
ed by California, the defending two in the Big Ten indoor meet
champs. All-arounders Gary Dia- and are expected to perform well
mond and George Greenfield will in the outdoor season. The Wol-
key the Bears' challenge in the verines have a defending outdoor
meet. Penn State will also be led champion in long-jumping Ira
by its all-around men, Bob Emery Russel, who leaped over 24' this
and Dick Swetman. winter and a solid second man in
By The Associated Press Gerry Cheevers with less than
NEW YORK - Willis Reed four minutes to play.
pumped in a record 43 points and Cheevers and Kennedy tangled
the New York Knickerbockers held twice. Then Boston's John Mc-
off pressing Baltimore 115-108 Kenzie took over and gave Ken-
last night, sweeping their National nedy a sound cuffing before peace
Basketball Association Eastern Di- was restored.
vision semifinal playoff series four All told, referee John Ashley
games to none, whistled a total of 76 minutes in
Reed, hitting 15 of 29 shots. penalties against Toronto and 56
took up the slack left when Walt against Boston. The Leafs drew
Frazier, the Knicks' top scorer and 10 minors, 5 majors and 3 miscon-
floor leader in the playoffs, missed ducts, The Bruins had 10 minors,
most of the first three periods be- 4 majors and 1 misconduct.
cause of foul trouble. Johnny Bucyk and 'Derek San-
Dick Barnett added 22 points ders each had two goals for the
and Dave DeBusschere 18 to the Bruins. The other Boston marks-
balanced New York attack. men were Fred Stanfield a n d
* * * Ken Hodge.
MONTREAL-Tough John Fer- The Bruins jumped in front at
guson nudged a third period power. 1:19 when Esposito connected and
play goal past New York's Ed two minutes later Bucyk cashed
Giacomin and keyed the Montrveal a rebound of an Esposito shot. Es-
Canadiens to a 3-1 victory over posito tallied again at 14:01.
the New York Rangers last night In a wild second period Bucyk,
in the opening game of their Sanderson . and Esposito scored
Stanley Cup playoff. twice to make the count 7-0.
There were just six seconds left * * *
in a penalty to New York's Vic ST. LOUIS - Galle Jacques
Hadfield when Ferguson turned Plante, pressed into emergency
Bobby Rousseau's pass past Gia- service, gave up a quick goal then
comin. settled down as the St. Louis
* * * - 'Ulues ripped the Philadelphia Fly-
BOSTON - Center Phil Espo- ers 5-2 }n the opener of the Na-
sito, who set a National Hockey tional Hockey League West Di-
League record with 126 points this vision playoffs last night.
season, scored four goals and set Plante came in at 10:48 of the
up two others last. night as the first period - with t h e Blues
Boston Bruins routed the Toronto ahead 2-0 after starter Glenn
Maple Leafs 10-0 in the opener of Hall left because of a pulled ham-
the Stanley Cup playoffs. . string muscle in his right leg.
The Bruins turned two Toronto The Blues said. Hall would miss
penalties into early goals and went the second playoff game tonight.
on to blitz the outclassed Leafs in Bill Sutherland took advantage
a brawling melee starting the East of the cold Plante to score a pow-
Division semifinals playoffs, er-play goal at 12:13.
Several brawls broke out, in- -.The Blues had a 2-0 lead with
cluding one between Toronto's less than .six minutes gone on Ab
Forbes Kennedy and Boston goalie McDonald's rebound goal.
,i ,
' ~
t }'
i t
,, ,
present and put on the best pos-
sible performance.'
In the competition for the team
title, Big Ten representative Iowa
must be considered the favorite.
Led by three time conference ring
Cardinals smash
Tigers, 11-3;
Chisox stop cross-town rivals
By The Associated Press
Bob Gibson, tuning up for his
season opening assignment, paced
the St. Louis Cardinals- to an 11-
3 victory yesterday over the world
champion Detroit Tigers.
After Gibson gave up a two-
run homer to Norm Cash in the
first inning, he allowed only one
run and four hits in the next six
TheCardinals bomoed starter
Earl Wilson for three runs in the
first inning and five in the fourth.
Mike Shannon drove in three runs
and Julian Javier two for th e
Sox down Cubs
MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Sammy El-
lis outpitched Bill Hands to giveI
the, White Sox a 2-0 victory over
the Cubs yesterday as rain short-
ened to seven innings the opener
of a four-game spring series be-
tween the Chicago rival clubs.
Sandy Alomar scored both Sax
runs. He led off the third with a
single, reached third base on El-
lis' walk and Luis Aparicio's sacri-
fice, and scored on Carlos Mays'
infield out.
Alomar's leadoff sinse became
a run in the. fifth on Ellis' sacri-
fice and Aparicio's double.
Twins squeeze 14
ORLANDO, Fla. - Catcher
George Mitterwald's bases-loaded
single in the 10th inning hander;,
the Minnesota Twins a 5-4 exhibi-
tion victory over Boston yester- Royals one-hit Phils
day. t
Mitterwald's single, his third of FORT MYERS, Fla. - T h r e el
the game, scored Leo Cardenas Kansas City pitchers combined for
with two out. a one-hitter yesterday , as t h e.
Royals shut out Philadelphia 2-01t
R ucs plunder Mets Cookie Rojas' single to center int
BRADENTON, Fla. - Pittsburgh the first inning off righthanderr
scored four runs in the fifth in- Dave Morehead was the only hit.
ning on four singles, two w i T d Lefty Tom Burgmeivr pitched the
pitchesand a balk and went on to middle three innings and right-
defeat the New York Mets 7-2' hander Dave Wickersham finish-
ed. Only one Phil walked and two!
in an exhibition yesterday. reached first on errors.
Tug McGraw gave up consecu-j
tive singles to Matty Alou, R i c h
Hebner, and Roberto Clemente A's blast Padres
then uncorked two wild pitches
and a balk as Pittsburgh broke MESA, Ariz. - Dick Green's
a 2-2 tie. three-run homer in the fifth in-
only entry is Charlie Froeming.
He is currently suffering from a
sore elbow, but, in the words of
Coach Loken. "will go all out to
be among the finalists." Froem-
ing's perpetual opponent, Don
Hatch of the Hawkeyes, is one of
the favorites in the event, but is
rated only fourth.
All - arounders McCurdy and
Jensen face an uphill battle in
their attempt to win the cham-
pionship. Their most formidable
opponent is Mauno Nissenen ofj
Washington, the host school.
Nissenen replaced injured team-
mate Yoshi Hayasaki as the
team's star, and has admirably
played that role.
McCurdy is ranked seventh and
Jensen tenth on the basis of both
the compulsory and optional rou-
tines performed in the ,Big Ten
meet. Both of Michigan's entries
are tired, but were able to rest for
a couple of days before today's
Iowa's stiffest competition for
the team championship is provid-
The Dascola Barbers
Near Michigan Theatre
Campus-Maple Village
The third maj6r challenger ist
Southern Illinois. Pete Hemmer- 7
ling, a floor exercise and hori-
zontal bar specialist, and StuI
Smith, who competes on the side i
horse and horizontal bar, will leadj
the Salukis in Seattle.
The only other serious contender
is Iowa State, champion of the
Big Eight. In a dual meet this sea-
son, the Cyclones came very close3
to pulling off a major upset by
beating their cross-state rivals,:
The other three teams pose little
threat. Colorado State wxas the
surprise winner in the Western
Athletic Conference, but does not
appear capable ofanother similar
surprise. Denver is in the meet as
an independent, and Memphis
State qualified with a score lower
than that of seven Big Ten teams,
in the conference tournament.
I a29 .......2W mm
t h a t event in sophomore Steve
High-jumping Gary Knicker-
bocker, a senior and two-time con-
ference champion in the high
jump, is another stalwart in the
field events. Knickerbocker's high-
UNIVERSITY (3:30 p.m.)
5 Ohio University
UNIVERSITY (3:30 p.m.)
13 Defiance College
16 Michigan State University
UNIVERSITY (2:00 p.m.)
Home games in capital letters
Representatives for World Campus Afloat, Chap-
man College will be in the Union, International
Center, April 3-7 to distribute information about an
accredited semester of around-the-world travel and
shipboard study. Slides will be shown for all inter-
ested students and faculty.
International Center 5:30 p.m.
For additional information contact World Campus Afloat, Chap-
man College, Orange, Calif. 92666.
Exhibition Baseball
Atlanta 10, Cincinnati 0
Kansas City 2, Philadelphia 0
Pittsburgh 7, New York (N) 2
St. Louis 11, Detroit 3
Chicago (A) 2, Chicago (N) 0 (7 inn.,
Oakland 8,'San Diego 4
San Francisco 9, Cleveland 2 (7 inn.)
Minnesota 5, Boston 4 (10 inn.)
California 6, Seattle 4
Los Angeles 10, Houston 5
New York (A) 2, washington 1 (10
NHL Playoffs
St. Louis 5, Philadelphia 2
Montreal 3, New York 1
Boston 10, Toronto 0
NBA Playoffs
New York 115, Baltimore 108
Los Angeles 103, San Francisco 88
ning lifted the Oakland Athletics
to an 8-4 victory over the San
Diego Padres in exhibition base-
ball action.
The Padres scored four runs in
the first two innings off Jim Nash.
4 p.m
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Christ stayed up late to pray in the Garden of Geth-
semane the evening before that first Good Friday.
This year our student congregation will do the same.
Watch with us and pray. Come for all or any part.
* a Little Club
15*amE Em EERE * aaEEa AEkaE
Holy Communion
Quiet time for meditation
-- - -: