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April 03, 1969 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-04-03

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NEWS PHONE: 764-0552




second front parge

Ugh Multi-Purpose Room
April 5
Festival Theatre of Canada

Thursday, April 3, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three

news to day
by The Associated Press and College Press Service

Welfare groups ask credit rights


GEN. DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER was interred in the crypt Org
of a chapel in his hometown of Abilene, Kansas. Arb
President Nixon, former President Johnson, and other dignitaries a ca
attended the short funeral rites in a chapel near the Eisenhower dep
Library yesterday. ber
Mrs. Mamie Eisenhower was weeping as she left the interrment divi
services, but was composed as she paid a final visit to -the chapel N
three hours after the services. disc
Police estimated over 100,000 people visited the small Kansas by
town to pay last respects to the former president. ofc
CZECHOSLOVAK LEADERS, bowing to a Soviet ultimatum, it c
clamped down on the press and others who oppose Soviet-dictated cre
policy. Sea
The Communist party presidium yesterday ordered censorship divi
of all news media and directed the Interior Ministry to find "perpe- izen
trators of unlawful acts" and punish them. The government ordered M
the army to assist the police in maintaining order.
The directives came in the wake of widespread anti-Soviet out-
bursts following the victory of the Czechoslovak hockey team over Pr
the Russians last week. The offices of the Soviet airline Aeroflot were
sacked as 200,000 Czechs celebrated the victory in Prague.
Following the outbreaks the Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister and i
Defense Minister visited Prague, apparently to deliver a warning to O
Czechoslovak leaders.

Kant to burn your Sears Roebuck credit
his afternoon, George Wiley, executive
actor of the National Welfare Rights
;anization (NWRO) will be in Ann
or to aid local groups in organizing
aampaign to get Sears and other major
artment stores to give credit to mem-
s of welfare rights groups without in-
dual credit checks.
WRO claims "Sears Roebuck & Co.
criminates against welfare, recipients
refusing to allow them the benefits
lthough the Sears management says
onsiders "the extension and amount of
dit a personal matter" and therefore
rs "makes its credit decision on an in-
dual basis," local welfare rights organ-
s doubt their sincerity.
vrs. Kate Emerson, an ADC mother
res ident UPCO

feels the current process "doesn't usually
work out and that welfare recipients ar e
denied credit fairly automatically."
In the past few days, representatives
from four welfare rights organizations in
Washtenaw County have been negotiating
with C. W. Jones, manager of the Sears
store in Ann Arbor.
The groups are trying to convince Jones
to accept the NWRO demands that:
- Sears enter into a formal written
agreement with NWR to assure nondis-
crimination for welfare recipients;
-- The agreement assures each NWRO
member family at least $150 of revolving
- There be no special interest charges
beyond those normally charged on unpaid
- that $8 per month be the maximum
repayment schedule of welfare recipients.
Local organizers say that if the store
accepts the NWRO demands, it will be

following a precedent already set by a
Sears store in Pamona, Calif.
However, Paul Haywood, a welfare
rights organizer, feels that the demands
are flexible. "We don't care what kind of
changes they make as long as the mothers
get credit," he says.
"There are safeguards to our proposal,
explains. Haywood. "A person has to be a
member of a welfare group for three
months before he could get a credit re-
If Sears refuses to grant credit to wel-
fare recipients, NWRO will probably pro-
ceed with an economic boycott of Sears
The local welfare rights groups are seek-
ing support in the community to pressure
Sears to accept their demands.
Haywood says he is "confident we could
have an impact on Sears' sales if we have a
lot of support in the community."

deral court draft law ruling
ises constitutionality, questions

with William Hutt,
Powys Thomas,
Bernard Behrens
Directed by Jean Gascon
Apr. 4, 5, 6 '

"Bubbling cauldron
of bravura!"
"A fantastic
theatrical romp!"

TEN ARMY ENLISTED MEN have asked a U.S. District resG .s
Court to enjoin army authorities from interfering with their
right to protest. From Wire Service Reports
In a petition filed Tuesday in Columbia, S.C., the ten charged Charging'budget cuts were
the Army with violating their rights under the First Amendment. seriously endangering the opera-
They complain the Army has prevented them from holding'discussion tion of his school, Dr. Buell G.
groups on the post and attending, off-post meetings. tionagofrhrsihol.d.sBue G
Four of the men are in the Fort Jackson stockade charged4 with Gallagher has resigned as presi-
breach of peace. They were at a meeting of an organization called dent of the City College of New
"G.I.'s United Against the War in Vietnam." York.
Gallagher, who has been presi-
A BLACK PANTHER PLOT to bomb New York City depart- dent of the system for 16 years,
ment stores today was broken up with the indictment of 21 said in a letter that city and state
militants yesterday. fund shortages totaling $41 mil-
lion would mean that CCNY could
Officials said the group planned to bomb five Manhattan stores, admit no freshman next Septem-
tracks of the Penn Central Railroad in Harlem, and a police station ber,
in the Bronx. He called budget cuts a "stag-
New York police arrested 12 of the -defendants, who pleadedeng blow upon New York City's
gering bo pnNwYr ys
innocent to the charges. Two of those named are already in prison, y o u t h," "unconscionable," and
and police are still seeking seven. "unbelievably stupid."
* * * New York's city colleges have
AN EGYPTIAN SPOKESMAN said yesterday that Egypt does refused to admit any freshman.
not insist on Israeli withdrawal from occupied lands before any until the schools' budgetary situ-
peace talks, ation is clarified by the city and
"Egypt is willing to accept a settlement as a package deal," the the state legislature.
official said yesterday. He did not elaborate on what would be an The 165,000-student City Uni-
acceptable package deal to Egypt. versity is composed of nine senior
The statement came on the eve of Big Four talks on the Arab- colleges, six community colleges,
Israeli dispute at the United Nations. a Graduate Center and two Urban
Skills Centers.
WELFARE PROGRAMS in New York City will be cut back Some 10,000 college students
because of slashes in welfare appropriations by the state legis- converged on the state capitol in
lature. --Albany last month to protest pro-
The city's human resources administrator yesterday said the posed budget cuts for higher edu-
cation in New York. Gov. Nelson
average welfare payment of $226 a month to a familiy of four will Rockefeller has proposed a five
be cut to a flat $208. He said a family of six would have less than per cent across-the-board cut in
$4 a day to spend on food. all state spending.


BOSTON (CPS)--The ruling by
a federal judge here that the Se-
lective Service Act "unconstitu-
tionally discriminates" against
non-religious conscientious ob-
j ectors sets the stage for a review
of the 1967 draft law by the U.S.
Supreme Court.
If the high court upholds Tues-
day's decision by U.S. District
Judge Charles E. Wyzanski, athe-
ists, agnostics, and others-reli-
gious or not--would be entitled
to exemption from the draft if
they oppose war for profound
moral reasons.
Now, objection to war must be
based on "religious training and
belief." The Supreme Court in
1965 offered a broad definition
of that term, the Congress in 1967
altered the law to exclude non-
religious co's.
So the issue now will return to
the high court, if the U.S. Justice
Department decides to appeal. The
prosecutor for this case says he
will recommend an appeal, but the
decision rests with justice officials
in Washington.A spokesman said
Wednesday that a decision will be
withheld until after the case is
The case will come to be known
as the Sisson Decision, after the
defendant, John Heffron Sisson,
Jr., 22, who had been convicted of

refusing induction. Sisson, a
Harvard graduate and former
Peace Corps volunteer, had sought
a CO deferment until he learned
of the narrow religious restriction.
Technically, his conviction was
not overtirned. Judge Wyzanski
merely issued an arrest in judg-
ment, staying the sentence and
allowing for a quicker appeal. Sis-
son could have been fined $10,000
and sentenced to five years in
In his 21-page opinion, the
judge commented: "In short, in
the draft act Congress unconsti-
tutionally discriminated against
atheists, agnostics, and men, like
Sisson, who whether they be reli-
giously motivated or not, are mo-
tivated in their objection to the
draft by profound moral beliefs
which constitute the central con-
victions of their beings."
The decision also opened the
question of "selective" conscien-
tious objection, which would allow
exemption from the Vietnam war
but not other conflicts.
The ruling said that the 1967
draft act violated the provision
of the First Amendment prohibit-
ing laws "respecting an establish-
ment of religion." It called the
Sisson case "a clash between law
and morality" and warned "when
the state, through its laws, seeks


.to override reasonable moral com-
mitments, it makes a dangerously
uncharacteristic choice. The law
grows from the deposits of moral-
"When the law treats a reason-
able, conscientious act as a crime,
it subverts its own power. It in-
vites civil disobedience," the deci-
sion continued.
A similar case is pending now
before the Supreme Court. A Los
Angeles computer engineer W h o
contends the CO provision was ap-
plied improperly to him is waiting
for th7e high court to decide if it
will hear his appeal. A Federal
District Judge in Baltimore'ruled
in December that an atheist who
believes killing is an unendurable
sin can qualify [or a CO exemp-
tion. That ruling was based on the
1965 Seeger case before the Su-
preme Court.
The Seeger decision held that
a person does not have to belong
to an organized church to become
a CO. But the high court avoided
the issue of broadening the ex
emption to include avowed athe-
If the Sisson case is appealed,
the Supreme Court will have to
decide whether non-religious per-
sons can conscientiously oppose
war and be exempted from the
draft because of their convictions.

Eves. 8:00 P.M.
Thurs. & Sat.
2:30 P.M.

Closes Sunday!



"ONE OF THE YEAR'S TEN BEST. Every now and then
a movie comes along that gives one the feeling that
things are going to change:'The Graduate','Bonnie
and Clyde'. This year it may wellh be 'Joanna'. It is
fresh; its spirit is contemporary; its attitudes are
youthfully free of cant or moralizing. It is a joy to
watch. 'Joanna' s right out of today. In its way it is
brave and bold."
-Hollis Alpert, Saturday Review



Sassoon-style adolescent who plays musical beds
with every boy who rubs against her, makes friends
with the world, and generally lives without any of
the conventional moral hang-ups. As the amoral
wide-eyed girl, Genevieve Waite is startling."
-Time Magazine




"'JOANNA' scored with me.
This film about abortion,
violence, racial love
out of wedlock
will be controversial
sol suggest you go see it."
-Liz Smith, Cosmopolitan

-Judith Crist, New York Magazine

' . J

"INGENIOUS. Wit, power,
old-fashioned sentiment
and technical brilliance..
solid performances.

-Hollis Alpert, Saturday Review
COLOR by Detuxe 20. R c. 0!

abreathless young Lolita
who waltzes her way
through an orgy of high
fashion, music,



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