i Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications Morton Sobell: Free but not clear 20 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP BLOCK The Nixon men "A TREE LOOKING at a tree doesn't do anything." So says Walter Hickel, who becomes apopleptic thinking about all. those square miles of timber just standing there, rotting. But then there has already been rather full public airing of the sins of the Alaska governor who is Nixon's interior secretary designate. Less noticed has been the information beginning to trickle down about the past and present doings of other Nixon ap- pointees. John Mitchell, Nixon's law partner and choice for attorney general, was known previously as a municipal; bond expert. Now it turns out that he is an unreconstructed proponent of wire- tapping in non-security cases, the Su= preme Court apparently notwithstanding. Also gracing the justice department will be Richard Kleindienst, best known as a former Goldwater toughie. Melvin Laird, praised by many sources for mod- eration, is delivering shrill cries for more and more preparedness. AVID PACKARD is not only founder and co-owner (stock worth more than $300 million, to be placed in trust-- not sold) of a large defense contracting firm; he also sits on the board of Gen- eral Dynamics, manufacturer of the abor- tive F-111, whose fate Packard as a high defense department official will have to help decide. The President-elect's nomi-, nee for under secretary of agriculture, J. Phil Campbell, Jr., is an ex-Democrat turned Republican in protest over the seating at the 1968 convention of Julian Bond's biracial delegation. His credentials include the strong support of Strom Thurmond. Until just recently there had been complaints that Nixon was giving no in- dication what paths he intended to pur- sue as chief executive. With each new Nixon{ appointment, one only wishes one was able to persist in that complaining. -URBAN LEHNER WHEN NO ONE'S in the guard- post, you can drive up t h e winding road that leads to the federal penitentiary at Lewisburg, Pa., and take a look at the awe- some red-brick colossus t h a t houses some of the most hardened criminals in the country. You can see the watchtowers, equipped with machine guns and spotlights, and think about the horrible crimes that must have been committed by these men to warrant such a fate. Lewisburg ranks with Atlanta and, formerly, Alcatraz as one of the most secure prisons in t h e world. Yesterday, Morton Sobell, who has served over 17 years in all three of these institutions, was ordered released immediately from Lewisburg by the U.S. Court of Appeals in New York. SENTENCED TO 30 years im- prisonment in 1951 for "conspir- Iacy to commit espionage," Sobell will re-enter society a living re- minder of the tragedy that sur- rounded the deaths of Julius and Ethyl Rosenberg in what has been termed the most sensational court case of the twentieth century. Al- though he was never implicated in the atomic bomb spy conspir- acy that sent the Rosenbergs to the electric chair, Sobell was tried as a co-defendant and was given the maximum sentence for h i s crime. Under federal regulations grant- ing up to 10 days a month credit for good behavior, he was due for release on Aug. 24 of this year. However, the Bureau of Prisons had said Sobell could be freed as early as Jan. 10 if the appeals court gave him credit for the time he was in jail prior to sentencing because he could not raise $100,- 000 bail. His release, was based on the court's decision yesterday to credit him with 7 months and 18 days jail time. THOUGH HIS release repre- sents a significant victory for the defense committee that has filed more than a dozen appeals for freedom since 1951, a number of crucial legal and political ques- tions surrounding the trial will re- main unanswered now that he is free. Last November, t h e Supreme Court refused him a hearing to present charges that the govern- ment's case against him was per- meated by fraud. His petition re- questing a new trial charged that the prosecution h a d, by "false testimony and evidence and other deceptive and fraudulent devices" david duboff established in the minds of the jurors that the defendants had stolen the so-called "secret of the atom bomb." Until several years ago, his ap- peals for a retrial and for a par- don had been based on his claim that he was not part of the atomic plot and was unfairly handicapped by being forced to stand trial with the Rosenbergs. However, when a revealing b o o k by Walter and Miriam Schneir, "Invitation to an Inquest," was published in 1965, the entire Rosenberg case began to seem more and more a result of the mass hysteria that sur- rounded the trial. The book, recently re-released w i th an undated last chapter. brings to light new evidence that casts doubt on the guilt of the Rosenbergs themselves. ONE OF THE MOST controver- sial pieces of evidences brought out in Sobell's petition for a re- trial was a sketch of a "cross-sec- tion of the atom bomb" - which David Green6glass, Ethyl Rosen- berg's brother, testified was a copy of a sketch he had passed to the Rosenbergs. The petition was backed up by long affidavits from scientists, who commented on the Greenglass sketch, which was fin- ally unimpounded and released *o the defense after fifteen years. Dr. Henry Linschitz, one of a small group of scientists who ac- tually assembled the bomb used on Nagasaki, described the sketch and Greenglass's testimony as "garbled, ambiguous, and highly incomplete.", Linschitz said "It is not possible in anydtechnologically useful way to condense the results of a two- billion dollar development into a diagram drawn by a high school graduate machinist on a single sheet of paper." That the Greenglass testimony - despite these considerable ques- tions as to its validity - was in- strumental in the Rosenberg's conviction - a n d consequently the conviction of Sobell - is in- disputable. In his opening to the jury, U.S. attorney Irving Saypol said: "We will prove that the Rosenbergs de- vised and put into operation.. , an elaborate scheme which en- abled them to steal through David Greenglass this one weapon which might hold the key to the survival of this nation and means the peace of the world, the atomic bomb." AGAIN, in his summation, Say- pol says. "We know t h a t these conspirators: stole the most im- portant scientific secrets ever known to mankind from this country and delivered them to the Soviet Union." Moreover, Judge Kaufman, who heard the same testimony es the jurors, said in sentencing the Ros- enbergs to death that their "con- duct in putting into the hands of the Russians the A-bomb years be- fore our best scientists predicted Russia would perfect the bomb has already caused, in my opinion, the communist aggression 'n Ko- rea . . ." And yet, though the trial oc- curred during the Korean War and at the height of McCarthyism, the Supreme Court, by refusing to consider Sobell's petition, recog- nized de facto t h e lower court judge's opinion that the degree of importance andaccuracy of the Greenglass testimony was irrele- vant to the case. SOBELL'S PETITION ' a I s o charged that the government knowingly permitted Greenglass After 1 7 years, a man begins -to fade .,. SDS and HUAC: Mutu al paranoia IT IS HARD to tell whose neuroses are more acute these days-HUAC's, for its phobia of the Communist threat raised by SDS's ."increased militance," or SDS's, for the incredible paranoia it has devel- oped about the danger of subversion by reactionary elements both inside and out- side the organization. At this point, in fact, it would be ex- ceedingly difficult to tell which side is expending a greater amount of neurotic energy on useless efforts to maintain its internal security - SDS or the profes- sional anti-Communist witch-hunters. Fior SDS seems to be currently divert- ing much of its attention away from actively formenting revolutiop toward an extremely painful working out of ela- ,borate precautions, governing the minute details of its relations with the capitalist society it is seeking to overthrow. The amount of time and emotional involvement devoted to purely procedural issues at the last National Conference and the fact that no clear-cut ideological program emerged, is probably a fairly ac- curate indication of the extent of the Communist-instigated danger which SDS' poses to American society. BUT PERHAPS HUAC doesn't care whe- ther or not the menace which it is so determinedly combatting is really real. For HUAC has a long and colorful history of thriving on the death-throes of Amer- ica's left-wing movements. And SDS is unquestionable dying. But for HUAC, the illusive nature of the prey does not seem to diminish the thrill value of the chase in the least. HUAC's new chairman Rep. Richard H. Ichord (D.-Mo.) has coupjed the an- nouncement of his crusade against SDS with a request for greater powers to maintain order in his hearings. It would seem that this request for Congressional action provides an excellent opportunity for the less obsessed members of Congress to expedite another ineffectual organiza- tion along its way to oblivion. --ANN MUNSTER 1Letters to the Editor Ilickel ist whose livelihood for years has To the Editor: derived from resource develop- o t orment? T HE NOMINATION of Walter As Chairman of the Conserva- J. Hickel to be Secretary of tion Committee of the Mackinac the Interior strikes at the heart Chapter of the Sierra Club, I have of the new momentum which con- been notified that the Club is servation has achieved in Federal fighti th ation as policy. Steve W ildstrom's column fighting this nomination as ar- pol Jan9)sy.te italm'scl dently as it fought for a Redwood (Daily, Jan. 9 says it all. Hickel National Park. After all, it is the is a lifelong frontier developer same fight! Conservation-minded who has neither an runderstanding citizens would be well advised to of conservation, nor any sense of immediately telegraph Senator urgency regarding it. His state- Henry M. Jackson, chairman of ments on behalf of shrinking our the committee considering Mr. national wildlife refuges, promo- Hickel's qualifications, expressing ting mining and timber harvest opposition to his confirmation. in our national parks, and weak- Your own Senators should know ening water quality standards in- dicate he 3s unfit to be our "Sec- your views too. (Western Union retay ofConsrvaton."offers a special rate for wires to retary of Conservation." members of Congress: 15 words The' most positive comment I mebrofCnes;1wrd for a dollar). Only the voice of have heard about this appoint- the public can overcome the tra- ment is that, perhaps, with sev- dto fatmtccnimto eral years on the job, Mr. Hickel dition of automatic confirmation might learn something about "the by the Senate. New Conservation." The New Con- -Douglas W. Scott, Grad servation is equally committed to School of Natural Resources a quality urban environment as to Chairman, Conservation the preservation of wilderness Committee areas such as Isle Royale. Must Mackinac Chapter, the Cabinet become an education- Sierra Club al device for an anti-conservation- Jan. 14 and Harry Gold - the only other prosecution witness against t h e Rosenbergs - to give perjured testimony. The charge is backed up by considerable evidence, showing that their testimony con- tains none of the details termed the "necessary link in the chain that points to the guilt of t h e Rosenbergs." Not only is there such compel- ling evidence that the Rosenbergs were framed, in which event there would be no case against Sobell, doubt that if there was a conspir- but there is also considerable doubt that if there was a con- spiracy, Sobell was involved in it. The only witness implicating Sobell in the spy ring was his friend Max Elitcher, a convicted perjuror. The extent of Elitcher's testimony concerning Sobell was that he had been approached by Sobell about procuring informa- tion for the Soviet Union, and that one night he had ridden with So- bell to a spot which appeared to be near Rosenberg's home, that Sobell had with him what looked like a film can, and that when Sobell returned after a few min- utes walk he no longer had the can. Such evidence hardly seems suf- ficient proof of a crime meriting a 30-year sentence, with a re- commendation by the trial judge that Sobell not be given parole. DURING THE past 17 years many distinguishedworld figures joined Helen Sobell's plea for her husband's freedom. Among them have been Nobel Laureates Harold Urey and Linus Pauling, Queen Elizabeth, Lord Bertrand Russel, and the Queen-mother of Belgium. Despite the shaky evidence against him and the circum- stances surrounding his trial,:So- bell's release yesterday was in no way based on the merits of the case. The Supreme Court's decis- ion of last November virtually as- certains that nothing will be done to settle the long-standing doubts or correct any injustice that may have been done to him. Sobell is now free, but the stigma placed upon him nearly twenty years ago may never be removed. Reflecting the attitude which the press has taken all along regard- ing the nature of the case, Sobell was referred to by the Associated Press in an article on his rlease as "convicted atom spy Morton Sobell," though he was never di- rectly implicated in the atom bomb conspiracy. SEVERAL WEEKS ago, I learn- ed of another side to this "atom spy." A convicted draft resister serving a four year sentence at Lewisburg described the work that Sobell has done in building up the prison hospital as being of "great humanitarian value." And yet, because of this stigma, because the government was too afraid to exonerate him, history will recognize Sobell not as a great humanitarian, but as one of this country's worst criminals. Of rsr{ir;5 l W . :{.. St4r::?"........ ..A...J .:F1 . Vtf.W.*SVA^..... . '."C . . . ,r., :, .r.:"{.;...{."".",v"s S?.! WALTER SHAPIRO .J%%..W.~.S''^V...,.^J...".......... . ..,.J..V.. ,,.sssV ...,....A.. , . : ti" i" i::'A{r"J'"F tv .ti ?ids{i:iwS,}:i$f vgm More THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY has discovered a new national menace. Robert Welch prefaced the latest edition of American Opinion, the Birch house organ (you should pardon the expres- sion), with a tirade against "the now mushrooming program of so-called sex education in the public schools." Alluding Freud- ianly to some "deeply laid plans" of unidentified subversives, Welch laments that "a preponderant majority of the American people are not yet even aware of the filthy Communist plot." Is he implying that sex was in- vented in Moscow in late 1917? ONE'S INITIAL, and admittedly half-informed, reaction to the re- port that Wilbur Cohen was offer- ed the deanship of the Univer- sity's education school was on the balance negative. Admittedly the appointment of the out-going Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare would help the school solve some of its ser- ious financial problems that force graduate students to rub should-, ers with eighth-graders in the crowded building named after the halls of the crowded building named after the now defunct Un- iversity High School. In fact Cohen set as a condi- tion of his acceptance that t h e Regents make the education school a priority target for a sizeable in- crease in funding. And it is al- most certain that a man with Conen's national reputation would greatly increase non-University contributions to ed school fund- ing. HOWEVER, throughout h i s eight year tenure in Washington, Cohen has given the impression that while he is receptive to new ideas, his basic intellectual orien- +o~in "77n rina~nne~+111." n 1A a need of a ;thorough intellectual and structural revolution, a far better choice for dean would be a man far more free from the cre- los of the past than is Cohen. An even more significant liabil- ity of the Cohen is that he indi- cated that if appointed he has no intention of giving up his ex- tensive off-campus interests, The last thing the education school, now relegated to second class status, needs is a part-time dean. One wishes the University would for once give precedence to education over public relations and withdraw the Cohen offer. ACCORDING TO I. F. Stone, J. William Fulbright and his Sen- ate Foreign Relations Committee have ended their investigation in- to the exacting happenings in the Gulf of Tonkin on Aug. 6, 1964 by merely releasing several rather unilluminating documents provid- ed by the Pentagon. While many war critics have long maintained that the attack in the Gulf of Tonkin was either fab- ricated by our Government or was a massive over-reaction to a rela- tively minor harassment, it in in- deed tragic that the Fulbright Committee has allowed this mat ter to lapse without issuing a re- report. Wayne Morse f and Ernest Gruening, the only members of Congress to vote against the mo- mentous Gulf of Tonkin Resolu- tion, were defeated for re-election this fall. And the timidity shown )y the Fulbright Committee in side-stepping the opportunity for a full and open inquiry into the Tonkin affair shows how deeply they would be missed. The defeats of Morse and Jos- eph Clark of Pennsylvania coup- led with Eugene McCarthy's per- verse resignation leave the doves on the Committee only precarious- carefully With the prognosis for the new Nixon Administration looking bleaker with each new appoint- ment, the lessening militance of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee may deprive us of an, important check against Presi- dential folly. AS THE STRIKE by the Ameri- can Newspaper Guild against the Associated Press goes into its sev- enth day the effects are becoming growingly obvious. As supervisory 1 personnel taking over for striking reporters go to cover news for the culled) first time in 20 years, the results! are occasionally comic as is indi- cated by the following verbatim reprint of A036 as it came over the AP wire late yesterday morn- ing: NEW YORK (A') - The v i c e presidency, says Hubert H. Hum- phrey, is an experience in "ecstacy, pain, r humiliation, and -frustra- tion." The Vice President characteriz- ed the nature of his office in brief, impromptu r3, zip 1 One problem, Bartino said in a letter to McCall's wasthat mart- random juana grows wild in Vietnam and so is readily accessible. He said the Pentagon had initiated an educa- tional program on drug abuse. "No military establishment, where security is always vitally critical, and relying as it does on the team concept, can chance hav- ing one member even momentarily unbalanced through the use of any dangerous drug," Bartino said. b1132aes Jan 14 SPEAKING OF dangerous drugs, over vacation New York's Mayor notes -t - - - /f ~ i !r f . . . John Lindsay sent his anti-crime recommendations to the New York State legislature including a re- quest to sharply raise the maxi mum penalties for mugging and possession of "dangerous drugs." In what charitably should be viewed as the opening of his "I kept the streets of New York safe" re-election campaign Lindsay ask- ed the legislature to raise the maximum penalty for muggers from 7 to 15 years and proposed similar raises in jail terns for the users of "dangerous drugs." A politician's record on civil liberties is widely held to be the most reliable index of his sin- cerity, since there are few in- stances where a public leader can gain appreciable support for up- holding civil liberties. At a time when it is becoming increasingly clear that long prison terms are neither effective as a corrective or a deterrent, it is distressing to see Lindsay going to such lengths to try to win back; the support;} of the frightened Queens middle class. ONE OF THE most distressing commentaries on the state of American civilization has been the almost total absence of any polit- ical satire. Will Rodgers has been dead for over thirty years. That Was the Week that Was (TW3) last just a year one television. Lenny Bruce was hounded off the stage and then into a premature death by the intolerance of middle Amer- ica and their ever-obliging law enforcement officials. That's why it was so refreshing to stumble across some excerpts from Mort Sahl's current night club act reprinted in the Wash- ington Post. And to give you the views of one of America's last sur- viving political satirist here are have his chauffeur do it, and when it happened, Humphrey would cry a lot." And lastly in one of the tersest film reviews on record: "I finaly discovered what was wrong with the movie "The Grad- uate." It's a movie about a Jewish boy with Gentile parents." * * * IN ONE OF the most surprising political turnabouts in recent years the author of Goldwater's famous acceptance speech line. "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice,' is now working with Marcus Raskin at the Insti- tute for Policy Studies in Wash- ington. Karl Hess, the chief Goldwater speechwriter of that bygone cam- paign, is now convinced by the "overwhelming evidence" against American foreign policy and has joined in the eclectic critiques of current American policies with .a co-defendent in the Spock trial. Where four years ago he was a militant anti-Communist of the National Review stripe, today Hess laments the contradiction in a governmental policy which oppose authoritarianism at home, while supporting "the most crushing re- striction of liberty" abroad - the suppression of revolution by mili- tary intervention. One was always amazed by the degree to which conservatives failed to see the way in which a massive military Establishment in the name of anti-Communism un- dermines domestic liberty. In the same way it has always been strange how liberals, often ever so wary of anti-Communist hys- teria, failed to see. the vast po- tential for people-manipulation in some of their most reverred New Deal concepts. That's why it is encouraging too see a man like Hess attempt to use io Q I t 1s 4 -bowl V I I