ANN ARBOR MAYORAL RACE See Page 5 CJ r 4 43U ~Iait*Oj PROCRASTINATING High--4? Low--25 Reasonably clear and mild; no wind, no rain "Vol, LXXIX, No. 151 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, April 3, 1969 Ten Cents Ten Paces -11 - -l- 1 v11 I %416c ,j .. __ Ten Pofes i RC to vote on course option s By BARD MONTGOMERY The decision of the Residential College's Representative Assembly to offer 'entering freshmen a student-run alter-: native to required courses will be reviewed by a college-wide referendum next Wednesday., Yesterday morning, a petition calling for the referendum, which would force the Assembly to reconsider its action, was presented to Associate Dean James Robertson, director of the Residential College. The approval Tuesday of the student-run course to be offered in the fall of 1970 as an alternative to "Logic arid Language" or "F r e s h m a n ;Seminar" has provoked a ma- 'T jor controversy among both. faculty and students at RC. The students obtained more than the minimum of 25 signa- dum. It will ask students to indicate whether or not the Assem- 'bly should reconsider its decision. if TThe referendum can not force the Assembly to overturn the action By The Associated Press taken Tuesday. Los Angeles Mayor Samuel W. Lee Mitgang, '71, who circulated Yorty will face black City Coun- the petition, indicated his support cilman Thomas Bradley in a run for a student-run course. off election next month as a result "I'm disappointed," Mitgang of Tuesday's election. declared, "in the attitude of some Yorty, seeking a third term as i people in this college. They should mayor, trailed Bradley by over i work to change 'Logic' within the Facult By RICK PERLOFF A majority of respondents in a poll of the literary college faculty would support abolition of the present for- eign language requirement, if it were replaced by an admissions require- ment. A majority of respondents also sup- ported the establishment of a sepa- rate degree in the college without the present language and distribution re- quirements. Some 330 faculty members respond- ed to the questionnaire which was for- mulated by the college's executive committee. There are about 1000 fac- ulty members in the college. The results of the questionnaire will be presented to the college faculty at today's special meeting. The faculty is slated 'to consider a proposal for liberalizing the Bachelor of Science degree. "If this degree is acceptpd there is less likelihood that the present lan- back guage requirement in the Bachelor of Arts degree will be altered," said Dean William Hays yesterday. Hay's prediction appears to be born out by the results of the poll. Analysis of the poll appears to show that-if there were both an arts and a general studies degree-professors would be less likely to support liberalization of the present BA language requirement. Hays also said the requirements for admission will probably be the same for all students regardless of which degree program they select. Given the condition that there is no general studies degree, faculty members voted 151 to 117 to replace the present requirement with an ad- missions requirement. Under the condition that an alter- native general studies degree existed. however, the vote was 130 to 122 on the same question. Only a few of the other proposed anguage solutions to the language requirement issue received even near majorities. A series of questions in the poll uncovered little agreement concerning the specific high school language achievement which would be a require- ment of admissions. The most popular of the suggested alternatives-though it did not receive a majority-was the possibility of re- quiring two years of high school for- eign language study for admissions. Two proposals receiving overwhelm- ing majorities called for the creation of an alternative "reading track" to present elementary language sequences, and the institution of a provision al- lowing students to fulfill the require- ment on a pass-fail basis. A proposal giving individual depart- ments the option of requiring at most four semesters of a foreign language for concentration fell about 30 votes short of a majority. -the proposals offering substitution for admission courses for the language requirement fared poorly among the faculty re- spondents. Proposals recommending substitu- tion of cultural studies or course work in other disciplines like mathematics never received more than 80 votes and sometimes as few as 39. The "concrete proposal" receiving the most support was a revised major- ity report of the curriculum commit- tee. The majority report recommended that:P -Four years of passing high school language study be deemed fulfillment of the requirement; Alternative tracks such as a "reading track" be established to sup- plement the present method of teach- ing languages: ---A student be able to take the entire language requirement under the normal conditions of pass-fail option; -A fourth-semester course in a foreign language count toward satis- faction of the humanities distribution requirement. The minority report of the commit- tee received the second greatest amount of support among faculty members. The minority report asks that: -A two-year high school foreign language study be required for ad- mission to the college; -Individual departments be given the option of requiring a language for a major. Ranking third among the faculty was a proposal that the #college re- quire students to take three years of high school foreign language study for entrance to the college. Uider this proposal, a student could also fulfill the requirement by passing an entrance exam one year college equivalent proficiency. i i F SW dean rej ects BSU plans. I 110,000 votes in the four-way race. context of the course rather than .Bradley did not succeed -in draw- circumvent it." ing a majority of the votes cast, Two professors have resigned however, posts they hold in the RC to pro- Suburban areas that helped the test the removal of the two By LORNA CHEROT liberal Bradley, a Democratlike 'course-requirements. libryals ave a polcrasart keIn Tuesday's debate, Prof. Carl Dean Fedele Fauri of the social Yorty, also gave a political start Cohen of the philosophy depart- work school yesterday stood firm a family hallowed in conservative ment asked "to be relieved of all on his refusal to grant students Republican circles, Barry Gold- responsibility for teaching 'Logic'" equal voting power on the school's water, Jr. when the new course could be faculty search committee. As the final votes were counted ted in its place The executive board of the se finalotes we contd Prof. Charles Maurer of the S o c i a 1 Work Students Union yeterday, Bradley and Yorty Germanic department, who is co- (SWSU) met with Fauri for two launched the" May, 27 mayoraltyj ordinator of the RC's language husysedyi nusces runoff race with vitriolic ex- prgra left is sea the as, hours yesterday in an unsuccess- changes. femly.tand s etd h es- dul attempt to change the dean's sembly, and offered his resigna- decision. Bradley, said Yorty, had made' tion from the curriculum commit-'. "a great racist 5appeal" for votes tee to Dean Robertson. The committee-which handles and hatd "violated the spirit" of "Although they believed them- the hiring of new faculty mem- the city charter by waging a par- selves to be working in the best , bers-is presently composed of five tisan campaign to unseat him. interests of the college," said faculty members and no students. The mayor is elected on a non- Robertson, "the supporters of this SWSU members have asked for partisan ballot. 'proposal were seeking a political the right to appoint an additional 4 Goldwater, son of the 1964 victory rather than a dispassion- five student members to the com- presidential nominee. outpolled his ate discussion of its educational mittee. opposition in a special congres- merits." sional primary election in the San "If there is any divisiveness be- But Fauri told the executive Fernando Valley area and is now tween students and faculty on this board that a ten-member board the favorite ,to defeat Democrat' issue," Robertson says, "I'm sure would make the committee awk- John Van De Kamp in a district it will be ameliorated by second ward. Nonetheless, he said he that usually sends Republicans to thoughts." would be amenable to having a #Vongress and the state legislature. "My concern is that it will be- seven member Search Committee. Unofficial returns gave Gold- come a divisive issue among stu- Fauri said that the two student water 38,202 votes and Van De dents," he says, members should be the chairman Kamp 16,900. Assembly member Cheryl Katz- of the Student Search Committee With all but 14 of the 2,888man, '72, who supported the "core" and either his delegate or the. precincts aeporting, the results in See RC, Page 7 delegate of the union president. the mayoral election were Bradley SWSU president Jesse B e r n- with 293,753 votes and Yorty with e ers 1 stein said he was not able to give 83,334 votes. S J en e sFauri an answer at yesterday's In Wisconsin, Democrat David meeting because he feels Fauri's Obey, a 30-year-old real estate ; proposal should be presented be- broker, defeated state Sen. Walter ! Ifore the union for a vote. J. Chilsen in a special election 'ia ld iiw nd But Bernstein added "If t h e Chilsen called "a referendum on union accepts Fauri's 5-2 plan. the Nixon administration." A spokesman for Students for a and if Fauri and the faculty are Republicans unofficially excused Democratic Society and nine stu- willing to accept it. I will use my the loss of the seat formerly held dents accused of blocking a Navy option to appoint a delegate and by Defense Secretary Melvin Laird recruiter last week, yesterday de- also adblack delegate." on the grounds of a taxpayers' manded that the Central Student The union had previously ac- revolt against new state levies Judiciary (CSJ) hold their trial in cepted a resolution that blacks proposed by GOP Gov. Warren p a large meeting room. Knowles. "We won't show up for the trial would be guaranteed one-third of. Sen. Fred R. Harris of Okla- unless the CSJ gets a large enough the number of student seats on' homa, the Democratic national room," explained the spokesman faculty committees which ha v e airman, said the victory demon- who asked to remain unidentified. !student members. strates, "The Democratic party is "This is a political attack on the Fauri told the union represent-r very much alive in Wisconsin and left. We feel as many people as atives yesterday that he was op-t nationally and is looking confi- possible should witness the trial., posed to the idea of equal studentt dentally to the 1970 elections." Marc Wohl, chairman of the representation on the S e a r c h In addition to Obey's victory. CSJ said the body would attempt Committee, because he doubted , Democrats have already won a to reserve the UGLI Multipurpose the students' ability to I u d g e:s seat in the normally Democratic room or the Union Assembly Hall prospective faculty members on as th district of Tennessee, where for the trial. Wohl pointed out professional level.a d Jones turned back a challenge that the CSJ has no budget and He .said he felt the students from a supporter of former Ala- cannot rent a room. could serve a better function if bama Gov. George C. Wallace. de- A preliminary or "show cause" they "evaluated faculty memberst feated presidential third-party hearing is scheduled for n e x t , on their performance in the class-t candidate. Wednesday. room." class boy,.cott for Friday By DAVE CHUDWIN The Black Student Union (BSU) yesterday asked all black University students to boycott classes tomorrow in memory of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "This action has been taken because we feel that setting aside one hour out of a day to commemorate Martin Luther King is insufficient," explains a BSU statement. University officials have cancelled classes from 11 a.m. until noon tomorrow for a memorial tribute to Rev. King in Hill Aud. President Robben Fleming had declined to can- cel classes for the entire dayi aw yers as requested by BSU. d/ "I support their feeling," said Will Smith, assistant to the vice , 1 } kDaily--Anft Sacks Radical Detroit lawyer Ken Cockrel, left, and John Watson, founder of the League of Revolution- ary Black Workers and editor of Wayne State University's "South End," speak on the black M rxist- Leninist revolution last night in the Union Ballroom. (See story, Page 7) ANTICIPATORY ACTION: SGCprepares to protest faculty language deciosion1 By JIM BEATTIE Student Government Council last night moved into final voting position on a motion calling for SGC "to sponsor a demonstration against the literary college." The action, said SGC President Marty McLaughlin will be taken to enable Council to initiate ac- tion by only a majority vote next week in case the literary college faculty vote today on the general studies degree program "does not satisfy the demand of the students as expressed in last month's lang- uage requirement referendum." If the motion had not been in- troduced last night it might have become, necessary to suspend SGC rules next week to eliminate first reading on any sponsoring legisla- tion. "The basic reason for this week's reading," McLaughlin said, "is to avoid the need for a two- thirds majority (needed for sus- pension of the rules), next week, which it is doubtful we can get." McLaughlin assured council that option allowing students to fol- low a concentration with the de-G gree. The proposal called the pos- sibility for concentration "the most significant aspect of the pro- posal." Council was also careful to em- phasize, however, that the BS de- d ree yas nnt on a n bl anfbhlo nh ' president for student affairs. "If they feel that way, they should act in accord with their own con- sciences." BSU plans to hold a separate memorial service for Rev. King, at Canterbury House from noon until 3 p.m. "We specifically directed our demand to black students," said BSU member Ron Harris. "How- ever, any white students who. feel one hour is insufficient to honor Martin Luther King are welcome at our memorial service," Harris said the boycott has been planned for about a week. He said he expects widespread support among black students. "Dr. King gave up his life to attempt to achieve equal rights for all men, whether they were black or white," said Harris. "We feel that, especially black people, should set aside more 1 than an hour for memorial services." Smith said the University did not cancel classes for. the entire day because this would disrupt University activities. "It may seem minor but can- celling classes with just 14 days left would be a big problem to a number of classes and programs," Smith said. "A number of activi- ties would be disrupted." The boycott coincides with a na- tional boycott of classes and war research called for by the Rev. Ralph Abernathy, head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. The request for a memorial day was originally made in January in a meeting between BSU mem- bers and Fleming. BSU President Ron Thompson asked that classes boy17cott By LAURIE HARRIS Two law student groups yester- day called for a boycott of classes tomorrow after Dean Francis A. Allen declined to cancel classes to commemorate the anniversary of the death of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In place of class attendance, the Board of Directors of the Law- yer's Club and the Black Law Stu- dents Alliance (BLSA) have plan- ned a program to "reflect on where we (the blacks) have gone in the 365 days-where we haven't gone-and what we can do," said Ed Fabre, '71L, a- member of the Board of Directors. The program is not an attempt to eulogize Dr,. King, but to "help overcome the liberal myth t h a t we have made progress after the tears were over," he explained. 6riginally, both organizations had asked Allen to suspend class- es, but the deani turned down the request yesterday. "It is neither wise nor equitable of me to im- pose upon all students and faculty of this school a decision to suspend the normal educational program of the Law School," Al- len said. The Board of Directors had ar-; gued that the suspension should be instituted "in view of the significance of the life and death of Dry Martin Luther King and iftefcut' ctoswrest g;C i< 1zu alccep a ue sur-e if the faculty's actions were satis- stitute for the deletion of the factory, however, his motion language requirement in the would be automatically withdrawn Bachelor of Arts program. at the next meeting. Council also urged that "in light Before passage of the proposal, of the student sentiment, the fa- SGC member Mary Livingston culty pass the proposal for t h e amended the resolution to stress I Bachelor of Science Degree in its that the passage of the new BS entirety." should "not be considered in any" The emphasis on keeping the way as eliminating the necessity degree intact grew out of concern of removing the language and dis- I that the faculty might delete the tribution requirements from the - BA degree. "What we're going to do is just keep working on the BA until stu- dents are given the right to decide t what they want, and the BA is _ ;a completely open degree," Joan ip Scheml, a council member com- tnented. Onrnt~l Oen aari hf first SEEK FACULTY ADDITIONS Engin school suffers with old eqt By DAVE CHUDWIN Eighth in a Series The engineering college, like most of the University's other large divisions, faces a host of financial difficulties in the coming year. With the continuing struggle to keep in touch with the rapid developments in he field, as well as the job of mintain- ng the quality of instruction, the school is caught in a financial bind causing rampant shortages and inadequacies. "Our greatest lack is in terms of. equipment,' says Dean Gordon Van Wylen. "We've been inadequately sup- But this reduction has hit the engin- eering college especially hard because of rapid expansion of knowledge and tech- niques in the field. "Because of new ideas and technology." says Associate Dean H. W. Farris, "en- gineering equipment becomes obsolete at the rate computers do. Our equipment in manufacturing and processes is at least 20 years out of date." The problem, says Farris, is especially acute in instructional laboratories. "In research labs, the organization sponsoring "Engineering is changing," says Van Wylen. "W i t h increased population dwindling natural resources, and increas- ing societal problems, we have to do the work of engineering in a different con- text than we used to." To help adjust to this change, the en- gineering college has requested an ad- ditional $187,400 from the State Legisla- ture for increased instruction and re- search into society's problems. But it is virtually certain that the requested in- crease will not be granted. "There are two main areas we want to push into," explains Van Wylen. "First. Counci also heardZ te en s "i ,i ut. 6l eering will be brought together using a reading of a motion by Panther be cancelled to honor Rev. King his profound affect on race rela- systems approach. . White, newly-elected literary col- or Malcolm X or both. tions and peace." A request of $34,000 has been made for lege senior class president, to In a letter sent to Allen, Inaltersn o lethe two additional faculty members for the withdraw SGC recognitiop of both R 'F f 1 BLSA said "many will particular- school's bioengineering program. The the Senior Board and the presi- ieize their refctions and recall Dr. program includes people specializing in dents and vice presidents of the King's stern warning in 1964 that biology, medicine, and engineering. University's schools and colleges -the nation not return to 'business "We already have programs in these which make up the board.-I a as usual.'" areas," says Van Wylen. "It's a question caThe only objection to the motion The letter also said BLSA felt of strengthening them" the highest tribute to King would The second major area for increased teltery colee electionMe WASHINGTON ) - T h r e e be to "symbolically follow his emphasis, says 'Van Wylen, is basic re- Farrel who claimed that some new National Guard officers called to mandate and formally interrupt body should be provided to fulfill activ&e duty in the Air Force dur- LwSho uies,..fra search into new fields - of technology, the duties which the board should n the Pueblo risi remobil ntSchoolbusiness for an There is always new technology coming perform. ized illegally, a federal judge rul- and we have to be at the forefront of it," In reszonse. White amended il h ga ,afdrljdg, "Dr. King worked within t h e