Page Eight' THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, April 2, 1969 ;h .....,...::r;3;::;ra:;;:::::;;°rs,:r;+::;:::;: ;; :, :;:;;:; Approved: That Martin McLauglin iAttitudes of Educators toward Children 128 H. West Eugrg. Bldg. unless other- and Mark Van Der Hout be seated as with Myelodysplasia," on Wednesday, wise specified DAILY OFFICIAL President and Executive Vice President April 2 at 1:00 p.m. in Parkview Medi- APRIL 8, 1969 of Student Government Council, cal Building, Chairman: G. T. Scholl. METCALF & EDDY, INC. Council allocate $25 to Radical Caucus Health Sciences, Dissertation: "Zinc-65 toward expenses of a retreat to be held in Subcellular Fractions of Rat Tissue," at the Arboretum on April 12. on Wednesday, April 2 at 1:30 p.m. in Approved: WHEREAS: The SGC rule Room 3005 School of Public H e a I t h The Daily Official Bulletin is an prohibiting "Individual or mass acts Chairman: G. H. Whipple. official publication of the Univer- that destroy University property orIPeterBuc ucaiBsnes""'-"-A sity of Michigan. Notices should be significnatly interfere with the free er Bruce Buchan, Business Admmn sent in TYPEWRITTEN f o r in to movement of persons or things, on the istration, Dissertation: "An Inquiry into Room 3528 L.S.A. Bldg., before campus, are prohibited" (Regulations the Risk Taking Attitudes of Manag- 2 p.m. of the day preceding pubi- Converning Student Conduct, Page 1, ers,' on Wednesday, April 2 at 3:00 p.n. University Lutheran Chapel - April ¢cation and by 2 p.m. Friday for Demonstrations (1)) possibly may have in Room 316 Business Administration, 2nd - 10:00 p.m. - 1511 Washtenaw - Saturday and Sunday. General been yiolated by the actions of cer- Co-Chairmen: W. W. Gardner and F! Student led devotion, Holy Communion, Notices may be published a maxi- tain students on March 25, 1969. G. Moore. mum of two times on request; Day WHEREAS: The governing faculties Charlotte Thiele Zietlow, Linguistics. 1UM JuarCClub:oPromotionaltAprilo3rd Calendar items appear once only, of several schools and colleges have Dissertation: "The Gothic Text of HO at 7:30 p.m. Wrestling Room of IM Student organization notices a r e pretended to pass rules governing the ; mans: A Decipherment, Edition, and Bldg.. all members are encouraged to not accepted for publication. For non-academic life of students. Translation," on Wednesday, April 2 at attend - spectators are welcome t more information, phone 764-9270. WHEREAS: Any misunderstanding 3:00 p.m. in West Council Room, Rack- n s t . W NS YAR issue of any significance which must be ham Building, Chairman: W. H. Ben- WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 concerning who can legitimately make nett.UM Scottish Country Dance society: rules for students or concerning who Every Tues., 8:00 to 10:30 p.m. W.A.B. can legitimately adjudicate c as e s Michael Ernest Weyler, Mechanical lounge, instruction given, beginners brought under legitimate rules, could, Engineering, Dissertation: "An Inves- welcome. at this time, prove fatal to the peace tigation of t h e Effect of Cavitation , x of this campus. Bubbles on Momentum Loss in Tran- Issues In Urban Education: Charles Meaing and End ofRes iars:mithe THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: sient Pipe Flow," on Wednesday, April Billings, Detroit Federation of Teach- M n ado (S )That SGC hereby reaffirms, and warns 2 at 3:30 p.m. in 333 West Engineering ers. Sponsored by Urban Education reviewed by Prof. John Bailey, Union the University community, that SGC Building, Co-Chairmen: V. L. Streeter Comm. of SEI, Guild House, 802 Mon- Basem'nt cafeteria, Room 1, noon. has recognized and taken to guarantee and P. S. Larsen. roe St., Wed., 8:00 p.m. April 2nd Education Colloquium: Dr. Richard J, students (1) "The right to be governed____ Whalen, Chairman of the Department only by such non-academic rules as Bach Club Meets - Thurs., April 3rd of Special Education and Behavior Mo- can be changed by a democratic con-? l e enta800pS.,GAid dification, Medical Center, University stituency to which those governed be- at : p.m. - 802 Monroe St. - Guild House - come and have fun with po of Kansas, "Effective Teaching of Chil- long." (Bill of Rights No. 12), (2) "The GENERAL DIVISION plse and afe the peoa- dren with Behavioral Disorders": Schor- right to an independent, fair, and im- 3200 S.A.B. ple and jelly donuts after the program ling Aud., University High School, 4:00 partial judiciary with jurisdiction in additional knowledge needed. For Paul M.ittsMmorial Leture:Dr.all non-academic cases . . ." ('Bill of Peace Corps Week: March 31 - April 4. dn4 Paul M. Fitts Memorial Lecture: Dr. Rights No. 16), (3) "The right in all Headquarters in room 3529 S.A.B. third . Donald E. Broadbent, Director, Medical non-academic cases, to be originally floor, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. No appointments Research Council Applied Psychology judged only by a judiciary drawn from, necessary, stop in and discuss the cur Research Unit, Cambridge, England, and responsible to, a democratic con- rent programs and your qualifications "Stress": Aud. A, Haven Hall, 4:00 P.M stituency to which they belong." (Bill for volunteer service. Speakers are Botany Seminar: Dr. David H. Ben- of Rights No. 17. available to groups interested in Peace zing, Oberlin College, "Adaptive Biology Approved: That the following can- Corps, any campus group may call Miss in the Bromeliaceae," 4:15 p.m., Bota- didates be endorsed by SGC for the Webber, 764-7460, to leave their request nical Gardens. ! Ann Arbor City Election of April 7, for spoakers. The P.C. team will contact Department of Mathematics Lecture 1 1969: the organization early next week. Prof. Kenneth B. Leisenring, "A Very Robert Harris, Mayor Easy Derivation of the Elementary For- Robert Faber, II Ward Council seat INTERVIEW VISIT CANCELLATION mulas of Special Relativity": 2018 An- Nicholas Kazarinoff, III Ward Coun- DEFENSE SUPPLY AGENCY has can gell Hall, 41:15 p.m. ell seat DFNESPL GNYhscn Students of the String Department: Doris Caddell, IV Ward Council seat celled its visit April 3 The credentis School of Music Recital Hall, 5:00 p.m. That the following candidates be of those holding appointments will be Degree Joint Recital: Douglas Smith, recommended by SGC: sent to the Agency, please call Miss trumpet, Norman Sunderman, clarinet: H. C. Curry, I Ward Council seat i Warren, 764-7460 if you wish to be ad- School of Music Recital Hall, 7:00 p.m. Henry Stadler, V Ward Council seat. ded to this list or have any questions. Cinema Guild-A Western: Architect- That SGC recommend a Yes vote on -:- tre Aud., 7:00 and 9:05 p.m. the annexation proposals that will ap- PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS University Choir and Symphony Or- pear on the ballot; Placement Interviews held at Gen- chestra: Maynard Klein, conductor: Eva That S C allocate $100 to be used eral Division, call 763-1363 for appoint- Likova, soprano; Katherine Hilgenberg, to prepare the mailing of these endorse- ments, or come to 3200 S.A.B. Please contralto; Waldie Anderson, Evangelist, I ments and recommendations;' make appts. as early in the week as Oscar Hen'ry, tenor, Willis Patterson, That SGC approve the mailing of possible. Christus, Antonio Perez, Pilate; John these endorsements and recommenda- FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1969: Henkel, bass; Robert Clark, organ; in tions to all registered Ann Arbor voters MihgnDprmn^fCvlSr J. S. Bach's "St. John Passion": Hill that are students at the University of ice nsig ich.m and statewideServ Aud., 8:00 p.m. Michigan. degree levels and all majors for bank- Professional Theatre Program: Shake- That SGC allocate $100 to the Harris ing, Blol., Cartography, Computer ar- speare's Hamlet by the Stratford Na- for Mayor Campaign.neas, Insurance, Library, Mgmt. Trng. tional Theatre of Canada: Lydia Men- Accented: The resignations of Coun- Mt delssohn Theatre, 8:00 p.m. cil members Howard Miller and Mark es Mehandising, Personnel .Production Publ. Admin., PubI, Rela- Rasenballm' ! ~t~iunjc, rrnonuigri+ing, +,+:..ta .stics? I t' i r'. Subscribe To THE MICHIGAN DAILY -Daily-Peter Dreyfuss Drug talk Over 100 students sprawled over 1osher's lounge last night for a panel discussion on the physiological and legal aspects of drug use. Dr. John Pollard, reknowned drug expert, Dr. Julian Villar- real of the pharmacology department, Herman Schwartz of the law school and an Ann Arbor drug user led the informal discussion. STUDENT-RUN COURSE: IICapproves option Con 2 requirements ":VJ: :":' S:?tiY "::h :^::'::::: :^:^::11'" " " "j """i" ".".1V:: .iY 1i V: 1Y. "'rti"?:4::.".":i ?:". . ::"Y.."::L"'r.i}i""'r:^::': "'4'"?ti"^'r".^,":ti . .LC'i^} :":h ^.. }...{R..}^.f: .;":y:::.t:SYI.':l: f. :.'." ...................... ....... . " f .,...SS ... i.n..:4':::i t^. " 1. ";}"" " " S"yVS ". f}.' .' ti i. "'.''. ':"," A (Continued from Page 1) opportunity to drop out of 'Logic.' I will not teach it if the students who could contribute most to it are in the proposed communica- tions course." Following a 13-5 vote which amended the motion to establish the course by making it an al- SDS plans to protest ternative to the required courses Maurer said "The decision changes my relationship to the Residentia College. As a result I must resign from the curriculum committee and the assembly." The adopted course-proposal ex- plains "the most important value of & 'liberal arts' college is the academic standard of animated inquiry that is often suppressed by arbitrary requirements." According to Lynn Eden, '71, who co-authored the proposal, "The first s e m e s t e r requirec courses do not offer the studenjt the opportunity to state his owr responsibility." eI e i { 1 f: r t s d 0 v E$ S 1 1i111 i -J1X11 "A non-authoritarian classrooms situation with student - teachers," (Continued from Page 1) said Miss Eden, "is ashealthy op- SDS members agreed they would tion for those freshmen who havet not address CSJ, but would in- this kind of confidence in them-x stead present a list of demands selves." "to the University" at the hearing. In a statement made after the They will request thatthe hearing meeting, Cohen said, "I am un-1 be open so students can be present sure of the merits of student-run to hear these demands. courses, but I am anxious to ex- "We're not going to defend our- periment with them In the RC." selves," Sole explained. "But we'll "The core curriculum is a largera use the hearings as an indictment experiment of greater impor- against the University." tance," Cohen insisted. "Alternat-N SDS members will demand that ing it piecemeal, offering optionss the University end all war re- presently unknown in nature to search, abolish ROTC and bar ,key courses in the curriculum, iss military recruiters from campus. an unfortunate procedure and one, , A representative from the Law- that can only do serious damageI yers' Guild was present at the to the RC." meeting and offered the guild "In my view, the steps takenc services to any SDS member who this evening were all considered, wanted it. ; and I earnestly hope that they The offer was rejected by SDS will be revised." members however-apparently be- Associate Dean James Robert-t cause they wanted the hearings to son, director of the Residentials focus on the political issue and did College observed "The decision-f not want to be acquitted on a making progress in RC is terriblyf technical legal point. important to the vitality of thes SPS members say there is a college."s reasonable possibility that they "I'm not sure," he continued,t will be able to use the CSJ hear- "that the decision reached tonightx ings as a political forum. Prof. succeeded in satisfying an im- Arnold Kaufman of the philosophy portant element of the RC com-, department said there is a pre- munnty-the faculty." cedent at the University of Cali- Michael Modelski, '71, and fornia atLos Angeles, where un- Wayne Harrison, '71 have begun der similar circumstances protes- circulating a petition calling for a, tprs were acquitted, and they referendum in RC which could argued on political points in their force the assembly to reconsider hearings. last night's action. ~.5.g'"Y" . . . . . . . .x. - !R. General Notices SUMMARY OF ACTION TAKEN BY STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING MARCH 27, 1969 Appointed: Mirphee Klein, Bil1 Schroeder and Gayle Rubin to the Of- fice of Religious Affairs Policy Com- mittee. Approved: That SGC establish a temporary committee to study campus security needs; and compile a list of' demands (including improved lighting on all streets and areas in the campus vicinity; a University financed bus service to provide transportation for students living in dormitories on the "hill," Oxford Housing, and housing units along the .Hill and Washtenaw area and' present these demands to the University as soon as the study is com- pleted. Mike Farrell will serve as chairman of this committee. Appointed: Joan Shemel, Howard Mil- ler, Roger Keats and Mike Farrel to a temporary committee to revise SGC Election Rules. Approved: That SGC allocate $100 to Tutorial Project toward expenses of a panel discussion to be held at the Michigan Union. Approved: That SGC urge IHA to work together to establish and escort service to assist women students. Approved: That the following state- ment be adopted: Considerable confu- sion and Ill-will have resulted due to SGC election procedure misunderstand- ings, and discrepancies and omissions. Acknowledgement is made of the re- cent difficulties experienced and seri- ous efforts are being undertaken to alleviate these problems to insue that a similar situation will not re-occur. The issue which must be confronted is neither the method of election, nor the philosophy embraced by vying can- didate, but rather whether or not the students will have a viable and ef- fective government. This is the only faced at the present time. Therefore, it is strongly urged that all students and student organizations support the new executive officers of the Student Government Council, and agree to work together for improve- ment of the University community. Honest r to God s CHILI SGC will debate and vote on the fol- lowing motions on A p r i 1 2, 1969 in Room 3540 at 7:30 p.m. Interested per- sons are invited to participate in the debate personally, by petition, or by some other means. Approval of amendments to the Coun- cil Plan. That Interfraternity Council be re- turned to its ex-officio seat on Council. That Black Student Union, Graduate Assembly, and Bursley Hall be offered ex-officio seats on Student Government Council. DEARBORN CAMPUS: Admissions counseling for Ann Arbor campus stu- dents interested in transferring to the Dearborn campus. Make an appoint- ment in counseling office to meet with Mr. Robert Vokac on April 2 between 9 am, and 4 p.m. MAY FESTIVAL USHERS - A num- ber of ushers are needed for the 1969 May Festival, which will be given in Hill Auditorium on April 24, 25, 26, and 27. Persons who may be interested, call 668-8597 and ask for Mr. Warner. ~octor-al Exanis tions; Purchasing, Writing, Statistisj Social- Work and RecreationN These are the final interview visits for Spring, 1969, Please call 764-7460, Mrs. Wiers for further resources for-your job j hunting, of let us know if your plans are complete. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE 212 S.A.B. LOWER LEVEL Genesee County Drain Commission. Flint, Mich., has position for Civil or Sanitary engineers with two years col- lege completed, for office a n d field work. INTERVIEW APRIL 8, 1969: Camp Nahelu, Mich., coed, 10 a.m- 5 p.m. Positions for cabin counselors, waterfront director, instructors in arts aad crafts, gymnastics and dramatics.! ANNOUNCEMENT OF OPPORTUNI- TIES, not interviews, contact S.P.SI5 : 212 S.A.B. for details: CAMP CHATEAUGAY, N.Y. coed. Op-j enings for Trip Master and male coun- selors to teach tennis, soccer and water. front activities, contact John Steinberg, at 769-0748 for information. GENESSEE COUNTY DRAIN COM-i MISSION, Flint, Mich. has openings for Civil or Sanitary Engineers with 2 years college. Office and field work. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT SERVICE 128 H, Vest Engrg. Bldg. Make interview appointment at Room rs.. So has the 1969 MICHIGANENSIAN Your yearbook still has the names and faces, but sophisticated photo essays have transformed this white elephant into on aesthetic pleosure. Just return this coupon able to the MICHIGAN Building, 420 Maynard after your order is recei NAME_ _ ANN ARBOR ADDRESS Times have changed.,: with $7.00 (check or money order pay- NENSIAN( to the Student Publications . A receipt will be sent within 3 weeks ved. MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: 1 additional charge if you wish the . book mailed anywhere in the world. - -- Edward Charles Hansen, Anthropol- ogy, Dissertation : "Political Dimensions of Social Change in Rural Catalonia (Spain)" on Saturday, March 29 at 10:00 }a.m. in the Anthropology Department offices, Chairman: E. R. Wolf, { David Edward Meyer, Psychology. Dissertation : "Memorial Processes in Classifying Affirmative Universals," on March 29 at 10:00 a.m. in K-215 Lloyd House, West Quad Chairman: J. E. K. Smith. Virginia Marie Petit Education, Dis- sertation: "An Analysis of the Teach- ing Behaviors of PSSC a n d N-PSSC Physics Teachers and Their Effect on Student Cognitive Performance and Student Understanding of the Process of Science," on Wednesday, April 2 at 10:30 a.m. in Room 4209 U.H.S., Chair- man: B. E. Voss Marjorie Catherine Becker, Education, Dissertation: "A Study of the Effect of Interdisciplinary Communication on *s School (e.g. LSA, etc. XI-I X, :{3ii{"'C ...e.. i..::.: I s i r h I GO FORMAL - or University Flower Shop S E f' }} ynl S 41 CORSAGES and CENTERPIECES 668-8096 or 665-6037 'I The .Return of The Well-Dressed Student Carroll Shelby's Original BRAND Los nfeles is the only place to teach. .-if you want to accept the challenges in a city of 40 communities... ,each with its distinct identity, if your inner commitment is to inspire, improve and impart. if you want to teach where the climate does not interfere with outdoor activities. PREPARATION Ole Shel' serves up the mixin's. You put 'em together tame or hot. Either way, you get real ornery Texas Red like you can't find this side of the Big Bend. Makes 12 qis. No. 7 Nickels Arcade Formal clothes by After Six Group of6 GET 1FREE 3 days service Perfect fitting dn4 *&bw# Ckothin9 211 S. 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