CURRICULUM ACTION: STUDENTS' BLAME See editorial page Y 5k A D4atl DRIZZLY High-45 Low-40 Overcast, damp and increasing mildness Vol LXX IX, No. 150 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, April 2, 1969 Ten Cents LSA faculty meeting: A wealth of uncert By RICK PERLOFF ed a restructured BS degree with two op- economics department, says he supports But other professors don't see the issue want to be a well-rounded person you enroll Tikofsky and Daily News Analysis tions: the degree proposal and is especially en- in terms of a compromise. Prof. Albert in the BA degree program," he says. appear to beli No one is ever quite sure what will hap- " Granting of the BS degree with a thusiastic about the departmental BS op- Reiss, chairman of the sociology depart- Barnes says he believes it essential to of the variable pen at a literary college faculty meeting, departmental concentration. Each depart- tion. ment, sees the BA as the only degree which "preserve the integrity" of the BA degree. providing stude Professors generally do not know each ment would set their own degree require- "It would provide an opportunity for a assures a student liberal education. Consequently, he says he will support other tion." other's positions in advance, and the dean ment or faculty-student exchange of views, estab- He says he favors'the restructured BS degree programs such as the BS as long They seemi is also largely in the dark. Issues often " Granting of the BS degree in "gen- lish a curriculum relevant to students, and but only as a vehicle for students interested as they do not infringe on the traditional student's perfo change inthe middle of a debate, and the eral studies," requiring completion of at would give both faculty and students the in specializing or in some new approach BA, which he considers the approach to a took than in th opotnt osatfo cac, eliberal education, have fulfilled. outcome can hinge on even subtle varia- least 60 hours of 300 level or higher courses. opportunity to start from scratch," he to receiving an education. tions in attendance. Students receiving this degree would take adds. "The University has rom for agricul- Professors like Reiss and Barnes believe "What mak Brazer says he feels it makes little dif- "The Uniey adooefraricul that the student who does not study a viable," says T Tomorrow's special heting-at which a maximum of 20 hours i each depart- ference to a student whether he receives turalists, and engineers and we can make foreign language is undercutting his own whether studen the faculty will consider a key proposal ment. a BA or BS degree. He also says he would room for students who want a cheaper education. These faculty members will tain courses in for restructuring the Bachelor of Science Some faculty members seem ready to favor placing both proposed options under degree," he says. 'If a student wants to probably support the restructured BS de- important is hi degree-will likely be no exception. support the committee proposal because the BA degree, cheapen his education it's his problem." gree-but only to preserve the integrity tellectual fronti Few professors will definitely commit they believe it will add flexibility to.the However, he says he recognizes that Reiss likens the restructured BS to a of the BA. "The more themselves, but the proposal of an ad hoc college's present undergraduate curriculum, many faculty members would not support degree froxp a junior college. But Prof. Ronald Tikofsky, chairman of flexibility the general studies committees appears to have Others, however, appear to envision the such action. "It's simply good politics to Prof. Sanuel Barnes, chairman of the the general studies committee, sees the better," he says found considerable support among faculty proposed degree as an acceptable program give a little to get what is fndamentally political science department, supports the issue in a completely different light. "We "There was s members. for students Interested in specialization sound," Brazer says. "If this is what it restructured degree for similar reasons. want the student to have the most flexible fessors' part w The committee-formed by the faculty but not in a liberal education, takes to get a majority vote it's a com- "There should be a distinction between program he wants," he says. "We want him program was in atthe March 3 meeting-has recommend- Prof. Harvey Brazer, chairman of the promise I'm willing to accept." the BS and other degrees," he says. "If you to have complete freedom. Dee F Eight Pages ainty i others on the committee eve that flexibility is one s which is instrumental in nts with a liberal educa- more concerned with the 'mance in the courses they e specific requirements they es the liberal education ikofsky, "is not necessarily ts take a language or cer- nposed upon him. What is s ability to expand his in- ers. alternatives and the more student has to do this, the imilar concern on the pro- hen the independent study itiated," Tikofsky continues. 'ACULTY, Page 6 Yorty to face RC to introduce runoff election By The Associated Press Close races for mayor of Los Angeles and for the Wis- consin congressional seat vacated by Defense Secretary Mel- vin R. Laird emerged late last night as votes were counted in a series of elections around the nation. Mayor Samuel W. Yorty, seeking a third term in the nation's third largest city, and black City Councilman Thomas Bradley headed into a runoff vote next month as they overwhelmed a dozen other serious candidates. Bradley, a 51-year-old attorney, won a majority of tradi- tionally Republican write-in votes and ran evenly with Yorty. student-run option to requirements U.S. judge calls draft law illegal " In Wisconsin, two state legisla- tors were running a see-saw battle for Laird's congressional s e a t. Democratic Assemblyman David Obey held a 1,500 vote lead o v e r Republican State Sen. Walter John Chilsen with about 20 per cent of tha precincts reporting. With 111 of 528 precincts re-I porting, Obey had 15.744 votes toI 14.221 for Chilsen. The 52 per cent advantage for, Obey reversed an initial lead held' By BARD MONTGOMERY The Residential College's Representative Assembly last night modified the college's 3 curriculum to allow for the substitution of an experi- mental student-run seminar for one of the two present RC required courses. The action' drew immediate angry response from two profes- sors. One professor resigned his RC committee posts and another threatened to resign from teach- ing one of the presently required courses when the reform takes offnn An fll 17n Th n-ofaene r BOSTON )-A federal judge by Chilsen, areptin g any tudden and ruled yesterday the 1967 Military Obey had used the support of drastic change in the RC required Selective Service Act violates the Sen. Edward MKennedy and fo "core" curriculum. Constitution by granting to con- Humphrey Pr the fight for the Prof. Charles Maurer' of the scientious objectors exemption on House seat vacated by Secretary Off-duty Detroit policeinten protest against judge Crockett oe Rasdepament,co-o a religious grounds but not granting of Defense Melvin R. Laird. exemptionomtois seatseoobjectors exemption to ggnuine objectors President Nixon appeared in lege's curriculum committee and among atheists or agnostics. television spots for Obey's oppo- the Representative Assembly. net, Chilsen. And Prof. Carl Cohen of the U.S. District Judge Charles E. Another congressional seat was philosophy department will resign Wyzanski suggested the case of at stake in the elections. from teaching RC's "Logic and m was one of 15 candidates running C ro ck ettvesig were affected by last nights Rep motinaof"arrstedfor the California seat vacated by resentative Assembly action. for Sisson pending Ed Reinecke, who became Cali- Cohen said he will teach the Sisson'was,'convicted by a fed- fornia lieutenant governor when By The Associated Prss that the action was born out of inner city church for a meeting. course next year, but will not teach eral jury of refusing induction Robert H. Finch was named secre- Controversy over the handling racist motives. Police said Patrolman Michael it when the experimental option because of his claim the Vietham tary of health, education and wel- h ked Meanwhile, in Detroit, Judge' Czapski was shot to death when is offered in 1970. war was illegal and immoral. fare. The district is in the San Crockett failed yesterday to for- he tried to question some blacks The' establishment of the new Judgeyw Fernando Valley of California. s indened oyesteday as the mally cite Wayne County Prose- who were carrying rifles near the course was approved in principle, 21-page finding that he was not In other elections around the a en ed te st cutor William L. Cahalan for con- church. His partner was wounded, by a unanimous vote of the assem- rulg ning thcai, bt oy nation yesterday: at Senate called for the iJudge tempt of court. Crockett told Ca- The prisoner, arrested at a De- bly - RC's student - faculty deci- on whether Sisson had claims, ibut to:only -t yusry v sgation of Recorders Court Judge halan Sunday he would file the troit church after the Saturday sion-making body - and curricu claim exemption as a conscien-;Democratic Mayor A. J. Cervan- Ger 1 . blackete ate el d tor's attempt to countermand an night exchange of gunfire, was lum committee sitting in joint tious objector. ' tes for another term as he defeat- k sshooting.dorder to release a prisoner. released. Of some 135 arrested at session. "The court . . . concludes that ed Gerald G. Fischer 64,281 to Judge Crockett did not explain the scene, only two were charged Cohen and Maurer supported in granting to the religious con- 41,303. But Joseph L. Badaracco "This is not a resolution to his action yesterday in failing to -one with assault with intent to "the idea of a student-run course" ntlous objector, but not to wo n the presidency of the Board condemn Judge Crockett," main- bring the contempt citation. murdei and another with illegal but, along with other assembly Sisson, a special conscientious ob- of Aldermen, marking the first tained Sn. Robert Rihardson (R-eCahalan said he had not been' posseSoenattgas eectioncis ve co se aobjecaltern to apoinyg jector status, the act, as applied time a Republican captured a city-' Sasiaw. he esonor of the -notified in writing of any con- In the at t n rtics th curea ate rss. to Sisson, violates the provision {'wide race in 18 years. measure. The resolution urges the tep cin was aimed at the resolution to currently required courses. newly established Judicial Tenure tempt action. d dut investigate Crockett's decision. "It's essential to the success of of the First Amendment that Con- ! -Dallas Mayor Erik Johnson, newlyt establisheddut 'invJudicialockttTenui'eon ess shall Ame non la respc- waeasy re- d as Jhisn Commission to take up th early Sunday morning as police "The racist approach of this 'Logic' that it include- the full ggresss l mshanllw rspsn-akseainyoe-lawedarhesCpe-ct-cettwas- ueasilyesiorre-eklected astefobo hisd or uCit-rin- saidsmen" CohdCehn. ing the establishment of religion zens Charter Association won nine brought scores of blacks inf a de ou "Iwould very much resent he or prohibiting the free exercise of 10 endorsed city council seats However, liberal Democrats in questioning following the clash t(Dersid) Sen. CoemangYoun thereof," Judge Wyzanski's opin- A runoff will be held for an 11th the state Senate immediately con- with members of the New Repub- (D-Detroit).heeeRC, Pagehs ion said. seat on April 15. demned the resolution. charging lie of Africa which had rented an "T he lack of tis boyt ynhtebac ug il YF T 4 $ Dean James Robertson Prof. C NO DISRUPTIVE PLANS: SDS to hold 0ri on war res4 By LORNA CHEROT earl Cohen aip-in' earth Students for a Democratic Society last night abandoned plans to disrupt University laboratories involved in war research on Friday, the anniversary 'of the death of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. They voted instead to hold a rap-in on war research:- either in Angell Hall, in the Union or on the Diag-in an at- tempt to gain greater student support. The rap-in will be held immediately after the Black Students Union's 11 a.m. memorial. ' - _ I w _._ 18 PER CENT 'U'supports fire,. police budget !1 ;{ t kt ' r i be undeittood in the black com- munity," he said.I Meanwhile, Rep. E. D. O'Brien (D-Detroit) offered a resolution calling on Gov. William Milliken; to remove Crockett from office. That measure, referred to House! committee for study, cited Croc- kett's alleged "acts of judicial in- IHA examines dorm security for students. By BARBARA WEISS gage storage in the dormitories wa. a]sn discuvssed_ IHA president By BOB FUSFELD Daily News Analysis When Ann Arbor policemen and firemen get the-ir pay checks, 18 per cent of the money comes from the University. The University is not re- quired by law to contribute this sum-but since the late 40's, it has annually paid the city for use of its police and fire depart- ment facilities. It is, in effect, a "voluntary" contribution - currently adds up to $539,698 per year. The contribution, w h i c h Since the city is expected to move from a property tax to an income tax in the next few years however, both Brinkerhoff and City Administrator Guy Larcom predict that the nature of the University-city financial rela- tionship will have to be re- examined as soon the income tax is instituted. The city currently receives about $319,300 yearly for the operation of the police depart- ment. $35,079 of this figure rep- resents the total cost to the city of policing University park- ing facilities. Eighteen per cent Brinkerhoff, the only way that changes in the agreement can be made are by mutual negotia- tions. The percentage of the University's contribution can- not be raised or lowered unless both parties agree to a mutually acceptable figure. But Larcom says the city would "fight hard" if necessary to maintain a University con- tribution to the police and fire budgets. And now that the negotiations are completed, if the University stopped paying the 18 per cent' -h - M - nr - --+1,a TY .xt . effectiveness of law enforce- ment. However, Brinkerhoff holds that the University is not "completely sold" on the idea that the Ann Arbor Police are the sole solution to the problem of crime on campus. In fact, says Brinkerhoff, the University has even considered instituting student patrols, a campus precinct of the Ann Ar- bor police and improvement of lighting on campus as improve- ments in the situation. He notes that the installation of lights on South University discretion." Inter-House assembly discussed w v sc t* C The Richardson resolution, sign- personal and property security JackMyers announced that t he ed by at least 19 other senators, problems last night and passed Office of University Housing said allegations about Crockett, a motion expressing "serious would be held liable for damage to "if true, would be clearly prejudi- doubts" about the proposals for property stored in designated cial to the administration of jus- new intramural facilities on North storage areas in cases involving tice in the city of Detroit and the and Central Campus. staff negligence and damaged State of Michigan." A representative of West Quad's uipment in the storage area it- Young cited what he termed Wenley House reported the house self. "unequal justice" and mentioned maintains an escort service from In connection with this, IHA the release of a white Detroit PO- Central Campus to the women's proposed a $500.00 limit on claims liceman charged with murder in dorms above Palmer Field, where involving damage to or loss of the Algiers Motel slaying during security problems have been es- property. the 1967 Detroit riots. pecially acute. In other action, IHA unani- "There was no request for an This service provides male es- mously passed a motion expres- investigation of the courts during corts for girls who prefer not to sing "serious doubts" about t h e the riots," he said. "There was no a. - n to-A n ff,.ma i oronosals for new intramural ath- The proposal to disrupt war re- search laboratories came in re- sponse to a nation-wide call by Rev. Ralph Abernathy, King's successor as head of the Southern Christian Leadership conference, for a one-day halt in such re- search on all University campuses. One SDS member said 'he op- posed use of disruptive tactics on the memorial day because BSU members felt "that it was their program." He said BSU members didn't want anything to upset it, "but that it would be all right if they leafletted." However, BSU President Ron Thompson last night said no one from SDS had "made any over- tures" to him concerning the pos- sibility of a demonstration or of the use of disruptive tactics. In other action, SDS scheduled a Diagrally in an attempt to gain support for the organization's hearing before Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) next Wednesday.