See editorial page
Sunny clear; not a
(loud in Waslhtenaw County
Vol. LXXIX, No. 149
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, April 1, 1969
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
proposal asks
The controversial "Balzhiser
Ordinance," which would ban
the "fraudulent, willful and
malicious withholding of dam-
age deposits" failed to receive
a majority and pass City'
Council last night.
The vote split along party lines
with five Republicans voting for
the motion and four, Democrats
voting against it. Six votes are
required to pass a; motion into
law. Two Republicans were not
present last night: Mayor Wendell
Hulcher and Third Ward Council-
man John Feldkamp.
The motion was named after
and endorsed by Republican may-
oral candidate Richard Balzhiser.
It has been; attacked by Demo-
crats who charge the ordinance
would be unenforceable.
The first reading of a substi-
tute ordinance proposed by Ernest'
L. Quenon (D-Second Ward) to
establish an escrow agency to hold
damage deposits was also defeated1
with five Republicans voting'
against it and four Democrats'
voting for it.
According to council rules, the
four councilmen-all Democrats-
who voted against the "Balzhiser
Ordinance" could move for recon-
sideration of the ordinance, al-
though it is not expected they will
do so.
dent seats
LSA faculty unlikelv
Ito move on proposal
The literary college curriculum committee yesterday re-
comriended the faculty code be revised to allow three stu-
dents from the college to serve on the committee with voting
The code presently stipulates that six faculty members
and an unspecified number of students serve on the com-
mittee. The students are to serve as ex-officio members with-
out votes.
It is unlikely the committee's recommendations will be
considered by the faculty this year, Dean William Hays
indicated yesterday. The faculty's last regular meeting is
scheduled for April 7, and Hays said the agenda is probably
too crowded to permit discussion of the proposal.
Harris Balzhiser
debate party politics
Prof. Robert J. Harris, Democratic candidate for mayor,
last night claimed the Republican Party in Ann Arbor is, "too
sympathetic to the speculators and too cool to the public
n 1 :P.PP.4,
Although the curriculum com-
mittee has only advisory power,
its recommendations generally
carry weight with the faculty.
The committee makes curricu-
lum decisions which do not in-
volve changes in the college's
academic policy. Final action on
major curricular changes rests
with the faculty.
At yesterday's meeting, the com-
mittee recommended that the
nam ro fnalf bo r nfho
to review
isu a. A decision on the second read-
Harris made this charge during a debate at North ing concerning amendments to the
Campus Commons with Republican mayoral candidate Prof. Housing Code (tenants rights) was
Richard Balzhiser, whom he will face in next Monday's city postponed.
elections. Quenon then moved that the.
Balzhizer denied this charge and stated that the broad acouncil declare damabo e si
political spectrum of the Republican Party in Ann Arbor in- dential leases "unconscionable."
- -sures complete representation The resolution was defeated by
of all interests in the com- the Republicans.
munity. A resolution by John Feldkamp
saibBohrro. (R-Third Ward) to appoint a
Her and I mPn on z"Blue Ribbon Committee on Hous-
h h ing" was postponed because of
pledge that we will replace the Feldkamp's absence.
cb l ity's tra ditiona~l cnevtv
Associated Press
lgsenouiers ta. j ourney gggg,
The flag-draped casket of Dwight D. Eisenhower is carried from the Capitol as members of the
family watch the processional. The casket is presently on its way to Abilene, Kansas, where the
former President will be buried. (See related story, Page 3.)
'U'fIles formal char.
against SS,9stdet
numb r of acuty mem bers on the
committee entitled to vote be
maintained at six. /
The committee urged that two
faculty members be chosen f r o m
the social sciences, the natural
sciences and the humanities re-
Committee members agreed that
representation from each of these
areas would give the committee
needed information on a wide va-
riety of issues.
The committee also recom-
manded that seven ex-officio fa-
culty members be seated without
voting power.
These would include the dean,
an administrative secretary, re-
presentatives from freshman-
sophomore, junior-senior and
leadership with dynamic liberal Discussion centered around the By JIM NEUBACIJER In the complaint the committee said room to conduct their busi- Honors counseling and represe
Awould enable a city official to ice formally filed a complaint dants on March 25 blocked the en- complaint states. The interviews board and the Residential C
tIn the field of planning, mid- act as a third party to hold dam- ."yesterday afternoon with the Cen- trance to a room where Augustin were arranged by the college in;l3ge.
de and low income housing, and age deposits upon request q" tral Studant Judiciary (CSJ). L'Etoile was conducting job in- accordance with a published pol- Faculty code stipulates that t
control of developers and specu- Republican councilmen clues- charging Students for a Demo- terviews for the Naval Underwa- icy on recruiting, the statement only ex-officio seats be allotted
LANSING ()-State Legislators lators," Harris contended, it tioned whether the additional role cratic Society, as a student organ- ter Weapons Research and Engin- claims. the dean, the assistant dean
ySIy morn-gtate Leators seams quite clear that I am more of the city clerk or official would ihation, and 9 individual students, ecring Station. The committee further charges charge of student affairs, a sec
yoeserda oryninga recent asue likely to emancipate City H a 11 be in keeping with state laws pro- with violating the Student G o v- The students "acting under the in the statement that the actions tudent rnprnsenies frmb1
of Argus, an Ann Arbor under- erom con real estate inter- bngdirect city ne ernmentCouncil ban on disrup- sponsorship and in behalf of the"constituted an intentional dis- trd n upecified n
ofAgsgnAniro ne- sts." i riaebuies.1college steering committee.
ground newspaper. "Exterminate e Balzhiser said ha be- in private business tive sit-ins. defendant, 'Students for a Deno- ruption of a University function'. The curriculum committee d
Huber" demanded one of the However, The city attorney said the legal- The complainant in the action cratic Society'. . . forcibly pre- in violation of SGC regulations.
paper's main headlines. lieved he was more qualified to ity of the ordinance was not in is the Engineering Placement Ad- vented members of the faculty of The SGC d the et not specify yesterday how
Sen. Robert Huber (R-Troy) be ao bycauseiof his expe question since it only "created an visory Committee, a student-fac- the College of Engineering an d entitled "Demonstrations," states: three students should be select
chairman of the special Senate ic co . optional role for the city" rather ulty body of the engineering col- 'students who h a d appointments butnonhygtha..themnbddrshrfet h'
extensive experience is necessary Ithanr eurn ietivleet ee for interviews from entering the {-Idvda rms csta tiva of the students in the colle
committee probing disorder on for effective leadership of t h a-destroy University property or sig- Some committee members poi
university campuses, distributed city, nificantly interfere with the free See LSA, Page 6
copies of the story. Bth candidates said they were emovement of persons or things on
"I just think my c lleagues "sympathetic" to the goals of en t striie ast is the campus, are prohibited;
ought to know what we're up th etsrk.HweeHarrsL-"Intentional disruption of Uni C ounli1
against," Huber explained, stated he supported changes in versity functions by depriving I
The story pointed to the so- state law which would legalize col- 1 1others of heeded quiet, light, heat,
called Huber committee and said: lective bargaining by tenants. I1 leclla11oll restru ctu rin g workisprohied."al "ditions O
9 owuorkipot phyicalod iton o10
"Understanding that a good of- Balzhiser has supported a n d A notice of a preliminary hear-
fense is the best defense. activist Harris has opposed a proposed cityBA noiceosen ah fhe
.groups and individuals have band- I ordinance which would prohibit By JUDY SARASOHN advocates aiding him in mediation. tee. "The mediation board has al- Ing will be sent to each of the
ed together intd the Michigan the "fraudulent, malicious a n d The rent strike steering com- Fleming told the strike steering ready decided a'bitrarily what ay named defendants, along with a Applications for petitioning
Coalition for Political Freedom. willful" withholding of rent de- mittee yesterday asked President j committee that he knew very little tenant can or can't discuss, andcopy ofthe complaint. The stu- the two vacant seats on Sbetua
"The coalition demands imme- posits by landlords. Harris con- Robben Fleming to restructure the about the mediation board butt a ientme"of d; Faed re David So le over mt C o w e avu
diate disbanding of the senate tends the "Balzhiser Ordinance" University's mediation board to that he would "look into" hH the- reference." Grad; Fred Lee Miller, '70; Lenore able in room 1546 of the Stud
committee and under the motto, would be unenforceable. give students a more equitable committee's complaints. Miss Holmstro said the Ten- Ruth Kalom, '70; Stephen Charles Activities Bldg. from Wednesd
ants' Union is "trying to fight the Kriesel, '72E: Stephen A. Daniels, April 2 through Friday, April4
'An injury to, one is an injury to A member of the audience asked position in negotiations. At present, the meditation board status quo in the housing market." Grad; Donald C. Rotkin, '70; The applications must be turn
all, it recognizes that only a Balzhiser about his vote against At yesterday's meeting steering has the policy of allowing a tenant "The mediators accept for fact Kevin McTighe, '71; Nais Marie in by 5 p.m. Friday.
united stand will stop the com- Ann Arbor's fair housing ordin- committee members claimed the to have an advocate only if the that the landlords have to nake Raulet, '72; and Frances J. Math- Interviews for the council se
mittee." ance which was adopted in 1965. Office of Off-Campus Housing's landlord agrees. a h r shaeowill be scheduled when petit
The story also said the coalition Balzhiser explained that at the board is "structured against the "We're very disturbed with what a pr t sheaedMarc Wahl, '70, chairman of the applications are picked up.
is "taking care of the political time, he believed such an ordin- 1 student," and asked Fleming to is happening in mediation," said at present," she claimed. a Wi '0- man o the cans resiced up.
'ane wuldcrete seiou dii- et Unvesit !plic whchDale Berry, a law student on CSJ, a nine-man, all-student body, The vacancies resulted fromt
pressure which will be used to ante would create "serious divi- set a University policy which Nancy Holmstrom, Grad, a men- the strike steering committee, con- said yesterday the preliminary resignation last week of SGC p
stop the committee." sion in the community." would permit any tenant to have ber of the strike steering commit- tended the mediators do not cor- hearing on the complaint will be sidential and vice-president
rect false statements by landlords scheduled for Wednesday, April 9.-j candidates Howard Miller al
THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM? and that students either are not See 'U', Page 6 Mark Rosenbaum.
aware of their rights or they are
intimidated by their respective
ttA avid Shapiro, Grad, a member 1UerD'5
lakfu dlnlod.Dipute erupts ove
4utom ation projctslckof the strike steering committee,
claimed the mediators believe that IV . " " _
n d
The literary college faculty will
meet Thursday at 4 p.m. in True-
blood Aud. to consider the pro-
posal for a restructured Bachelor
of Science degree.
The special meeting was called
last week by the executive com-
mittee of the college because of
the crowded agenda expected at
the next regular faculty meeting
IApril 7.
The BS proposal was drafted by
a committee appointed at the
March 4 faculty meeting to study
a new general studies degree.
The committee's proposal recomi-
mends two alternatives for stu,
--departmental concentration In
which the department would set
its own requirements for the de-
gree; or
-a degree in general studies re-
quiring 60 hours course work in
300 level and above courses with
no concentration and no more
than 20 hours in one department.
Both options require 120 credit
hours for graduation.
The faculty will be asked to vote
separately on the department and
general studies degree options.
Students who chose the depart-
ment or "discipline" degree option
would have to consult with con-
centration advisers for approval
of their courses. However, all stu-
dents in the general studies degree
program only would need a oun.
selor's approval of their courses in
their freshman year.
The committee chose to restruc-
ture the BS degree rather than
set up an entirely new one because
the BS provided an already-exist-
ing vehicle for restructuring the
undergraduate curriculum.
"It has educational credibility,"
committee chairman Prof. Ronald
Tikofsky explained.
The requirements for admission
to the college would remain the
same no matter which degree op-
tion the student chose. He would
make his decision sometime dur-
ing his freshman year.
If the discussion of the BS de-
gree is concluded in time, the lan-
guage requirement debate will be
resumed at Thursday's meeting.
Seventh in a series
College without lectures?
This is just the dream of literary college
Dean 'William Hays who says he would like
to see the creation of an experimental col-
lege with a library of tapes students could
use at their own pace. Thus the faculty
would be free for more individual con-
sultation with students.
But even the first steps toward wide-
spread use of such automated instructional
techniques seem far off. Hays' dream would
require a good deal of costly experimenta-
tion before imulementation would be nos-
the instructional learning pattern to the
pace of the individual student," Hays ex-
"The idea is not to replace the present
teaching methods, but to supplement
them," he says.
. One approach already is being tried in
introductory botany and geology courses.
In these classes, students pace themselves
by using visual and audio tapes in individ-
U_ and the
students how to edit manuscripts, Hays
The use of television as a teaching aid is
not uncommon at the University. The
Medical School began operation of a color
television facility 11 years ago, and law
students can watch live trials in Wash-
tenaw County Circuit Court on television.
But Hays says he would like to see the
University use methods more sophisticated
and individual than mass television..
Besides implementation of specific pro-
grams like journalism instruction, the Uni-
versity's appropriations request was to be
used to discover which academic subjects
lords and thus have structu edrtheIOIJ
mediation service to favor them.
However, the mediation board
has said that it always has been DETROIT () -- A judge's re- call attorneys before being given
neutral. It also claimed that it lease of 10 persons police wanted 'a nitrate test to determine whe-
has no intentions of intimidating held in connection with an inner ther they had fired guns.
students, and has always corrected city shootout in which one police- Authorities later said some of
f any false statements. man was killed brought angry re- the tests had been positive a n d
In addition, the strike steering action from law enforcement of- that the quick release hampered
committee asked that the Univer- ficials yesterday. their investigation.
sity provide information regarding The release of the men Sunday , The suburban Pontiac Police Of-
the housing markets. The infor- by Recorder's Judge George Cro- ficers Association also issued a
mation the committee asked for j ckett resulted in these develop- statement supporting a possible
includes: ments. state bar investigation of Crockett.
help. Another Negro wonan suf-
fered a broken leg.
Police who answered Worobec's
call said they were met by a line
of Negroes kneeling inside t h e
church in firing position.
Negroes at the scene denied
they had fired on police from
within the church.
Crockett cited Wayne County
Prosecutor William Cahalan f a r
contempt of court after the two
had an angry exchange of words
when the nrnrecutnr tried to keen
---where students live, their,
landlords, the number of students
- Contempt proceedings against
a prosecutor.
rrifricn hv fen Yoo'mr-
Gilbert H. Davis, president of the
state bar association, had s a i d
a,.1ip n nhi. aanifinn ma look