, . I fa , the sundacy daily It is only the great men r who are truly obscene. If they had tot dared to be obscene they could nerer have dared to be great. --Havelock Ellis I Number 4 Night Editor: Martin Hirschman March 301 1969 And all the tra vel posters are 10 years old A By JIM KAHNWEILER and JIM HECK ANN ARBOR'S train station was designed by the Newport Society's estimable architect H. H. Richardson 'for monied elite who could afford jaunts from Chicago and Detroit to the Huron River Valley area. It Is the sort of train station F. Scott Fitzgerald's college students used to pass throughi on their way home from the East. Now few Ann Arbor students even take train home to Detroit because it doesn't regularly. The benches inside the !station dirty; the lavotories are dirty; the cups in soft drink machine are dirty. the run are the No major track repairs have been made since the war. Bridges are weak and tressles light. During heavy rains last summer, a track between here and Chicago was damaged and the railway link cut for a while. ONCE THE RAILROAD belonged to men with vision who could look through mountains and see the afternoon sun shining through. time when there were a lot more crews. It is grimy from years of coal-burning steam loco- motives-passing outside. Men from other crews sit at wobbly tables on old chairs and sofas from abandoned pas- senger cars. They are overweight and need shaves. They dress in khaki, and zip! their in- sulated jackets all the way up. They talk baseball, pinoccle, kids and rail- roading. "You go to school, son?" "Yes sir, University of Michigan." "Yeah, I never went to college, but my boy, wants to. Driving a train ain't so good. A man should do better things, with his life." "Uh-huh." "If I hadda do it over again, I'd 'a stayed in school." ONE OLD BRAKEMAN on a freight from Chicago to Detroit wears heavy hobnail boots and blue denim overalls with suspenders and a red bandana around his neck. His high peaked cap is also denim. And -he carries a kerosene lantern just like the one Casey Jones must have used. But the railroad companies are hiring young drifters to replace the dying dispatchers and old operators. Penn Central hired 20 last month and. claims it will hire as many more as apply. This is a safe bet because kids are cheap labor and usually quit after a few months anyway. Richard says the railroads are in such des- perate need to replace "the men who are drop- ping dead every month" that they no longer care about the applicants' moustache, beads or Army shirt. He says that men died within hours of his arrival at three of the places he has worked since joining the railroad. Richard wears beads and speaks in a jargon that antagonizes the engineers who report in for work details. He works in the same room with the ticket seller and the ten-year-old travel posters. Before joining with Penn Central, he worked for the American Medical Association, sold clothes, and cleaned jails. In the last eight years, Richard has taken 35 jobs and "still gets very bored." ' Richard's vision is outside the railroad. "Look, I'm only for the bread .. . a temporary thing until the new reality changes everything and we go out holding hands or something. 4 I -Daily-Jay Cassidy This is Richard of the new generation But the vision has become clouded like the sight of an old man with cataracts. The 70-year-old ticket taper down at Penn Central station has stood diligently behind the counter for over 20 years. "Oh, yep, the trains will come back. Why in the war I had 25-30 people standing in line from morning to night," he says to the now empty room. "They'll come back." But the people don't come back and the old railroaders have only the low moan and faraway rumble in the half-light to listen to. If you work for the railroad for a summer you can learn how each engineer has his own way of pulling the long-long-short-long grade crossing warning. "SAY, HOW DO you know when to blow the whistle?" "See the little signs marked 'W' on the side of the track? That's when." "Why are they marked with the 'W'? They're the only things arc#nd." "Men who drive trains are dumb." The layover station where crews relax be- tween runs is a huge building constructed for a "Actually the railroads will probably die be- fore the new reality." RICHARD has a storehouse of facts to back up his prediction that railroads - "which are just extensions of the ocean" - are sinking. Most of the railroad revenue comes from the charges they get on petroleum lines, he says. Oil and gas companies use the railway's right of ways for their pipelines. "There is only a 3.4 per cent profit on the trains," he contends. , Steel companies don't want to build locomo- tives anymore, he explains, because if people ride trains they won't buy cars and then fewer high- ways will be built and fewer steel guiderails will be bought. Richard attributes the railroad's demise to men who have embraced "the theory of linear thinking." "The poor schleps don't think of the train system as moving through all that physical med- ia but only as moving along straight lines." "The thing to do is get the damn things off the ground." Richard says linear thinking extends to the railway's book of rules' he was asked to 'memo- rize: Don't stand in front of a moving train, don't put your feet under the wheels of a train and don't talk. UNCOORDINATION and inefficiency are the most serious effects ,of linear thinking, P e n n Central, which owns everything east of the Mis- sissippi, says Richard, "can't even coordinate the movement of one train." And because the railway hierarchy has such incompetent thinkers, he adds, they don't be- lieve in computers which could figure out the mess. Senility in railroads is sometimes funny, sometimes dangerous. The railroad trackswhich run directly across 1-94 outside of Ann Arbor is one example. "They might as well have a flag man out there yelling, 'stop, stop'. Richard smiles, awaiting his new reality while those about him grapple for' the remaining bits of their old reality. I Michigan State's rights a board's minority rule and of a student newspaper By HOWARD KOHN; Last of a three-part series EAST LANSING IN A WORLD where shades of gray obscure . even the cobwebs of history, journalists play divine arbitrator telling who is more right and what is more important. In East Lansing, like everywhere else; the deities are getting a little tarnished. Enter fallen angel and avenging spirit: Ed Brill and Dr. Anne Garrison., Brill is the likeable editor of The Michigan State News. He now regrets that his paper got bogged down in the murky swamp of dirty words. And he worries that his skin allergies won't keep him out of the Army. Prof. Garrison is the argumentative chair- man of the advisory board 'which acts the role of publisher for The State News. She complains that the paper does not print citations for faculty members. And she is a. lady lawyer who teaches a course in business law. The State News is the only daily in East Lansing. Its reputation has traditionally rested on innocuous and unimaginative news coverage, best reflected by its record six Pacemaker Awards presented to "quiet" papers by the conservative American Col- legiate Press Association. DESPITE ITS growing liberalism in the last few years, The State News has seldom been more than a syrupy, sometimes sticky, lollipop flavored to the tastes of the uni- versity. But conflict born of .controversy has matched Brill against Miss Garrison. During demdnstrations in February for Bert Garskof, a radical psychology pro- fessor denied tenure by MSU, one black speaker electrified a rally with a harangue that included a string of obscenities. Brill printed the quote and set off a series of explosive reactions. The advisory board, without consulting anyone on the staff, censured Brill for "mis- handling the news." James Brown (R- tal combat, each after each other's job. Brill would like to see the limits of the ad- visory board severely restricted. And Miss Garrison would like to see Brill driven from the editorship. Ironically Brill and Miss Garrison helped each other to their present positions of power one year ago in a twisted, symbiotic cycle., Brill, 1967-68 editorial director, and Larry Werner, 1967-68 managing editor, were the two candidates for the 1968-69 editorship. The advisory board, replacing the old pub- lications board, was newly-constituted under a university academic freedom report. Four faculty members, including Miss Garrison, and four students sat on the new board. Framers of the academic freedom report senior editor who had voted for him. Miss Soden, then Brill's girlfriend, is now a WAC officer and his fiancee. She also revealed the intended perfidy. And an incensed advisory board rebuked "this act of bad faith" by overturning the recommendation for Werner and appointing Brill. Two of the student board members were close friends of Brill's, but the board's motivation seemed to be more an assertion of its power than a payoff to personalities. Werner brought his case to the Student- Faculty Judiciary, which agreed to arbitrate. But the advisory board rejected all media- tion, flatly insisting that its reasons be kept secret. "We were just doing our job as best we Trinka Cline: "I'm running as the 'Peace and Freedom' candidate for editor. I think the advisory board should be abolished. Some platform appoint me and I'll get rid of 'I you. could," explains Miss Garrison. "Having to give explanations for everything would be just like having to tell Nixon why you voted against him." Ed Brill: "No{ board should .** .r ;i:::<">>.. ""? have the power to arbitrarily tell an editor how to run a newspaper. quickly followed when they too were offered positions on a trial basis. Last fall the three renegades teamed up to launch The Campus Observer, a weekly tab- loid published on Sunday when The State News is idle. The first issue featured a smart set of news commentaries, but later issues became a compendium of fraternity-sorority events in a compromise to stay alive financially. After five issues The Observer died. WITHOUT BRILL'S knowledge or con- sent, financial advisor Berman then hired the three Observer editors to study the feasi- bility of using The State News plant to produce a weekly. When Brill discovered the mini-conspi- racy, he invited Sarri and Miss Gortmaker to rejoin the staff. Brill's fall recruiting drive for personnel had paid off. But 55 of the 77 paid staffers were new to The State News and lacked experience. As reinstated elder statesmen, Sarri and Miss Gortmaker have been training fledgling reporters, as well as editing and writing. Werner, who has been freelancing, is con- centrating on getting married. By no stretch of the imagination did Brill recruit lackeys to obey his personal whims. Nor did he revolutionize the paper's' editorial policies. In fact the five State News editors en- dorsed Hubert Humphrey in the national election. Dr. Anne Garrison: "Someone has to make sure a student paper remains respon- sible to the university community. "The excerpts were part of the required reading list in English courses," Brill ex- plains. "We wanted to show the double standards used in assessing a newspaper." He did that. An infuriated Berman called the quotes "an insult to decent people" and withheld salary checks from the editors. Berman also single out Trinka Cline, then campus editor and now executive editor, for "sneaking those words past me and the printer." THE STUDENT-FACULTY Judiciary fi- nally ruled that Berman had to sign the checks. Relations between Berman and Miss Cline, although outwardly placid, deteriorated from the fall through the winter term. Each ac- cused the other of petty harrassments and Berman reported called Miss Cline "an in- competent tramp." Mutterings among the faculty against The State News also surfaced. One professor sent out a memo telling his secretary to throw out the paper before he came to his office in the morning. "I guess it spoiled his day to read- it," chuckles Miss Garrison. Brill brought the conflict to a head on Feb. 12 with the "obscene' quote. Unfor- tunately for Brill, his reporter made an error' in attribution (which was corrected the next day), giving Miss Garrison an additional trump card. "The quote was completely relevant to covering the demonstrations," Brill insists. #i was trumpeting himself as Brill's interim successor. And metro newspapers throughout the state were chiding Brill's "youthful impe- tuosity." Brill and Miss Cline, justifiably upset and uptight, wanted to ask for Berman's dis- missal. But the other three editors hesitated, arguing for a five-point list of complaints against Berman. They settled on the latter alternative. Closed hearings were held by the advisory board- "clearing the air" according to Miss Garrison. But ndthing substantial happened. Berman called the charges "pack of lies." And the censure of Brill stayed on the record. "Garrison begged off by saying it was our word against Berman's," Miss Cline steams. "But she wouldn't let us bring in dozens of people who could have testified." The advisory board cannot fire Berman but could suggest to the president that he be replaced. OPEN ANIMOSITIES have quieted down. But the "picky-picky' attitudes still resound in The State News offices. Brill has been trying to install a Telex wire service, which would link The State News to nine other students newspapers. Yet despite the paper's affluence, (for which Berman deserves credit, since the paper was almost bankrupt when he took over), Ber- man refus.es to okay the order. a S had urged that the board be used only under extreme circumstances. But the language of the report rested ultimate power of the press in the board, should it choose to wield i