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March 30, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-03-30

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The Model Cities Program for North
Central Ann Arbor is only in its pre-
natal stages. But already it has spark-
ed a controversy which is polarizing
the community.
Funded by the U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development.
Model Cities is a six-year program
aimed at solving the social and en-
vironmental problems of urban areas.
In Ann Arbor the target of the pro-
gram is the North Central area, be-
tween Division and 7th, north from
Huron to Brooks and Sunset.
The city's request for the program
was approved by HUD last November.
The city was awarded a $112,000 plan-
ning grant for one year. Funds for
the five years of rehabilitation will
be awarded on the basis of the policy
board's planning report. But planning
has yet to begin.
Like all social welfare programs to-
day, Model Cities wins the verbal sup-
port of everyone in the city, but few
can agree on exactly what the pro-
gram should do or how;kit can be set

The divisions of opinion have come
along party, racial and intra-racial
lines. Two issues are now in dispute:
* Is the Model Cities Policy Board,
selected by a vote of the community,
representative, or does it represent the
power block of one political party?
Republicans c h a r g e that Demo-
crats manipulated the handling of the
community meeting at which b o a r d
members were selected. Democrats
deny the charge and say the board
was selected fairly.
0 Democrats want the board to have
control of administration and policy
in the North Central area. They say
if that is not so - if the board is
only advisory to City Council - then
the entire program would become a
tool for the economic interests of real-
ty speculators and the city, not t h e
neighborhood it is expected to serve.
Some Republicans maintain t h i s
demand violates the conditions under
which the federal grant was secured,
although the federal guidelines a r e
flexible and co not explicitly rule out
such powers.
The controversy should come to a


head at the public hearing on the
program slated for April 8 at the Ann
Arbor Community Center. The hear-
ing was proposed at the March 14 City
Council meeting by Councilman Brian
R. Connelly (R-Fifth Ward), and
adopted by council, 7-5, in a straight
party line vote. Democrats charged the
meeting would be an attempt to un-
dermine policy broad.
Only North Central area residents
will be allowed to speak at the meet-
ing. This will specifically bar the act-
ing chairman of the Model Cities Pol-
icy Board, CORE chairman Ezra Row-
ry, from speaking. Likewise, Dr. Albert
Wheeler, a member of the policy board
and state NAACP chairman, will not
be allowed to speak.
On the other hand, businessmen in
the area who also do not live there
won't be allowed to speak either.
The policy board is seeking to be
made the City Demonstration Agency
as well, which the April 8 hearing will
consider. The board is seeking auto-
nomy in both planning and adminis-
tration in the area, with only final
responsibility going to City Council.


The federal guidelines stipulate that
there be a board to devise policy on
the program - the Model Cities Policy
Board - and one to administer the
program - the City Demonstration
Agency (CDA ),
In a proposal to council Feb. 28,
the policy board asked to be named
the CDA for the Model Cities area.
This would include acting as c i t y
administrator, planning commission,
zoning board of appeals, building and
safety office, human relations com-
mission and workable program com-
mittee for the area.
"The board would be a city hall con-
fined within the city," says temporary
chairman Rowry, "It would use the
city's planning staff and be respon-
sible to City Council,"
Republicans have voiced strong op-
position to a powerful policy board.
"They are asking for control to place
a moratorium on an area while they
plan," says Connelly. "But the city
planning commission can stall effec-
tively to achieve that."
Republican county supervisor and
city planning commission member

David Byrd says trying to make the
policy board the CDA is illegal. "It
goes against the application by which
the city received the HUD grant," he
says, and may be going against fed-
eral requirements.
"I'm looking into the legal implica-
tions for collusion and fraud in this
thing," he adds.
The Republican candidate for coun-
cil in the first ward, Adtric Gillespie,
agrees with tha "collusion" charge.
"After study of the federal govern-
ment's intent in the Model Cities pro-
gram. I feel the present nucleus of the
Model Cities program is misinformed
as to.the aim of the program," he says.
But what exactly these changes
mean with respect to the guidelines Is
unclear. Don Borut, assistant to the
city administrator, says the recent
HUD guidelines state CDA must be
the city council or an independent
agency. However, he notes, if the city
is the CDA, it can delegate to the
policy board what responsibilities it
wants, including the autonomy the
board is presently seeking.
See ANN ARBOR, Page 3

Bk tgau



-Daily-Peter Dreyfu'ss

Vol. LXXIX, No. 148

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, March 30, 1969

Eight Pages



urban program,
WASHINGTON (R) - One of President Nixon's top ad-
visors, pointing to a five-year cost projection of $27 billion,
is urging thjat the Model Cities program be abandoned, sources
said yesterday.
The sources said the arguments of economist Arthur
Burns run counter to the views of a solid group of Nixon's
urban advisers.
These aides want Nixon to endorse the program, launch-
ed by Lyndon B. Johnson's Democratic administration to at-
tack urban squalor in 150 of the nation's poorest neighbor-
' hoods.





Daniel P. Moynihan, head of the
M President's Urban Affairs Council,
M oscow is a defender of the program, the
sources said. Both Moynihan and
Burns hold Cabinet-level status in,
White House inner circles.
asks talks Neither Burns nor Moynihan
could be reached for comment.
" But special presidential assistant
- e Martin Anderson, also an econ-
omist, denied that Burns was pro-,
posing the program be abandoned.
MOSCOW (P-The Soviet Union "Your sources are misinformed,"'
called on Communist China early Anderson said. "They may think
today to join in negotiations aim- Burns feels that way. He has asked
ed at ending their border clashes questions, but he's not expressed
A government statement issued disapproval. He's not expressed
by the Tass news agency said the approval either."
Soviet Union "believes that it is Anderson said only "vague
necessary to take without delay numbers and no hard estimate"
practical steps to normalize the have been given for the program's
situation on the Soviet-Chinese cost. However, he said. the pro-
frontier." gram could eventually cost "tens T
Tass said the Soviet government of billions of dollars."
"urges the government. of the Other unanswered questions be..Ie i
People's Republic of China to re- sides the cost include "exactly
frain from any actions on the how the program is operated in By The Associated Pres
frontier that may cause complica-thecities what kind of programs m
tions and urges it to solve differ- tectewa ido rg'm With mighty cathedra
ences, if they arise, in a calm situ- are being proposed, khat is Model nelling, the body of Dwigl
ation and through negotiation." Cities trying to do these are Iisenhower was received y
The Soviet statement proposed still unclear in my mid, Ander- into the stately National
that officials of both Red powers son admitted. dral where it will rema:
should "resume in the nearest fu- A subcommittee headed by late today.
ture the consultations that were Secretary of Housing George i After a private 20-minu
started in Peking in 1964." Romney is expected to recommend ice attended by the 34th
It said the Soviet message men- to the Urban Affairs Council soon dent's close friends- and r
tioned armed attacks on Soviet that the program be continued, thousands passed by the c
frontier guards on the river as but confined to the 150 cities al- pay their last respects,
having taken place on March 2, ready participating. As the humble said far
14 and 15. It described them as ' The subcommittee is also ex- the little chapel, the mi
"premeditated a n d preplanned pected to recommend a revamp- the world prepared to p:
acts." ing of the program. own tribute by attending t

Daily News Analysis
The Michigan Union has long been proud of its independ-
ent status within the University. Except for a direct financial
relationship with the University under which the Union
receives an allocation of $6.00\ per male student per term,
the Union basically has been an autonomous operation, gov-
erned by a Board of Directors who are responsible only to
the Regents.
But the end of this independence may rapidly be ap-
proaching. If the recommendations of the Osterheld report,
presented to the Union Board March 4 are implemented,
the Union would be restructured to be more fully integrated
into the University. The board would be abolished and the
Unionl would be under the jurisdiction of two University
vice presidents. Business affairs would be channeled through
the vice president and chief financial officer while Union
programs would be under the jurisdiction of the vice presi-
dent for student affairs.
The Osterheld report--pre-
pared by Douglas C. Oster-
held; assistant vice president
for business and finance at
the University of Wisconsin-
was commissioned last fall by f
President Robben Fleming
and Vice President and Chief
Financial Officer Wilbur Pier- .

-Associated Press

The Eisenhowers pay their respects to the former President



LSA pl
Sixth in a Series
For the last three years the Univer-
sity's austerity budget has forced the
literary college to tolerate rather acute
shortages' of faculty and to postpone a
number of educational innovations.
And with the State Legislature ex-,
pected to cut all the University's prior-
ity requests for increased appropriations
for the college, administrators and fac-
ulty members are thinking again in
terms of delays,
"It's 'been difficult to start anything
new," admits Dean William Hays. "We've
got a lot of wonderful new programs and
I'd love to see them supported. But I'm
very pessimistic that they will get the
funds this year to expand their opera-
tion. "

rogram s
outstanding men in the field," he adds.
"But funds were too tight to hire him.
He may accept the job in 1970, but we
will have to make a strong financial
case to bring him here."
Because of the faculty shortage, the
course will not be taught until next
winter. And 800 level courses in psy-
cholinguistics will not be offered next
term for the same reason.
VU and the
budget squeeze
"We'r'e straining," Tikofsky admits.

The departme
on initiating a
for non-zoology
would parallel B
signed for prosp
"Without mon
a teaching staff
until the fall o
course," says Pr
department chai
Thus, Zoology
only introductor
ment for non-zo
ways the first co
to close," Allen
"And next y
over-enrolled sir
have the money
"Faculty recru

Part of the report deals
with long range changes in
the.organizationalstructureth ed ra
of the Union, while a large
/portion of the study explores
cipal funeral service tomorrow. list of foreign dignitaries who will among those planning to attend possible immediate changes in
That will be in the main cathe- attend. It will be his first visit to the funeral tomorrow. the Union government and
dral. The body will be returned the United States since November Nixon is expected to greet the food service.
there after lying in state in the 1963, when he came for the fun- visitors with appropriate appre- ' reot wed
Capitol Rotunda today, following eral of President John F. Ken- ciaton o the having come t ince e repor was iss ,
a grand procession along Constitu- nedy' pay their r espects But the short- administrators, union direc-
tion Avenue. The Soviet Union selected a nes of time available appears to tors and students have been
For the fourth time in five World War II hero, Marshal Va- rule out extensive diplomatic talks. meeting to discuss Osterheld's
years a riderless horse in funeral sily I. Chuikov, to represent the
trappings, boots reversed in the Kremlin at the funeral. He will The procession will takemplace recommendations.
saddle, will follow an artillery be accompanied by Vasily V. Kuz- amidst the flourishes of martial President Fleming says he hopes to-move.fairly quickly"
caisson bearing a dean American netsov, first deputy foreign mm- music, the sonorous sound of !on the changes proposed for the food service. "But we can't
to Capitol Hill. ister. muffled drums, do it overnight,' he adds. "We have to decide among the
French President Charles del Crowned heads, statesmen and After the Monday afternoon alterniatives which route we're going to take."
Gaulle, a comrade in arms to Eis- soldiers from Europe, Asia, Africa service, the body will be placed
enhower during the war, heads the and the Western Hemisphere were aboard a special 12-car train at Wally Stromberg, president of University Activities
Union Station for the 30 hour j Center says the Union Board would also like to see the food
journey west to the boyhood home service problem tackled first. After a meeting yesterday
and Eisenhower Center at Abi- morning with President Fleming and Vice Presidents Newell
lene, Kan, and Pierpont, Stromberg said both the Union representatives
Eisenhower will be buried Wed- and the administration want to have a new food service plan
nesday in the chapel of the libra- ready to present to the Regents at their April meeting.
Ittli.,d e l ry near his son, Doud, who died
in childhood. The union board has set up two committees to investi-
Contrary to some expectations gate the various alternatives in Osterheld's report. One
nt had planned this fall of funds prevented this," he says. "We -and at the family's wishes- committee is studying the Union's entire financial problem
botany-zoology course go through this funding problem every the last train ride home is not and the other is considering space allocation in the building
majors. This course year, but I'm tired of it." planned to be a public spectacle, and how it might better be used.
liology 106 which is de- The Outreach project, a part of Psy- Unlike the slow train that bore Before any decision can be made, however, and before
ective concentrators. chology 101, may also be forced to cut Abraham Lincoln to Springfield specific action can be taken in any area, Fleming says a
ey to pay salaries for its enrollment for next year because of in 1865, or the one that carried mutual agreement will have to be reached between all parties
we now have to wait the lack of increased funds. Robert F. Kennedy from New York mu ul a em en edlh y the ches.
f 1970 to institute the "If our funds are cut, I presume we'll to Washington one nightmarish who would be influenced by the changes.
f. JohnAllnszoology haveutolimit the nn rumber of rsuens e afternoon last June, the Eisen- The Osterheld report says that although college campuses
rman. in the program. That many fewer stu hower train will move at a 50- are changing to less centralized institutions with just vest-
101 would remain the dents can then be so educated," explains mile-an-hour clip. iges of "in loco parentis," a union can remain a vital organ-
y course in the depart- Prof. Wilbert McKeachie, psychology The few stops will be brief and ization if it "reflects with sensitivity the changes being ex-
ology majors. "It is al- department chairman. functional: 10-minute haltsin perienced in its community.".
)arse in the department "Whatever is cut will have to be made Charlottesville, Va., White Sul-
says upnyincreasing the f trhee stdets mut phur Springs and Huntington, W. To most effectively create this type of institution, Oster-
says. up by increasing the fees students must Va., and Washington, Ind,; an held has recommended a major reorientation of the Union
ear, sections may be pay to take part in Outreach;" he warns. hour for washing and changing from a service organization to a student institution totally in-
mply because we don't McKeachie believes, however, the project tracks in Cincinnati, and a longer tegrated into the University. The report outlines five "man-
to pay staff to teach is such an enriching experience that it stop in St. Louis to switch to Nor-yh
justifies an increase in fees. folk - Western lines for the final datory" steps to achieve this:
uitment is considerably Presently, each Outreach student pays push westward,0 The existing board of directors and the corporate

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