See editorial page
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D43a itj
Cloudy, windy, much colder;
odds on snow: one in five
Vol. LXXIX, No. 147
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 29, 1969
Ten Cents
Eight Pages
Eisenhower dies
D a v i d Eisenhower, soldier,
President, and one of the
revered figures of American
history, died yesterday at
12:25 p.m. in Walter Reed
Army Hospital.
He was 78 years old.
President Nixon, who was Eisen
hower's vice president for eight
years and who assumed some
presidential duties during the
President's illnesses, formally an-
nounced the death in a proclama-
Designating next Monday a
national day of mourning, Nixon
said his mentor had exerted for a
quarter of a century "a moral
authority s e 1 d o m equaled in
American life.
(en. Dwight L
4,000 ATTEND:
Lawson ac
Students with 3.5 average
sponsible for the cancellation
Undergrads-2800 of them
from each of the departments
administrators made up the c
Aud for the annual Honors Con
After an introduction by
Fleming, Dr. James Lawson, P
Nashville, Tenn. and a gradua
"As long as free men cherish'
their freedom," the President said,
"Dwight Eisenhower will standF
with them, as he stood during
war and peace strong, confident.
and courageous. Even in death he
has left us a great spirit that will
never die."
By presidential o r d e r, the
American flag will fly at half-
staff across the world for 30 days.
The funeral service will be Mon-
day in the National Cathedral
after the general's body has lain
i state in the Capitol Rotunda.
r,..Burial will be Wednesday in a
chapel of the Eisenhower Library
-Associated Press in Abilene, Kan.
University officials said, at least
D. Eisenhower for the present, that classes will
.take place on schedule Monday.
First word of the general's
death came from Brig, Gen. Fred-
eric J. ughes Jr., commandant
of the Army hospital that had
been Eisenhower's home since last'.
d re~sseS!spring. He suffered his fifth, sixth,
and seventh heart attacks there President Nixon
* during 1968 and was believed near,
death last August.
The blow that ultimately brought DISSATISFIED:
him down was congestive heart
Y ESSERS failure,tdiminishing the flow of
blood through his weakened body.
s and above may be held re- His wife, Mamie Doud Eisen-
of classes yesterday morning. hower, and members of the im-
-parntsfaclty embes mediate family were nearby when
1-parents, facultymembers !Eisenhower died in his third-floor
, three Regents, and assorted presidential suite.
rowd of 4000 which filled Hill 1,The body of the former Presi-
vocation. dent was taken from Walter Reed
University President Robben Atiny Hospital late yesterday af- t(q U it
'resident of Fisk University in ternoon to a funeral home.
From the LBJ Ranch in Texas; By EI.ZA PATTERSON
te of Michigan, gave the fea- came a tribute from the man who'
tured address on "The Role worked with the Republican Pres- The University's two black
of Whites in the Black Uni- ident as leader of the Democratic sororities will be moving out of
versity." majority in the Senate - and Oxford housing this year after a'
eventually became President him- one year struggle wvith co-op liv-
Lawson views the issue of whites self: ing.
in black universities, and a 1 s o "A giant of our age is gone . . . Delta Sigma Theta and Alpha
Defendants receive
$30 rent reduction
The court awarded apartment possession yesterday to
defendants Naomi and Thomas Karow in the third rent
strike eviction case brought to trial by Arbor Management.
In addition, the six man jury reduced the Karows' rent
by $30. In an agreement made Thursday, Arbor Management
amended their original charge by reducing the claim $43.69,
the sum the Karows had paid to Abbott Oil Co. when their
heat did not work.
Arbor Management was suing the Karows for back pay-
ment of two months' rent, minus the sum allotted for the
oil bill, and possession of the
Ronald Glotta, counsel for the s] u t
rent strike, felt that the full im-
plication of the possession decision
was not yet known, but was very,
satisfied with the verdict. I
However, Jack Becker, attorneyg
J for Arbor Management, said, "The
landlord (Edward Kloian) is en-
titled to rent." He also said that ! em o r la
zf the Karows did not pay any
following month's rent, suit would BE
again be brought against them. By HAROLD ROSENTHAL
The exact terms of tenants' pos- Vice President for Academic
session in this case remain unclear Affairs Allan F. Smith yester-
at the present time. day asked that all classes
Glotta contended that the land- dyakdta l lse
lord did not deserve full back pay- scheduled for 11:00 a.m., Fri-
ment because of a number of day, April 4 be cancelled as
housing code violations in the part of a memorial to the Rev,
apartment and inconveniences suf- Martin Luther King Jr.
fered by the Karows at then negli- Ammra evc akn
gence of the landlord.A memorial service marking
A representative of the Arbor the first anniversary of King's
Management maintenance depart- deati willt be held in H i I1
ment, who did not wish to be Auditorium at that time.
identified, said the other day"Not President Fleming wil preside
one single person on the strike over the hour long service..
has ever made a call for main- The decisions concerning t h e
tenance." day were made by University
The Karows contested that P r e s i d e n t Robben Fleming;
Kloian had told them not toSmith, Will Smith, the assistant
bother to call for maintenance if vice president for student services,
they stayed in the rent strike. Prof. Robert Knauss of the law
Kloian, however, denied ever school and several members of the
telling the Karows not to call for Black Students Union (BSU).
maintenance services. The request for the memorial
c Ralph Lloyd, a building and day activities was. originally
safety engineering inspector, testi- brought to Fleming by the BSU.
fied that a March 10 inspection Smith asked that all classes at
of 549 Packard, theKarows' apart- 11:00 a.m. Friday be cancelled ex-
j ment building, revealed that the dcept for "clinics and others that
3 furnace room did not have a "dry-aresntl.
wall," tile was cracking up in the "Because the opportunity for
bathroom and there were not scheduling make-up class time is
enough garbage receptacles for the extremely limited, and non-car-
1 amount of apartments in the cellable arrangements may have
building. oeen made in some instances, in-
CfOURPT Pane 3 _
-Associated Press
i and family leave Walter Reed Hospital :
sororities plan
Oxford housing
4 soldiers
at Presidio
FT. LEWIS, Wash. (I) -- Sen-
tences ranging from nine-months
to six years at hard labor were
meted out yesterday to four young
soldiers convicted of .mutiny.
Pvt. Ricky Dodd, 21, Hayward.
was sentenced to six years. Pvt.
Harold Swansont19, San Leandro.
received a three-year sentence;
Pvt. William Hayes, 22, Healds-
burg, two years; and Pvt. Edward
Yost, 23, Elmira, nine months.
The four were convicted of
mutiny Thursday for taking part
in a sit-down demonstration in
the stock~ade at the Presidio in
San Francisco last Oct. 14.
Four others of the 27 soldiers
charged as a result of the dem-!
plained about the work involved
and cleaning the co-op. According
to Rosen, Oxford living requires
that each resident put in six to
eight hours per week cooking or:
cleaning the house. Room and
boarderates are settto include the
resident labor and the co-op can-
not afford to supply outside help.
Because sorority functions de-
manded extra time, the girls had'
planned to hire a cook. But their
request for additional funds were
tcrned down since the University
mnn io nnfnr d b h
divided equally among the housing
units in the complex.
The situation has been aggra-
vated because many of the girl
from DST have already left, leav-
ing the house with 19 residents
The 19 girls cannot carry on the
work load designed for the 30
girls the sororities had guaranteed
would fill the house.
The University Housing Office
discontinued food service to the
sororities at their request, and
each of the girls was forced to
knl nn individiilb nic
blacks in predominantly white in
stitutions, as a complex one, in
volving the role of the black in ef
fecting social change and th
function of the university in re
;pect to social action.
In defining their role in chang
ing society, Lawson called o
blacks to examine the functiono
the university.
The traditional outlook has be
to regard the university as th
place where students are trainee
who will begin their service to so
ziety after graduation, he sai
The neat division between a
enclosed academic life and a fu
Lure of service is unreal." sai
Lawson. He thinks it is time f
the University to become m o r
active in community affairs.
It is in this context, says Law
son, that the issue of blacknes
exposes clearly the new situatio
of the University. He distinguish
I treasured him always as my close
Set plotos, Page 8
Kappa Alpha, which were grantedj
Regental permission to move into
the University-built cooperative
apartments last year, have not yet
located another group living loca-
tion and may scatter into individ-
ual apartments next year. M
onstration were convicted earlier ed between blackness as a ski
and received sentences ranging color and blackness as connotin
from four years to 16 years. One an awareness of "socio-econom
15-year sentence was subsequently problems of the have and hav
reduced to two years. See LAWSON, Page3
Computer Gei
g- and lasting friend," former Presi- Lavonia Knox, president of AKA 1 money givenitouxia ust zeekcooUUon andi Ivluai
n dent Johnson said. wrote in a letter to Housing Direc-
of In Europe, leaders of nations tor John Feldkamp, that one year H
whose forces fought under him at Oxford has shown that co-op th os t> arm acde artm ent
hower as a man who guided the sororities.
e liberation of Europe in World War "We made a bad judgment"'
II and helped calm a jittery post- says Richard A. Rosen, directo of evelops, stnb tes-newdrugs
d. Officials in Paris said President that we could not fulfill the soror-
n Charles de Gaulle, leader of free ities needs."e
ud French forces serving under the But Rosen added that " By BARBARA WEISS pital, does not limit itself to hos- getting drugs ready for the patient
supreme allied commander, plans is to blame" for the current dis- In - patients, out - patients, and pital work. In the psychology de-Iand offering complete surveillance
to fly to Washington for the satisfaction of the sororities with football players alike get their go partment, monkeys are rewarded of the treatment and care of these
;funeral. co-op living. from the hospital pharmacy de- for good behavior with banana patients,' Phillips explains.
De Gaulle messaged condolences Rosen explains that co-op living partment of the University's Col- pellets custom-made by hospitalI The main feature of the pro-
- to President Nixon saying, "For placed demands on the sororities lege of Pharmacy. pharmacists. gram is giving patients strip-
ss me, I see disappear with much which the girls did not wish or Located in the University Hos- The hospital pharmacy division packaged medicine which is sepa-
in sadness a dear companion in have time to meet. pital adjacent to the Kresge Re- helps send Michigan to football rately packed and labeled so it can
- arms and a friend." For example, University reg- search Laboratory, the hospital games by producing medication be easily identified by nurses and
n Queen Elizabeth II said in ulations require that a resident pharmacy division is concerned which prevents skin irritation patients. This is to prevent pa-
1g London, "His loss will be keenly! director live with the sororites with drug research, manufacture from supportive tape used by foot- tients from taking the wrong drug
ic felt not only by all America but and that this restricted and both-land distribution. ball players. orwdosage.
e- also by the people of Britain and ered some of the girls. The department, despite being George L. Phillips, director of The program includes a discus-
the Commonwealth. Further he said the girls com- managed by the University Hos- I the department, says one of the sion between the pharmacist and
I reasons for the diversity of tasks See PHARMACY, Page 3
performed is that the department
NO NEW EQUIPMENTL helps train both undergraduate
and graduate students. Students
seeking a doctor of pharmacy de-
gree spend a good portion of their
1i~__it e p an ionpharmaceutical studies i the hos-
iter to limit expansion Th===o h pamcitI
pital pharmacy department. !
The job of the pharmacist is
n sorry, you can't financial plight. The two-year grant has installed and in operation-even though changings, says Phillips. In the
says Vice Presi- provided transitional support while the it is not funded under the current bud- past the pharmacist was oriented
airs Allan Smith. University changed from the smaller get. And since most Computer Center towards merely discoveiing and
the requested in- IBM 7090 to the present system. equipment is rented, next year's budget developing new drugs,
vered the cost of "We are going to seek supplementary will have to cover one and a half year's is not only concerned with this but
.nits for the Uni- support, a follow-on grant for NSF," rental. also with seeing that a patient
BM 360/67 com- says Bartels. "But there is still a ques- "They are essential," says Bartels. gets his medication and gets it
ties at the Flint tion whether NSF will be able to support "The available disc space is now almost properly," Phillips explains.
es were also to be us." gone. We are forced to negotiate with He says that the role of the
In another attempt to stave off ex- many of our users over the amount of pharmacist was made more de-
e will simply not pected ill effects of budgetary tight- space they are insisting on." manding by a change in Michigan
says Norman. fistedness in Lansing, the University is The University is also seeking an ad- law that requires pharmacists to
attempting to secure a grant from NSF ditional $99,000 to improve computer tients s drugs The pharmacistof
to set up a+ computer network with terminal facilities at the Flint. and tomorrow will increasingly serve
Michigan State and Wayne State Uni- Dearborn campuses. as an advisor to both doctors and
MeaTnwhile. efforts are eing ade t "It is possible to delay acquisition of ; nurses, he adds.
dividual professors may, if they
feel it necessary, hold classes," he
In t explaining the decision
Smith said, "We don't normally
cancel classes. The request that
was made was for a commemora-
tive service from 11 'a.m.' until
Fleming said it would probably
include a ten minute speech by
himself, music, a poetry reading
and a dance group. "There might
be some dancing," he 'added.
Smith also announced that uni-
versity staff members who wish
I to participate in the service may
be absent without loss of pay from
10:30 until noon.
The King memorial day coin-
cided with a proposed nationwide
boycott of classes and war re-
search called by the Rev. Ralph
Abernathy, King's successor as
head of the Southern Christian
leadership Conference (SCLC).
Fifth In A Series
"I'm a little worried," admits Robert
Bartels, director of, the Computer Cen-
ter. "We fought all these years for im-
provement and I hope we don't face any
further cutbacks in our resources.
With the need for computer tech-
nology pervading virtually all sectors
of academia, University officials say
fi they need more money for instructional
use of the Computer Center and for im-
provements in existing facilities.
But the University's request for a
state appropriations increase of $742,-
000 for the Computer Center is almost
engineering school, 'I'
use it for that class,''
dent for Academic Aff
Besides instruction,
crease would have coN
renting new memory u
versity's advcanced If
puter. Terminal facili
and Dearborn campus
"At the moment, w
add new equipment,"
U' an