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March 28, 1969 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1969-03-28

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For the 627 families receiving
y. - Aid to Dependent Children
grants in Washtenaw County,
welfare rights is a full-time
Last September, when about
80 ADC mothers demanded a
$130 supplemental clothing al-
lowance for their children, hun-
dreds of students rallied to their
Students demonstrated f o r
welfare rights. They showed
their solidarity with the moth-
ers by sitting in with them in
the County Bldg. When the
demonstrations were over, a 1 -
most 200 students had b e e n
arrested - most of them later
convicted - for trespassing dur-
ing their protest for welfare
While the mothers are divid-


wel fare


ed as to whether student par-
ticipation in their demands was
beneficial, they agree that their
cause would not have gotten the
public attention nor the quick
action had the students n o t
joined their protest last fall.
A more important factor in
the struggle last fall was pro-
bably the compined efforts of
the three welfare rights organ-
izations which participated in
the demonstrations and helped
rally community support for the
Last September, after eight
days of negotiations - a n d
following the arrests of the pro-
testing mothers and students -
the County Board of Super-
visors and the Social Services
Board agreed to give the ADC
children an emergency clothing
allowance of up to $70 per child.

However, the significance of
the mothers' settlement w i t h
the county officials last fall ex-
ceeds the value of the clothing
allowance. "The most import-
ant effect the demonstrations
had was a unifying sense on the
recipients," says George Stewart,
the mothers' legal counsel.
Many ADC mothers now re-
cognize the value of united ac-
tion for welfare rights.
Kate Emerson, who has been
an ADC mother for months,
says, "In the past, the mothers
were not told all the ways they
could get subsidies for things
like phones and high protein
diets. Much of the initiative for
this kind, of information comes
from the welfare rights organi-
zations - not from the authori-
ties. "
Other ADC mothers agree

'The money they give us is still
too little," says Gloria Fuller,
"but now they are beginning to
tell us about a lot of the things
that we were entitled to a 11
along. Since the demonstrations.
they don't give us the runaround
that they used to.
"I think they respect us more
since the demonstrations. They
think the ADC mothers won't
fool around any more," she adds.
Audrey Franklin, an A D C
mother in Ypsilanti, feels that
since the demonstrations "things
are better because the mothers
don't have such a hard time get-
ting what they want. Our or-
ganizations help us, we really
accomplish something."
David Cowely, Ann Arbor hu-
man relations director, also be-
lieves the spread in political

consciousness a m o n
mothers is important.
"If low-income peopl
the mothers - have t
and courage to speak
their own behalfs, then
half the battle in
their confidence in then
he declares.
Of course, the issues
ed in the protest weren
by the settlement wi
county. The students' an
ers' trials slowly took
throughout the fall and
Many of them were con
trespassing, given fin
sentenced to work tern
In the period since th
sentenced, the 16 moth
were assessed more tha
in fines and court cos
managed to raise only
the total.{ The fines

g ADC next week and if they arc not
paid, the mothers could 1 o s e
e - like their probationary status.
the guts Significantly, the mothers have
outt on had little success in arousing
that is sympathy for their cause in the
building county outside of the Univer-
sity community.
involv- Mrs. Emerson candidly ad-
't sqlved mits that the ADC mothers ap-
th t h e pear to be "the most despised
d moth- group in the community." Many
p l a c e people, she adds, don't realize
winter. "that welfare is an investment
victed of to get people out of their ruts-
es, and not just a subsidy to keep us
ns. alive."
ey were bespite the rise in confidence
ers who among the mothers themselves,
n $1,500 the welfare situation in the
ts have
$500 of county as a whole remains basi-
are due See AFTER, Page '7

( Si rigzt 4F'1,

-Daily-Andy Sacks

Vol. LXXIX, No. 146

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 28, 969

Ten Pages

Group to study
volunteer army
WASHINGTON (Ai - President Nixon, moving toward
redeeming a campaikn pledge to end the military draft,
appointed an advisory commission yesterday to recommend
ways of establishing an all-volunteer armed force.
Nixon asked the panel to report by early November.
When press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler was asked if this'
indicated the President might be prepared to push the project
in the 1970 congressional session, he recalled that Nixon has
said "he wants to move toward an all-volunteer army when
expenditures in Vietnam are substantially reduced." He
added that he could not predict when that time would come.

rent cl aim:
Arbor Management amended
its charge yesterday against
Thomasrand Naomi Karow by
reducing its demand for two
month's back rent by $43.69, in
the third eviction case resulting
from the rent strike.
Originally Arbor Management
was suing for all the back rent
that has not been paid by t h e
Karows. The $43.69 was subtract-
ed because the Karows had paid
an oil bill when their heat went





4 soldiers

+ Named as chairman of the
commission was Thomas S.
Gates Jr., secretary of defense
in the last years of the Eisen-



hower administration and now The Karows, plus other tenants
chairman of the executiven the building, charged Edward
con vi ted coaimiteeof MorganeGuir- Kloian of Arbor Management had
committee of Morgan Guar- ordered oil delivery to be stop-
anty Trust Co. ped.
P y. In a statement, Nixon said: "I However, Kloian denied ever
a t ir esli lo have directed the commission to having stopped oil delivery.
develop a comprehensive plan for According to Jack Becker, thej
eliminating conscription and mov- counsel for Arbor Management,
FT. LEWIS, Wash. (M- Four ing toward an all-volunteer armed, the reasoning behind the amend-
young California soldiers w e r e force. ment was "admittedly Mr. and
found guilty of mutiny yesterday "The commission will study a Mrs. Karow did pay this amount
by a five-member court-martial broad range of possibilities for in- for oil."
board. creasing the supply of volunteers Ron Glotta, the strikers' law-
Pvts. Edward O. Yost, 23, El- for service, including increased yer, felt that the amendment
mira; William H. Hayes, 22, pay, benefits, recruitment incen- stemmed from a court decision
Healdsburg; Ricky L. Dodd, 21, tives and other practicable meas- handed down last week in the
Bayard, and Harold nJ. Swanson, ures to make miiltary careers more case of Virginia Lewis, a tenant
19, were charged in connection attractive to young men." in the same building as the Kar-
with a sit-down demonstration On Feb. 5, Nixon had directedj ows.
Oct. 14 at the Presidio stockade nF.5,Nxnhddrtd w.
in San Francsc iosm theDefense Department to draft The court had ruled that Miss+
Lt. Col. Robert Campbellp recommendations for moving to a Lewis pay her back rent minus
sident of the court, announced the volunteer basis. $110 because of various code vio-
guilty verdict, reached after the Ziegler said he assumed this lations in the apartment build-
court had deliberated 11 hours, project has been going forward ing.j
The four, along with 24 oth- and, in creating the commission, Glotta said that this time "Ar-
ers, were accused of walking away Nixon instructed the Pentagon bor Management decided not to
from a formation in the stock- and all other agencies "to support dispute the oil."
ade, sitting down on a grassy plot this study and provide needed in- The tenants also claimed t h e
and singing and chanting. Except formation and assistance as a' heat in the building had not
for one who returned to forma- matter of high priority." started until the middle of No-r
tion, they were charged with dis- The commission, Nixon said, vember, even though they c o m-a
regarding the orders of' an of- "will consider possible changes in plained about it repeatedly,
ficer to return to a cellblock. selection standards and in utiliza- This is not the only apartment


cuses to plan strategy in their fight to retain a popular teact
superintendent of schools. The teacher, Joseph Silvian, was1
allegedly camplained he was too liberal with the classroom.I
independently mobilized and petitioned the superintendent it
" s
Mint-students prote,
of elementary .scMo
By RAY GORDET education is getting cut off
"If we need to, we'll have a sit- Mr. Silvian needs a chance."
in. We'll just sit down and do "With Mr. Silvian you
nothing," declares Andy Schoultz, have to gobble up informe
a sixth-grader at Northside ele- but just soak it up," says Sch
mentary school. whose two brothers Curt
Northside elementary school? Keith have also joined the a
In an action similar to those "He doesn't shovel educ
taken by University students in down you."
the Mayer and Gendell tenure So yesterday, the students
cases, a group of concerned fifth up a petition, and began to
and sixth graders have confront- it' around their class. All th
ed the Superintendent of Public some students signed, accordi
Schools Scott Westerman and de- Miss Erlich -- except for on
manded reinstatement of a teach- amant boy who ripped up
er who was recently demoted. copy of the petition and fl
The leaders of the movement, a second down the toilet
who call themselves the Kids would have had more signa
Committee for Mister Silvian but we didn't have time," Mis
(KCMS) mobilized recently when i lich adds.)
they learned their teacher, Joseph The KCMS then attempt
Silvian, had been demoted from speak with Superintendent V
his regular teaching position to erman, but were shunted fron
full-time substitute. bureaucratic niche to ano
"He helps us, he talks to us," Granted an interview with
says Lynn Erlich, one of the rector of personnel, the groul
KCMS leaders. "His entire idea of came quickly disenchanted iA

The defense contended the de-:
monstration was an appeal to
authorities for help. The gov-
ernment argued the sit-down was
an attempt to override military
The demonstration took p 1 a c e
three days after another prisoner
had been fatally shot when he ran
from a work detail after making
taunting remarks..
Four of the demonstrators were
tried in California and were sen-
tenced to terms up to 16 years.

See NIXON, Page 2 of Kloian that has had troublea
with the heating since the r e n t
" 1** strike began. Residents at 1520
diecision Hill charged their oil delivery
stopped when they joined the rent
pO p The city housing code states
that heating facilities must be in
A committee set to meet yester- good working order. According to
day to discuss plans for the April building inspector, Ralph Lloyd.
4 Martin Luther King day has the law is not affected if the ten-
postponed its final decision until ant is striking.
this morning at 10 a.m. A representative of the Arbor}
The committee will decide to- Management maintenance depart-


Student Government Councilmen Howard Miller and
Mark Rosenbaum resigned from Council last night in protest
of the election of Marty McLaughlin as the new SGC presi-
McLaughlin, who was installed in his position last night
along with Vice President Marc Van Der Hout, called the
resignations a loss to Council.
In announcing their resignations, both Miller and Rosen-
baum sharply criticized many of the Council members for
their actions during the past week of confusion.
"I cannot, as an individual, honestly stay on this Council
and respect things that go on here, or respect the authority
you will wish to delegate,-_
Rosenbaum said.
Miller told the Council "my onlyPtpo ne
recourse is to resign from a Coun-
-Daily-Jay Cassidy cil which no longer reflects the
) of Northside elementary school cau- wishes of the students on this a
her who was recently demoted by the campus." a R um d O f
turned into a substitute after parents B voedtheMiller and Rosenbaung ha
Fifth and sixth grade students have block the seating of McLaughlin
n their struggle. and Van Der Hout, claiming their
election was illegal. However, they Cowe d h a l
were overruled by the majority of
sf ttransfer the Council. By BARBARA WEISS
In addition to the blast from The Board of Governors of
Miller and Rosenbaum, McLaugh- residence halls decided yesterday
lin's base of support on campus rnon tollste actoday
il 'tea ch er 'received another blow when the the Alice Lloyd Hall proposal for
rrEngineering Council's ex-officl, alternating men's and women's
now. what one KCMS member describ- Chuck Esterl, '69E, read a state- corridors until a more thorough
ed as "some long thing about ment passed by the Engineering study of the plan can be made.
don't making decisions." Council last night questioning the The actibn capped a several
ation. Finally, the students got to legitimacy of McLaughlin's elec- week long controversy among
oultz, speak with Westerman himself tion. Lloyd students over a proposal
and ("We were determined to speak The statement said the run-off which would have placed men in
ffair. with him," declares one). election "violated the SGC rules" the now-women's,Hinsdale House
ation "He asked what the protest was which had been "altered after the and women in the now-men's Pal-
all about, but he didn't commit election." The statement said the mer House. As a result of the
drew himself," says Miss Erlich. "We'll run-off was justified unproperly Hinsdale-Palmer switch, alter-
pass have to discuss it some more." by the Credentials and Rules Com- nating corridors would house
e 30- So far no one in the school mittee on the basis of-poorly tabu- members of the opposite sex.
ng to ' . lated votes. Lloyd President Andy White
ea-system has been willing to t e 11
ead- te CM S just wy theirtteahe "The Engineering Council does '71, who was to investigate the
one has been demoted. According to not recognize McLaughlin and possibilities forsuch a switch,
("e one student spokesman, s o m e Van Der Hout as the executive Board of Governors two weeks
tue parents originally signed a petition officers of SGC" the statement ago. At that time, the Board of
s E- requesting Silvian's dismissal be- concluded. gh.wAch Governors approved it.
cause he gave his students "too Esterl said he would continue We really wereit expecting
much freedom." I however to fill the ex-officio seat. to ras it,' admitt-
ed to Ot Critics of McLaughlin went to the governors
Vest One parent, however, says the work as soon as he was installed. ed White. "'We were only there
on school is dumping Silvian because The first order of business to come to see what kind of reaction such
ether. his radical methods and politics up after he took over the gavel a proposal would receive."
a di- make him a "hot potato." was a request from Council mem- When Lloyd students learned of
p be- Miss Erlich questions the par- ber Shelly Kroll, '72, that Council the Board of Governors' decision,
i t h ental roles in faculty assignment. appropriate $25 to be given to the many were upset because they had
"They don't have the teachers," Radical Caucus for support of a not considered the proposal first.
she declares. "Why should they day of educational workshops in After debating.whether it would
have control over whom or what the Arboretum. be legal to include students who
we have?" The motion was passed by coun- were not planning to return to
"The kids are the ones that cil, with only one voting member, Lloyd next year in the decision-
have Silvian," adds a student Mike Farrell '70, opposing the mo- making process, the Lloyd student
whose father wishes him to remain tion. However, the move was crit- judiciarydecided that all students
anonymous. "Just because Mr. Sil- icized afterwards by outgoing Ad- should be permitted to vote on a
vian lets us work independently ministrative Vice President of yes-or-no referendum concerning
fairs doesn't mean we can't learn." Council Larry McKay. the Hinsdale Palmer switch.
ass "Mr. Silvian taught us to be- McLaughlin, Kroll, and Van The vote was taken on March
als lieve in the democraticsprocess, Der Hout are all members of Rad- 19. The following day, the Pilot
all and we plan to put those demo- ical Caucus. McKay pointed out. Program Representative Assembly
cratic principles to use," Miss Er- He said it would be unfortunate decided that such a switch would
the lich asserts, if SGC was to become the mouth- be approved by a simple majority
ddi- Seeastdnnomebr piece of a "small and noisy minor- of "yes"~ votes with the stipula-
S Several students, not members tion that a 75 per cent "no" vote
eav- of the KCMS, said they would not ity. --of either sex could veto the vote.
re- support the group's efforts to re- Results were separated by sex
Stu- tamnSilvian. But these students, ane ixer and by returnee or non-returnee
and; according to KCMS leaders, could Jane L. M xe status. After the votes were tallied,
only complain that the classroom it
was not kept clean c. f it was found that of the women
hips wlkei pjit voting, 63 per cent of those r.ot
ther "The students themselves are returning and 70 per cent of those
And the ones who made the room A group of law school students returning cast "no" votes.
dirty." declares one irate protester. ho r r -n f~ nm em. was. i~mm'eil n.reut of



The Ft. Lewis trial began March day whether classes will be can- ment. who did not wish to be
19 on a change of venue from the celed, and set final plans for any identified, said, "Not one single
Presidio after David Lowe, a de- ceremonies to be held. person on the strike has ever made
fense attorney, argued there was The date marks one year since a call for maintenance."
an "air of hostility" in San Fran- Rev. King was assassinated in The proceedings were adjour-
cisco. Memphis, Tennessee. ned until 9:30 this morning.

Social work school may cut admissions

Fourth In A Series
The School of Social Work has more
than doubled enrollment over the last
five years in response to the vastly in-
creased number of students desiring to
enter the field. And the number of ap-
plicants for entrance keeps growing.
But with the expected cut in the Uni-
versity's 1969-70 state appropriations re-
quest, the school will probably be forced
to decrease next fall's admissions.
"We've really wanted to meet the de-

400 to over 1000 - over three times as
many as can be accepted.
Last fall, the school requested a $100.-
000 increase in state appropriations.
chiefly to lighten a f a c u I t y workload
which has steadily grown with increased
But with tight money conditions pre-
'U' and the

ervise and coordinate students' training
in social agencies.
"We've gotten to the point where the
faculty workload cannot be increased any
further," he says.
"Professors are really overloaded," says
Prof. John Erlich. "We're just not able to
give as much time to individual students
as we'd like to.
"The faculty member provides liason
between schools and social agencies," he
notes. "We've got to have more time to
provide maximum opportunities for stu-
rint i ai sen rchnc Thc ro a

Vice President f o r Academic Aff
Allan Smith has promised some incre
in funds - but not enough to cover
the school's needs.
The shortage of state funds is not
school's only financial headache. In a
tion, the federal government, which he
ily subsidizes social work education, is
ducing its aid. As a result, manys
dents will lose essential scholarships
"Our federal support for scholars:
for the first time will be reduced ra'
than increased," said Dean Fauri. "I

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