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March 26, 1969 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-03-26

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Page Eight


Wednesday, March 26, 1969

to God

Carroll Shelby's Original


Ole Shel' serves up the niixin's.
You put'em together tame orhot.
Either way, you get real ornery
Texas Red like you can't find this
side of the Big Bend. Makes1% qts.
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Send One Buck that eats chili
(well spent) can't be
Plus 250 Ptage9all bad."
or 6 packages P. Garrett,
tfor $5.98 .. >. Stinking
Postage Paid Spring, N.M.,
Original Texas ' Dec. 21, 1880
Chili Co. ;.......
P.O. Box 747A
Dearborn, Mich, 48121

Abe Saperstein's Famous
~ ~-e

Two years ago the Wolverine
tennis team entered the Big Ten
meet with an 8-1 dual meet record
and were favored to sweep the Big
Ten Title. But after the dust had
settled, Michigan State had grab-
bed the top spot and the Wol-
verines settled for second.

Veterans lead net squad

The cause? Most observers felt Although Conti's game was se-
it was overconfidence. verely hampered as a freshman
due to an injured knee, a mid-
Last year, determined to prove winter operation seems to havei
their second place finish was a been successful and he quickly is
fapproa g p ho li llm

ziu e, te ewolverines ronea over
everyone in sight, finishing with
an unprecedented 112-5 match
record and their tenth Big Tan
crown in 14 years.
Of the five matches lost, only
two were suffered in Big T e n
competitign, the other three com-
ing during a 6-3 victory over
powerful Miami.
Gone from this year's team, due
to graduation, are Bob Pritula and
Ron Teegnarden, but the h o I e s
appear to have been more than
adequate filled by sophomores
Mark Conti and Roman Almonte,
together with junior transfer Dan
Tennis coach Bill Murphy sum-
med up the team's strength, not-

approaching top form.
Almonte hails from Puerto Rico
and should have a good chance at
grabbing one of the singles posi-
tions. In 1967 he was ranked tenth
nationally among 18 year olds and
teamed with Stan Passarell to win
the Latin American Converse Cup
for Puerto Rico.
In contrast to Conti, who has a
strong serve and solid net game,
Almonte is more of a control play-
er with a good backcourt game.
The competition for the t o p
singles position should be keen.
J In 1967 Dick Dell grabbed the top
spot, with this year's team cap-
tain, Brian Marcus second and
Pete Fishbeck third. Last season
Marcus beat Dell, but fell to Fish-
back, and thus again took second
spot. Dell also lost to Fishback,
who took first. Dell finished third
while sophomore Jon Hainline was
With the addtion of this year's
sophomores, the battle should be
a free for all, and even Coach
Bill Murphy could not commit
himself on the outcome. Murphy
only said that he would have to
wait for the playoff matches,
I which will be held next week at
the IM courts, weather permit-

ing. "We are even stronger than
last year."
The biggest help from the new-
comers could come from Conti.
A native Detroiter, Conti was num-
ber one in the State for three
consevutive years as a junior (18
and under age bracket) and was
rated eighth nationally.

; .

team headed by Brian Cheney.
rated 25th in the country (men's
division). and by Bud Guy, who
was runnerup in the Junior Na-
Dell thought that the team play-
ed well against Arizona, which has
had a whole winter of outdoor
practice, but the Wolverines fell.
7-2 one day and 6-3 the other.
Murphy, however, was not con-
cerned with the loss: "Actually I
was very pleased ivith the team.
We were tired and the conditions
were lousy, but they performed
well for this early in the season."


-Daily-Peter Dreyfuss

Dick Dell



Michigan golfers migrate south
for Miami pre-season tourney


9 . 1 i

While Ann Arbor's spring squalls'
dampen the University's fairways
and student duffers sharpen their
putting game with an empty glass
on a patch of carpet, Michigan's
golf team opens its 1969 season at
the Miami Invitational Tourna-
ment in sunny Miami, Fla.
The Wolverine linksmen, who
won three major tournaments last
year and finished fifith in the tra-
ditional season opener in the na-
tion's vacationland, hope to im-
prove on last year's third place
finish in the Big Ten tourney.
for information call
Tickets are available
at Travel Bureaus or
the Michigan Union
32 Trips/Day

Assistant Coach Bill Newton
was cautious in his optimism
about the team's prospects for this
season. "We should do well," he
commented. "We've had pretty'
good weather here (in Ann Arbor)-'
and we've been outside for more
than two weeks. This has given
us more time to work on our game
than we've ever had before."
The main problem in the Wol-
verines' drive for their first con-
ference championship since 1952
should not be the weather, how-
ever, but rather the loss of John
Schroeder, who was first-team
All-American choice s a senior'
last year.
But Randy Erskine, who finished
third in the Big Ten Tournament
as a sophomore last May and won
honorable mention honors on the
All-American team, is back and is
expected to form the cornerstone
of the Wolverines' team.
In addition to Erskine, the Wol-
verines have five other returning
lettermen, led by seniors Mark
Christenson, the captain, and Ron
Sumpter, both of whom are
"strong, steady players," according
to Newton. Sumpter is expected
to play in the number two posi-


Three junior letterman-Keith
Mohan, Gene Denk, and Rocky
Pozzo-will be battling for the
number four and five spots on the,
team. In tournament play, a team
usually enters five players, with
the top four scores counting in
the team tabulation.
Two sophomores, John Jaku-
biak, from Detroit, and John Ros-
ka, who hails from Mequon, Wis-
consin, give the Wolverine golfers
some depth
In addition to the new sopho-
more prospects, the Wolverine
golf team also has new personnel
at the coaching level. Newton, who
won the Big Ten Individual
Championship in 1965 and cap-
tained the Wolverine golfers in'
'66, is Michigan's first assistant
golf coach.
Bill Newcomb, a former Wolver-
ine golfer and one of the top
amateur players in the state, as-
sumes the position of head coach.
Newcombe replaces Bert Katzen-
meyer, who left Michigan to be-
come the athletic director at
Wichita State.
The new'Wolverine golf mentors
have been stressing fundamentals
in the team's pre-season practice
sessions, and they hope that the
instruction will pay off this week
in Miami and throughout the
"You can work on the basics
of the game and go out and hit a
lot of practice balls, but you still
need to play courses in good shape
under tournament conditions to
get your whole game under con-
trol," commented Newton in ref-
erence to the value of the Miami
"The Miami tournament is
usually a psychological aid to the
players," Newton continued. "Most
of the teams down there are
southern teams who have been
outside all year. The tournament
gives the players a chance to get
a good start on their game, and
if we do well it ususally gives the
team a psychological boost."

tion, while Christenson should
hold down the number three slot.

Although Murphy was happy
with the team's performance on
their spring tour, the team w a s
disappointed in one respect. The
Wolverines went out West hop-
ing for some outdoor practice
along with those golden rays of
California sun, but they were
greeted with rain.
After two opening days of
rain they moved outdoors a n d
whipped California, 5-2, and then
proceeded to knock off a strong
Stanford squad, 5-2.
-The next day found the team
in Arizona with more rain, b u t
they still managed to slaughter.
Arizona State twice, 9-0 on con-
secutive days.
They then moved across t h e
state to battle a tough Arizona

'Billboard E
There will be a meeting for
anyone interested in becoming
a Varsity Football Manager on
Thursday, March 27, at 4 p.m.
in the basement of the Athletic
Office Building. If you have any
questions or are unable to make
the meeting, please call Rik
Kohn at 761-5861.
Michifish, the University's
synchronized swim club, will
present its annual swim pageant
on Thursday, Friday, and Sat-
urday, March 27, 28, and 29 at
Margaret Bell Pool. Show time
will be 8:15 p.m. Tickets may be
purchased at the foor prior to
each performance or from any
club member for $1.25.

Expo charges prejudice;
refused service in two bars

While the United Nations may already offer an
appropriate structure for shifting the responsibility .
for security and development from the hands of a
single nation into community hands the structures
cannot function unless the United States makes the?
fundamental decision to renounce its claim to 'organ- t
rye the peace'."
Intervention and Revolution
"America's War on Revolution"71
4:00 Lane Hall Auditorium.
Sponsored by Office of Religious Affairs
8:00 First Methodist Church
Sponsored by Interfaith Council for Peace
Ecumenical Campus Center
E "{{ngrygn"y.. :..'Si'°N:$ 'vv'F..-.."n:': .":} .'J r..: -h^ :?hv " :. YN

Veteran pitcher Jim "Mudcat"
Grant struck out at what he called
racial discrimination in this city
yesterday after Montreal Expos
teammate Maury Wills said he had
been discriminated against for the
first time in his big league career.
Grant, a native of LaCoochee,
Fla., said he, planned to write a
letter to Florida Gov. Claude. Kirk
protesting the incidents, which
Wills said "bite at me inside.""
Both Grant and Wills are Negroes.
Grant said that his letter "will
express my disappointment that
stuff like this is still going on.
Wills is an outstanding citizen of
this country. He should be ac-
cepted as a citizen, not as a black
man, who has to be told that he
can't do this or that."
Wills, who holds the major
league record of 104 stolen bases
and was named the National
League's Most Valuable Player
while with the Los Angeles
Dodgers, in 1962, said he had been

asked to leave two bars last Friday
"because they said they didn't
serve colored people."
Wills 'explained that he had
entered the bars with a news-
paperman and a photographer,
both, white. "We decided to go
there because it was suggested
that it would be a different at-
mosphere in which to discuss a
story rather than in the ball park.
Things like this bite at me inside
but in no way cause me to lose my
dignity or act in the same manner
as the people in charge of the
"We have been running into
situations like this for years and
years," Grant said. "I was be-
coming relieved that these things
were finally coming to an end.
The fact that Maury and I are
allowed to stay at the same hotel
as the white players is an en-
couraging sign of the type of
progress made in recent years. But
there are still a few public places
which prefer to practice discrimi-

"Pm sorry about your
parade, s. I guess I.
splashed on too
much after shave,:'OT.
j II



The Society of Automotive Engineers is sponsoring a road rallye on
Sunday, March 30. Registration is between 11:00 and 12:00 on
Sunday at the Auto Lab on N. Campus. Entry fee is $6.00 per car
which includes a large pizza at the Village Inn after the rallye.
Prizes are tires, oil, trophies and more.


Shankar .:**','
Tickets on Sale



$2.00, $2.50, $3.00
Also at the Door
lb u aasm ' e LE A ag E a U A U



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