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March 26, 1969 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-03-26

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Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom
Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan

'U' Council: More than a glorified UAC


420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.

News Phone: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in ol reprints.



Run-off endorsements ...

Council presidential elections have
become so muddled it is difficult to de-
termine whether the fiasco is funny or
At a time when effective student
leadership in the areas of academic re-
form and consumer protection could
substantially pays off, SGC has been
paralyzed by its own election crisis.
Thus, the dignity - and legitimacy -
that Council claimed to have has
crumbled in its encounter with the un-
Sloppy and negligent voting and
counting procedures have cast doubt
upon Council which no run-off can
erase. Furthermore, any run-off with
the absence of the ticket- that appar-
ently received the most votes in the
first election cannot be considered en-
tirely valid. Thus, Howard Miller and
Mark Rosenbaum's boycott of the run-
off endangers SGC's legitimacy and,
undoubtedly, their conscientious ob-
jection to the conduct of the w h o I e
election reflects the view of m a n y
But even without Miller and Rosen-
baum, Council has a constitutional ob-
ligation to serve. Although Council of-
ten appears to be a Thursday night de-
bating society existing for the govern-
ing rather than the governed, now it
at least has a mandate from students

to strive for the abolition of the lang-
uage requirement and the establish-
ment of a university bookstore.
THIS DOES NOT MEAN the mistakes
of the elections should be forgotten,
but rather that they should be recti-
fied by a new, knowledgeable Council
administration starting with a clean
The Daily senior editors reaffirm
their support for the candidacy of
Marty McLaughlin and Mark Van Der,
Hout. We believe they have demon-
strated their ability to press for aca-
demic reform, particularly for abolition
of the language requirement. Further-
more, McLaughlin and Van Der Hout
display personal and political support
of the rent strike and consumer boy-
McLaughlin and Van Der Hout are
not responsible for SGC's past sins and
can be counted on to lead.Council to
more constructive action.
* * * *
JUNIORS IN THE literary college will
also vdte today for LSA president.
panther White is the preferred candi-
date because he would abolish the an-
achronistic and ineffectual post as a
first step in creating a literary college
student government.

Second of Three Parts
in a university community
governing the structure of student
organizations; how should cam-
pus protests be governed; who has
jurisdiction in classroom behav-
These were some of the funda-
mental questions facing the Presi-
dential Commission on the Role of
Students in Decision-Making last
year as they developed the outline
for new University legislative and
judicial structures.
Underlying these problems were
two basic questions: where should
the authority for rule-making be
delegated and how much repre-
sentation should students have on
such a body.
Prof. Inis Claude of the political
science department, recommended
greater student involvement by
students in all levels of decision-
Nearly every t y p e of decision
made in the University, from de-
partmental planning of concen-
tration requirements to adminis-
trative planning of tuition, the re-
port said, should be made with the
aid and participation of students.
"Student participation in decis-
ion making processes can contri-
bute both to the excellence of the
University and to the development
of its students. The quality and
maturity of present-day Michigan
students make it desirable to ex-
tend such participation," the re-
port said.
The spirit of this recommenda-
tion has come alive more than ev-
er this semester as students, es-
pecially in the literary college, and
the education school have begun
to take active, and sanctioned
roles in departmental planning.
campus activities for years have
come under the aegis of the Stu-
dent Government Council. Yet a
large void has existed. Authority
over student behavior in times of
turmoil remains ambiguous, main-
ly because there has been very lit-
tle unorderly dissent here. Yet, un-
questionably, t h e power to deal
with demonstrators - when dem-

onstrations did rarely occur - lay
outside the realm of SGC in the
hands of top University adminis-
Furthermore, the policy matters
of student rights ostensibly given
to SGC - especially in the areas
of judicial hearings on matters of
behavior in the classroom - and
conduct during University events
have often been determined in fac-
ulty and administration corners.
Departmental and administra-
tive judicial a c t i o n or by the
deans of t h e respective schools
and colleges has often b e e n an
easy and quiet substitute for for-
mal judicial action through stu-
dent judiciary channels.
Thus, in the commission's re-
port, the various legitimate areas
of jurisdiction had to be redefined,
more clearly.
THE REPORT encouraged the
maintenance of an active student
"Rules (governing student - ac-
tivities) will inevitably be needed
on a campus-wide basis. Campus-
wide representatives must be se-
lected by the student body and over
all coordination of the funding of
student activities would seem de-
sirable. For these reasons, we an-
ticipate that a continuing general
association or assembly of students
will be needed . ."
This wouldamake t h e student
government a sort of glorified
UAC. Student activities and stu-
dent organizations would come un-
der its control. And of course, "ac-
tivities" include things like organ-
ized student pressure for academic
and economic reform and other
movements such as have been or-
ganized by SGC in the past.
the idea of a three-party Univer-
sity-wide governing body with re-
sponsibility for rule - and policy
making on matters of behavior.
"The regulation of, conduct on
Univeraity property otherthan
conduct directly related to t h e
routine operation' of residence halls
or to the regular activities -explic-
itly associated with the formal ed-
ucational programs of the Univer-
sity poses problems of peculiar
complexity and importance. The
area of activity to which we refer

includes, but is not limited to, pub-
lic lectures and forums, protest
demonstrations, picketing a n d
teaching," the report said.
In light of the complexity of the
problem, the commission propos-
ed that all segments of the uni-
versity h a v e a say in decisions
governing behavior of persons in
the university community.
"Every segment of the Univer-
sity community has a s t a k e in
maintaining the campussas a cen-
ter for lively and unimpeded dis-
cussion, advocacy a n d criti-
cism . . ." said t h e commission.
And thus, ". . . formulation of
rules governing the activities in
this sector . . . should be carried
out by an all-University body at
the highest level. For this purpose,
we recommend that the Regents
establish a University Council."
the student-faculty Ad Hoc Com-
mittee on Regents' Bylaws went to
work last March, after the issu-
ance of the report, to draft specif-
ic language detailing the responsi-
bilities and authority of a Unier-
sity Council.
Today, the concept is well de-
fined. The most recent draft -
written by a faculty member of'
the ad hoc committee, Prof. Rob-
ert L. Knauss of the Law School-
was endorsed by the senate assem-
bly at their meeting last week.
Although the Knauss draft was
written specifically from the fac-
ulty point of view, there is little
disagreement from students over
its provisions.
The University Council, as en-,
visioned by Knauss, would con-
sist of three faculty members,
chosen by the assembly, three'stu-
dents, chosen by SGC and three
administrators chosen by the pres-
ident. Its job would be to formu-
late, and propose for passage, reg-
ulations governing the conduct of
members of the University com-
THESE RULES "which apply
generally to all members of the
University community," shall not
"limit the authority of = students,
faculty,'administrators and indi-
vidual schools a n d individual
schools and colleges each to regu-
late its own affairs."


Thus, just as such a body would
allow SGC broad freedom'to gov-
ern those activities that are strict-
ly of a student nature, the Uni-
versity Council would also allow
the same autonomy to the facul-
ties of .the schools and colleges.
It is the autonomy which is, per-
haps, the central building block
of the n e w proposed structures.
Judicial processes a r e also built
around this concept.
Under the proposed system, the
University Council would merely
propose legislation to the Univer-
sity groups already existing. None
of the legislation would take ef-
fect until ratified by both SGC and
Senate Assembly. The Regents,
however, would have veto power
over any legislation.
draft and approved by the Senate
Assembly, is a provision that was
crucial to students demands but
which has horrified many faculty
The provision deals with t h e
right of SGC or Senate Assembly
to disaffirm - to terminate -
existing rules.
The faculty was stattled by this
provision. The thought of a stu-
dent government renouncing all
the rules it had agreed to 1 e f t
many administrators, faculty and
some students, feeling uneasy.
"T h e disaffirmation process
opens up the possibility that at
some date in the future there will
be no rules," says P roaf. Jacob
Price of the history department,
"It gives one group a blackmail
card in an negotiations that
might take place."
As the process is now defined,
however, it protects the students,
and makes the rules of the Uni-
versity Council subject to the
"continuing consent" of the stu-
dents, 'as Knauss describes it.
If SGC or Senate Assembly de-
cides any rule is unsatisfactory, it
must give a "Notice of Intent to
Disaffirm" to the Regents. How-
ever, the rule remains in effect for
at least 60 days, and 120 days if
the Regents or the University
Council so requests.
IN THIS WAY, the University
Council can take action to draft a

rule more palatable to all sides in
the interim period.
The "continuing consent" con-
cept, Knauss explained to the Sen-
ate Assembly Insures that one
generation of students would not
be bound by rules agreed to by a
previous generation of students,
who may have graduated and left
the rules behind.
Another assembly m e m b e r
agrees .with Knauss, a n d points
out that t h e "threat" od disaf-
firmation was much easier to face
than threats from angry students,
bound by i'ules they had no part
in making.
ALTHOUGH the principal job
of the University Council will be
to recommend ru1es of conduct
for ratification by SGC and Sen-
ate Assembly, it does not stop to
function simply at the limits of
legislative authority.
One of the important secondary
functions of the UC would be to
serve as an advisory committee
concerning community relations,
especially with I a w enforcement
" .'The University council
should also advise the president
concerning policy to be followed
with respect to the invocation of
bolice protection and the manner
in which any other actions should
be taken to prevent or curtail dis-
order or .violence," the report
on the iPresident could be exer-
cised very efficiently through the
University Council. Summary ac-
tion by the president in expelling
students, or invoking martial-law
style rules of conduct during any
period of disturbance would be
looked upon with little favor if
the president detoured the Uni-
versity Council.
There is little doubt, however,
that the president can disregard
t h e University Council if, he so
pleases. This is why students con-
sider it important to establish a
strong University Council, and de-
tailed judicial procedures to safe-
guard student, rights.
TOMORROW: the Central Stu-
dent Judiciary and the protections
of student rights"at the school and



The W, the cityKUA and you:
Rent strike builds support

HE VICTORIES the rent strike has
recently accrued indicate other seg-
ments of the Ann Arbor community share
the convictions of the rent strike steering
committee that students are being ex-
ploited in the captive Ann Arbor housing
One of the first victories the rent strike,
,secured was the decisions by judges Elden
and Conlin to step down from handling
rent strike cases.
Though both judges were pressured on
the grounds they were prejudiced against
strikers, they eventually stepped down
This voluntary decision seems to indi-
cate these judges realized they-as per-
sons having interests in the housing
market-could not render fair decisions.
The Tenants' Union also received Sun-
day $1,000 from the United Auto Workers.
This was the first time the Tenants'
Give us Daley
has even invaded the area of law
enforcement. To find the culprits respon-
sible for the disorders in Chicago during
the Democratic convention, it has been
seen fit to indict eight policemen and
eight of the protest leaders.
An editorial in The New York Post
questions the fairness o the compromise.
One is indeed in a difficult position to
contend that the incarceration of eight
leaders like Tom Hayden and David Del-
linger can be balanced by punishing eight
beat policemen. As the Post points out,
perhaps the only fair thing to do would
be to punish the cause of the disorder-
Mayor Richard Daley.
Editorial Staff
City Editor Managing Editor
MARCIA ABRAMSON .Associate Managing Editor
PHILIP BLOCK .. ...Associate Managing Editor
STEVE ANZALONE ........... Editorial Page Editor
JIM HECK ... ............. .. Editorial Page Editor
JENNY STILLER ...........Editorial Page Editor
LESLIE WAYNE ......................... Arts Editor
JOHN GRAY ............ ........ . Literary Editor
ANDY SACKS ............... . ........Photo Editor
Sports Staff
JOEL BLOCK, Sports Editor
ANDY BARBAS, Executive Sports Editor
BILL CUSUMANO ...... .... Associate Sports Editor
JIM FORRESTER .... ....... Associate Sports Editor
ROBIN WRIGHT . . Associate Sports Editor
JOEt~' MARCKER? _............ Co tributi ng Edtor

Union has been recognized as a legitimate
bargaining agent.
AT THE PRESENT time, City Council is
considering legislation to deal with
the inequitable procedure by which dam-
age deposits are handled.
This time, however, Council seems in-
tricately concerned with the student
problem. Council's judicious caution in
the past few weeks and its reluctance to
pass the Blzhiser Ordinance is indica-
tive of the city's sincere interest in be-
coming involved in the controversy.
For the Balzhiser Ordinance, unlike
other proposed legislation, fails to pro-
duce any viable deterent to landlords
confiscating damage deposits without
legitimate reasons.
Finally, the wide publicity given the
rent strike in other news media including
articles in other college newspapers and
plans for features in the eastern press is
proof of its effectiveness in confronting
the problem, while at the same time pro-
voking others to take stock of their own
economic situations.
MOST IMPORTANT, though, are t he
favorable decisions received recently
in the courts.
There have been no summary judg-
ments rendered in either of the two rent
strike cases. Summary judgments are
rendered by the court when there is no
dispute concerning the facts in the case.
Thus, the fact that all rent strike cases
are being granted jury trials is evidence
that an unethical situation may exist
against the rent strikers.
Furthermore, recent cases that gained
jury trials have also received favorable
decisions. Legally these cases are won by
the landlord. However, when the landlord
has sued for full rent payment he has
been unable to receive the court's favor.
In the case of Virginia Lewis versus
Arbor, Management, a $110 rent reduc-
tion over the past two months was in-
stituted by the jury.
THESE FAVORABLE responses to the
strike substantially support the initial
rent strike steering committee premise
that an inequitable situation does, in fact,
Among these premises was the dictum,
that students in the Ann Arbor housing
market have a social responsibility-not
only a selfish responsibility-to join the
For the strike is only as effective as its


The run -off election should beboycotted

To the Editor:
who has been so disgusted and
appalled at the mess SGC and The
Daily have made out of this elec-
tion that I have written my first
letter to the "voice of the 'stu-
dents," The Michigan Daily. I
have been reading for t h e past
few days the Daily's comments and
editorials concerning t h e power
politics, illegality, and disruptive
forces of the Miller-Rosenbaum
ticket. I have heard accusations
of vacillation and inconsistencies
in their stand on the election rules
and decisions of the C and R com-
mittee to alter these rules. The
Daily has mentioned several times
that the rules of the election pro-
cedure were printed in the Daily
for three days before the election,
and they have asked why Miller
and Rosenbaum didn't challenge
them until after the election.
Let's analyze the "fairness" of
this election outside of the "tricky
maneuvering of the No. 1 candi-
date." First, if the election rules
mentioned in The Daily explicitly
stated that the transfer of bal-
lots proceeds until two candidates
are left, at which time, if no one
has a majority, a runoff proceeds,
then why has there been no re-
count to determine who the third
place candidates are, and why were
they not then eliminated?
FURTHERMORE, since w h e n
are rules printed in The Daily ac-
cepted as legal and just when the
SGC constitution, the b o d y of
written laws governing this elec-
tion, is not explicit on this very
point and does not even mention
"a majority" or "two candidates?"
What gives the right of arbitrary
decision of those rules to Th e
Daily staff?
Another question: Why did the
C & R committee change the rules
of the election (printed so clearly

choice, a small group of politically
biased supporters for the radical
caucus' ticket and the sympathetic
editorial staff of The Daily (one of
whom stated that the Michigan
Daily is the most powerful stu-
dent paper in the U.S.) persuaded,
cajoled, tricked, a n d stampeded
your choice for the running?
Miller and Rosenbaum probably
would have won in a run-off elec-
tion between themselves and the
second-place ticket. It therefore
wasn't political expediency for
them to drop out.
swer was that it was "ridiculous-
ness," a very concrete motivation
for two highly intelligent, inform-
ed candidates. Was it possibly a
moral and ethical decision, one of
conscience that made it impossible
for them to remain in such a dis-
criminating and unfair race? May-
be it was because they got sick
and tired of The Daily misquoting
them and not allowing them a full
unedited position statement and
answer to t h e charges made
against them. So now you have the
second and third choice candidates
left to choose from, your choice
having been shoved and bullied
out of the running.
Do you really want to vote in
such an election? If not, you can
boycott it, showing that you do
object and that you will not allow
the voice of the majority to be
overthrown by minority interests.
Only in this way can the possibili-
ty of a repeat of such injustice
be prevented in the future.
-Gene A. Kallenberg "70
March 25
UGSPA stand
To the Editor:
Undergraduate Poli Sci As-

the imput of student "informa-
tion" to the Executive Committee
is realistically controlled by the
department chairman's discretion.
The ambiguity inherent to such a
structure could possibly allow for
an almost total exclusion of stu-
dent "information" and, thereby
destroy any hope of creating an
effective communications channel.
Even the remotest prospect of
such an exclusion is intolerable
because we feel that consensus
building is a continuous process
of social interaction which be-
comes inoperable if any of the
participants should be excluded.
FURTHER, OUR recent inter-

action with the department has
shown us just how easily the com-
munications system may be shut
down under a system similar to
that proposed by the Grad-Fac-
ulty Committee. Stokes says his
committee focused upon "the in-
tellectual experience of Graduate
studies": but, it also defined a
role for the undergraduate in de-
partment decision-making. (No,
undergraduate took part in this
"information" process.)
Rockman rhapsodized about
"the effective Political Science
community be(ing) broadened in
'concept" yet, powerful members'
'of the Poli Sci faculty tell us that
"the undergraduate is not a part

of the department." Finally, when
'the 4ery curriculum proposals
'which UGPSA helped to formulate
'were discussed at last Thursday's
'faculty "luncheon," no undergrad-
U1ate was present as participator or
It is in line with this desire for
communications and consensus
that we call for a teach-in (fac-
'ulty, graduates, and undergrad-
'uates invited) Wednesday, March
'26 10:00 A.M., 4th floor Haven
Hall, Poli Sci Lounge.
Marc Grainer
Mark Glazer
-Executive Coordinators






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