,/ a Vote today only for SGC presidential run-off 'VOTE TODAY SGC eidorsemnent See editorial page Y Sirt~ F~ 74E iti WINTER High-40 Lour-25 Cold and windy. show flurries Vol. LXXIX, No. 144 em - Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 26, 1969 Ten Cents Ten Pages LSA panel reveals BS degree plan SDS lead By RICK PERLOFF The literary college general studies committee yesterday released its report recommending a restructured Bachelor of Science degree program. - Under the proposed restructured de- gree, students would have three options: -d e p a r t m e n t a 1 concenation in which the department would set its own requirements for the degree; --a degree in general studies requiring 60 hours course work in 300 level and above courses with no concentration and no more than 20 hours in one depart- ment; --the current BS program which re- quires students to fulfill requirements for the BA degree plus 60 hours credit in mathematics and physical and bi- ological sciences. All three options require 120 credit hours for graduation. The report, which will probably be considered at a special literary college faculty meeting expected next week, was the result of several weeks of study by the committee. The faculty will be asked to vote separately on the department and gen- eral studies d gree options. Under the department or "discipline" degree option a student would take no more than 45 hours of credit in one department and he would be required to take at least 30 hours of electives that are not specified in the depart- ment's concentration program. The student who chose this option would have to consult with concentra- tion advisers for approval of his courses. However, all students in the general studies degree program would need only a counselor's approval of their courses in the freshman year. "Thereafter each student shall assume the responsibility for planning an aca- demic program that is commensurate with his ability and aspirations and that satisfies the degree requirements," the report states. "This is to allow the student to choose the most flexible program he wants," says Committee Chairman Prof. Ronald Tikofsky of the psychology de- partment. "We want the student to have complete freedom," he adds. The committee chose to restructure the BS degree rather than set up an entirely new one because "the BS pro- vides a vehicle for restructuring the undergraduate curriculum." "It has educational credibility," Tikof- sky explains. The requirements for admission to the college would remain the same no matter which degree option the student chose. He would make his decision some- tim6 during his freshman year. Some professors had expressed con- cern that a student would not be able to fulfill 60 credit hours of advanced courses in the general studies degree. However, information from the reg- istrar's office indicates each of 101 stu- dents sampled took at least 60 hours in advanced level courses during their college carreers. A In considering a general studies de- gree program, the committee quickly ruled out a recommendation to the fac- ulty for no new degree or no modifica- tion of the present degree programs. Committee meimbers also discussed retention of the current BA degree pro- gram and adding a new degree in gen- eral studies. This was rejected because some committee members repeatedly questioned the "educational credibility" of creating an ,entirely new degree. The number of advanced course cred- its was changed to create a more flexible approach to the degree. Statistics in- dicating most students would have little trouble fulfilling the requirement strenghtened support for the change, says Tikofsky. Another proposal considered suggest- ed one of the requirements for admis- sion to the college and to the degree program be a two-year study of a for- eign language in high school. See LSA, Page 10 of at naval engin s lock-in recruiter school i _Judicial unit.. OKs run-of f By MARTY SCOTT The Central Student Judiciary (CSJ) yesterday upheld 1 by a 4-3 vote the decision of the Credentials and Rules Com- mittee of Student Government Council to hold a three-way presidential run-off today. The question of the validity of the original election was brought to CSJ yesterday by Howard Miller, who was the apparent leader after ballots for the election were counted. Miller asked CSJ to stop the run-off, and to set up guidelines for a new election. 007 However, SGC voted to hold a B oyeo tt three-way run-off because the second and third place candidates E were so close and because of S electionumerous errors discovered in the ot e1 o 'computing and counting of the, ballots.! After the CSJ decision was an- pnnounced, Miller reaffirmed his previous position of non-partici- pation in a three-way run-off. Miller's appeal to CSJ was based M e m b e r s of Interfraternity on a claim that his rights and the Council, Panhellenic Association rights of the student body had si and Engineering Council announc- been denied. ed late last night that they are ' encouraging their members to boy- flecaidththelcto Cott the SGC run-off election. ! y-was undemocratic thaand thethrefore Gates Moss, IFC president said in violation of SGC's bill of rights- Exectiveand constitution. last night that IFC's Eeuie Board voted to boycott the run- Miller's supporters asked that X off by asking their members to any election to be held be put off not vote in the election and to so that he might have time to refuse to serve as poll workers, !campaign. Miller has refused to By The Associated Press However, one ,high IFC official;-campaign for the last week be- }WASHINGTON (A) - President' yve ," cause he said a three-way run-off Nixon will send a special message said it was a "very divisive voe"has "no legal basis." .Cogestdyakn fra carrying only by 5-3. "It was not s to Congress today asking for a an across-the-board decision," he After the decision the three dis- 12-month extension of the 10 per, said, and added that a number senting members of CSJ, Bill cent income tax surcharge, House f the r ho ly Bleich, 70, Dan Share, "70, and Republican leader Gerald R Ford poll w oraer anodu will enourge Hamilton Pitt, '69, issued a state- (R-Mich) said yesterday. their members to vote, mert. They said, "The majority The current tax surcharge is due Engineer'ing Council President decision, from which we dissent to expire June 30. ChgineBring CoudcEngPnesrdngtmost strongly, is unfortunate in Dirksen, who with Ford and Chiis Bloch said Engineering the light of the disenfranchise- others attended a weekly GOP Council's Executive Board voted ment of a sector of the student legislative strategy session with to not participate in the SGC body. In light of the above facts Nixon, also said the new admin- run-of f elections any way and the only democratic course would istraton hopes to double the will challenge the results- of the have been anew election." $.-ilo ugtsrlsatc. election as producing a "legitimate $3.4-billion budget surplus antici- SGC president". Candidate' Marty McLaughlin pated by the Johnson administra- said, "I feel that CSJ has made ition. "We plan to start a recall cam- the right decision." He added. He said the administration paign if the winner is certified as "Miller's right to campaign this hopes for such a surplus even the legitimate president of SGC," week was abrogated by his own though he said former President Bloch said. - free decision and by no one else's Lyndon B. Johnson left behind an Wendy Kress, Panhel President actions. Miller wants Nelson and inaccurate estimate of spending. said -"I feel that the entire elec- I to suffer the consequences, "In talking about Lyndon's last tion has been poorly handled and physical, academic, and financial, budget, .I think you can say that that the student body has not of his own mistakes." it is not a true budget," Dirksen been fully informed of the issues The proposal which was reject- said. He added he was not sug- involved. I am therefore urging ed by the CSJ would have stopped gesting the Democrats sought to students to boycott the second today's election and would have set a trap for Nixon. " election on the grounds that it is requested SGC to hold a com- Ford looked for "significant both illegitimiate and unethical." pletely new presidential election savings" in the fiscal year that She said she is urging students not in the next two weeks. begins July 1 and lesser econo- only to refrain from voting but mies in the current bookkeeping also to refuse to man polls for the year. He said these expectations Selection. would be reflected in Nixon's spe- However, Vice President Bob cial message. Neff said that at least one other However, Ronald L. Ziegler, Panhel o f f i c e r, Administrative ! White House press secretary, said Vice President Lilly Krezel is sup- t10 vooe Nixon's message would not in- porting the run-off and is organ- elude revised budget figures but izing poll workers for the election. rather would be "a statement of Several campus organizations The philosophy department fac- a point of view." have already begun orgmnizing ulty yesterday granted three un- Ziegler said it would be prema- memher tn serve as poll workers dergraduates and two graduate , to e money fi-in'p be By LORNA CHEROT and HAROLD ROSENTHAL Some 25 persons led by Stu- dents for a Democratic Society kept a Naval recruiter locked . in a room in West Engineering Bldg. for 52 hours yesterday E. and prevented engineering students from keeping their appointments with him. An alleged case of assault and battery at the protest yesterday nay result in prosecution of the persons involved either under Re- gents' bylaws or interim rules of conduct adopted by the Engineer- ing College. Some of the engineering s t u- dents have indicated they will take judicial action. Whether the' ac- tion will go before civil courts or will be decided in the University community is unresolved at this point. Currently, the Regents' bylaws governing student behavior are be- ing rewritten by a student-faculty committee. The Regents have ask- ed the individual schools andcol- leges in the. University to draft their own rules to be used in the interim period. These rules vary widely from ^ollege to college, and were made. in some instances, with little or no student advice. . &:. The student protesters. who were opposing the role of the Un versity in "legitimizing" the mili- tary and its operations, became involved in a number of scuffles with engineering students w h o ,gathered around them. One student, Charles Esterl, '69 E, attempted to enter the office to speak to the recruiter, Augustin S.- - UJEtoile. Esterl was blocked by the protesters. Other students t o o k pictures of the incident. ___oeses___odN__y_ "This man is being held forcibly in a room. which is like being FOURTH IN AREA: locked in a prison." commented Esterl. He later said the picturesI have been developed and will be used to identify the protesters. Another students, who was tak- iclaimed he was assaulted by thedmosrts.n a - o th demonstrators. .near North 1 Bloch said he later called the police to file assault charges -Daly-Andy Sacks recruiter to-A! ssciate d Press- lent Nixon at trorky esterday ask twelve-monthl n of tax sure iarye urdered ampus l ntirn ceiA tS ntr nrntrlri canrl at'4 ; Thn vi r1n hnrltr of PS 1 A-I MnrnlA -M~a V n- r' 4 ] 'vm . i:' . i ' njie s a neywoulausna a -i-e nue noay or a lt-year-Olagirl was found hnere officer to the building, Bloch said yesterday near Earhart Road, north of Concordia College, Both GOP leaders said Nixon January federal spending program However. University administra- about a quarter of a mile south of the spot where an Eastern wo'uld place great reliance on was designed by the Johnson ad- tofrs recieived a call from the po- midnistration. As an example, he lie e rd e told of Bloch's r9- Michigan University coed was found slain last July. budgetary economies in trying to said interest outlays on the na- est. A decision was marl to aqk Police said the girl was identified by her parents as counter inflation. tional debt undoubtedly will rise the noliea to stay away from the Maralyn Skelton of 3904 Wabash Rd., Romulus. The cause of Ford predicted that both the because interest rates have in- scene of the protest. death has not been determined, but Police Chief Walter E. as creased in the interim. At leash one other engineerins administration and Congress will Ford suggested t in calling tudent who had an annointment Krasny said it may have been strangulation or beating. k for continuation of the setae. -th L'Etoile attemnted to force He said the murder and one about ten years ago are "the lie works spending though he ex- Nixon would emphasizehi aintot room. worst" he has seen in 30 years of police work. pi ~~ Nio essedddoubtathese woul hi str.woi Sressed doubt the e would amount ta Vstrl.wbo is Enhinetrint Coun- The body was discovered before noon by construction Seaggregate. equest was based on existing ir- "i's ex-officio representative to ded Dirksen emphasized that the? cumstances which could change ftiident Government Council. saidIworkers who were surveying in the wood area. budget outlook has changed in later if, for example, the Vietnam last night he plans to bring charges Krasny said apparently the girl had been dragged through some significant respects since the war were ended. See RECRUITER, Page 10 brush from west of the location where she wa's found, because something pulled through the REDUCED GOVERNMENT FUND1NG brush had left a path Which _ DC____________ could be seen in the area. Public Health faces, grant cut EDITOR'S NOTE: For the past three years the University has been plagued by serious financial difficulties stemming from cuts instate appropriations. This is the second of a series highlighting the fiscal problems of individual schools and programs. By ERIKA HOFF The public health school 'is caught in a financial bind between a tight-fisted State Legislature and declining federal grants. With no new state money to take up the slack, public health school officials fear they ihay have to release as many as four faculty members this summer because of expected cuts in federal funding of the school. Dean Myron Wegman explains the sit- uation in Washington. "The University of To~a rhln eathconn cnnA7,11 h which provide over $1.3 million for tuition subsidies and training programs alone - has been an asset to the school's financial stability. For while other schools have felt the pinch of stiff appropriations cuts in the state capital, public health has thrived on federal funds. But this year will be different. The school has already a s k e d the Legislature for a $100.000 increase in appropriations to com- '17 and the hindI *et suneeze iods. "We have at least one more year be- fore we will be faced with any grants run- ning out - and we have a good chance of getting them renewed," he says. The public health school receives fed- eral funds for training - not research - through three major sources -- General formula grants; totaling $600,- 000, help the school cover the cost of train- ing students who receive federal scholar- ships: - Specific training grants provide funds for training in such fields as chronic dis- ease, adult health. aging, maternal and child health and mental health; - Research training grants h e l p the schnn turn out nalified researchers. The victim may have been -strangled or beaten to death, said Krasny, because there were no gunshot or knife wounds on' the body. There was no wallet or any kind of identification in the im- mediate vicinity. Officers said Miss Skelton had an undergarment about her neck. Her right eye was battered, and she had been sexually molested. Her clothes were nearby. The killing was the fourth murder of a young woman in the Ann Arbor area since 1967. The bodies of all four victims were found within a ten-mile *radius. Last week police discovered the body of a 23-year-old University law student, Jane Mixer of Mus- kegon, in a cemetery in Van Buren Township. Investigators are questioning University students in an effort to retrace the actions of Miss Mixer,