MILLER & ROSENBAUM: POLITICS OF POWER See editorial page Y , ir4igaYt :43 a it SNOW High-45 Low-34 Cloudy and windy with showers changing to flurries Vol. LXXIX, No. 143 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, March 25, 1969 Ten Cents Eight Pages I. .,, , . 1 ' fiscal crisis: Scrounging around for EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a series on the pressing fiscal problems facing the University. Today's article discusses the general financial situation. Later features will highlight the problems of individual schools and programs. By MARTIN HIR$CHMAN Daily News Analysis The University, like a corporation, needs at least one thing to stay in business- money. And, like a corporation, when the money stops flowing in, the products stop flowing out-or their quality decreases sharply: For the past three years, the University has been operating on an austerity budget because state appropriations have run con- siderably lower than requests. The Regents have resorted to a series of substantial tuition increases, mostly to bring the University's General Fund Bud- get in line with inflation and the spiraling. level of faculty salaries. But the effect of the State Legislature's tight money policy has been profound than these simple student fees. much more increases in For while increased tuition revenue has helped meet urgent, unavoidable expenses, the University has been forced by lack of funds to shelve most new projects and expansion programs. Many University schools and colleges have been forced to delay expensive edu- cational innovation, increase average class size, limit enrollment and postpone what they consider important additions to the academic staff. Units like the Computer Center and library system-those used by all schools and colleges-have been forced to limit services and improvements. By all indications, many of these priority items will remain shelved for' some time to come. No one in Ann Arbor or Lansing is predicting the availability of state money for new University programs in the near future-certainly not this year. At best. says President Robben Fleming, "We are going to try not to have any tui- tion increase." But as long as University officials are even thinking about another substantial tuition hike, there will be very little money for new programs. Over 30 priority programs needing new or increased funding are listed in the University's 1969-70 state appropriations request along with the estimated cost---a total of about $7 million. It was this very $7 million, however, which Gov.,William Milliken omitted from the University's appropriation in his budget recommendation to the Legislature in January. And University officials fear the Legis- lature may make even further cuts before the higher education appropriations bill is passed sometime this summer. With no expectations of new funds, the job of determining priorities falls especial- ly hard on Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith. Smith's calendar is jammed with ap- pointments with deans and project direc- tors, each wanting more money for his divisionof the University. "You really talk about a scrounging operation," Smith says of attempts to fund even the most pressing of proposed pro- grams and expansion. "Right now I've got no place to look," he adds. "In the past it has been a question of whether we'd raise tuition to do it." But with the 54 per cent ($540) hike in out-of-state tuition over the last two years-as well as a substantial increase for in-staters-top University administra- tors like Smith do not want to turn again to students for more funds. One source of funds may be available for additional spending. The governor's budget recommendation included some $5 million to provide for a- 6.9 per cent salary and wage increase, and'some of this money -if appropriated by the Legislature-nay be used for other items. But there are two practical consider- ations limiting the use of these funds for non-salary purposes. First, there is the possibility that the use of state funds in this way would find disfavor in Lansing and lead to lower ap- propriations in the future. More important, however, is the wide- spread belief among faculty and adminis- trators that the level of academic salaries is too low. Last year, for example, the University dropped somewhat in a nation- wide rating of salaries for full professors. Thus far, the University has "apparently lost only a few professors for financial reasons-or for budget-related problems like shortages of attractive research facili- ties. But there is a pervasive feeling that funds the University may soon be unable to com- pete with other schools for top-level facul- ty members unless salaries keep pace with national trends. University officials do not forsee an end to the present fiscal crisis in the near future. Many express the belief that the state government will never again be able to adequately fund the University, Instead, these administrators have begun looking to the federal government as the last hope for financial assistance. But even if such support does eventually come in substantial quantity, it is unlikely to come for some time. For despite President Nixon's stated in- tention of increasing aid to higher educa- tion, his administration will undoubtedly await a period of price stability-possibly at the conclusion of the Vietnam War- before serious consideration would be given to such a major fiscal undertaking. Meanwhile, the University can only wait ---and keep scrounging. Run-off set without iller Lit school asks SGC presidential election scheduled for tomorrow By MARTY SCOTT X : Student Government Council yesterday reaffirmed its decision to hold a three-way runoff election tomorrow for SGC president as previously decided last Thursday. In response to the action by SGC, the leading team, Howard Miller and Mark Rosenbaum, reaffirmed their op- Wa position to the three-man run-off, and said they would refuse to-participate. "The decision to conduct an election including the candi- date who placed third in balloting without taking a manual- recount establishes SGC ast a government more concerned' with existing for the governing rather than the governed,"< said Miller ad Rosenbaum in a statement issued late lastW ..__-.-- night. The other two presidential can- didates, Bob Nelson and Marty. McLaughlin, indicated that they would participate in the run-off. " " "I will go along with the Cre- cd itiondentials and Rules Committee de- s ~u~u Lu .Z'~Y.U.E.. cision," said Nelson. McLaughlin, who had earlier favored three-way arbitration, X said that he had reconsidered his t position and decided that it was not the best solution. Former President Dwight D. "I do not want to set a prece- Eisenhower "has grown progress- lent of calling in faculty and ad- ively weaker during the past week- ministrators to solve our prob- end," doctors reported yesterday lems," he said. from Walter Reed Hospital. They The original decision to include; said Ike is losing ground in his ! the third man in the run-off struggle for life. election was made, according to Daily-Larry Robbin The hospital has begun to issue members of the Credentials and around the clock bulletins con- Rules committee, because of the Fo'tner SeCi'emrv of0the Inte,'io,'Ste ,'art (doll cerning Eisenhower's condition. small gap separating the second Eisenhower is suffering from and third candidates.- congestive heart failure, and ac- Since the official results show-e cording to a hospital bulleti " ing the small gap were certified a ss p riritie s requiring continuous oxygen and last Thursday, there has been a other supportive measures." flurry of activity resulting in othery Congestive heart failure means "final" tabulations coming from By DAVE CHUDWIN ultaneously becoming more pollut- ments yet there is widespread ero- that his heart, previously weak- the computing center. "We have a great opportunity to ed, more blighted, and less live- sion and decay." ened by seven heart attacks and One of these computations, shape an agenda for tomorrow," able. Udall called for a national de- major surgery last month, is un- printed in the Daily Sunday, former Secretary of the Interior Udall, secretary of the interior bate and subsequent action in sev- able to maintain adequate blood showed that Miller, who was the Stewart Udall told an overflow for eight years under Presidents eral problem areas. circulation throughout his body. leader according to the certified crowd in the League Ballroom yes- Kennedy and Johnson, listed three "We need to debate now not only Eisenhower has been hospital- SGC results, would not receive a I teiday. trends in postwar American he what kind of cities we want but ized since last spring, when he majority of the votes even when wants reversed. how we should change our insti- suffered the first of four heart all other candidates had b e e n Speaking to a crowd of over 700 tutions to bring this about." Udall attacks that beset him in 1968. dropped, and their second place oe foi' utolook' said. Most of our cities today are Brig. Gen. Fredric J. Hughes Jr., votes were distributed. iknwad, for be onquantitati aee a mess." the hospital's commanding en- Another set of figures came to us to look at the shortcomingsof rather than the qualitative aspects "We need to ask ourselves whe- eral, said of the outlook for light last night, showing Miller in ther we want a clean or a slovenly Eisenhower, "with each successive the lead,. McLaughlin in second "A nation, at certain points in - "We have concentrated much America," Udall continued. "What episode one can't help but feel place, and Nelson third, its history, should decide w h a t of our natural wealth in defense." we need now is programs, money, that more of his reserve in being The tabulation was made by its goals and priorities should be," - "We have glorified and tak- and enforcement to clean up this used up." See ZGC, Page 3 Udall said. "Our country is sim- en pride in our technical achieve- country." Senate review Assembly of ROTC By RICK PERLOI F The literary college executive committee yesterday announced that it will ask the Senate Assem- bly to consider the question of the relationship of ROTC and the University. At the same time, the LSA cur- riculum committee decided to maintain academic credit for ROTC but will no longer include ROTC grades in students' cumula- tive grade point averages. The request will be brought be- :>r" am "* fore the Assembly shortly but ac- tion before next term is consid- ered unlikely. The recommenda- tions of Assembly will be subject to approval by the Regents.,y" At yesterday's meeting, curri- culum committee members decid- ed that the question of ROTC cre- dit was under their own jurisdic- tion and not subject to approval by the entire college faculty. In maintaining ROTC credit, the committee approved three propos- als: - ROTC credit will be counted Stuidents pan p within the 12-hour limit of courses allowed to be taken out- Peace groups met in Chicago's LincolnF side of the college. plans for a massive march and rally in C] - ROTC credit will no longer against what they call America's "War be computed as part of students'- cumulative GPA;VI - Credit will not be given for REVISE MAJORS: basic military training in the arm-__ ed services outside the University. The curriculum committee h a d recommended last semester tha> 3 oc students ROTC credit be reduced from the current 12 to four hours for the entire four year program. The proposal was forwarded to the executive committee which re- turned it to the curriculum com- 1 mittee because members found the By TOBE LEV report incomplete. Dean William A sociology department faculty co Hays said then that the commit- an informal proposal calling for the ab tee's findings were not sufficiently requirements for a major substantiated by concrete evi- dence. The proposal was submitted to the After it was returned to the tee on educational policy by three stu curriculum committee, the report student-faculty undergraduate educa was handled by a student-faculty The plan was presented as an alt subcommittee. The subcommittee officially approved by the all faculty See LSA, Page 3 That proposal, which favors retentio " courses Court rejects plea tostudent Februai otest Park Sunday to discuss [icago April 5 to protest Machine." iseek mmittee is considering bolition of all sociology department's commit- ldent members of the tion committee. ernative to a proposal education committee. n of certain required for concentration in gy, was adopted by the t-faculty committee in ,r. rA Mrh n4mm 4BALZHISER ORDINANCE City Council holds. open hearing By BOB FUSFELD The Ann Arbor City Council last night continued a public hearing on the proposed "Balzhiser ordinance" which would pro- hibit the "willful, fraudulent and- Malici- ous" withholding of damage deposits. The Republican majority on council is expected to push through the controversial measure at the next council meeting Mon- day. Council Democrats plan to introduce a substitute ordinance next week. Their proposed substitution would establish an escrow fund for damage deposits to be administered by the city. ed the "Balzhiser ordinance," claiming it was a "political play" to use the words of one tenant. That tenant, Dale Berry, a University student, told the council ap- proval of the ordinance would constitute further affirmation of the indifference city council has shown to tenants. Stuart Katz, member of the steering committee which organized the rent strike. told the council that property owners have consistently victimized tenants. He characterized the property situation in Ann Arbor as "oppressive." Katz said the goals of the Tenants Union are recognition of the union, and collective bargaining between the union of Apartments Limited. Barnhill said that professionally managed property associa- tions took great pains to please their tenants. However Ruth Ryan, a former student tenant in one of Barnhill's apartments, claimed Barnhill's firm had refused to re- turn her damage deposit when she moved out after renting from his a few years ago. Barnhill repeated his argument, made originally at the first part of th2 open hearing last week, that professionally man- aged apartments are generally well run. He also proposed that the council estab- lish a standing committee to look into all aspects of tenant-landlord relationships. Udall urged a more humanistic society. "Another question is whe- ther we are man-centered or ma- chine-centered," he explained. He said automobiles, for example, owere polluting the air, creating noise, and causing congestion at the expense of city inhabitants. A further area for debate, ac- cording to Udall, is how the U.S. should expand physically. "We still have some options for wild- erness and state and national parks but each year makes these steps less likely." "One of the most important questions facing us is wvhat con- cepts of family and marriage are apporpriate for our time," Udall concluded. "We can continue po- pulation growth or level it off." Udall said that the 1970's could mark a "new era for America". He called for developing an esthetic .sense of values, budgets balanced between military and domestic nodee n n an n Mnesor+ rf change bu; WASHINGTON 0P) - The Su- preme Court rejected yesterday a government plea that the court, in the interests of the nation's self- preservation," exempt wiretapping and eavesdropping for foreign in- telligence from the scope of a March 10 ruling limiting bugging. On March 1, ,in a 5-3 vote, the court ruled in separate espionage and extortion cases that defend- ants bugged illegally have a right to examine transcripts of their conversations to determine wheth- i gring rules guard the protection given him by the Constitution: "Only if the bugging is UIlegal can the defendant possibly have access to government transcripts," said Justice Potter Stewart. Stewart explained that "The court has not declared government bugging to collect foreign intel- ligence a violation of the Con- stitution." "In fact," he said, "the court has indicated otherwise." The ruling simply forces the govern- tacnara Grooe, 7", a meinboer of that committee says there is a possibility the new proposal by the students might win the support of a majority of the faculty com- mittee. The committee meets to discuss the proposal Thursday. . Grobe said the original pro- posal favoring retention of teh re- quirements was approved by the student members on.the student- faculty committee because of a "lack of communication between the sociology student union and its 'temporary representatives on the committee." Grobe explained that student support now will be thrown behind the plan to abol- ish requirements.