Sunday, March 23, 1969
Don Canham:Michigan's athletic king builds his dyr
(Continued from Page 1)
conference decided the violation was, in fact, serious,
McNease's new athletic director at the University
of Idaho could be contacted and advised of his in-
volvement in the incident.
Reed was apparently convinced by Canham's
argument to offer a proposal to the athletic directors
at the December meeting which cleared Michigan
of any blame whatsoever for the incident. The di-
rectors approved the proposal.
Canham could now breathe a sigh of relief; he
had kept Michigan's reputation intact and avoided
the possibility of a damaging probation.
CANHAM HAS ALSO focused efforts on re-
arranging old personnel and hiring new, more dyna-
mic personalities. Last July he moved up Dave Strack
from basketball coach to the newly-created position
of athletic business manager..
Later when trying to replace Strack, he broke ,
sharply. with an old Crisler tradition which had
emphasized a separation between college and profes-
sional athletes.
Canham went immediately to the- pro ranks and.
offered Strack's post to K. C. Jones and Earl Lloyd,
both retired NBA players.
But when bothJones and Lloyd turned down the
offers, he settled on Strack's assistant, John Orr.
Orr, who is a personal friend of the manager of
the Hawaii Christmas Tournament, is expected to
conclude arrangements for a Michigan invitation to
Hawaii soon. Orr and Canham are also planning a
holiday tournament for the All-Events Bldg. in 1970.
Both tournaments would be recruiting bonanzas.
Orr's new assistant is Fred Snowden, the first
black coach in Wolverine basketball history.
THE NEXT MOVE was to find a new football
At the conclusion of the 1967 season, after alumni
groups had' exerted much pressure, the Board in
Control of Intercollegiate Athletics issued a "win
or else" ultimatum to Elliott. Indications were that
Elliott wouldn't win in 1968; and the board wanted
a new coach.
But Elliott guided his team to a phenomenal 8-2
record and a near Rose Bowl bid. On the wings of
his excellent season, Elliott asked Canham for a
new long-term contract.
Canham denied the request but offered Elliott
his choice of either a short-term contract or the
associate athletic director post.
Elliott accepted the associate post, stating, "I
didn't want to give up my job but I realized that this
other job might not come around again." The posi-
tion had been vacant since the athletic reorganiza-
tion by the Regents in January, 1968.
ACCORDING TO CANHAM, he and Elliott nar-
rowed down the list of possible coaching successors
from 19 to four by the first of December.
Their number one choice was Bo Schembechler
of Miami University, the 'cradle of football coaching'.
Canham secured both the board's approval and
Schembechler's acceptance.
Once again a power switch had been engineered-
quietly, and without any sign of conflict. The Can-
ham method of decision-making was now firmly,
established: well-planned changes made quickly and
Both of the incidents related above-the Pryor-
McNease case and the Elliott-Schembechler switch-
are examples of Canham's judicious use of power.
In both cases, he made the necessary changes with
regard for the reputation involved, and without a
hint of the "powter-play" tactics characteristic of
most athletic administrations.
THERE HAVE BEEN a few cases, however, when
this was not entirely true. The release of assistant
football coaches Bill Dodd and Dennis Fitzgerald
were made under less judicious circumstances. In
these particular cases, the Board in Control had been
voicing specific complaints against the coaches. Both
have subsequently acquired positions at different
But in all cases Canham's main motive appears
to have been the building of a new image for Mich-
igan sports. That he has so far succeeded is beyond
Any assessment of Canham's first year as athletic
director would be incomplete without a list of his
accomplishments in the problem areas of intramurals
and club sports, the black athlete and community
Club sports representatives precipitated a con-
frontation with Canham last summer when they
protested the black-topping of Wine's Field for use
by the band.
CANHAM ENGINEERED an agreement that al-
lowed both groups to use the field. Since he has kept
his doors opened to sports people, he has avoided
further crises.
Canham's administration is the first to recruit
black coaches. He has hired three so far. He assigned
one of the three, assistant football coach Louis Lee,
to work with academic counselor Hank Fonde.
"Lee has a special rapport with both black and
white athletes," says Canham. "He is a valuable as-
sistant to Fonde in our counseling program.
Fonde was appointed to the full-time post of
academic counselor when Elliott resigned. He had
been an assistant coach throughout Elliott's ten-
year career as head football coach.
"In the past," Canham notes, "Each of the
coaches had to handle counseling for the players on
LEE'S APPOINTMENT, along with the hiring
of Snowden in basketball and Ken Burnley in track,
reflects Canham's concern for the black athlete at
Finally, in his much-publicized summer "clinic"
series, Canham has begun a program which could
have favorable, far-reaching ramifications in the
civil rights struggles going on now.
The program represents constructive involvement
by the University in community improvement, and,
entails the development of basic athletic skills among
youngsters who otherwise might not receive adequate
Mother Sun gives birth to Argus
training. Indications are that other schools across
the country will soon be following Michigan's ex-
CANHAM INTENDS to expand the clinic program
this summer, adding three to four new spots and
"busing in kids from the inner-city" to increase
participation by black youngsters.
This will not only be good public relations; it will
lay a long-term foundation for better recruiting from
the ghetto.
Currently, Canham is using Elliott's appeal to
solicit funds from alumni for new buildings on the
athletic campus. Future projects include the enlarge-
ment of Yost Fieldhouse into an all-events building;
the artificial-turfing of the football stadium; the
privately-financed construction of a new intramural
facility for students and faculty; an indoor tennis
building on Ferry Field; a fence and scoreboard for
the baseball stadium; improved tennis courts for
women at Palmer Field; and removal of the old
Ferry Field stands for increased intramural and
intercollegiate usage. The last of these projects has
already taken place.
WHETHER OR NOT CANHAM succeeds in all
of his future projects, he has already established
himself at the pinnacle of power in Michigan ath-
letics. He says that he doesn'tJave any other am-
bitions at the moment.
"I like this job, and nobody will ever have to ask
me to retire from it. If, in five years, things aren't
going the way I wait them to, I'll resign. I'm not
interested in anything more than Michigan athletics
right now."
Copyright, 1969, The Michigan Daily
(Continued from Page 4)
were more easily solicited than
expected. Some three months
later, Jan. 24, The Argus, once
a 100-eyed mythological mon-
ster, appeared.
The 20-member Argus staff is
a myriad conglomerate of Kel-
ley friends or chance acquaint-
ances who just like Kelley's
openended style. "We have
workers, hippies, fascists and a
police informer as well as stu-
The typist is the most pro-
fessional, getting $60 a week.
Kelley, as publisher, editor and
editorial editor, draws no salary.
He makes his money as a
newsboy, hawking copies at10c
each. Even so he sometimes
turns public relations man, giv-
ing away free copies on the Diag
to celebrate the first warm day
of spring on St. Patrick's Day.
With a press run of 11,000
copies, Kelley's 24-page offset
offspring has distribution points
set up all over the state.
MANY OF The Argus articles
have been cluttered with four-
letter monosyllables of the
vernacular. Language generated
one crisis when obscene words
scorching Hudson's Department
Store ran in an MC-5 ad.
An angered Hudson's repre-
sentative threatened to cancel
the entire line of Elektra rec-
ords, which includes the Doors,
Judy Collins and Paul Butter-
field as well as the MC-5.
And then the president of
Elektra flew to Ann Arbor,
warning Kelley to clear Elektra
ads through his office next time.
John, Sinclair, MC-5 manager
and white panther minister of
information, had written the ad.
"I just asked him to pay the
bill," Kelley shrugs. "I don't
really think there'll 'be a next
time for Elektra."
KELLEY DOES expect there
will be many next times for the
Argus despite what he calls
"haarssment" by County offic-
ials. '
County Prosecutor William
Delhey said Friday he is in-
vestigating The Argus follow-
ing claims by Ann Arbor H i g h
School and Ann Arbor police of-
ficials that The Argus is por-
"My own evaluation of the
Argus is that it is pornographic
and on that basis we should
pursue it," says W. Scott Wes-
terman, Superintendent of
Schools. "We simply can't tol-
erate this kind of (obscene) ma-r
terial on our premises."
Editor Kelley is not terribly
worried by this new challenge.
"We welcome the opportunity
for more people to examine The
Argus," he says.
And besides, "Our legal coun-
sel has, assured us that we are
completely protected by , t h e
first amendment and recent Su-
preme Court rulings."
KELLEY does not be-
lieve the University should sub-
sidize a newspaper like his as a
second voice on campus. "Nat-
urally I'll take bread anyway I
can get it," he admits. "But it's
journalistically decadent to have
any connection with the Uni-
In setting up priorities on
student news, Kelley emphasizes
p o li c e repression, especially
keyed to drug raids whose evi-
dence, he believes, is often con-
trived by search - and - find
teams. /
"The police go around in this
city, just like in every city, har-
rassing the blacks and busting
kids on .trumped - up dope
charges," he says, "and The
Daily refuses to recognize this.
Kelley estimates that 20,000
people in'Ann Arbor periodically
use drugs. "Even the Ann Arbor
police have tried it," he adds.
But until The Argus reportor-
ial staff acquires some investi-
gative expertise, Kelley has to
be content with LNS accounts
of drug arrests.
INSTEAD, The Argus concen-
trates on the most straightfor-
ward genre of personal jour-
nalism: the interview. And its
three-issue wing span has cov-
ered "youth culture' persons
like Julian Beck, Judy Collins,
Tim Buckley, Richard Schnech-
er, Carl Ogelsby, Cynthia Plast-
er-Caster (who does plaster
molds of rock stars' phalluses)
and Joni Mitchell.
Kelley has interviews coming
tAp with Allen Ginsberg, Jerry
Hubin, Tim Leary, Paul Kras-
ner, Abbie Hoffman, Leslie Fied-
ler and Fug poet Ed Saunders-
taped at the LEMAR (Legalize
MARijuana) Conference in Buf-
falo last month.
The MC-5 have helped Kelley
out financially by playing a
benefit in the Union Ballroom
(at $2 per). And Sinclair, who
is listed in the staff box, writes
a column.
"Radio should be done as a
conscious educational tool, a
weapon of cultural revolution,"
he wrote, "to turn people on and
to change them with energy and
information so they can change
their world."
"Energy a n d information"
have thus become Kelley's call
words for The Argus. But
whether he can transform them
into wavelengths which can
sound out change has yet to
be suitably aired.
Next week
MSU News and obscenity
Don Canham
Movie: .ISRAEL--An Adventure
PLUS: most recent information on all
summer programs
PLUS: tips from recent visitors
4:10-5:00 P.M.
ugi multipurpose room
For Women Students
Tuesday, March 25-6:15-9:30 P.M.
Wednesday, March 26-6:15-9:30 P.M
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U +
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