Tuesday, January 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-o Monday through Friday, 10:00-12:30 Comnplaints only 1:00 - 557 3:00 Mon. - Fri. ROOM AND BOARD ROOMING and BOARDING places are still available in ICC Co-ops. Come to room 2546 SAB for more informa- tion. E25 MUSICAL MDSE., ! RADIOS, REPAIRS HEATI XrT stereo amp. Almost new. Call 769-1236. X34 HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO 10 a.m.-7 ,m. Custom and personally made instruments, electric, accoustic. 209 S. State. 665-8001. X CONRAD bass guitar, fine cond., $60. Mich, flute, $50. Also fine cond. 665- 9649. X35 8 1T O COMPONENTS-Receiver and speakers. Exoellent sound. 769-1640. X36 LES PAUL (Gibson, Standard) electric BIKES AND SCOOTERS 1969 CB, 450, $772. Other pre-season bargains. Honda of Ann Arbor. 3000 Packard at Platt, 971-4500. Z39 CHEAP - getting married-must sell Yamaha 305-1966-worth $400. Will sell for $250. Rebuilt engine and transmition-invest now-must sell by Sunday. Z38 BUSINESS SERVICES FRENCH - Emphasis on spoken with native instructor, evening small classes. Call 665-2105 after 6 p.m. J11 HOMELESS FEMALE will trade domes- tic services for room and board. 769- 0612. J12 STENCILS, theses, term papers typed. in my home. 769-5441, J16 I'LL WATCH'the children while you're away for the week-end. References. 665-7029. J9 WANTED TO BUY OLD RECORDS? I'm looking for Buddy Collette-jazz flutist. Call Janet after 7-761-8859. K15 PETS AND SUPPLIES guitar, 2 picks ups. $275 (Includes - . ______-_____ new molded case). Call 668-7138. X32 WE TYPE and duplicate term papers, thesis, etc. We also take dictation WANTED TO RENT for conferences. Now's the time, call us soon, 665-3767. J FREE! One brown arid white kitten. Needs love and care. Call 764-3604. And keep trying. TA HELP WANTED COULD YOU sell Playboy to Billy Graham? We want YOU to sell our news ads to merchants! 20% commis- sion, your own hours. See Gwen at 536 S. Forest, SP, $ a.m.-4 p.m. H13 INTERVIEWERS WANTED. Female. Experience desirable but not essen- tial. 764-9300. H25 BABYSITTER wanter for 2-year-old boy. M-W-F, 12:30-3:30. Additional hours optional. Near campus. 662- 1684. H24 DRAFTSMEN Needed by the City of AA in the assessor's office for part-time work. Hours can be flexible. Hourly rate is $3.37. Contact Personnel Dept., City Hall, 100 N 5th Ave . H26 COLLEGE MEN Part-time and full-time employ- ment during school semester. Earn $75/week. Car necessary. Call 761- 8014 or 8015. H18 COLLEGE MEN: Earn $40-$50 a wk. parttime. Div. of ALCOA. 662-9726. H9 SOUL BABY SITTER needed. One in- fant. Start Jan. 30. Hours 8-4 Mon.- Fri. Call 769-0440. H5 BABYSITTER needed Mon., Tues., & Thurs. 9-12 a.m. 663-9453. H2 ONE-MAN' apartment under $100. Call 971-0793. L25 SUBLET: 6ne male occupant needed for three-man, two bedroom apart- mtent (modern) close to Packard- S otate dteets All the conveniences and comforts one usually sees in those ads. Will hassle, haggle, bar- gain, give and take, etc. Call Drew at 769-59$8. LC PARGAIN CORNER Sam's .Store LEVI'S Galore For Gals and Guys! LEVI DENIMS: Button Fly.......$ 5.29 (Guaranteed to Shrink) Super Slims ....$5.50 Pre-Shrunk Dun@ores........$5.79 Now Levi DenimsI for Gols......... $6.00 LEVI'S STA PREST:. "White" Levi's .. $6.98 (5 Colors) Nuvo Hopsack .. $8.00 "Stitches".......$6.98 $-T-R-E-T-C-H $6.98 "White" Levi's . .. . $4.98 (5 Colors) 100% LAMBS WOOL SWEATERS-V or J Crew Neck-$5.95 CPO SH IRTS Solids and Plaids $6.95 & $7.95 Over 7000 Pairs of . Levi's IN STOCK Sam's Store 122 E. Washington PROFESSIONAL TYPISTS: term pa- pers, dissertations,. business corre- spondence. Call 434-1121 after 12 noon. J8 USED CARS '63 DODGE, fairly good cond., good tires. $250. 764-0663. N50 KARMANN GHIA, 64,. convertible, low mileage. 769-1533. N49 '62 T-BIRD, Power Steering, Brakes. 769-1661. N46, LOST AND FOUND FOUND-WATCH in Arb Jan. 9. De- scription and it's yours. 764-0663. A40 LOST near Mosher Jordan, Couzens Halls, green key case. Finder please call 662-7120. A39 FOUND! PERSONAL A NIGHTSTICK HINT-14 Across is Elliot Ness. FA NEEDED: Hip guitar teacher of infinite patience. Call Linda, 764-2972. F44 THIS IS NO JOKE! Save $75-500 the day you buy her diamond unless you don't care how excessive the cost. Austin Diamond, 1209 S. University, 663-7151. F29 Congratulations! So SAE took the 1st big step-We always thought you'd look good in a pin, Sue-especially a Pi Lam pin! Love from Apt. 12 (all 6 of us), FB LIVE IT UP! Now you can keep cold pop and snacks right in your room. Rent a compact refrigerator (20x17x18) for only $7/mo. Call between 6 and 9 P.M. 769-3166 or 665-2245 or write: Mini-Kool, 2877 Burlington, AA 48105. F40 A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE! The Interpersonal Dating Service For information send a postcard with your name and address to: I.D.S. P.O. Box 2137 AA, Mich. 48104 P DO YOU want a kitten? Call Richard, 761-4067. F GENERATION Campus Inter-Arts Magazine MASS MEETING WED., JAN. 15 at Student Publications Bldg. FB LUNCHES AND DINNERS at prof. frat. near campus. Call hse. mgr. 761-5857. F46 APARTMENT OPENINGS for one or two girls. Modern apartment 5 min- utes from campus. 761-9023. FD WAKE-UP.SERVICE-Have your phone ring at any designated time day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE' FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN. TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE. 665-8871 (24 hours). F CRUISE ALONG the shores of the Aegean on a private 87' sailing yacht. Now organizing 7 and 14 day cruises (group of 14-16 persons). Ridiculously low prices. For further information contact George Mylonas, P.O. Box 75, AA, 48107 or call 665- 7479 after 5 P.M. F37 RESPONSIBLE, experienced coed will babysit evenings. Call Sally, 761- 4450. F THE MAGAZINE that made Gwen's hands sweat: NIGHTSTICK ! F TIRED OF cold biscuits in salty gravy? Board at an ICC co-op for about $13/wk. and a little labor. Good food available. Room 2546 SAB. 668- 6872. P42 GIRLS: Room and/or board available second semester. $50/mo. Single room. Call 769-4346. E22 COLD, HUNGRY, and ALONE? Join the wakm, filling, friendly atmos- phere of an ICC co-op house. Open- ings for room and board! Room 2546 SAB, 668-6872. P41 PRETTY PEOPLE: Find a sense of com- munity and enjoy social intercourse which warms the heart and bod, any time of day or night. We have the best of everything because we com- bine the best of apartment and dorms. Be a boarder or live in ICC co-ops. There is no alternative. Room 2546 SAB. 668-6872. P43 PERSONAL HAD TROUBLE getting down to the bare facts? Take a sauna. 662-9200. F35 BLOOD DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED $7,50 Rh positive. $10 and $12 Rh nega- tive Mon., 'Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9-4; Wed, 1-7 (18-21 years olds need par- ent's permission. 483-1894 404 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti Michigan' Community Blood Center F Trademark® 761-3127 is a band 761-1733 F23 TV RENTALS $10.00 per month. FREE service and delivery. Call NEJAC TV Rentals, 662-5671 today. F39 FOR RENT ROOMS AVAILABLE-Phi Delta Pshi Legal Fraternity, 502 E. Madison. $55/mo., no lease, meals served. 761- 9220. C 1-MAN or COUPLE - $125/month in- cluding utilities; furnished. Call 663- 9131. CC 3 GIRLS WANT 4th roommate. Private room in large house. 761-0892.PC45 SERIOUS STUDENT needs roommate for quiet 2-man apt. in downtown area (117 W. Washington). Available now; 4 month lease expires May 15. $55/mo. includes all utilities except phone. Call Tom, 761-5574. C WANTED: Male rm-mate. 662-9172. C39 FOURTH GIRL needed: large 2-bedroom apt., dishwasher, balcony, near St. Joe's and U. Hospital Call 453-7774, 5-8 p.m. C37 UNFURN. 2-BDRM. APT. avail. now- Aug. $145. Idealfor couple. 764-9313, 9-5. Negotiable. C42 ATTENTION-Men of Foxcroft Apt. 2 holding open rush. Pledge class of 1 being taken to fill vacancy. Modern, close to campus, 4 mo. lease, lovely neighbors. Call "house," 769-1729. CF WANTED-Fem. sr. or grad .for mod- ern bi-level apt. Jan.-Apr. Rent neg. Call 769-3250. C47 WANTED-1 male roommate to fill vac. in spacious apt, in Huron Towers. $60/mo. for 4 mo. Free bus service to campus. 761-3854. C48 ROOMMATE WANTED: Female grad needed for 2 bedroom, 2-man apt.; spacious, modern with parking, laun- dry facilities, close to campus. $85/ mo. 761-0107. 035 4 MONTH LEASE-Close to campus, 2 bdrm. furn. apt. Call 664-6751. C33 GIRL NEEDED to share 3-man apt. very close to campus. 4 mnth rent. Reasonable. Call 761-9528. C49 GIRL WANTED to share lg. quiet on- campus 2-man. 769-0243. C45 ONE GIRL needed for 4-man Jan.- April. 665-2314. C26 ROOMMATE for 2 bdrm., 3-man apt. Rent negotiable. Fantastic, friendly apt. bldg. C25 FEMALE roommate needed for 2-man apt. Close to campus. $60/mo. 663- 9796. 024 ROOMMATE wanted for luxurious 4- man next to Mudbowl. Call 769-3018, 769-0247. C23 GIRLS NEEDED, 2-man apt., washer & dryer, block & % from Campus. 769,- 4720, 5-7 p.m. C28 FOR RENT SUBLET. Three girls need a fourth to complete beautifully furnished four- man apartment. Close to campus & hosp. 813 Kingsley, B-4. 662-0169. C20 3RD MAN wanted for mod. furn. apt. with disposal, park, TV, and two swell rm-m*ates. Call 761-9380 or 66- 9344. WANTED: 1 girl to share modern 2- man on campus. Phone 761-9256. C21 GRAD wanted to share 2 bdrm. home with urban planning grad. Fireplace, carpeting, and more. Rent share $83. Call Dean at 662-3978 or 764-8583. C29 MALE GRAD. student desires room- mate, modern 2 bedroom near cam- pus. 769-5034 or 665-6287. C28 FEMALE Rm-mate wanted for 3 bdrm. furn, home. $60/mo. Call 971-5607 after 5 p.m. C32 SUBLET-I man needed for 3-man apt. 406 Packard. Close to campus. Call 662-9494 or see mgr. room 208. C21 ONE MALE needed to share a modern 3 bdrm apt.-off street parking. Call 769-1414. C22 ONE GRAD STUDENT needed for lg., 5-man house. $55/no. plus utilities. 930 Dewey. 665-0205. C24 WANTED: Male Boarders; $1.50 dinner; $1.00 lunch; call Karl Held between 7-9 P.M. at 663-9897. C33 203 N. I NGALLS FALL OCCUPANCY Charming 3 bedroom bi-level du- plex with: 0 new furnishings * living room fireplace * wall to wall carpeting through- out * modern kitchen with disposal 0 separate dining room * modern bath with double sinks 4 excellent campus and hospital location. CAMPUSMANAGEMENT INC. 337 E. Huron 662-7787 C30 WINE, WOMEN, AND SONG (laundry facilities included) 21 meals for $13/week. 1 blk. from Union. Board at Osterweil Coop. 761-6085. C34 3d FEMALE rm-mate needed. Nice lo- cation. 764-3428 before 5. Ask for Jean. C31 ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bed- room furn. apt. Chatham Village. Call 769-4180 after 6 p.m. C30 MALE GRAD seeks second to share luxurious 2 bedroom apt. Near cam- pus. Own room. Phone: 769-4410. 029 ONE GIRL NEEDED to sublet in 4- man apt. Rent to be arranged, Call after 5 p.m. 769-4432. C27 HOSPITAL-1 block from either. 2 bdrm. furn. apt. Call 665-7181. C25 DAHLMAN APARTMENTS is now accepting applications for the best campus apartments. Rental inquiries for Fall of 1969 may be made at 545 Church, 9 to 5 weekdays or by calling 761-7600 at any time. 044 THIRD MAN wanted for modern apt. on campus. Reasonable, 761-0487. C23 6'9" NORTHLAND Metal Skis and bind- ing, size 912 boots. $75 or best offer. 977-0531. B32 FOR RENT TRULY SPACIOUS, beautiful 2-man. Available now. Call Jeanie at 662-9555. C40 BORED WITH eating alone? Board with own coop! Less than $14/wk.! For more info, call 761-3957. C39 1335 GEDDES FALL OCCUPANCY Spacious modern 4-rman 2-bedroom furnished\ apartments with 0 wall to wall carpeting 0 air-conditioning * separate modern kitchen r laundry, parking, & storage 0 excellent hospital and campus location $60-$65/man includes heat and water. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT INC. 337 E. Huron 662-7787 C2 3RD GIRL needed. $60/mo. Liberty & Division. 769-5310. C31 1 or 2 MAN one bdrm. furn. apt. avail. immed. Close to campus. 761-0403. 023 JUST MARRIED! 2 furn. apts. near campus avail, for sublet: 203 N. State, $125/mo.; 400 S. Maynard, No. 906, $196/mo. Call 662-9292. (743 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed through Aug.No last month's rent, no damage deposit. $52.50/mo. 769-4961. %C38 CLOSE TO CAMPUS, 3-room furn. apt. Avail. Feb. 1. 665-8321. 044 4 Month Large bi-level apt, equipped with wishwasher, air-conditioner & 2 bathrooms. 2-5 people. 665-8825, 036 GIRL NEEDED to share 2 bdrm. 3-man apt, Must sacrifice. Call 761-5705 If ter 6 p.m. 035 3d GIRL NEEDED for spacious 2 bdrm. apt.in old house. 761-5713. C37 ROOMMATE wanted: Grad student to share apt. with 2 other men. 1000 Oakland No. 102. 769-3820. C8 MEN-semi-private bdrm in home, liv- ingroom with fireplace, lease till May, $62/mo, on campus, 533 S. Forest, 665-0239 ask for Ray. 012 CAMPUS AREA Apartments from May 1-Aug. 20. Efficiency, one bdrm. and two bdrm. $75-$180. For more info. call Patrick J. Poulte, Inc. 665-9405, 426-8559. 013 APARTMENTS AVAILABLE for Fall. Efficiency, one bdrm., and two bdrm, Rentals reasonable. For more info. call Patrick J. Poulte, Inc. 665-$405, 426-8559. 014 SUBLET 3-man apt. Modern, spacious, 3-man. apt. located close to law school & campus. Equipped with dishwasher & disp., completely furn., off-street parking, avail immed. Fur- ther info, call 663-4205. 016 SUBLET SERVICE-We'll rent your apartment for you. Ann Arbor Apart- ment Agency, 1217 S. University. Phone 665-4480. 019 ROOMMATES WANTED call Summit Assoc. 761-8055 C22. Drive south on Carpenter Rd., turn left on Michigan Ave. Continue 1% miles to Second Ave., turn right 1 block to furnished models. FOR RENT AT LAST! Rent a compact refrigerator (20x 17x18) for your room. Holds up to six, 6-packs of soft drinks, cold cuts, etc. Only $7/mo. Call be- tween 6 and 9 P.M. 769-3166 or 6635-2245 or write: Mini-Kooi, 2877 Burlington, AA 48105. C4 MODERN APTS. INC. Now taking applications for summer or fall rental. NO 8-6906 C40 FEMALE GRAD Wanted to share apt. Jan-Apr or Aug. $77/mo. inel. heat, gas. V. close to campus. 321 S. Divi- sion. 663-9992. C GRAN D OPENING of ARBOR MANOR TOWN HOUSES A fine new cooperative community. Gracious hillside living--just 10 minutes from AnanArbor. Own your own 1, 2, or 3 bedroom home. Both 1 and 1% bath units, including custom crafted Hotpoint appliances. from $ 97 per month, including all utilities except electricity. Total lawn and garden care, snow removal, trash removal, and all exterior painting included in monthly charge. Throw away your rent receipts and come to Arbor Manor today. Build an equity in a home of your own. Open daily and Sunday from noon till 8, Saturday, noon till 5, closed Thursday. For further information call CH Services, Inc. 483-7562 C45 TO RENT-one half, two man two bdrm. apt. 665-72$8 after 5. C9 HOSPITAL--CAMPUS New 2 bedroom, furnished apt. available immediately Call 761-8055 021 SUBLET--One man needed. Two bed- room plus studio. Oakland near Law Quad. Phone 761-9113. C43 4TH GIRL NEEDED, $65/mo., apt. 'r block oft State, 761-8703. 048 The most complete supply of NEW and USED TEXTS and PAPERBACKS is at the Student Book Service The answer to every student's # dream: a compact refrigerator for your room! Holds up to 6 6-packs of soft drinks, cold cuts, etc. Rent one now-only $7/mo. Call between 6 and 9 P.M. 769-3166 or 665-2245 or write: Mini-Kool, 2877 Burling- ton, AA 48105. A PHOTO SUPPLIES Leitz METRASTAR CdS exposure me- ter. Mint condition, costs $53 new, selling at $35. Also Auto-NIKKOR 200mm f4. lens .including case for $150, only been used 3 months, costs $225 new. Call Richard Lee: 764-6605. DD FOR SALE SKIS-New Kneissl Red Stars. Never used. $150. Call Boz, 665-6665. B30 FOR SALE - Typewriter, small port. Royal. Fine cond. $25. 665-9649. B31 ENGINEERING graphics equip. 761- 3930. B27 DRAFTING EQUItMENT for sale. Call Don, 763-1768. BA ZENITH 4-speed HIFI with tone con- trol. 1% yrs. old. Operational on battery or outlet. $50. Call Debby- 761-6085. B29 FOR SALE: Two 8.85-14 tires. Excellent condition. $25 each. Call 761-4450. B FISHER 85 component set $250 or best offer. 761-0784. B26 Designers Draftsmen Expansion of our product lines have created several openings for per- sons qualified for printed circuit and electro-mechanical design and drafting. Part-time schedules can be ar- ranged and full time vacation work and career opportunities after graduation may be made available. Contact Mr. Higdon for interview. An Applied Dynamics Inc. 2275 Platt Rd. 769-6440 We are an equal opportunity employer. Hi BABY SITTER for 5 yr. old girl. Mon.- Fri. 11:30-3:30. Call 663-3832. H50 SHIPPING & RECEIVING part-time male, mornings 8-12. Apply in person at: A&L Battery & Electric Service, 529 S. Main, 665-4411. H4 STUDENT: male or female, rm. & bd. in exchange for Mon., Wed. & Fri. mornings babysitting and three eves/ wk. 665-6646. E24 PANASONIC Portable 9" TV, earphone. Used less than Costs $83 new, yours for Richard Lee: 764-6605. Including a month. $70. Call BD TAKE OVER 4 MO. leave now. 1 apt. Good location. Cali Pete, 9280. man 663- C41