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March 22, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-03-22

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See editorial page

Lw A

4I a itF

Partly cloudy, less cold
but still not warm

Vol. LXXIX, No. 141

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, March 22. 1969

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

., .. _ ...
-- - --



Managing Editor
The impasse in the Student
Government Council presidential
election was still unsolved yester-
day as candidate Howard Miller
refused to accept any solution
other than the certification of the
present results as verifying his
Yesterday, following his refusal
to participate in a three-way run-
off with runners-up Bob Nelson
and Marty McLaughlin, he turned
down a suggestion from SGC Vice
President Bob Neff for binding
arbitration of the dispute.
'The only two options now open
are unacceptable," Neff said yes-
terday. "Either SGC can hold a
run-off between Nelson and Mc-
Laughlin or it can count the bal-



lots the way Miller wants. Both
are illegitimate."
The controversy centers on Mil-
ler's insistence that the present
results are sufficient to certify his
election. The problem is further
complicated by the failure of the
SGC election rules to specify what
should be done in the present
All the parties concerned agree
on some basic rules of the trans-
ferable ballot system. In counting
ballots, the lowest candidate's
votes are eliminated and the sec-
ond choices on those ballots are
distributed accordingly. This was
done for the three lowest candi-
dates, leaving Miller with' 2133
votes, Nelson with 1676 and Mc-
Laughlin with 1669."
The SGC Credentials and Rules
Committee (C and R) decided a
three-way run-off election should

be held. Their decision was ap-
proved by SGC Thursday night.
Miller at first accepted that de-
cision, but yesterday refused to
join any run-off election. He says
McLaughlin should be eliminated
and the second choice votes on his
ballots distributed to see if either
of the r e m a i n i n g candidates
achieve a majority.
This has already been done.
Elections Director Dale Jurcisin
said yesterday. Although he did
not have the exact count avail-
able when contacted last night, he
said the results leave Miller ahead
of Nelson by less than a hundred
votes. They also leave Miller
without a majority of the total
number of votes cast in the presi-
dential election, he added.
Miller, however, said Nelson's
votes should also be eliminated.
and the second choice votes on his

ballots counted. If that g
Miller a majority of the total vc
cast, then, he thinks, he should
certified president.
Jurcisin said that Miller wo
have a majority of about 200 v
in that case. However, C and F
not willing to use that proced
Neff, who is on C and R,s
earlier such a procedure has
justification. He said the assur
tion before the election was t
they would go down to the1
two candidates, and if no one1
a majority then, a run-off wo
be held.
"The assumption that we wo
do it that way went unchallen
then," he said. "There's no rea
to change now."
Miller and. his running m
Mark Rosenbaum, said yester
they held no such assumpti
be held if no one had a major

ives "We considered a run-off would McLau
otes after one candidate was left," they he is
3 be said. arbitra
"I wasn't aware that Neff's mis- is call
uld conception was rampant," Miller recount
otes added. At pre
R is Neff yesterday also cited a hind N
ure. statement from Tom Brown, di- place.
said rector of; student-community re- Neff
no lations. Brown was SGC president recount
Mp- a year before the present system becaus
hat was first used and was still work- He esti
last ing with Council when it was in- about1
had troduced. Bind
uld - Brown said the original sense of yet be1
Council was to eliminate all but Ther
uld one more candidate than the num- was to
ged ber of seats available (two in this bers or
son case) and that the majority would accepta
have to be attained from the orig- serveo
ate, inal number of ballots cast for Theire
day president. accepte
ion. That leaves the question of what McLa
rity to do with McLaughlin's votes. choices


ghlin said last night that
willing to accept binding
tion. If a two-way run-off
ed for, he will ask for a
t and abide by it, he said.
sent, he is seven votes be-
Nelson, who is in second
indicated that a manual
t has not yet been taken
e no one has asked for it.
mated that it would require
100 man-hours of work.
ing arbitration, which may
held, is also a key issue.
proposal forwarded by Neff
have three faculty mem-
r administrators who were
able to all three candidates
on the arbitration board
decision would have to be
ed by all.
aughlin sees four possible
-a three-way run-off; a

two-way run-off; the declaration
of Miller as president on the
basis of a majority of votes when
he and Nelson are left; or a Miller
victory when all candidates are
eliminated but himself.
Miller initially said he would
accept arbitration if it would not
lead to a three-way run-off, but
then said he would not accept it
at all.
"It is clearly a case where there
is no need for arbitration," Rosen-
baum said. "That would tell 50
per cent of the student body that
their votes were meaningless," he
Miller and Rosenbaum maintain
that to ask the faculty to arbitrate
would be like asking it to arbitrate
on the language requirement vote
following the 5-2 vote for aboli-
See SGC, Page 8






p s



Set $40 boost
in dorm rates
The Regents yesterday unanimously approved an average
$40 increase in residence hall fees beginning this fall.
' Room andboard for doubles will be $1040 per person, $40
above last year's figure. The price of a single will jump $50 to
$1130, while triples will be let for $950 per man, an increase j
of $30.
Rates for Fletcher Hall, Oxford and Bates Housing will
also include small increases over this year's fees.
The increases had been recommended by the Student Ad-
6 visory Committee on Housing, the Board of Governors of the
Residence Halls, Inter-House Assembly and the University
Housing Committee. During discussion of the housing fee pro-.
posal, Regent Robert Nederlander expressed some hesitancy
-- --- _ __ at increasing the dorm rates.
"It g o e s against my grain to
raise this kind of money for stu-
etr oit dents," he said, noting that con-
tinual increases in tuition and_
dorm fees were making it more
difficult for poorer. students to at-
schools tend the University.
But President Robben Fleming
1 mexplained the residence halls are
one of the University's auxilliary
IyIL I jenterprises - operations which Wom n Members of to
must be self-supporting. W O111iI S bas-relief, entil
By The Associated Press Vice President for State Rela- i.1 n preparation
Detroit public schools may be tions and Planning Arthur Ross LiberailOI (See story, Pag
forced to close early this year due noted that the increase was only _ ___ -
to ackof und sas Spern-four per cent, compared with a
tendent of Schools Norman Drach- general consumer price index in- POSSIBLE PROSECUTION:
ler. . crease of about nine per cent over
the past two years. o r in fees,
"I am seriously worried that we were not increased last year.
might not be able to finish the Vice President and Chief Finan- cliool'
school year," Drachler told 350 vial Officer Wilbur K. Pierpont o f c a,
students and parents at Western ;
High School Thursday night. "The See table of new dorm i i
school system does not feees onae neight. - 41i
enough funds to provide all chil- I fe an p eight.
dren with a good education," he

Ask retroactive
change in rule
The Regents will retroactively abolish the physical edu-
cation requirement at next month's regular meeting:
This became clear yesterday, as the Regents declined to
act on a proposal to abolish the requirement only for students
who enter the University on or after June 1, 1969.
There was unanimous verbal agreement among the Re-
gents yesterday that abolition should apply to all students -
even those graduating this May.
Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith, who
drafted the bylaw amendment, told the Regents he would
revise the proposal in time for action at the April meeting.
Smith said that if the Regents then approve his newly-


I- A

-Daily-Peter Dreyfuss
cal Women's Liberation groups yesterday put up a- banner of protest beneath a
tled "The Dream of a Young Girl," on the front of the LSA Bldg. The action was
for a demonstration they will hold at the Miss Ann Arbor beauty pageant Saturday.
e 8)

charge Argus
g pornography

SF State'
stalls on

drafted proposal, s t u d e n t s
graduating in May will not be
subject to the requirement.
The Regents also asked Smith
to remove f r o m the proposal a
provision requiring entering fresh-
men to undergo*testing and coun-
selling by a unit of the physical
education department. Instead,
these services would be made op-
Proposed changes include re-
duction of the number of non-
credit physical education courses
to be offered in the fall term and
the introduction of several new
At yesterday's meeting. Smith
brought up the questions of mak-
ing abolition retroactive and of
requiring students to attend test-
ing and counselling sessions while,
he explained his proposed bylaw
Smith said the problem of mak-
ing abolition retroactive had not
been extensively considered by any
of the groups consulted in draw-
ing up the recommendation. He
added that reaction had been mix-
ed to making the counselling and
testing compulsory.
"I'm willing to say that if we
don't feel it is a valid requirement,
let's make it retroactive," said Re-
gent Robert Brown (R-Kalamaz-
Discussion of the physical edu-
cation requirement ended w h e n
President Robben Fleming s a i d
"We'll assume there is a consen-
sus of the Regents," and Smith of-
fered to prepare a revised propos-
al for the April meeting.

Land set
aside for
The Regents yesterday set aside
20 acres of land on North Campus
for sale to fraternities and sorori-
ties for 'consti'uction of housing
The assigned land, located at
the northeast corner of Glacier
Way and Huron Parkway, would
provide 18 sites and a four-acre
recreation field.
The land assignmentB was
prompted by the requests of sev-
eral fraternities and sororities'for
available sites.
However, members of Tau Delta
Phi, the fraternity which has
made the most urgent request,
yesterday expressed dissatisfaction
with the regental action.
Tau Delta Phi President Marc
Van Der Hout said he had expect-
ed the Regents to approve the sale
of a lot to his fraternity in addi-
tion to authorizing the general
land allocation.
Tau Delta Phi members are
presently living in an apartment
building, Van Der Hout explained,
and he fears many will de-activate
if they cannot be sure the fra-
ternity will secure land for a new
See REGENTS, Page 8

said, added that costs haver risiBy JIM BEATTIE Argus might be charged with,"
Theie ae 30.00 stuent inespecially fast for services upon
There are 30.000 swhich the housing sste relies County Prosecutor W il i a in but assumed it would be "obscen-
the school system. . heavily. He estimated t h a t the Delhey said last night he is in- ity."
Drachler says he is very con- cost of operating the dormitories vestigating the Ann Arbor Argus The entire question of the ob-
cerned about operating funds for has increased about 14 per cent but refused to indicate what scenity of the Argus arose when
the remainder of this year and for over the last two years, charges might result from the in- Superintendent of Schools, W.
next fall. He noted that he has Acting Vice President for Stu- vestigation. Scott Westerman, indicated that
asked the state legislature for ?0 dent Affairs Barbara Newell as- The investigation apparently the Argus had been distributed on
million dollars more in state aid. sured the Regents that adequate followed claims by Ann A r b o r the premises of the high school
"That really is not very much- progress was being made in main- High School and Ann Arbor police without being authorized.
only $100 a child," Drachler said tenance of the dormitories and in officials that the Argus was "por- "My own evaluation of the Ar-I
"Unfortunately, I don't think improving fire safety systems. nographic" and that 'the publish- gus is that it is pornographic, and
the state legislature is going to Mrs. Newell also told the Re- ers might be prosecuted. on that basis we should pursue it,"
aproach it from that point of view, gents the increased rates would Ken Kelley, publisher and edi- he said. "We simply can't toler-
and we need help from the legis- I not quite cover higher costs of op- torial editor of the Argus, said he ate this kind of material on our!
lature. We need it now," he said.: erating the dormitories next year. "did not know exactly what the premises.""


Pioneer High School principal
Theodore Rokicki was reportedly By PHIL SEMAS
investigating to determine whe- SAN FRANCISCO (CPS}: San
ther the paper was being passed Francisco State College, where
out in the school building or on students called off their 19-week-
the school grounds. Rokicki re- old strike Thursday, was in a
fused last night to make any com- state of uncertainty after acting
ment on the matter. president S. I. Hayakawa said he
Huron High School principal would not immediately agree to
Paul Meyers said he did not think proposals for partial amnesty for


to define degree

The general studies commit-
tee is expected to draw up a
proposal today recommending to
the faculty the structure of the
proposed degree in general stu-
The committee, which con-
sists of six faculty members and
three students, was commis-
sioned by the literary college
faculty earlier this month to,

one of the requirements for ad-
mission to the college and the
degree program be a two year
study of a foreign language in
high school.
"The younger one learns a
foreign language the easier it
is," argues Prof. George Piranian
of the math department, a
member of the committee. "An
entrance requirement will en-
equrage high schools to teach

mittee suggest that all courses
a student takes be approved by
faculty counselors as they &re
Piranian recommends 'hat
counselling be on a purely volun-
tary basis after the student's
first semester at the University.
"The student would be re-
sponsible for wh-t courses fie
takes, but would have the op-
portunity to reflect on them

dicate most students take at
least that many advanced course
hours already.
"It's not so important wheth-
er he concentrated in a field
but how he has performed in the
courses he has taken," he adds.
According to Tikofsky Dean
Stephen Spurr of the graduate
school didn't feel that a degree
program which did not have
.2iC+ .0%f1inn r n r -nntir i


the Argus was being distributed
during the hours his school was in
Pioneer and Huron high schools
use the same buildings with
Pioneer holding classes in t h e
morning and Huron using the fa-
cilities during the afternoon.
Police chief Walter E. Krasny
also issued a statement yesterday
claiming that direct steps were
being taken to stop the flow of
"such literature."
But Krasny said the policies
adopted by the Board of Educa-
tion made it "virtually impossible"
to halt the publication of any type
of literature in the schools.
Meyers said that "he wasn't
sure what steps Krasny had in
mind," however.
Meyers also said "he didn't
think the rules of the school board
concerning school publications
would apply in this case since the
Argus is not published in t h e
T-,1- -,4

I student strikers.
{According to an agreement
signed by the strike leaders and by
' a select faculty committee ap-
pointed by Hayakawa, all those
charged with non-violent acts
were to be given a "letter of re-
primand" and those charged with
violent acts would be at most
suspended for the rest of the
But at a press conference on
Friday morning, Hayakawa said,
"I cannot agree prior to any hear-
ings what the limits of the penal-
ties for a given offense will be."
He said the agreement contained
only recommendations on amnesty
and he has not decided to accept
them at this time.
Hayakawa said that hearings
will be held to decide on discip-
linary action and if the campus
is quiet between itow and April
11, he will consider lowering the
harsher penalties. He also said he
would wait to lift his ban on ral-

MSU trustees name
temporary president'

Adams, an economics professor,
was named yesterday to take onj
the job of acting president of+
Michigan State University on
April 1.
Adams, a Democrat, was namedj
to the post by a 5-3 party line voteI
of t1 T-nni+. nanfinrPd

University, has been on the MSU
faculty since 1947.
He is to serve at the discretion
of the board.
"The shorter the duration of my
service (as president), the more
delighted I will be," Adams told
a news conference after the an-
nouncement of hi: innnintmemt.

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