4 tittty D Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan "Housekeeping is great, Mr. President;... but, haven't we drifted long enough ?" r-steve a 1zalone1 M" 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in ail reprints. FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: STUART GANNES Students must support proposed IM building THE PROPOSAL FOR two new intra- mural facilities unveiled at the Tues- day night meeting of the Intramural Ad- visory Board deserves and needs immed- iate student support. The present IM building, constructed forty years ago, has been woefully inade- quate for years. With the Waterman and Barbour gymnasiums soon to be torn down, the situation will ;get even worse. For example, there will be only four bas- ketball courts available for the entire student body.i Rising costs make it imperative that construction begin as soon as possible. Rod Grambeau, Director of Intramurals, estimates that every year lost on the project will reduce the size of the pro- posed buildings ten per cent. There is little chance for state or Federal aid, and soliciting private gifts could take valu- able time. If construction is to begin soon, most of the money will have to come from student fees, perhaps ten to fifteen dollars per term.' ALTHOUGH some students might find the fees objectionable, it must be re-, membered that the Administration Build- ing and All Events Building were con- structed largely with student fees. These facilities are of limited use to the major- ity of the student body, but the proposed intramural buildings could be used by the entire student body. The present IM building has two glar- ing shortcomings. It is much too small and it is not centrally located. Both the proposed buildings would be twenty per cent larger than the present one., Their sites, Palmer Field on Central Campus and the Fuller Road fields on N o r t h Campus, were chosen specifically because they would be readily accessible for most students. 11,000 students live within a ten minute walk of the Central Campus site and the future growth of the university will be towards the North Campus. THE MAJOR roadblock to clearing the project is broad student approval. Once student approval is obtained, the Intramural Advisory Board will take the proposal to the Plant Extension Commit- tee and then it will take it up before the Regents. The board hopes to bring the proposal before the Regents at their April or May meeting. If students are willing to finance the structures, there should be ; no trouble in getting them approved. In the next few weeks, members of the intramural Advisory Board will be ap- proaching students in various Univer- sity houses and organizations who are active in Intramural and Club sports as well as student government leaders. These students will have a great deal to say in, deciding if this project is to be realized. THESE STUDENTS have a special stake in the proposed new buildings, but this project concerns all students. It, would be tragic is this opportunity to improve intramural facilities at The University was lost through student apathy. -LEE KIRK fir.... Sy r L ry f, , .. , , u. . ,. - - . -. . . y.e' vd ' y ' ^ ° s Rf s -. .. ... t 1 n .__ .CAa. 1 a 1 « I , t L 79G9, Tb; Rcri :-^ rt T'ribune S,' J :.ce fro.%,% 1 I Y + \:. ...f a r r~r.".Y. y,,Ic. I - To the Editor: i Letters to the Editor Turning on FRA: Frats new clothes I AM WRITING about the edi- torial of March 4 on the so- called scientists research stoppage. I spoke at the March 4 Symposium at Case Western Reserve Univer- sity. There was a .good crowd of students at some sessions of the all day meeting. Science students also spoke. A small beginning was made in demonstrating that sci- entists are concerned with human values and in discu'ssing possibili- ties to turn scientific effort away from weapons work and toward socially relevant problems. WHY DIDN'T the University of Michigan participaten The time was short; our teach-in tradition is a special one. The scientist gen- erally is not impressed with dra- matic public relations symbolism, i.e., the misleading title of strike or research stoppage did not turn people on (The University scientist does not have a 9-5. five day a week, research schedule). At the time of the first teach-in many on this campus thrashed out i he question of holding teach-ins dur- ing regular class hours, deciding against. near future. More important, there has already been discussion arid commitment by small groups of technical faculty. I expect to see much more initiative by individual scientists and engineers to make a personal commitment to do so- cially relevant technical work. INTERESTEDinscientists and engineers (including, I, stress, so- cial scientists and physicians) who would like to discuss these questions are invited to a talk by Professor John Platte, 12 noon, March 27, in the Physi s Astro- nomy Colloquium room. This is an informal bag lunch meeting. Upon the rather unrelated ques- tion of immediate action on the AB3M, I'm afraid the' editorial un- derestimated the significance of this struggle and was overopti- mistic about its outcome. -Prof. Marc Ross ofathe physics department March 7 Personalizution To the Editor: THIS LETTER is intended to raise another "fundamental" ouestion in the controversy -over mise that is reached or to prolong the frustration that exists among students at the University. It is admittedly a selfish request seeing as h o w present plans of action have. neglected this aspect of the language requirement. I am concerned that, when the language requirement is modified or abolished, years may elapse be- tween this compromise and its in- stitution as policy. Dean Shaw has stated to me that approximately; "two years" may be needed to in- stitute the necessary changes in staff and curriculum that m u s t come should the requirement be abolished. THIS UNIVERSITY in its re- cruitment of freshmen, placese a big emphasis on its personalization in a large institution. Let us start to personalize education then, by tailoring the University to the needs of its students. This is the. key that must be carried through to all phases of modern higher ed- ucation, from dormitory living, to academic counseling, and to uni- versity policy. How many students this selfish request may aid is unknown. I sin- cerely hope this aspect on the dis- cussion of language requirements will be registered bW' t h e repre- sentative channels open to student opinion. -James Dunn, '72 Feb. 10 $ave me the mazurka in quiet desperation IT, TOOK AN OXYMORONIC combinati9n of the great Russian au- thor Anton Chekhov and retired general S. L. A. Marshall to con- vince me that ROTC must be banished from the campus. Last Saturday night I attended the University Players' perform- ance of Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" at Lydia Mendelssohn the- atre. During the play, the second floor of the League was filled with ROTC cadets, who had put down their guns to attend their annual ball. Quite frankly. I was frightened to see so many military appren- tices trooping genteelly through the halls of the League in exercises designed to help them acquire the important social graces necessary for good officers. BETWEEN ACTS, I MADE AN inspection tour of the ball and spotted Roger Keats, unsuccessful candidate for SGC president, who nevertheless possesses the stuff that fine generals are made of. As much as I like Roger personally, I am terrified at the prospect of taking orders from him as an enlisted man. Keats Jocularly fed my un- easiness by promising that if I ever serve under him, I can expect 4.000 push-ups my first week. And after the very harsh Daily non- endorsement of Keats for Council president, I would not be surprised that the number has been significantly multiplied. The ROTC ball was probably as innocent as a high school prom, but I had become unwittingly caught up in Chekhov's portrayal of the conflict between a new gen- eration in Russia and the genteel ways of the old. Seeing the dancing cadets who are representative of the exalted American military tradition, I be- came hopeful that perhaps a new generation in America can rele- gate the military to the unimpor- tant position in society that it de- serves. To do this, it seems nec- essary that ROTC programs must be relocated off the college cam- pus. THERE IS MUCH hostility to ROTC on college campuses these days. Unfortunately, much of the opposition h a s been directed to merely cutting academic credit for ROTC courses. Many of the defenders of ROTC argue that this is just a disguised assault, because the military is now unpopular and many people really want them off campus altogether. I hope so. One purpose of the university is to develop sensitive human be- ings. It is probably not unfair to say that the military is looking for something else. One needs only to look at Norman Mailer's The Naked and the Dead to see the ingredients of a good military officer. I am further haunted by the remark of one army officer to his soldiers in Vietnam. He told them not to worry about killing Vietna- mese women and children because they would probably grow up to be "commies" anyway. The principles of the university and the military. are contradic- tory. The good scholar or the good humanist would not make a good officer. Thus, I do not think that it is unreasonable to ask the military td build their officers someplace else. MILITARY APOLOGISTS LIKE retired general S. L. A. Marshall are now making fiery blasts against critics of ROTC. Marshall's Prus- sian attitude and his trenchant rhetoric show that the farther away from universities that this kind of soldier is kept, the better it will be for everyone. Marshall's syndicated column runs in the Detroit News, and he is Channel 4's pundit-in-residence, Detroit television's answer to Eric Sevareid. The former general, who could very well be writing editor- ials for the Reader's Digest, has. declared war on opposition to ROTC. In one of his .television tirades, he bitterly attacked Prof. Carl Cohen in a manner that should convince everyone that the military has no place at the university. But Marshall was in parade-dress in a recent column that ap-' peared in many state newspapers. Marshall sees the faculties of Har- vard and Y a 1 e bowing to SDS, "(Sudden Death Syndicate)," in denying ROTC and the instruc- tors professrial status. Marshall speaks out in the best Army way in his remarks about the University., which must be quoted in full. "THE HEAT IS ON at the Uni- versity of Michigan, not as yet a big heat, but enogh to give the professors of military science the feeling that their backs shortly will be against the wall. "The tactics are the .same as those used against the system at Harvard and Yale, first to deny any credit to students who volun- teer for training, next to refuse status to the trainers. "The student factotum of this smash-the-military hoorah on the Ann Arbor campus Is one R o n Landsman, a bearded-type from Oak Park, Mich., who spinS out editorials for The Michigan Daily. He is categorized as a history ma- jor. The lesson he appears to draw from history, as deduced from his writings, is that all war -can be ended tomorrow and we can turn on, the millenial dawn, provided the world is made safe for Hippiyocracy. "That would still make' him a whizz kid alongside the mouth- iest antimilitary voice on the faculty, one Carl Cohen, who is rated as a professor of philosophy, and is beyond challenge a master of philophastering when he tilts against all things military,] past and present. "PROF. COHEN'S THESIS is that all who have served with the U.S. military are by reason of their service disqualified for effective citizenship. None but the unadulterated civilian is worthy of democ- racy in our day. He only is able to think clearly and decide firmly; his strength is as the strength of 10 because his heart is pure. The ex-service person has been contaminated for-life. "The trouble with a soldier, says Cohen, is that he learns to be obedient. Sure enough, that could have been where Washington, Lincoln, Andy Jackson, Garfield and Teddy Roosevelt were wrong.' Many of us must look forward to the day when we will be coer- ced into service in the Army under people like S. L. A. Marshall. Those of us who do not have the courage to resist may be forced into con- 04 THE FRATERNITY SYSTEM has long been criticized as the bastion of poli- tical conservatism on campus. Recent actions, however, by the Fra- ternity t Representatives Association, a newly-created body specifically concern- ed with external affairs, demonstrates that this popular conception may be largely unfounded. The FRA, created two months ago- ,by IFC, unanimously endorsed the rent Editorial Staff HENRY GRIX, Editor STEVE NISEN RON LANnSMAN City Editor Managing Editor LESLIE WAYNE .... ............... Arts Editor JOHN GRAY......................Literary Editor STEvE ANZALONE.........,....Editorial Page Editor JIM HECK ..................Editorial Page Editor JENNY STILLER .............. Editorial Page Editor PHILIP BLOCK......Associate Managing Editor MARCIA ABRAMSON ..,..Associate Managing Editor ANDY SACKS.... ........Photo Editor Sports Staff JOEL BLOCK, Sports Editor ANDY BARBAS, Executive Sports Editor BILL CUSUMANO........Associate Sports Editor JIM FORRESTER ....,.......Associate Sports Editor ROBIN WRIGHT............Associate Sports Editor JOE MARKER ................Contributing Editor Business Staff GEORGE BRISTOL, Business Manager STEVE ELMAN .. Administrative Advertising Manager SUE LERNER ............. Senior Sales Manager LUCY PAPP...................Senior Sales Manager NANCY ASIN.N ..Senior 'Circulation Manager BRUCE HAYDON..... .......Finance Manager DARIA KROGULSKI......Associate Finance Manager BARBARA SCHULZ...............Personnel Manager NIGHT EDITORS: Nadine Cohodas, Stuart Gannes, Martin Hirschman, ,Bill Lavely, Jim Neubacher, David Spurr, Chris Steele, Daniel Zwerdling, COPY EDITORS: Jim Beattie, Robert Kraftowitz, Nancy Lisagor, Harold Rosenthal, Judy Sarasohn, Charles Silkowitz, Sharon Weiner. strike, and tenants' union, . Stephan's picketing, the creation of an SGC book store and the SGC proposal asking the abolition of the language requirements. The fraternity systems seems to have realized that its silence on key campus issues has been and will continue to be construed by many anti-fraternity peo- ple as "reactionary" opposition. THE FRA IS PARTLY concerned with fraternity self-interest,-primarily the improvement of the fraternity image, and the presentation of fraternity interests to, the administration, city and other -stu- dent organizations. So far, though, the FRA has merely been bandwagoning. If the organization can encourage its members to develop expertise in campus affairs and take some intiative in political and academic reform it would be indicative of FRA's sincerity. Leaders in the FRA claim that frater- nities represent a political cross-section of the student body, and that the system is no more conservative than IHA or evenl SGC. IF THIS IS true, it is up to the system to prove it by making the views of fra- ternity \members known. The creation of the FRA could dispel the idea that poli- tical and academic reform is always fore- stalled by the "reactionary" fraternity, groups when, in fact, it may be that large. portions of the student body may be us- ing these groups as scapegoats for their own apathy. -TOBE LEV .1 I am confident that we will .! e the language requirement at the at Michigan a large high quaruty University. It is a question that public symposium on the role of should be given consideration now, science and technology, in the so as not to prolong any compru- 4I The Presidio trials: Military justice v. the law (Second of two parts) THE PRESIDIO COMMAND'S be- havior during and after the Oct. 14 incident suggests that, with a real in- surrection at the stockade becoming increasingly 'likely, the Army had de- cided to make an example of the 27 protesters. Regulations state that potential mu- tineers should be "reasoned with." But Capt. Lamont, who read the mutiny charge to th e assembled' protesters, took no steps to insure them that their ,grievances would be heard or acted up- on. Nor did he, on the morning of Oct. 14. comment on the list of grievances- the G.I. and Veterans March for Peace *had been h e 1 d in San Francisco. A number of political AWOL's had given themselves up at the march and been sent to the'Presidio stockade. Plans to protest Bunch's killing h a d already been made but the arrival of the new prisoners boosted their morale. The peace march had infuriated Bay davidI duboff Area military authorities, judging from eral pattern has been that the number of prisoners decreases immediately be- fore a formal tour or investigation. In January 40 prisoners were re- moved a few days before Gen. William Westmoreland visited the Presidio. This also happened before a visit from an Ohio Congressman. 1 That the military court railroaded through a conviction of the alleged mutineers is apparent by the testimony of Dr. Vincent 'Salmon, an acoustics expert from Stanford Research In- stitute. His calculations established that in all probability the singing men could neither hear nor understand the command which was given them over intolerable." On Feb. 24 a member of the San Francisco Board of Super- visors introduced a resolution calling on the Army to drop all charges and reverse the convictions, and requesting Congressional investigation into stock- ade conditions. The County supervisors' demands were echoed last week by Senators Alan Cranston (D-Calif.) and Charles Godell (R-N.Y.). On March 12, they asked the Senate Armed Services. Committee to investigate reports of overcrowding, racial discrimination, mistreatment of prisoners, inadequate training of guards and uncleanliness at the Presidio and 22 other military Army immediately isolated him in the psychiatric ward and denied that the incident had any relevance to the mutiny episode. The suffering of the Presidio 27 is only one indication of the human cost of the brutal machine masquerading as administration for American sol- diers. Acts of political suppression go on continuously, largely unpublicized. In many cases, black soldiers have borne the brunt of this suppression. Two black marines, Lance Cpl. William L. Harvey, 21, and Pfc. George Daniels, 20, are now serving six and ten year sentences for preaching anti-war Bak Muslim doctrines in troons be- 0l