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January 14, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-01-14

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3kL I!Jau


s igh-s28
Lobe-2 1
Mostly sunny, with only
slight chance of snow

Vol. LXXiX, No. 87

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 14, 1969

Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Rent strikers
ask 'U' support
The rent strike steering committee of the Ann Arbor
Tenants' Union yesterday asked the University for de facto
recognition of the rent strike.
However, Mrs. Barbara Newell, vice president for student
services, delayed a decision, pending advice from her student
operating committee and the Student Housing Association.
She will meet with her operating committee today and ex-
pects to have a decision by Friday.
"All of us are in sympathy with anyone trying to lower
their housing costs," Mrs. Newell said. However, she added
she could not take any action until she knew all the details
of the strike.
- - The committee presented two de-
mands to Mrs. Newell. The first
C it pr'obe asked the University to instruct
the Bureau of Off Campus Hous-
ing to give details of the rent j
strike to anyone asking general in-
defends formation on housing.

Ten Cents Ten Pages






The Ann Arbor city attorney's
office yesterday issued a report
clearing the police department of
charges of "illegal entry, illegal
search and harassment."
The. charges were leveled by
several citizens following a series
of incidents last November at
1531 '. University.I

The second demand asks the;
University to give the steering!
committee a list of holdings of all
realtors registered with the Uni-
versity. Such a list would help the
tenants' union make their strike!
against the Ann Arbor Property
Managers Association more effi-
cient, committee members say.
Mrs. Newell said yesterday if
the University does provide the*
steering committee with the list-
ing of the realtors' holdings here.
this action does not mean the,
University approves of the strike.

-Daily-Larry Robbins
Kosinski: On mai's inhuniane indifference



it's a Writer!

The monthly closed meeting of
the literary college faculty was
abruptly adjourned yesterday
when over 25 students refused to
leave the room.
The students, chiefly repre-
senting the Radical Caucus, had
intended to participate in the
scheduled discussion of required
courses. They had seated them-
selves in Aud. A,,Angell Hall be-
fore most of the 150 professors
present arrived.
Without calling the meeting to
order, Dean William L. Hays of
the literary college asked the stu-
dents to leave.
"The Regents' bylaws restrict
this meeting 'to members of the
faculty," he announced. "Those
who are not members of the fac-
ulty are asked to excuse them-
When most of the students
made no motion to leave, Prof.
Martin Gold of the psychology de-
partment moved adjournment,
citing the prerogative) of the fac-
ulty "to control who attends its
The motion, which by parlia-
mentiary rules cannot be debated,
passed by a two to one margin.
The meeting, which had ' been
called for the specific purpose of
discussing the college's language
and other distribution require-
ments, lasted only two minutes.
Martin McLaughlin, '71, a mem-
ber of the Radical Caucaus, said,
"We were going to ask permission
for anyone in the room to speak,
provided the speaker was recog-
nized by the chair. We thought it
was possible for the faculty to
realize students are not monsters.
Instead, the faculty made them-
selves look ridiculous."
McLaughlin maintains the is-
sue is not whether the language
requirement is a good thing, but

Chester Dean Hays

"The union could win a legal
The police officers involved in battle in the courts," Peter Den-
the incidents, however, are still ton, Grad says. "But in order for
under investigation by the Fed- the strike to be effective," he adds,
eral Bureau of Investigation on a "we have to act quickly and we
request from Asst. U.S. Atty. Ken- need University help now."

Feature Editor
Jerzy Kosinski gave his opening
lecture as Writer-in-Residence
last night (and my Glod? He's a


neth McIntyre. McIntyre is in Denton said the University Writer, not a critic or an Old
charge of civil rights cases in should be representing the inte- Leftist or anything like that), and
eastern Michigan. rests of thestudents in the rent brought to the stage of the Lydia
The two investigations were, strike. To do otherwise, Denton Mendelssohn Theatre an insight-
initiated after a complaint was contended, would mean the Uni- ful view of his own widely-praised
issued through the Washtenaw versity is "in complicity with the first novel, The Painted Bird.
Coutybbranchof the American landlords." Abandoning the use of notes of
Civii Liberties Union. ;any kind (and of a lectern as
Members of the steering com- well), Kosinski addressed the full
The complaint charged that an mittee have stressed that their house in simple, direct terms as he
apartment occupied by several own power is actually limited. All attempted to relate his concept of
persons was allegedly broken into important decisions will be made men and their reactions to brutal
and searched by about twelve po- by the organizers - the people society.
lice officers without a search war- who will do the actual door-to- . The 35-year-old Polish emigre,
rant or "probable cause" to be- door recruitment of students to whose most recent work, Steps,
lieve a felony was being committed join the strike, was as much an event of this past
on the premises. The rent strike is scheduled to literary season as was his first'

He cited the infamous K i t t y
Genovese murder in Q u e e n s
the case in which 37 people watch-
ed impassively for over 30 minutes
as a women was stabbed to death
outside their-'windows). "All those
people no doubt believed either in
the goodness of human nature or
tha evilness of human nature-but
they were indifferent.
"Indifference is relying alto-
gether on a belief in social pro-
gress or evil forces."
He further argued his case by
pointing to how most individuals
he has talked to reacted- to an
episode from his first book.
In The Painted Bird, whlich is
the chronicle of a young boy's
journey through the gothic maze
of wartime Europe, Kosinski de-
scribes a gruesome rape in a lone

ience. There is contact between
two people, at least one of whom
desires the other. They touch each
other, they smell each other, they
'know' each other. With the gas
chamber, there was none of this."
Thus were the European Jews
able to go on not believing the
horror of the concentration camps.
They could not comprehend how
the Germans could burn people-
k' anyone with a diploma. who
knows a foreign language.'"
Kosinski, who will be in Ann,
Arbor through Sunday, also stress-
ed the desirability of a man's free-
dom, even at the cost of enduring
agonies-"as long as one is able'
to run away."
But, in the question and answer
period, he scored a member of the
audience's plea for anarchy.

Curriculum grou
to open meetngs
The curriculum committee of the literary college yester-
day opened up all future meetings to the public, although it
reserved the right to go into closed executive session at the
discretion of the chairman.
Prof. James Gindin of the English department, 'chairman
of the committee, said the policy shift will make little dif-
ference in practice.
"Most of our meetings have been opened this year any-
way," he said. "This won't bring any noticeable change in our

The city attorney claims, how-
ever, the police received a call
that there was a knife or gun'
fight going on in the building. The
report says the police rushed to the
scene and entered the building to
search for the fighters or wea-
The city attorney's report con-
cedes that the number of patrol
cars and officers who went to thej
scene was excessive. Remedial
action in the form of/ an "admin-
istrative directive" has been taken,
the report states.

*Draft cent(
A 1-A classification isn't always
a direct route to Saigon, advises.
the Draft Counseling Center.
And in the past 10 months al-
most 1300 men have visited the
free counseling service to find
viable alternatives to Vietnam.
The Center, located at 502 E.1
*Huron, is not a Resistance-type
operation, draft counselors say.
Instead, it offers students various
legal possibilities for dealing with
HUAC sets

begin when 2,000 students sign a' novel in 1965, titled his address 7y ''ansuradersantab w asaver -, "whether the faculty has the procedure. It is a change in
pledge promising to withhold rent "The Painted Bird: A Metaphor Jewish congregation in Connecti- a d"The trouble wi anarchy,thes right to impose it on us" He de-; theway the COmmttee views
and refusing to sign leases with of the Twentieth Century." In his cut where Kosinski first met his oi is you neeana stso nded that students be o the pyet
members of the Ann Arbor Prop- 20-minute opening remarks and Amerian audience have con- ized as "equal members of the
erty Managers Association, The the half-hour question period that stantly expressed t'en revulsion literary college's governing body," pm/
steering committee says the stu- followed, he sketched a defense of to the description of the event. AATT not as "token representatives" at The committee also arranged a
dents taking part in the strikeI raw humanism and "perverse" in- temeigseis} ekyopnmeig
will start withholding their rent terpersonalism that characterizes Yet, he pointed out last night, Gold voted against his own mo- the next three Mondays to .hear
in February. both of his novels, readers have not complained to A panel discussion on the con- tion to adjourn. "If the students from members of the language
Indifference characterizes man's him about the presence in the cerns of the assistant professor had agreed to leave while we de- departments on the requirements
This first month's rent, less 10 response to the environment (both book of trains heading for the
per cent for' the strike's operating humnad atrlKssi Gei'man gscabrs otiwll be held at 8 pm tonight in bated whether or not to let them; and language instruction.
co tslnt the rent fort suc- inaind t indifference, he greater hormer, they remain the West Conference Room at in," he explained, "then I would Gindin said the committee ex-
ceeding months of the strike will said, may even grow from an in- indifferent. Rackham. This is part of the have moved to nvited them in.. pects to issue a recommendation
be held in escrow at an undis- dividual's total commitment to This phenomena he attributed regular meeting of the American But anye d ae en e t ond h the einBy
closed bank not in Ann Arbor. goodness or evil. to the ability of modern man to Association of University Pro- pmate because of the college's iadjournment of yesterday's facul- and S
accept a gas chamber. "The con- fessors rules." ty meeting, which was called spe- Mrs. Jose
acpa schme."hco-icentraton scamp was a modern,.ssrs
imesona insttution ofwtheasu- The maneldofrproessors will Eric Chester, Grad, another cifically to discuss the require- of the Ann
tui'e:ef highlye t2" e chno"" a lthihly 'discs alaspectsrofe rela member of the Radical Caucus, ment, would not affect their time- mission, wh
or t s fulĀ¢ yet legal ipsanai tithighyorgnizdsc h omte loslce hrdy
tionship of the assistant professor said, We will be here in the fu- te a stormy
a pacebegedfo a omute," to the University, and in parti-tue.
^ .And the terror of the German cula' the controversial topics of- uAsked what would happen if fu- subcommittee to look into ROTC moring, "
m i i a r - o n n l xemnto porm eadd tenure , publication, and advance- ture meetings continued to be dis- .M
extermiynatM 1R al- io poamhehe addennd, oriM eav gi al recommndation of fou aet s1
wa rsl mesnlvcii-met. rupted, Hays quipped, "We'll haveorgnlecm ndtnofou have toget i
was grossly impersonal-victimiz- rdw . the most efficient faculty meet- hours credit for the entire four- Mrs. Mho
the draft, and urges those coming sponse than we anticipated," Tip- mot involved nearly so much as a of Social Work will be moderator ings ever." year program was returned to vinced to ret
notinolvd eary o mchas o Soia Wok illbemodraor The cleefcly scretythembcolleeecruteromstdy.
for help to make their own deci- ton says. He believes the draft German desire to fulfill a "high- Hof the meeting, The panel in- The college faculty is currently of the by the eor further stdy. phone calls
sions. "will continue as before." Until ly idealistic goal." cludes Profs. Julian Gendel of the considering a proposal to open its Dean William Hays indicated publi, and b
Rev. Ronald Tipton, a spokes- there are changes, Tipton says Thus, the concentration camp chemistry department, ,Chester mengs to the publc. However, earlier that the executive commit- mission Cha
man for the counselors, says the the center will continue its serv- becomes so much more reprehen- Leach of the Engineering School, progress on the course require- tee felt the report did not have Mrs. Mho
center provides information con- ices to allow men "to participate;sible than, say, the rape-which Arthur iSchwartz of the mathe- ment question has been so slow enough evidence to justify the nized as an
cerning possible appeals, defer- .. is violence, but of a personal, more matics department, and William that the proposal hardly has been choice of four hours. ROTC stu- cient directo
ments, and conscientious objec- in their own lives and make their' applicable sort. In the rape, he Cressy of the romance language discussed. dents currently receive 12 hours she has bee
tion. own decisions." said, "there is a human exper- department. See LSA, Page 2 credit. public housin
Rev. Tipton says the purpose - forement of
of the counseling center is two- ulationsand
fold. "First, we provide information, UA inEht was
which is often difficult to get dercuttingwhat
from local draft boards. Second, Noeffort.
plors the alternatives, theirni-qoreH oeco days? last night be
plications, and consequences" He praisedh
The Draft Counseling Center is H rie

ph D. Mhoon, director
Arbor Housing Coni-
o angrily resigned at
commissioh meeting
turned to her job this
te have a job to do,"
Ihoon "and we just
It done."
on said she was con-
urn by the number of
she received from the
y the urgings of com-
1rman Lyndon Welch,
on is generally recog-
experienced and effi-
or. However, recently
n under fire by some
ng tenants for her en-
federal housing reg-
for her attempts to
e a tenant association
alleged to be an un-
f a similar NAACP
fended Mrs. Mhoon
,fore the City Council,
her dedication to the
ng tenants of the city,
hat her work be kept
cal pressure.
so reported to the
imminent completion
negotiations with .the
ruction Co. to build
ousing units at scat-
n Ann Arbor. Welch
tract should be signed
two weeks and that
should begin by the
ction the city council
a vote of 7-4 the rec-
n of the Ann Arbor
hority to retain public
in the city., However,
affirmative vote was
pprove further appro-
he St. John Bus Line.
mmendation includes

- sponsored by several organizations
including Student Government
I/ Council, Association of Religious;
The prime target of the House- Counselors, Washtenaw County
Un-American Affairs Committee Council of Churches, and the
this year will be the Students for American Friends Service Com-
Democratic Society. mittee. Although SGC provided
Rep. Richard H. Ichord (D-Mo), the initial grant to start the cen-
the new chairman of the commit- ter, the Association of Religious
tee, said that the student organi- Counselors and many individuals
zation will be the first matter in- have also contributed.
vestigated by the committee this About 20 volunteer counselors
year. have been trained in workshops
SDS would be looked at "in view which analyze draft regulations.
f the information that has been Ten of the counselors are related
made public of the increasingly to church groups while the re-
militant nature of the SDS-its mainder are mainly students.
conducting classes in sabotage, "Virtually all the people that
how to make molotov cocktails and come, come before they receive
its teaching yiolent guerrilla tac- induction notices," says counselor
tics," said Ichord. Robert Roth. "The people who
Ichord said he would try to have come for helo are mainly frm th

")aily News Analysis
The University may h a v e
crowned its last Homecoming
Queen. Last October's dispute
between black groups on campus
and University Activities Cent-
er has resulted in reconsidera-
tion of the entire Homecoming
Queen contest.
"We may either modify the
contest to prevent any further
disputes or we may drop it en-
tirely," explains UAC president
Dan McCreath.
The conflict between the
homecoming committee and
black organizations began when
a black fraternity, Kappa Alpha
Psi, protested against what it
termed "discriminatory judg-

ceedings and for the "perform-
ance of the judges."
. The committee declined to
comment further until it had
ascertained whether or not the
insult actually was a result of
discriminatory action on the
part of any judges.
The dispute reached its climax
when the Black Student Union
refused to recognize the selected
queen, Nancy Seabold, and re-
cognized instead last year's
queen, Opal Bailey.
Although no investigation of
the alleged discrimination h a s
started yet, there are several
conflicting versions of what
actually happened at the judg-
ing session prior to Miss Park-
er's withdrawal.
'Aic Parlo i ccaxrch .

ed that this question resemb-
led one she had asked M i s s
Parker. "I did not say 'as a
member of a minority,' " Miss
Haroff says, "and the s a m e
question was put to other con-
testants in her group."
Miss Seabold, '68 Homecom-
ing Queen, believes questions
Miss Parker contends were dis-
criminatory were primarily just
a test of her poise. "I think con-
testants should be put on the
spot to test their reactions to
questions on prominent or
pressing issues," she adds.
Whether tactlessness or dis-
crimination was responsible for
the insult to Miss Parker, UAC's
chief concern is to find a way
to prevent the incident from re-
curring, or be forced to end the

public housin
and urged tk
free of politi
Welch al
council thea
of contractz
Sharp Const
151 public h
tered sites i
said the cont
in the next
end of April
In other a
adopted by a
Transit Auth
bus service i
one more a
needed to ap
priations to t
The recon

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