age Nine Sunday, March 16, 1969 THE MICHIGANIDAILY PC Sundy, Mrch16, 969THE ICHGAN AIL . -WL . - - i ADVERTISEMENT and eir ca Ign platforms Council Seats Darryl Garman My campaign is based on the goal of constructive black participation in stu- dent government on a level-where it counts. If most students feel alienated from or manipulated by this institution at times, the black student feels it more strongly. He has little or no representation on the student boards which have responsibility for student government and student activ- ities nor on the faculty nor in adminis- tration. With these goals and hopes in mind, here is my platform: -The language requirement should be abolished. ,-Distribution requirements should be reformed' by curriculum committees with an equal representation of students and faculty.' --Curriculum committees with an equal representation of students eAnd faculty should establish; more courses which deal with today's relevant issues such as Viet- nam, white racism, Black Power, student freedom, the Middle East, etc. -The Vice President of Student Af- fairs should be a young person with a grasp of the issues which affect students today. -All istudent organizations should be funded by the University. -The State Legislature should not set' up inquisitorial committees to investigate state universities merely to pacify constitu- ents. -I will work for the creation of an of- fice to deal with the individual student problems which the University is either un- willing or unable to cope with. -The summer work-study programs should be expanded to include more stu- dents receiving more money. -The Tutorial Programs should 'receive adequate funding from the University in order to prove the University's commit- ment to the "disadvantaged" youth of Ann Arbor. -The Martin Luther King Scholarship M Committee should consider scholarships for qualified black transfer students. -The exchange programs with Africa should be enlarged to include more stu- dents from the University to Africa. I support the current goals of students and SGC to reduce prices in Ann Arbor: the fient Strike, The Tenants' Union, the Discount Store, and the Consumer Union. - - v William WO a Scott i There is a very urgent need on Michi- gan's campus for new life and direction; educational and political, in that, students will be heard and honestly represented, when decisions to/for, the governing of their lives. As it has always been, only the elite few determine for the whole student body what issues or conflicts thast will be pur- sued; many times reflecting only small group desires. Student apathy must end and thus, immediate participation attain- ed. Also, I see as a violent problem in this society and on campus' is the complete alienation, and insensibility toward my black brothers and sisters for our 'educa- tional, political, and social needs; regard- less of the attempts that some white peo- ple have made in our behalf (not that this is to be discredited) but attempts in them- selves do not correct the ill/problem: as a people and students, we must have rela- tive power (political, social, econ.) in de- termining our destiny. Other goals that we will attempt to im- plement in the coming year, are as fol- lows: Hank Pfeffer There are several major issues that I feel SOC should concern itself with during the coming year. I was very disturbed by President Flem- ing's statement, after the cast of Dionysus was arrested, that the University was not a sanctuary. A university should be a place for experimentation and creativity-a place where, new ideas should be heard. Ex- pression should not be kept within the bounds of narrow provincialism. We are all here in two roles: As residents of Ann Arbor, and as students. As citizens of Ann Arbor-shopping, driving, living off cam- pus-we are subject to the laws of the city. s students, however, of a state owned uni- versity on state property, we are not sub- ject to intrusions by Ann Arbor police. The quality of teaching in undergradu- ate courses, particularly at the 100 level, is poor. ;Many teaching fellows and as- sistants without the least idea of what teaching should be are in charge of class- es. The University should provide a short, intense course in teaching methods as a requirement for any teaching fellow. Whatever else we may be or do, we are consumers. In a great many situations we are paying vastly inflated prices. SGC should continue supporting the rent strike and discount store, and I hope that the proposal for an SGC bookstore will be passed in this election. The role of SGC should be expanded in an attempt, through various forms of pressure, to obtain rea- sonable prices for students. Tuition here is one of the highest of any state university in the nation. This is at least partly caused by the low appro- priations the state has been giving the University. Pressure should be applied, and our needs explained, to the state. The proposal for a new type of degree, the Bachelor of General Studies, is a good one. This way, distribution and lan- guage requirements can be avoided by those who care to do so, while others can still work towards a BA. These are just a few of the possible is- sues. If anyone would like to speak to me about them, or would like to bring up some other questions, f will be at home from 9:30 to 11:30 each morning, and from 11:30 to 1:00 each night. Call 663-5119. Joan Sheme The students at this university are caught in a dilemna. Dependent upon a hostile state legislature for a large propor- tion of their funds, they must also wrest from that legislature certain rights and priyileges they deem necessary for them- selves as citizens as well as students. Each year the University receives a smaller share of the state budget, and this in turn affects the quality of education it can pro- vide. The present campus investigation committee headed by Senator Huber is just an example of the growing bad feeling and mistrust that has existed for some time. Asa member of the interim steering committee for the Michigan Association of Students I intend to work towards easing the present strain. This newly formed or- ganization seeks to encompass every insti- tution of higher learning in the state, and represent the interests of students to mem- bers of the state legislature. We intend to form an effective lobby using sophisticated political techniques. Obviously the task is enormous ... but not impossible. With regard to projects that more spe- cifically affect SGC my position is flex- ible. I support the expansion of the pres- ent SGC store, and the formation of other student cooperative enterprises wherever the need exists. I feel that one of the du- ties /of SGC is to insure the student a fair economic as well as educational deal. All projects that further this goal-such as bus services and the projected Student Credit Union should be studied and im- plemented. The most important issues this past se- mester have been the rent strike and aca- demic reform. Needless to say neither have been satisfactorily concluded at the pres- ent. Both these issues must be pursued with the same vigor in the future as they have been in the past. The factors of time, apathy, and approaching finals, have us- ually proven to be the most effective de- stroyers of student movements. The mach- inations of administrators and landlords serve to encourage rather than dampen the flames of student protest. Thus when movements die we have only ourselves to blame. I would like to remain on SGC because my position on the table allows me to continue my present work, and keeps me informed as to the need for other projects. Robertr K: r . Hirshon w... Student Government Council should have two functions: it should represent and it should initiate. SGC, when it passes rules governing the student body, should cater to that entire body and not to any elitist groups. On the other hand, SGC should be constantly initiating constructive reforms and changes whenever and wher- ever they are needed. ACADEMIC REFORM Reform of our academic program is long overdue. That many members of the fac- ulty have already pointed to the inade- quacy and irrelevancy of our present lan- guage requirement makes me question the existence of many other required courses. Underlying this relevancy, however, is the admittedly more important aspect of who has the right of decision. To be sure there are areas, in which the student belongs. But there are areas in which he does not also. These areas should be defined and students should take their rightful place within the academic decision making pro- Carol Hollenshead EXPERIENCE-SGC member-at-large; former chairman, Student Consumers Un- ion; co-chairman 1968 Anti-Tuition Hike Campaign; niember, University Human Relations Commission. In order to be a dynamic center of student self-government and involvement now and in the future, SGC must con- centrate on the following areas of student interest: ACADEMICS-The academic area is by far the most relevant issue facing all of the students at the University. As such, it should receive top priority in terms of SGC time and commitment. A. Student participation in decision- making must not end at the level of dor- mitory visitation policy; it must be ex- tended into all academic areas: depart- mental, college, and University-wide. Stu- dent parity on all decision-making bodies (particularly those dealing with immediate student concerns such as curriculum and tenure) must be established. B. Coherence must be given to the now fragmented attempts at academic reform. Efforts could be coordinated, comunica- tion faciliated, and change fostered with- in the literary college by the formation of an LSA Union. Furthermore, SGC should create the Office of Academic Coordina- tor to further academic reform on an all- University level. C. Language, distribution, and physical education requirements should be elimi- nated. Toward this end, I urge a "yes" vote on the language requirement referenda. D. A policy concerning student records should be formulated which would: 1) in- form the student as to what records are kept on him. 2) allow him to examine his records, and 3) require his written per- mision for the release of such records. CONSUMER PROTECTION- A. SGC should continue to support the following projects: 1. The rent strike and the demands of the Student Tenants' Union. 2. The comparative price surveys of the Student Consumers Union. Moreover, SGC should carry out more surveys of this type and should take definitive action on these surveys. 3. The SGC Discount Store. The present store should be expanded as much as poss- ible: branches should be established both on the Hill and North Campus. B. SGC should, at long last, establish a student-owned and opeated bookstore. For this project to become a reality, a "yes" vote on the bookstore issue is imperative. C. SGC should take steps toward: 1) for- ming a Student Credit Union. 2) semester and separate room and board contracts in the dormitories. COMMUNITY LIFE - A. Steps should be taken to implement the Green Report which termed the Uni- versity a "rich, white institution". B. SGC should continue its voter regis- tration drives. Students must have the right to become full citizens of their com- munity., C. Policy decisions of the Office of Stu- dent Services must increasingly be made the policy decisions of students. D. Finally, SGC should remain alive the local, state, and national issues which af- fect students as students, citizens, or hu- man beings. crepancy of price between similar items sold at different campus stores. FOUR MONTH LEASES The feasibility of allowing freshmen to sign four month dorm contracts should be quickly investigated. Under a four month lease, a student would be able to move into a, fraternity, sorority, or apartment in his second semester freshman year, if he so desired. SGC, INC. The potential of an incorporated SGC should be fully realized. Last Fall council members pushed a referendum for separate funding which was defeated. Many\mem- bers of SGC stated that the fault lay in a misconception by the student body. Four months have gone by and nothing has been done concerning the already set up cor- poration or this alleged misconception. Ac- tion towards immediate funding should be initiated so that SGC, Inc. can start work- ing for the student body. THE QUESTION OF REPRESENTATION Mark Hodax The Student Government Council could better be named an Association of Stu- dents for, in fact its purpose is not to govern anybody, but rather to enhance the educational experience of the students within the University community and to further and protect the interests of the students in the society at large. S.G.C. has been working hard to further and protect the interests of students evi- denced by its voter registration drive as- sistance to the rentstrike, Consumers Un- ion surveys, and the establishment of the discount store. I strongly endorse and en- courage the intensification of all of these efforts, especially the expansion of the discount store. S.G.C. has efficiently dispelled the notion of in loco parentis but failed to move into the academic matters with the same momentum. I feel that it is essential that there be a change in the concept of an education. Accepting professors as absolute authori- ties and writing down and reiterating their comments is not an educational experi- ence as I conceive it, and is all too often what success here requires. It is my sin- cere conviction that most students are at least as capable as professors in the art of critical and creative thinking and rea- soning. The University environment must be made conducive to such a response on the part of students in order for there to be the opportunity for an educational ex- perience. In order to enhance the educational ex- .perience, S.G.C. must also: 1) Gain equal student representation -on the curriculuni committees of all colleges and depart- ments; 2) Gain extension of the pass-fail option to Freshmen and Sophomores; 3) Make the pass-fail option applicable to all courses. The method used by S.G.C. to gain the implementation of these or other propo- sals bears careful consideration and is the stage where many good ideas are lost. De- manding the implementation of a new proposal or the abolition of an existing system is an excellent beginning. If the demand is ignored, which is often the case, it is essential that S.G.C. not stop there, as I believe it has done in the past. It must work within the context and on the level of the people that it must con- vince to institute the reform, yet never lose sight of its ideological position. In the case of gaining equal representation on a curriculum committee it must not simply demand it on the basis that it would be de- mocracy is inherently good. This is just not the case. S.G.C. must show why equal representation inthis situation is desir- able, i.e. why it will insure curriculum de- cisions that are most conducive to enhanc- ing the education experience of the stu- dents. Panther White Incumbent. What is SGC? A group of students sit- ting arouni a table trying to play the "we're grown-ups" game. Another elitist group. Another bureaucracy. What is the philosophical basis for the student reform movement? Freedom. Tear down the binding walls. Let students be in control of their academic lives. Who are the reformists? Alienated youths, Separated egos not in control of their own selves. Inhibited youths. What happens to people in a bureau- cracy? Personalities are lost and people become roles. Replaceable parts in a work- ing hierarchy. SGC members relate as councilman to councilman, business re- lationships not empathizing personal rela- tionships. Cliques are formed and one half of council never relates to the other half .~...::.N..Michael Kane The following, in my opinion, are the most important and relevant issues now facing the students of the University of Michigan. Section I-RACE RELATIONS There exists a polarization between Black and white students at Michigan. As a white I feel there is definite lack of knowledge about the Afro-American. Polarization, the sum total of this de ficiency, is the root cause of the friction, the conflict existing between Blacks and Wrmites, for example, the Ferris State situ- ation. I feel that Whites must first get 'our- selves' together before we can even begin to learn about and understand others. If elected I will attempt the creation of more courses and an enlarged treatment in the Psychology and Sociology depart- ments of white racism and white identity. Moreover, I intend to institute a series of informed lectures by and for students antd faculty in order to create a greater awareness of ourselves and our situation. Section II-LANGUAGE REQUIREMENT The language requirement as it now exists should be forgotten. Given some students will be going into countries and employment where a pro- ficiency greater than "Voulez vous . .?" is necessary. The rest of us, I feel, would profit more from the establishment of courses dealing with the present day situation of other na- tions in terms of its role in international affairs with emphasis on its relations with the United States, along with considera- tion of casual historical and cultural fac- tors. Section III-UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS I support the findings of the SGC Con- sumer survey. I am in favor of the poten- tial consumer boycott of those merchants, and I am in favor of the existing boycott of those landlords, whose only function ap- pears to be that of exploiting the powerless majority-the students. It follows that I. am also in favor of the student run cam- pus book store. I am realistic about the decisions being made in Lansing. Specifically, the proposed nonsensical anti-disruption law "reqtuiring the automatic expulsion of any student or faculty member inciting unrest"; and the "under discussion" tuition raises. SGC is now lobbying, to an extent in Lansing, to prevent such proposals from becoming law (and order), I agree with this method, but would first concentrate all efforts in this con- cern to a victory on the voter registration issue and then visit LaNsing and our local representatives and their governor with about 10,000 new votes. Section IV-COMMUNITY AFFAIRS Again much more could be accomplished witl a favorable decision on voter regis- tration. Students could then influence, to say nothing of elect 'local officials who hold the interests of the University com- munity close to their hearts. Legal action could begin against the lock- ed up skilled trade and construction un- ions with respect to their minority group hiring practices. It is interesting to me that ah enlight- ened and intellectual university such as ours can find a logical conclusion to the argument of not dealing with racist unions, in the statement, "Well, if you don't hire those unions, we get nothing built."' I won- der how long the unions in question woul ' "not build anything" once they begin to be denied and lose their lucrative contracts. Here, as I did in section I, 'I will charge SGC with ignoring issues of extreme im- portance. Agreed, not all students have cars, or like SGC, not all students are even concerned. But I believe there is a major- ity of the students who are concerned with the $1,000,000 and that the city makes each year from parking tickets. I believe there is a majority of students who ar6 concerned with institutional as well as in- dividual racism. I believe there is a vast majority of the students and these issues SGC has turned its back on. victories are only half-victories. Students must free their heads. Righ energy al- ready exists, and now it must be con- Tim Theodore I feel that the major issue in this elec- tion concerns student demands and their relationship towards University policy. While acknowledging the desirability of certain reforms, I oppose without qualifi- cation any disruptive action, whatever its purpose. I take this position because I feel that such action A) disrupts the University and therefore hinders the individual stu- dent in his pursuit of an education and B) that such action tends 'to create an at- mosphere in which force and power domi- nate instead of reason and ideas. As the alternative to disruption, I feel that chan- nels should be opened to students within the University structure so that student discontent and University policy reform can occur without disrupting the lives of the individual student. In regards to the allocation of S.G.C. funds, I feel that the S.G.C., since it is financed equally by every student, should, in allocating its funds, act in the general student interest, and not merely for the benefit of any one clique or group. Regarding the R.O.T.C. question, I feel that since a university should include as