Page Eight ADVERTISEMENT THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, March 16, 1969 tI O S . can lat IS Presidents-Vice Presidents AN N Bob Nelson Craig Ross Martin McLaughlin William Scott Howard Miller Roger heats Mary Livingston Peter Jacobson Mark Van Der Hout D. Michael Kane Mark Rosenbaum Kay Stansbury w BOB NELSON Incumbent-SGC member Chairman ad hoc Regent bylaw drafting committee OSA subcommittee on disclosure of student records Constitutional Convention delegate SACUA Civil Liberties Board committee on student records Government Relations committee Public Relations Board MARY LIVINGSTON Incumbent-SGC member University Joint Judiciary Constitutional Convention delegate Voter registration Membership committee University Discount Store Author book store referendum Ad hoc Regent bylaw drafting committee Faculty code subcommittee Student Government Council is facing one of its most significant years. It has roved into the new area of academic re- form. It is in the most critical stage of its campaigns to protect the student consum- er. It is a year that will need leadership from people with experience and a firm grasp of the internal politics and mechan- ics of the University. The following are not all of the possible goals of students. They are, however, some of the most im- .portant: 1. STUDENT RECORDS. In order that re- cords may be used to their best advan- tage and protect the rights of the student it Is essential that: (1) A student be able to know what records are kept on him and wat they contain. (a) A thorough study should be conducted to determine where records are kept and what \type of infor- mation. is contained in each. (b) A student should be able to see his records. (c) Steps should be taken to centralize records. (2) The rights of the student should be res- pected, information should not at any time be released to anyone outside of the Uni- versity without express written consent of the student. 2. COUNSELING. An immediate inves- tigation of ,the present counseling system is needed. Consideration of professional counselors for freshmen and sophomores should be a part of the study. In order to provide needed information, a course should be offered' on this University and recommended to freshmen and sopho-. mores. 3. CONSUMER PROTECTION. Consu- mer reports should be more frequnt, have a wi er scope, be distributed to a greater number of students, and be followed up with selective buying. We also support the formation of a Student Credit Union and expansion of ,the laundry contract to in- clude dorms, fraterities, and sororities. 4. OFF-CAMPUS HOUSING. The Uni- versity should join in student efforts to secure housing at reasonable cost through: (1) Official support, of the Rent Strike. (2) Building low rent housing. 5. DORMS. Some progress has occurred In dorm living. Among the improvements stlkl most drastically needed are (1) sep- arate room and board contracts and (2) one semester contracts. Women still hav- ing hours should have access to unlimited late permissions. 6. UNIVERSITY DISCOUNT STORE. The University Discount Store provides an alternative to the closed campus mar- ket and should be expanded. Additional locations should be developed including a branch oil North Campus and a main branch in the Union. 7. BOOK STORE. We encourage stu- dents to vote "yes" on the book store ref- Just as "there are no henshaws", we be- lieve that there are just no issues; this is not to say that we are reassessing our position on every so-called issue-(but we are)-and we are doing so because that the only real question in this campaign is the issue of student power-and frankly, we oppose it if it means (as Carl Ogelsby pointed out) giving more privileges to an already privileged class-however, our op- position turns to hearty (yum!) support when considered in a more pragmatic light -for we have little faith in the ability or desire of administrators to change the university into a "socially equitable" insti- tution-we are .not the bureaucrats of SGC, IFC or Radical Caucus-and we feel that this gives us not an "issue", but ra- ther an "attitude base" to work from - and, we would work bureaucratically and otherwise to support students-desiring to take power for the benefit of society - easy "issue" answers are available-(if that's what you want) for example our attitude toward the use of student power against Ann Arbor merchants (especially in a disruptive-non-bureaucratic sense) would certainly be favorable-but the cru- ciality is, that we feel that everyone is seymour's fat lady, and the paradox of this (with line one), that is, the realization of our own strength IN INCOMPENTENCY, is why we may be the least competent for the positions-yet the most effective. VOTE Tues. and Wed. March '18, 19 tervals to enable students to see what the Council is doing. 9. UNIVERSITY BUDGET. Few things have such far-reaching implications for the University as a whole as the University budget. The decisions regarding the bud- get determine to a large measure present and future activities of the University and therefore are a critical concern to stu- dents. Students should therefore, parti- cipate in the formulation of the budget. By the same token investments should be made public and include some student-fa- culty control. 10. GOVERNMENT RELATIONS. Com- mynications between students and legisla- tors should be on a year round basis. Through increased visits of legislators to Ann Arbor and students going to Lansing, many of the legislators' qualms concern- ing student demands can be remedied. A Michigan Student Association should be established to provide information and to lobby for student interests. 11. ADMISSIONS. We support (1) a vi- gorous campaign to recruit students from minority groups and, from low-income families and the offering of courses to pre- pare these students. (2) Student control of the Martin Luther King Scholarship Fund. (3) Adoption of a graduated tuition scale. 12. ACADEMICS. The campaign for stu- dent participation in academics is one that must be waged on many levels-depart- ment, college and university. (1) The ex- isting department committees and the es- tablishment of new committees should be encouraged. (2) On the college level, we support: (a) immediate abolition of the language requirement. (b) A General Stu- dies Degree. (c) The establishment of an LSA Union. (d) Student parity on all col- 7PYinns H n0inn_ma1ireandiPC r-,l Af n Shelley Kroll (COUNCIL SEAT) We are all members of the Radical Cau- cus, running as a slate whose political po- sitions coincide with those of the Radical Caucus. Our aim is to work for a basic transfor- mation of our society to make it conform to the principles of democracy, freedom, and economic and social equality, by chal- lenging the institutions and groups which profit from the exploitation of the people of this country and of much of the world. In this struggle we feel that students and a student movement can play a significant role. In order to get this campus moving po- litically, in order to shatter the apathy and complacency which obstructs every attempt to fight the groups which exercise coercive power over the students, students must be organized around their most pressing and immediate interests. These are academic and consumer issues. We feel that SGC can be an effective student government by providing direction for the students in gaining self-determination in their own lives. Specifically we propose: To increase student participation in all academic decision-making. 0 Formation of student unions in the col- leges and departments to organize students to win a share of decision-making power on all questions which affect students. The groups should push for parity student rep- resentation on all departmental, college, and university committees, and decentral- ization and democratization of university authority, dividing it among students, fac- ulty, and administrators. Abolition of language and distribution requirements because the faculty has no. right to impose them. Establishment of an alternate LS&A de- gree to give greater freedom to student initiative. Abolition of grades for introductory courses and extension of pass-fail option to all courses. Parity student voice in hiring and ten- ure decisions. Rehiring of Julian Gendell and Tom Mayer. For united student action to improve living conditions in Ann Arbor: SGC organization of boycotts of stores with mark-ups in prices and exhorbitant profits, such as Stephan's and Food Mart. Expansion of services such as the dis- count store, the Student Consumer Union, the voter registration program, legal aid service, and the bail fund. We support the rent.strike and the Ten- ants' Union as the only practical way of improving housing conditions in Ann Ar- bor and we urge all possible University and SGC support to win a favorable settlement of the strike. Establishment of a permanentistudent- faculty committee to review all University investments and consider using University resources to build low-cost housing avail- able to students, faculty, employees, and lower-income groups. We urge a 'yes' vote on the referendum on a levy to establish a discount bookstore. SGC investigation of means of financing iteelf inrenndrenthy of the TTniversity ad- There is a very urgent need on Michi- gan's campus for new life and direction; educational and political, in that, students will be heard and honestly represented, when making decisions to/for the governing of their lives. As it has always been, only the elite few determine for the whole student body what issues or conflicts that will be pursuited; many times reflecting only small group desires. Student apathy must end and thus, immediate participation at- tained. Also, I see as a violent problem in ^ this society and on campus is the com- plete alienation, and insensibility toward my black brothers and sisters for our edu- cational, political, and social needs; re- gardless of the attempts that some white people have made in our behavior (not that this is to be discredited) but attempts in themselves do not correct the ill/problem; as a people and students, we must have relative power (political, social, econ) in determining our destiny. If elected SGC president, the above-mentioned will be the major goals per se that I see need to ac- complish, if little else is gained. Other goals that we will attempt to im- plement in the coming year, are as follows: 1. Abolition of the language and distri- bution requirement. . . We need and urge student action as a body and majority to unite and vote their opinion/decision; which should be upheld by the school of LS&A. 2. Student representation and voting university committees, admissions and fi- nance, etc. This is to include all the vari- ous students on campus and areas of study. 3. A check on tuition increases . . . Stu- dents must have a voice or a vote that will represent their position to the state gov- ernment, therefore, either sudents will be permitted to vote for someone that is going to reflect their views or the university must be that voice, and should be aware of stu- dent needs. Ifthe increases do continue, Michigan will become a private elite school this must never happen. These are but only a few issues that are in question, and we hope that, if not all, most students will contribute more Moreover, we are more concerned with hu- man needs instead of playing political games; in the end getting nothing done, and for this institutions won't/can't change; adapting itself to the change of the people it governs . .. The Student --- Human'People? political directions. As first steps in a po- litical program we propose: Abolition of credit for ROTC and ter- mination of all ties with the program as quickly as possible, since ROTC contrib- utes materially to the maintenance of American intervention in Vietnam and elsewhere. Declassification of all research, and abandonment of all research whose prime function is to destroy life, to provide im- proved techniques of crowd control, coun- terinsurgency, or electronic surveillance, or to contribute to the war effort in Vietnam. SGC refusal to cooperate with the State Senate investigating committee witchhunt and preparation to file a countersuit on civil liberties grounds. All possible University assistance, legal and financial, to the cast of Dionysus in '69. A clear University stand against all censorship and in defense of its own legiti- mate student activities. Initiation of a program of recruiting lower-income working-class black and white students. Establishment of Temedial courses and summer programs to enable them to survive academically. Differential scale of tuition based on ability to pay to provide funds necessary. Establishment of HOWARD ILLER SGC councilman, incumbent, appointed and elected State Governmental Relations Committee chairman Academic Affairs Voter registration Third year medical student MARK ROSENBAUM SGC councilman, incumbent Faculty-student Relations Committee chairman. State Governmental Relations Committee Constitutional Convention Angell Scholar- We believe that students are capable of and should have the right to help deter- mine the structure of the institutions that affect their lives. Currently students have negligible decision-making powers in most areas of their campus lives. In the area of academics students have almost no influ- ence over the course of their educations- no say in -who will teach them or what and how they will learn. In the area of student services students have little power in the operation of the Office of Student Serv- ices, the Union and League, Dept. of Ath- letics, etc. We feel the situation should be changed. As president and vice president of SGC we will work to see that it is. ACADEMIC REFORM-We feel that the individual who is being educated is the center of the educational process. To in- crease his involvement in those areas most relevant to him, we propose a series of bold academic reforms for SGC to implement. We feel that students should be sitting and voting on all committees concerned with CURRICULUM, TENURE, DEGREE REQUIREMENTS, COUNSELING SERV- ICES, and GRADING TECHNIQUES. It is implicit to us that students who devote much time, effort, and money to their education should be a part of the deci- sion-making process. We recommend that student-faciny committees in all departments be formed and tnat they consider: 1. Curriculum changes - more flexiDie requirements-more "field" courses tike tne city course. 2. Expansion of pass-fail or dossier-type grading systems. 3. Improved student counseling and course evaluation programs. 4. Establishment of Bachelor of General Studies degree with or without a major. 5. Institution of a quasi-free university structure for those wishing to take ad- vantage of it. GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS - This committee has been attempting to ward off another tuition increase by securing adequate funds from Lansing by providing required information and presenting a proper image. HOUSING - We support the Tenants' Union in its attempts through the rent strike to secure shorter leases, lower rents, etc. However, these goals must be actively supported by the university. Housing regis- tration requirements must be strengthened. Furthermore, the Office of Student Serv- ices should offer the students a real serv- ice by building low cost student apart- ments. SGC DISCOUNT STORE - This store has proved highly popular in offering gig- nificant discounts to students on many items. It must be expanded with a wider inventory and branch locations. CREDIT UNION - A student credit un- ion can become a reality. A credit union can offer higher interest on savings and can provid a definite student service through educational loans guaranteed by the federal government. INSURANCE - SGC can provide sub- stantial student savings through group We plan a progressive, action-oriented student government; a council that rea- lizes that responsibility must accompany power. We believe SGC has the potential to be relevant to students, but to do so, programs must be implemented immedia- tely to meet the challenges now facing council. Accordingly, we have outlined our major goals for the coming year: 1. It is imperative, and in the interest of every student, that SGC work with the State Legislature to increase university ap- propriations. We will bring legislators to campus and send student representatives to Lansing to lobby for th6 funds we need to maintain academic standards. We op- pose reductions in the percentage of out- state students enrolled in the university. 2. We plan to expand tle Student Dis- count Store into a book store, moving from the SAB to a more spacious location (hope- fully, renting space in the Union). The store will handle used books and new texts for large courses at first, and will gradu- ally expand. 3. Further development of a strong and responsible tenants' union is essential; a union that will keep students informed of their rights and responsibilities as ten- ats. We continue to support the rent strike. 4. We will continue efforts for the im- mediate abolition of the language require- ment and seek student participation in working out other academic guidelines. We favor an optional general studies program as an alternativeto distribution guidelines. 5. We urge SGC involvement in protec- tion of student consumers. We wish to ex- pand the functions of the Student Con- sumer Union to include monthly consumer reports and organizing boycotts of Ann Arbor merchants who exploit students. 6. Other priority projects includesor- ganizing student pressure for more and better intramural athletic facilities; and re -implimentation of the Speakers Bu- reau to foster communication between SGC and its constituents. We believe an effective student govern- ment must bey able to relate to all groups which have a stake in the university, and yet maintain its autonomy. SGC has bro- ken into many factions during these elec- tions. Whatever the outcome, when elec- tions are over, council members must unite and work together. We are confident that with dedication and cooperation we can have a productive, responsible student government. 4 a POLLING PLACES All Dorms: Lunch Dinner 9:30-5:30: Fishbowl UGLI Engin Arch Diag Union No. Campus- League Bus Stop Waterman Sub Station Nat. Hist. Museum (Lions in front) Frieze Bldg. Bus. Ad. School U. Hospital (Law School voted last Wed.) tration drives and court cases. The SGC governmental relations committee must lobby in Lansing for changes in election 4