For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 10:00 to 12:30 0obL-99L 'SuisnoH sndw%,)-;1o of pe -1aalip aq prnos suollsano -dglun tOO 1isaauAmut u1, um4tUvlus.t. -sip ulgqtojd sMel~q .sinaaa uV2 -rt1W do 611SaeAIuf1 at puB auO -;pao SuIsnoH X1aI ioqiv uun atia FOR RENT APRIL LEASE, one bdim. furn. upstairs of home. Couple preferred. Ample storage, porch, garage. NO 2-2035. C32 FALL RENTALS 721 S. Forest 101 N. Ingalls 839 Tappan 901 Oakland 905 Oakland Modern 2 bedroom apartments. $55.00 to $80.00 includes' heat, water, and parking. Office at 347 Maynard Call days 663-6052 or 769-1258, evenings 663-9434 or 761-3995 2 GIRLS NEEDED to sublet lg. high ceilinged apt. 2 biks. from everything. 769-1533. C48 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 2-3 bedroom, furnished apt. In- cludes air conditioning, balcony, and fireplace.=Call Summit Assoc., 761-8055. C2 ROOMMATE WANTED-own room' in modern apt. $55/mo. 761-5412. 015 SINGLE ROOM FOR RENT-Open for gentleman, summer and fall. 663- 3886. C28 FIRST HALF ONLY, 1 bedroom modern. NO 8-6906. C5 . " is 0 0 bi-level apt. balconies central air-cond. covered parking furnished bus service to campus 512 WALNUT STREET. Model No. Beautiful 3-man furnished. New bedroom,. dishwasher. Summer Pall. NO 8-6906.t C29 12. 2- or C19 MALE IROOMMATE needed for modern 2-man apt. near S.A.B. $75/mo. 662- 0910. C33 12 p.m. cis 2 GIRLS, srs or grads, needed to share luxury 4-man with 2 others next fall. Please call Kathy, 761-3182. C WE HAVE the following apts. avail- able for the summer: 1 bedroom-418 E. Washington 2 bedroom, 3-man--521 Walnut - 2 bedroom, 4-man--521 Walnut Large older 2 bedroom, very nice. Perfect for law student schedule 924 Oakland FOR INFO: CALL NO 8-6906 021 Bilevels New 3 bedroom 4-5 man units for fall. Packard at State. 761-6916. 014 Swimming Pool Modern 3-4 man units for summer or fall. E..Univ. at Tappan, 761-6916. * C12 4TH ° GIRL NEEDED Immediately for modern, campus apt. Call Ellen after 6, 769-0986. 027 TO TAKE OVER LEASE until Sept. Spacious, unfurnished studio. Huron Towers $139, parking, air conditioned swimming pool. Good view. Call 662- 2234 after 7 p.m. Occupa ncy by Apr. 5. C18 521 WALNUT STREET Large, very latge, the largest DE- LUXE 4-MAN-2 BEDROOM. Fall or summer. NO 8-6906. C20 WE RENT YOUR APARTMENT FOR YOU Professional services include: 1. advertising your apartment. 2. preparing lease 3. showing and providing trans. to and from apartment 4. 24-hour answering service NOW IS THE TIME TO RENT YOUR APARTMENT FOR THE SUMMER Cost $10 per person, $25 minimum per apartment SUBLET SERVICE 1217 S. University, 665-8996 C22 Make Fall reservations now 665-8330 C44 If you own a Cadillac and a VW you will be well satisfied with our apt. We give a parking space and one-half!I SUMMIT ASSOC I ATES Fall reservations at: 761-8055 Cl 3RD FEMALE RM.-MATE needed. Con- venient location, 2 bdrms., modern nicely furnished. Professional or grad student. 761-2059. 07 ROOMMATE WANTED for 4-man. Feb. 1-Apr. 30. 761-3198. C50 Campus-1 block Near Frieze and Angell Hall 418 E. WASHINGTON Large modern, furnished, balconies 1-bedroom-3 student 1-bedroom-2 student Efficiency apartment-1 student Summer or Fall-NO 8-6906 C4 TV RENTALS $8.50 per month 761-1945 Free same day delivery and service New 19" portables Cib MAY-AUGUST Large 2-bdrm. apt. Catherine & State. Call 769-5970 after 5. Ul ONE BEDROOM APTS. Near campus. Furnished. Older building. For 2 or 3 students or couple. Available May, 1. University lease. 665-4200. U49 ONE, TWO or THREE MEN to sublet May through August. $50 each. Ideal apt. with carpeting, many closets, disposal, parking, basement laundry, congenial open-minded neighbors and landlord. Call 769-4784. 110 Hill No. 2. U50 LARGE, ONE-MAN APT. Avail. May 1- Aug. 15. Corner State and Ann. Call: 663-7483 after 6 p.m. U2 SUMMER SUBLET-2 bedroom Apt. w/ air conditioning. 1 block from cam- pus. 2 blocks from hospital. Call 663- 2214 after 5 p.m. U3 SUMMER SUBLET-2 bedroom, air con- ditioned, 2 blocks from hospitals, fully furnished. Call 761-7407. Kind of Cheap. U 4 MAN APT, for spr. & sum, session. Furn. incl. dishwasher & air cond., on ampus w/offstreet parking. $40/ mon. 1336 Geddes, No. 5. 761-2495. U40 AVAILABLE for sublet-lg, modern, 2- man apt. Near North Campus and hospitals. Available May 1st. Call 761-3810 after 5 p.m. U33 SUMMER SUBLET: Extremely large, convenient apt. for one or two. Great location, near campus. 761- 6607 after 4 p.m. U NEED ONE MAN to complete 4-man apt, for the summer.' Bi-Level, dish- washer, air cond., Hill-State area. $35.00/mo. Call 665-6469 after 5. UC NEW MARK II super trak stereo cart w 2 elliptical needles. 764-2622. U21 SUMMER SUBLET: 2 bdrm., 3-man, modern apt., air-cond., furnished, disposal, off-street pking. Close to everything. S. Univ. & S. Forest. Summer term. 769-5699. U36 A PLACE IN THE SUN 1 block from Freize and Angell, mod- ern 2-3 man, basement laundry, air cond., resident manager, $55/man. Call Lynn 662-3843. Uil 3 GIRLS Mod. 2 bdrm air cond, TV. parking. 721 S Forest, No. 405. 769- 1072. U39 2 OR 3 TO SUBLET for 2 or 4 months. Modern apartment. Good deal. 769- 5025. U38 SUBLET OWN bedroom in large fur- nished 4-bedroom house. Marlyn, 663-8319. U12 YOUR OWN ROOM for summer in en- tire furn. house with garage at Hill and S. Div. 1 or 2 people. 764-8679. UlV FOUND: Women's glasses in orange- gold fabric case on North Campus. 764-5478. A31 LOST: one pair girls glasses in gold- ish case on central campus. 769-5655.1 A29 LOST-Black and tan purse near 231 Angell Hall, Friday about 3 p.m. $5 reward, no questions asked. 764-9639. AD REWARD, no questions asked. For watch lost at party last Friday night. Call 769-4786. A12 $5 REWARD -- Gold watch - ring. Lost near Packard/Division. Call Karen 769-2748. All USED CARS CORVETTE COUPE, '64, 40,000 mi. Pow- er, air, and 4-speed. New poliglass tires. Excellent touring car. 1 family ownership. $220. 761-0799 evenings. Tu-Fri. N39 C39 PERSONAL DESPERATE! Must sell 2 tickets for PTP-Sat., March 15. Will trade for Fri. Excellent seats, will bargain. Call 769-3652 or 74-7656. PC ELECT MIKE FARRELL LSA SENIOR CLASS PRESIDENT F14 ARTS CHORALE: Maynard Klein, Con- ductor. 4 centuries of music; madri- gals and works by Haydn, Brahms. Arff. Mon., March 17, 8 p.m. Hill Au- ditorium. Free! F16 WANTED: Two tickets to Man of La Mancha, either day. Call 769-1721 after 5 p.m. F19 SAUNA? Ask about our private rooms. AA Gymkhana, 662-9200. 1-10 p.m. F34 ART FAIR at Newman Center, 331 Thompson. Sat, and Sun., March 15- 16. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Works of local artists offered for sale. Also Sr. Cor- ita prints. Free admission. F9 Thompson. Sat. and Sun., March 15-16. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Works of local artists offered for sale. Also Sr. Corita prints. Free admission. F9 WAKE-UP SERVICE-Have your phone ring at any designated time day or night-LOW RATES. DON'T BE LATE FOR CLASS OR WORK - AGAIN TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 665-8871 (24 hours). F PLEASE HELP ME! Do a good deed; tell me about the inexpensive, close, single apt, you won't need in the fall. Sharon, 761-8645. F15 ELECT THOITS TO BOARD IN CONTROL OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS F2 DISHWASHER RENTALS. 663-1761. F40 If you don't like SPRING HEAT say Generation's musical composition competition. 764-3113. FD Save on ART supplies at the University Discount Store-first floor SAB. F21 A HOUSE, A HOUSE, Our kingdom for a house! 4-5 girls looking for old house or apartment therein to rent for next year. REWARD for informa- tion rendered. Call 764-1741 or 764- 1735. PB JDUW ' Now we are the same again Children forever and ever Happy Birthday ILY J F10 LOCAL BUDDING ARTISTS! Art Fair coming to Newman Center, Mar. 15- 16. If interested in exhibiting work, (for sale if desired) call Newman, 663- 0557 or Mary, 764-7613. F8 VOLUNTEERS to work for Harris in AA election: call 662-7394, M-Thu, 5- 8 p.m. FA FORMALS FOR SALE - Floor length. Never worn. Sizes 7-11. Call Kit, 665- 0823 evenings. F EUROPE THIS SUMMER? Save dollars, see more with student-owned N.S.T.A. Write: Dept. AO, National Student Travel Assn., 70 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10011, F3 UNCONVENTIONAL and creative girl wanted to reign as Queen Geisha of 5th floor Van Tyne, Markey. Must be uninhibited by social and cultural norms of the day, as well as wise with respect to men. Regal -treatment by the brothers, free eats, accommoda- tions and most anything that you want. Interviews now at 5220 Van Tyne or call 764-1860. P14 BRING YOUR own lunch, meeting for Alternative shareholders, Tues., March 18, 12:00, meet in vending room, ground floor Mich. Union. P25 GROUP RENTAL - GYM AND/OR SAUNA - Families, couples, kids or other groups. Trampoline, spaceball, King-pong, and misc. exercise equip. AA Gymkhana. Call 662-9200, 1-10 THREE JUNIOR GIRLS looking for fourth for next year in the Abbey. Contact 769-3152 or 769-0753. FE SAVE YOURSELF a busy signal. Your summer sublet ad has to be pre-paid anyway, so come to the Michigan Daily in person to place your ad. FF RIDE WANTED, SATURDAY MORNING to Ypsilanti for State Civil Service Exam. Call 761-4946, ask for Sue. FE GOING TO EUROPE MAY 7? Need someone to travel with for several weeks. Call Judy, 761-4615. FD LINES 1 day 2 1.00 3 1.10 4 1.35 5 1.55 6 1.80 7 2.00 8 2.20 9 2.40 10 2.60 INCH ES 1 2.60 2 4.90 3 6.95 4 8.90 5 10.70 Additional costs per day after sik days. Ads that are 11/,, 21, 31, etc. inch size will be billed at the average of the lower and higher inch rote. 2 do s 1.66 2.15 2.60 3.00 3.40 3.75 4:15 4 55 4.95 4.95 9.50 13.50 17.35 21.10 950 E. Mich,. Ypsi 3 days 2.35 3.10 3.75 4.35 4.95 5.50 6.10 6.65 7.15 7.15 13.80 19.75 25.55 31.40 4 days 3.00 4.05 4.05 4.65 6.35 7.20 7.90 9.70 10.30 10.30 17.85 25.50 33.45 41.40 5 days 3.65 4.85 5.90 6.90 7.85 8.85 9.75 10.65 11.35. 11.35 21.75 31.15 40.95 51.15 6 days 4.20 5.65 6.90 8.05 9.25 10.40 11.45 12.60 13.30 13.301 25.40 36.65 48.30 60.50 HU 2-7133 add. .60 .80 .95 1.15 1.30 1.45 1.55 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 COUPLES grad students and stdnt. families like the quiet 1 and 2 bdrm furnished apts. at Sans Souci Apts. Main St. near stadium dishwashers, disposals, lautidry, large storage closets, rea- sonable rents. 761-2265. C39 N21 1963 MERCURY Meteor - V8. 4 dr. sedan. Good cond., very dependable. Call 665-2205 after 6 p.m. N37 1964 CHEVY - 2 dr., standard, good shape, new battery. Make me an offer. 761-2192. N38 CHEVY, 1962, 2-dr., sedan, 6 cyl., std. trans., excel. cond. $400. Call Mike, 663-5012. N34 124 SPORTS SPIDER cony. Fiat like new, in warranty. $2750. Call owner, 761-9279. N31 '64 VW BUS, good condition. $800 ($875 with stereo tape player). Call 761- 9813 after 6 p.m. N '65 CORVAIR, 2-door autom. in excel. cond. Best offer. Bob, 764-7128 or 483-9669 after 5. N49 YOU'RE A-head if you know what MICHIGRAS's is. FF MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS HERB DAVID GUITAR STUDIO Unavailable instruments, repairs and instructions - 209 S. State. 665-8001. X FOR SALE-Gibson 125 hollow body, 2 pick ups, single cutaway. Call 971- '6195. X29 GIBSON folk guitar, J50 ADJ. Greg, 662-7863. X38 GUITAR FOR SALE-Gibson B-25, 6, string. Spanish, excellent condition. Call 761-0512. X26 FOR SALE-Fisher 100 FM-tune phone. 761-9775. X27 UPRIGHT PIANO, excel. tope, good cond. $85. 665-6307. X22 FOR SALE: SPINET PIANO Wanted, responsible party to take low monthly payments on a spinet piano. Can be seen locally. Write Credit Manager, P.O. Box 276, Shelbyville, Ind. 46176. X4 1968 FENDER band amp. Excel. cond., reasonable, 663-0685. X23 FOR SALE-Cassette stereo tape re- corder, 6 months old. New $200, now $125. 764-9004. X20 FENDER Stratocaster elect. guitar with hard shell case. $175. Rick, 761-2870.j X13 BIKES AND SCOOTERS NIKKORMAT FTN, filter, hood, case. $210. 761-9283. B311 '65 VOLVO-Good cond. Will negotiate. Call 769-2748. B6 HEAD SKIS, 6 ft. 9 in. STD. (205 cm.) CUBCO bindings and memn's buckle boots, size 9% . $75. 769-1147. B1 SKI BOOTS-Rieker 5 buckle, size 10M, hardly used, excellent condition. Call 761-0512. B7 LE GRAND RUMMAGE SALE Begins this Sunday. A wonderful assort- ment including: 1) Fender Bass Guitar-$125 2) 135mm auto Lentar lens-$25 3) Columbia Tape Recorder--$20 4) Car tap deck-$40 5) Electrovoice speaker 8" and case-$20 6) Jensen speakers (small) 7) Misc. old camera lenses 8) Amplifiers, tuner, old chasises, some books, a few old movies, and a girls bike that we want to trade for a boy's bike. 761-0273 BC 4' x 6' FLAT BED TRAILER for cycle, ,boat. etc. Spare wheel. $100. Call Tim- 665-6665. B3 1966 VW (Blue) radio, very good con- dition 34,000 miles. Please call 665- 5518. $1200. B5 1955 NEW MOON TRAILER, 41-8, 2- bdrm. Excellent for lake lot, $1200. Call 483-3335. BF DAVENPORT - Large, reddish-lavender mohair model in good condition. $15. Call 761-3419. BF FOR SALE: Kodak 104 Instamatic cam- era. $10. Call Dave at 761-1524 and $35 Wilson tennis racket for $18, Call Kent at 764-9711. BA TIRES-4 7-35 for '68 Camaro, good tread left. Call 5-8, 769-1742. B24 SALE OF SALES! 200 cm Kneissl Blue Star skis, $110. 971-3320. B30 - WANTED TO RENT WANTED-SINGLE ROOM In hoase in vicinity Hill and State from May- May. Call 764-4920 from 6-10 p.m., ask for Steve. L47 TR '64, completely recond., white, con- vert., $900. 761-9425 after 6. N24 1961 PLtMOUTH auto. trans. $200 or best offer. Cali 769-0387 after 6 p.m. Nle WANTED: May to Aug. 1-man efficien- cy. Close to campus. Air-conditioned. Reply to Box 7, Michigan Daily. L44 I 1969 YAMAHA YDS-6, -candy green, ex. cond. 761-4267. Z27 FOR SALE: 1967- X-six Hustler plus helmet and riding gear. Call Bob at 668-7269, eves. Z22 180 cc VESPA 1968-Ex. cond. $250 neg. 769-4769. B EXPERIENCED SEC'Y. wants to typ many scripts, thesis papers,] etc. 97 4066. SMOKEY THE BEAR IS IRISH! FA TYPING DONE on elec. typewriter. Very 'reasonable. Call 483-1008. J37 STENCILS, theses, term papers 'typed in my home. 769-5441. J24 i FEMALE ROOMMATE wanted., Whole floor house to share with one other girl. '769-4720. C NEED 2 ROOMMATES--Apr.-Aug. Sub- let 2 blocks from campus. Call June or Meg, 769-1807. C42 I 2. GIRLS, srs. or grads, needed to share luxury. 4-man with 2 others for next fall. Please call kathy. 761-3182. F DON'T SWEAT IT. On second thought Why not? Try our sauna! AA Gym 662-9200. 1-10 p.m. P24 i i -i IStt SUBLET-Modern 4-man, close to cam- pus, name price. 769-4922. U29 PHOTO SUPPLIES p I GO TO THE FISHBOWL and' share in the A (cheap). P38I BETH ISRAEL Congregation wants He- brew and. Sunday School teachers for 1969-70. Call 665-9897 weekdays. H41 711 ARCH Modern Apts. on campus with dish- washer, balcony, parking, 1-2-3 bdrm, apts. for Fall, competitively priced. Call 663-5284. C46 SUMMIT ASSOCIATES Fall reservations at: 761-8055 C1 BARGAIN-Share house. 2 large bdrms. Available spring and/or summer. $45/mo. 662-2043, Barb and Jane. U7 2-3 MAN MOD. APT. Air-cond., pvt. sunny patio. 1320 S. University, No. 6. 662-7259. U44 3-BEDROOM, 4-MAN, opposite law quad. $40 per man. 769-6251. U43 BELL BOTTOM LEVI'S NOW IN STOCK VERY LARGE 5 or 6 man near campus. Dishwasher, central air cond. 1335 DESPERATE! Will pay top price for 2 tickets for Man From La Mancha. WANT TO TRADE UAC charter ticket June 29-Aug. 15 for University Char- Wed. 1-'7 (18-21 ners? olds need nar- jf}v}row.u o a{s "{iiu w+su-:x.aav a. : vaaaaw vaa. -,Ml. rsr Mrr+a raston 11Roo R_9 IRR+'i... FICTIUn