TRAINING TEACHERS FOR THE GHETTO See editorial page 43U :!Iat CRUMMY Hiigh-35 Partly cloudy with light snow Vol. LXXIX, No. 134 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 14, 1969 Ten Cents Ten Pages _.. .._ Blacks By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN The handful of black students attending the University's Flint College have unit- ed in an attempt to change what they consider the "white" and'sometimes "rac- ist".nature of their school. Students for Black Action (SBA) was formed earlier this week - but already its members have begun challenging exist- ing structures and conditions at F li n t College. Specifically, they cite: 9 Only 16 full-time and 20 part-time black students attend Flint College out of a total enrollment of over 1200. These figures, provided by the black students, closely parallel a recent University census of the college; 4 There are no black faculty members or administrators at the college; ! There is only one black non-academic employe of the University at Flint, the challenge students claim. In addition, very few Arbor yest blacks are employed at the college by the parently co Flint Board of Education, which provides ieving their the schools janitorial and kitchen staff; The stud * Blacks say they have experienced an- Coordinato tagonism from white students, especially missions C from members of the Flint College Student help study Government which, they claim, "appears black stud to be a racist group." college. Th " Although Flint administrators and President R faculty contend they are trying to solve versity adm these racial issues, the black students SBA men maintain they have been dismissed by high schoo campus officials. around the The purpose of the group, says SBA an attempt Chairman Vernon Farmer, "70, is "to work Farmer exp to improve the social, cultural and econ- Goodman omie conditions of black students at the ed to get so college." on my list, After having discussed their problems might not1 with Flint administrators and faculty bor campu members, five SBA members came to Ann Goodman whiteness' of Flint erday to take what they ap- nsider a key step toward ach- objectives. ents met with Human Relations r William Cash and with Ad- ounselor George Goodman to" the possibility of recruiting etns and faculty for F Ii n t iey plan to meet later with .obben Fleming and other Uni- inistrators. mbers intend to go to all the ls in Flint to talk to students state, especially in Detroit, in to recruit them for the college, plains.. says the black students "want- ome leads as to students I have and identify some of these who be able to attend the Ann Ar- s because of lack of space." , who helps handle admissions of students eligible for Opportunity Awards grants, says it is quite likely that some of his prospects may be excluded from the Ann Arbor campus because of space lim- itations, and thus become available for re- cruitment by Flint College. SBA members have set a goal of 101 new black students at Flint College for the coming academic year. This figure "is not out of range" of the college's capacity, says Flint Director of Student Services Joseph Roberson. "We can take qualified students black or white. "That would be fantastic if they do get one hundred," he adds. "We've never even had that many black students apply." But in addition to their plans for re- cruiting black students, SBA members also hope to secure at least a few blacks for the school's academic staff. They have already consulted with the various department chairmen at Flint. and have learned of five available teach- ing positions, as well as two open counsel- ling posts. SBA members also met with Cash during their visit to Ann Arbor yesterday. "We agreed to help them whenever we possibly can," says the human relations coordin- ator. SBA members say the Flint deans ex- pressed interest in hiring blacks for these open positions. But the students seemed somewhat dismayed by the attitude of the faculty. "The faculty told them to go out and recruit," says Ann Arbor Black Students Association leader Ron Thompson. "But ;ou can't send students to recruit faculty. In my opinion its just a means of keep- ing the situation at the status quo." Thompson has pledged local support for the Flint group. Flint administrators deny they h a v e Dollege made no effort to recruit black faculty. They note for example that one prospect accepted a position last summer, but then withdrew. , "We are making every effort to not only find black students, but to find black fa- culty," says Flint College Dean D a v i d French. He says one of the difficulties is the stiff competition for recruitment of black students and faculty among colleges and universities. In addition, he notes that Flint is a commuter college and is thus less attractive to most black students. "I can't blame a bright student for wanting to have the chance of going away from home," he says. SBA members agree with administra tors that being a commuter school is a handicap' to Flint's recruitment efforts. They are especially worried about the prob- See BLACKS, Page 6 i State bill would cut protesters' aid Senate approves By DAVID SPURR The state Senate received a bill yesterday which is aimed at punishing students involved in disruption of campus activ- ities or seizure of property at state colleges and universities. The bill, introduced by Sen. James Fleming (R-Jackson), would give the state board of education power to cut off scholarship assistance to students convicted of such offenses or of "intentionally" disobeying rules set up by the insti- tution's governing board. Fleming was not available for comment last night. - --- -' Sen. Gilbert Bursley, (R-Ann PArbor), said he supported the bill and predicted "fairly general sup- Piioi. dorm'port" for the bill in the Legisla- ture. Bursley said the bill would only I affect scholarships from t h e tstate's general fund, which subs i tt n ago granting scholarships to high school graduates 'on a competitive CO-ed ia iS basis under the Michigan Higher Education scholarship program. By BARBARA WEISS. The program includes at least "several hundred" University stu- The Board of Governors of dents, according to Ronald Brown Residence Halls yesterday ap- of the University Office of Finan- proved a proposal to convert the cial Aids. already co-ed Alice Lloyd dormi- Bursley said the proposed bill, tory' into more integrated male-I female housing for the fall term.: which has already been referred to '69. a committee, will probably take treaty on nuclear non -proliferation i I one or two months to come before The plan, which involves 550 the Senate for action. If it passes students enrolled in the Pilot Pro- the Senate, it must also go to the ject, calls for converting two House for, approval. houses so that men and women will share the same floors, while "The bill' is aimed at punishig{ remaining divided into separate students who are, disruptive. It corridors wouldn't penalize the entire in-' are stitution or the students that are Hinsdale and Palmer. not guilty,' Bursley said. "This is a step in the goal of Bursley added he is currently Baez proph sies achieving unity in the dormitory," conducting a questionnaire survey p said Andy White, Alice Lloyd Hall of Washtenaw county residents to Joan Baez casts a vision of a different world before an overflow au president. He termed the "psycho- determine public attitudes toward Union Ballroom. Along with her husband, David Harris, a founder logical and physical mingling" of handling of campus disorders. plained their belief in non-violent revolution. See story, page 2. the corridors conducive to "a "From the few returns I've more natural atmosphere" in seen, there se'ems to be a general Lloyd. . feeling that the Regents shou LIKELY FOR LL TERM Unification of Lloyd began last said fall when students voted to abol- s ish "separate house governments Sen. Sander Levin (D-Berkleyi and replace them by a dormitory- .11said .although he hadn't seen the, A i( wide governing body. More liberal bill he was "dubious." "I oulistra tio visitation policies further encour- have to see what safeguards and~ '" aged cohesiveness among students1 what methods of discretion would in Lloyd. be used before passing judgment By MARTY SCOTT way to handle registration. It will on the bill, however," he said. Registration by mail may not reconsider the entire process, from- According to John Feldkamp, time-scheduling to dropping and Director of the Office of Univer- ; State Representative Jack Fax- be far away. adding once classes have begun. sity Housing, the change will cost on (D-Detroit) said the bill will An advisory committee to the And the "ideal" will hopefully "upwards of around $2,000." These probably be popular, although it office of the registrar has ap- And the "ies il hoterman funds pay for processing costs, would affect a very small number proved the idea of conducting all avoid the long lines in Waterman contracts, 'and staff time needed of students. University registration by mail. Gym, source of so many com- to implement the plan. "It sounds like the type of thing A joint student-faculty-admin- plats for so long. Zimmerman In other action, the Board ap- my colleagues would like," Faxon istration committee on registration proved the bulk, of next year's said, "but I don't think it is going yesterday agreed that mail regis- All registration changes wil housing staff appointments. to make the students feel as if the tration was preferable to the pres- eventually be forwarded to Allan A lengthy discussion on the is- state can buy their good conduct. ent system. F. Smith, vice president for aca- sue centered around student par- I don't think this will make any ' Specific implementation plans demic affairs, who has the final ticipation in staff appointments. impact." should be ready in a week or two, decision on registration changes. Although as yet no specific Also yesterday, the House of and a final decision will be made Zimmerman emphasizes that guidelines have been set regarding Representatives heard a proposed then, explains Ernest Zimmerman, Smith is in continual consultation student participation in these de- resolution in praise the recent assistant to the vice president for with the committee and says ap- cisions, the building directors and actions of Ferris State College academic affairs and chairman of proval should not be a problem. resident directors have been "en- president Victor Spathelf in hav- the committee. He explains the early registra- couraged" to involve students in ing student demonstrators ar- Zimerman says the committee tion used last December was well- the decision-making process. rested. ! was organized to find the "ideal" received as a means of cutting SUPPORT WIDESPREAD Soc students ask class boycott SMay affect ABM system WASHINGTON ( - T h e Senate ratified the nuclear nonproliferation treaty by a vote of 83 to 15 yesterday and its floor manager viewed the outcome as a signal against deployment of an antimissile Ssystem. The agreement, submitted b y the Johnson administration 1 a s t July, is intended to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of countries that do not now have them. Sen. J. W. Fulbright, (D-Ark,), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, noted t h e treaty to curb the spread of nu- clear weapons also contains a provision requiring good-faith negotiations on reducing nuclear XOn colfe arsenals of nations that have them. bsident of the United States, inhTEST: face of that vote, will proceed with deployment of the ABM," ; !' , .Daily-Jay Cassidy udience of 1500 last night at the of The Resistance, the singer ex- -Associated Press rs with Laird "76] * 71 I fb I Fulbrigh told the Senate.' m a The spirit of the treaty's Arti- r -le VI, calling for negotiations to end the arms race, bars "any down the tine needed to register.; substantial increase in our arms - However, he does not think the in the nuclear field," Fulbright IIsystem would be feasible for use! said. SA to picket over the summer. Some Washington observersP 1 'We have to have students on were fearful, however, that Nixon campus for a long period of time might decide to go ahead with the to make early registration like that deployment of the ABM system. feasible. We wouldn't be able to Michigan's Democratic Senator By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ set up specific enough times to Philip A. Hart, a leading foe of: Student Government Council voted unanimously last have students come in," Zimmer- antimissile system, acknow- in tfSteph man explains. m , e ledged that "If Nixon comes in night to stage a "student protest in front o an's on Reistaions tswith a strong statement that it South University Avenue, demanding the store reduce its Registration traditionally has is essential to security, it would prices by 15 per cent. The, protest will begin Monday. Sbeen conducted the firstuthree days be tough to beat him." SGC also voted-unanimously to become a plaintiff in a on campus registered in Water-bt This agreed with an assessmeint federal court lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the on cmpusregitere m Wter-by defense officials that Nixon's man. support for the Sentinel would be State Senate's Special Committee to Investigate Campus Early registration for this se- enough to win over waverers in Disorders, and allocated "up to $100" for the pending mester represented the first sig- Congress. litigation. nificant change in the process, Nixon is consultinz his top ad- Present plans for the price protest call for a minimum with students registering at the See SENATE, Page 6 of four students to parade in front of Stephan's carrying end of the previous semester. ,signs and distributing litera- Anyone who had pre-classified ture containing information would be eligible for mail regis- p r str otinnrnomto tration, as they weremfor early F suts i k et about the price situation in registration. Ann Arbor. The students will siicton Hwve, hyTecddnkants Uniion strike tvso rtriisadsrr the problem was not in their By TOBE LEV dorsement possible." He added The SGC resolution stated the province that fraternity members a r e protest would be an expression of 4poic.The Fraternity Representatives "concern and indignation," over The group will eventually con-Ar starting to work actively in t h e highprices in general, According sider all aspects of the registra- Ac witi, external affairs, un- strike u to SGC President Michael Koene- tion process, and will meet indefi- animously endorsed last night the The FRA also unanimously sup- nitely to work out the problems student protest demanding reduc- ported the SGC plan for a student has because "his prices are gen- involved. ,ion of prices at Stephan's D- u g book store. It will urge fraternity han's bhe hisp." Thsmgticueshduigo1ino rcs tSehn members to vote "yes" on the' orally the highest." This might include scheduling of Stare.mmest ot yso h "Stephan's is not a scapegoat," I Stor.referendum on the book store in classes, printing and format of Several FRA members volunteer- the upcoming SGC election. Koeneke said. "We're hoping this the time schedule, distribution of ed to find fraternity members to Tom Mowry, president of the demonstration will m o bili z e information to students. simplica- heln nipket the store ___.. . . -_,, . enough support so that we can /I By RICK PERLOFF The undergraduate sociology student union last night voted to organize a University-wide boycott of classes to protest the "meaninglessness" of their edu- cation and the racism of their country. The class boycott will be a part of a nation-wide campaign president for student services Will Smith, have begun nego- tiations with administrators for a University-wide holiday on that date. President Fleming and Smith are expected to meet soon to discuss the idea. According to Abernathy the boycott is designed to give peo- introduce the sociology proposals to the steering committee at its next meeting, "I think such a strike is ap- propriate," she added. Mike Winn, '69, who intro- duced the proposal at the so- ciology meeting last ight, will give a more detailed explana- tion of the boycott and the science committee, also endorsed the idea. "Not enough dialogue between students and faculty has oc- cured, at an institution that is supposed to provide an educa- tion," Grainer said. He added that he would present the so- ciology student's plan at one of his committee meetings. Tal mTna '7n ,,1iA f r'- rF i 4 .'>...