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March 13, 1969 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-03-13

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Page Eight



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From Wire Service Reports
The Soviet Government News-
paper Izvestia hinted last night
that the establishment of an
anti-missile defense system in the
U.S. might decrease the chances
for arms control talks with the
Soviet Union.
In a prominently played story
Izvestia warned the , U.S. against
action that would "place any state
or group 'of states in an unfavor-
able position in respect to other
Meanwhile, Secretary of Defense
Melvin R. Laird, recently returned
from Vietnam, says he expects
President Nixon to press ahead
with an altered version of the I

warns against ABM's


Sentinel system. The changes
would be made in the ABM plan
inherited fro mthe Johnson ad-
The article appeared to be an
effort by the Soviet Union to con-
vince Nixon to cancel or delay the
start of the ABM system.
Nixon has scheduled a press
conference tomorrow to announce
his decision on the deployment of
the missile network.
The . conference will follow a
meeting between the President and
congressional leaders of both
Congressional leaders have ex-
pressed doubt that further funds
for the project will be appropriated

by Congress this year, regardless agreement during t
of Nixon's decision. ministration to ho
Although the Izvestia article talks. The diplo
had an admonishing overtone, it agreement was r
stressed the Soviet Union's readi- Johnson's willingn
ness to begin disarmament talks. gressional action
"It is well known that the Soviet system.
Union is suggesting the beginning In the article,I
of talks on the restriction and re- former Defense Se
duction of both offensive and de- McNamara and Cl
fensive nuclear weapons," the arp their statement afi
ticle stated. office calling fori
The article in Izvestia marks the with the Soviets.
first time the Soviet government men had made sin
hase publically taken a stand on while in office.
the proposed ABM system. The newspaper
However, spokesmen for several division in the U.S
Western countries responded to minded" and "ad
the article by recalling Russia's ernment officials.

the Johnson ad-
ld disagreement
mats said the
eached despite
ess to begin con-
on the ABM
Izvestia praised
cretaries Robert
ark Clifford for
ter they had left
immediate talks
However, both
milar statements
referred to a
. between "sober
venturist" gov-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-


Foreign policy--- a

A former Assistant Secretary of
State last night called for the
creation of a joint committee of
leading legislators and chief cabi-
net officers to restore Congres-
sional influence on foreign policy.
Francis Wilcox, currently dean
of the School for Advanced In-
ternational Studies at Johns Hop-
kins University, delivered the an-
nual Vandenberg lecture in po-
litical science.
Speaking at Rackham Aud.,
Wilcox, who served with the state
department in 1q55, claimed that
"public confidence in Congress
waned to a five-year low in 1967."
Wilcox attributed this lack of

confidence to "Congress' failure to
create a constructive legislative
program to deal with racial strife,
the spiraling cost of living, and
the war."
"Public discontent with legis-
lative inaction in shaping foreign
policy," Wilcox maintained, "is
due to the erosion of congres-
sional powers to declare war "and
make military appropriations."
"Slowly but surely," said Wil-
cox, "the President, has taken a
larger/ slice of the foreign policy
"On more than 120 occasions in
history, the President has sent
troops overseas without congres-
sional consent, leaving Congress

A mediation dispute

(Continued from Page 1)
and legal costs if she lost
eviction case. She claimed he
this would come to $50 a day
also said the Tenants' Union
not support her;


-A pool of 150 district judges'
will be brought in to hear the
cases and several trials may be
held simultaneously before. one
judge in order to speed them up;
-He will not let any striker,
sublet their apartment this sum-.'
Miss Byrnes says that because
Tenants sue
realty firm
'(Continued from Page 1)
students who are doing research
for the suit.
The plaintiffs of the suit are
Steve Marston, Barry Rubin, Jon-
athan Moselle, Helen Cooper, Drew
Bogema, Danield Zwerdling Kurt
Wiener, and Laura Magzis.
They will ask for treble dam-
-ages from the realty firmhs in
accordance with Section Four of
the Clayton Anti-Trust Act. They
do not wish at this time to an-
nounce the amount they expect
to demand.
However, Curtner did say dam-
ages would be substantial because
they would be for all tenants af-
fected by the alleged actions with-
in the last four years.
Curtner said there most likely
will be no immediate action on the
The anti-trust suit will be filed
in the Federal District Court in
* Detroit.

the mediation board did not re-
fute any of Lighthammer's state-
ments, she believed that they did
not disagree with them.
Because Lighthammer is a law-
yer, Miss Byres said she believed
she was not competent to question
him. After her mediation meeting
Miss Byrnes was informed by
Dale Berry, a law student on the
strike steering committee, that
Lighthammer's statements may
not all have been true.
Berry told Miss Byrnes that
most trials were being delayed at
the request of the landlords, and
that there are presently only three
judges hearing eviction cases. He
also said that under state law,
only $6 a day can be awarded for
court costs.
Elizabeth Leslie, assistant direc-
tor of student-community rela-
tions, head of the mediation board,
said the mediation board "very
definitely" questioned Lightham-
mer during the meeting, but ap-
parently Miss Byrnes did not un-
However, Mrs. Leslie said yes-
terday that Miss Byrnes never in-
dicated to the mediation board
that she was unclear about what
was being said or that she felt
Intimidated in any way.
"We have no intention of in-
timidating a student and we had
no idea that Miss Byrnes was up-
set," Mrs. Leslie said.
Tom Brown, assistant director
or student-community relations,
said if ever a student feels in-
tnmidated, unsure of what has
been said, or ,unsatisfied, the me-
diation board is always ready to
reopen mediation.
Miss Byrnes has made another
i appointment for mediation with
Lighthammer for April 7.

Co nopoly
no choice but to appropriate
funds," he said.
Wilcox believes that Congress
will "resume its rightful role as'
outlined in the Constitution when,
it is no longer isolated from the:
channels of information which.
focus on the President."
He proposed that a committee
composed of the secretaries of
state and defense, the director of
the Central Intelligence Agency,
and top members of Congress
"consult with the President at
regular intervals."
Wilcox charged that "tradi-
tional briefings are one-way af-
fairs run by the executive branch,
which often generate resentment
rather than co-operation."
Although his suggested scheme
would not require members of the
executive branch to reveal classi-
fied information, Wilcox sees two
major advantages in a joint exe-
cutive-legislative committee:
-Developing problems would be
"caught in advance" by a two-way
information exchange; involving
legislators in the policy-making
process would "strengthen our
constitutional system when it is,
in real danger of breaking down."
Dionysus case
The pre-trial examination for
indecent exposure of the ten actors
arrested after their performance
in "Dionysus in '69" Jan: 26 was
adjourned yesterday until April
23 by District Court Judge Pieter
G. V. Thomassen.
Peter Darrow, attorney for the
actors, said he will travel to New
York City Sunday to confer with
attorneys there and with Richard
Shechner, director of the Per-
forming Arts Group which put on
the play.
The lawyers reportedly will dis-
cuss methods of presenting the
case and methods of raising funds
outside of Ann Arbor to .cover
court costs. Darrow said about
$850 has been raised here so far.
He said he expects the case to
be based on the right of free
speech guaranteed in the First
Amendment to the Constitution.
He added that the case eventually
may be appealed to the Supreme
Court because he and his clients
are interested in establishing a
new precedent to protect the per-
forming arts.
Darrow claimed that under the
first amendment the theatre does
not receive the same treatment es
the press, movies, of fine arts.

P rotest
(Continued from Page 1)
priced on campus, had the extreme
differential of 34 per cent," the
report said.
The resolution passed by the
Panhel presidents stated:
"We express concern over the
high consumer prices in Ann Ar-
bor and affirm a desire of creating
in the student body an awareness
of the essential economic condi-
tions confronting them."
Interfraternity Council will dis-
cuss the issue tonight.
Meanwhile, Haikaz Stephan,
owner and manager of the store,
said last night the figures in the
SCU report were "ridiculous and
not true."
"I have 3,000 items in my store,"
he said. "How can they say my
prices are 34 per cent higher if
they survey only five ,of them?",
Stephan also released to The
Daily last night a financial state-
ment documenting his expenses
for the month of January. The
statement, prepared by Richard E.
Raab, an Ann Arbor accountant,
detailed high overhead costs
which left Stephan a net profit
for the month of $297 out of'"gross
profit of .$4,472.
"I haven't made any money off
of this store for three years,"
Stephan said. He said he has put
the store up for sale, ut "nc
one will buy it."
In response to the proposed pro-
test,. .Stephan said the students
should "protest the $10,000 dollars
I pay in rent each year."
Besides voting tonight on the
motion to stage the price pro-
test, SGC will also consider be-
coming. a plaintiff in a lawsuil
which would test the constitution-
ality of the State Senate's invest-
igation on campus disorders.
The proposed lawsuit would as

'al responsibility.
-_--- Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and
Schools of Education, Music, and Un-
ua v Calendar dergradluate Public Health. Tentative
./ lists of seniors for April graduation
have been posted on the Bulletin
#Degree Recital: Gover Wilkins, tenor Loarci in the first floor lobby, L.S.&A.
School of Music Recital Hall, 12:30 p.m.jBuilding. Students enrolled in those
Piano Department Student Recital: units not listed above should consult
School of Music Recital Hail, 12:30 their school office. Any changes should
p.m.S be brouhgt to the attention of the
Mental Health Research Institute Recorderat the Office of the Registrar.
Seminar: Dr. Charles E. Frohman, La- I Window A. 1513 L.S.&A. Building or
fayette Clinic, Detroit, Michigan, "Stu- from the respective counseling -office.
dies' on a Protien Factor in Schizo-
phrenia": 1057 MHRI, 3:45 p.m. D octo al
Physical Chemistry Seminar, Dr. DC Ori Exams
Kenneth Stephenson, Purdue Univer-
sity, "Photoresolution", Thursday, Constantine John Digenis, Electrical
March 13, 1200 Chem. Blgd. 4:00 p.m. Engineering. Dissertation: "Antenna
Institute of Science an dTechnology Sidelobe and Coupling Reduction by
and Department of Geology and Min- Means of Reactive Loading of the
erology Lecture: Frontiers in Geology Ground Plane," on Thursday, March 13,
and Geophysics Series: Dr. Neil Op- 1969 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 2080 East
dyke, Research Associate, Lamont-Do -Engneering Builing,Chiman:J.A.
herty Geological Observatory, New E.Lngiern. ulig himn .A
York, "Magnetic Reversals in Ocean M Lyon.
Sediments and Sea Floor Spreading": John Francis Freeman, History, Dis-
Audioriu F, Physcs-stroomysertation: "French Humanists and Po1-
Auditorium F, Physics-Astronomy itics under Francis I, on Thursday,
btAdg., 4:00 p.m. iMarch 13 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 3609}
Department of Slavic Languages and Hav all, Ch i nn d r
Literatures and Center for Russian and
East European Studies: Professor Ed-
{ward Wasiolek, Departments of Coin- Placem ent
parative Literatures and Slavic Lang
uages and Literatures, University of GENERAL DIVISION
Chicago, "Dostoevsky, C a m u s and 3200 S.A.B.
Faulkner" at 4:10 p.m. in the 4th floor
Amphitheater, Rackham Bldg. ANNOUNCEMENTS
Duo Concertante: Angel Reyes, vio-
lin;Joseph Banowetz, piano: RackhanijFinal Application date for 1969 exam-
Lecture Hall, 8:00 p.m.I ination for foreign service information
Chemistry Colloquium, Dr. B. Wit- officer careers is March 14, tomorrow.
kop, "Progress on the N.I.H. Shift, Mi- postmark before tomorrow. The stest is
gration of Substituents in Enzymatic given on May 3. Application booklet
and Non-Enzymatic Hydroxylation of with applic. forms and information is
Aromatic Substrates, Thursday, March available in Career Planning Division
13, 1300 Chemisty, 8:00 p.m. of Placement Services.
American Chemical Society Lecture: s
Dr. J. W. Cobble, Department ofE Vista Week, March 17-21. Come in
Chemistry, Purdue University, "A to speak with the representatives, no
Chemist in Hot Water": 1300 Chemistry, appts, necess., room 3524, S.A.B., 9 a.m.
8:00 p.m. - 5 p.m. Speakers are available. to Inter-
ested campus groups, call 764-7460 for
- reservations on Tues., Wed., and Thurs.,
' E t. 1 ' \.1 Nn nnMah 18, 1 9andn2 0V Film will be

" 4
! '


The approval of the following student
sponsored events becomes effective af-
ter the publication of this notice. All
publicity for these events must be
withheld tintil the approval ha~s be-
come effective.
Approval request forms for student
sponsored events are available in Rooms:
1001 and 1546 of the Student Activities
+ CollegenRepublican Club: Diag rally,
Feb. 26, noon, diag.
Delta Phi Epsilon: , Pledge Formal,
March 1, 7:00 - 12:00 p.m. Sheraton.
U of M Committee on Migrants:
Speakers Forum, March 1, 6, 9 - 9:30
- 4:00 p.m. Newman Center.
Michigan Christian Fellowship: Film
on March 1, 7:30, University Reformed
Newman Student Association: Dance
Publicity and Ticket Sales, March 10-
14, 10:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m., Fishbowl.
Student Peace Union: Resistance,
BucketDrive, March 12, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00
p.m., March 13, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
- Diag and in front of the Union.
Students to Aid Ypsilanti State Hos-
pital: Bucket drIve, March 19, 20, 9:00 -
5:00 p.m.
Crop and Saddle Riding Club: An-
nual Spring Horse Show: March 30,
3:00 p.m. - Stoney Ridge Farm.

i.Tulcul tfl, 17VG119.GJ

I i




Assorted Titles



a federal district court to rule
that the investigation violates the
First and Fourteenth Amendments
to the Constitution.



Organization of Arab Students-U. of M.
A Lecture on
DATE: March 14 at 8
Dr. Mohamed Shokeir Place: Multipurpose F
Undergraduate Lib

Contrary to the SGC ad run
Wednesday, March 12, the tui-
tion assessment per student for
the student bookstore is to be
$1.75 instead of $175.00




SGC President-Vice-President
SGC Seats
Board in Control of Intercollegiate-Athletics
Board for Student Publications
Board for Intramurals, Club Sports and Recreation
Senior Class President

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