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March 12, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-03-12

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C, 4c

S tii


Low-I 2
Increasing temperatures;
partly cloudy skies

Vol. LXXIX, No. 132

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, March 12, 1969

Ten Cents

Eight Pages



plan suit

to stop senate probe
Student Government Coun-
cil and two Ann Arbor groups
are considering testing the
constitutionality of the State
S e n a t e 's investigation into
campus disorders.
SGC is expected to vote to-
morrow to join a proposed lawsuit'
which would ask a federal district
;.;A'. court to rule that the investiga-
tion violates the First and Four-
teenth Amendments to the Con-!
In addition, both the Radical"
:.Education Project apd teAIr.
Arbor Chapter of Students for a
Democratic Society are consider-
ing becoming plaintiffs.
.r:::;>;{.:r:> ....r:: T e object of the lawsuit would: ....... : '
*'2* At.be the suspension of all.. actions.>. <;<;::::;..><;.:";.s::
........ ...................
._..&.. .. .:.:.:alof the special senate committee
.;that was created in January to: : :
probe student activism.
The resolution establishing the>
Koeneke Neff committee charged the member
to investigate "the possibility of
r y 7 3 r WE K.-criminal conspiracy on university
VOTE NEXT WEEK campuses, the strengthening of
state criminal laws relating to
breachs of peace on campus, and
R C sk s,. anthe role of SDS as related to cam- Sen. George McGovern {D-SD
pus disorders." Myers, Florida yesterday. McGo
The proposed lawsuit-would ask Nutrition, has been touring the
the court to rule that the actual of a crusade to draw attention
ati of the committee, as well
' as its actions, infringe on the in-
z V~ividual's right to freedom of NA R LOT
"The very existence of the com-
The Residential College language requirement came Tmittee, as well as several actions
under fire last night'at a joint meeting of the college's Rep- !it has taken, has created an at-
resentative Assembly and Curriculum Committee. imosphere of intimidation against
Two plans were submitted proposing changes in the rirndividuals engaged in political !SCa
present requirement which compels students to achieve the activity, and other aspects of free
equialen of wo speech," says Marc Stickgold, a
equivalent of -two years of college study and one reading !Detroit lawyer who has been han-
course, dligtepeaatoso h r
These proposals will be considered at the regular assem- posed lawsuit. isftp-
bly meeting next week. The proposed suit is backed by
One proposal, submitted by Prof. Alan Guskin of the two recent precedents, Stickgold
!says. In fall, 1966, a federal court! B I EUATE
psychology department, would allow students to substitute a !kept the Tennessee legislature The Student Relations Commit-
4series of courses on "the na- from carrying out a similar inves- tee voted last night to recommend
tions of Asia, Africa or Latin igation. And last summer, court the sale of North Campus land to
America" for language study. action prevented the Wisconsin student organizations for housing
legislature from probing activism purposes.
David Daskovsky. '72, proposed at the University of Wisconsin. The resolution will be sent in
that students be required to ful- Members of SGC's executive the form of an advisory to acting



Just iu sthn' ItjXLe
) listened to complaints of childre
vern chairman of. the Select Sen
South observing first hand the p
to the plight of the poor.

District Judge Patrick Conlin yesterday disqualified him-
self from hearing a motion to consider whether District
Judge S. J. Elden should be disqualified from hearing rent
s strike eviction cases because of alleged conflict of interest.
After Conlin withdrew, he asked Harold Harris, the court
administrator in Lansing to appoint another judge to hear
Elden's disqualification motion. A judge from Jackson was
appointed and the hearing will continue Thursday at 2 p.m,
Because Elden had refused to disqualify himself, Harris
had ordered Conlin to hear the disqualification motion pre-
sented last Thursday incourt by rent strike lawyer Ron
At that time, Conlin believed
there Was no reason for his own OS tIonle
Glotta claims that Monday Con-
lin offered to disqualify himself
but then withdrew the offer when e ie Li f
Associated Press the court was unable to find
another judge to hear the motion
yesterday." 9 1
en at a farm labor camp in Fort However, when Glotta presented ru lin1S
ate Committee on Hunger and another affidavit yesterday show-
roblems of rural workers as part ing why Conlin ought to be dis-
qualified from hearing the Elden One of the two rent strike evic-
motion, Conlin reversed his de- tion cases being heard by District
cision and disqualified himself. Judge Pieter Thomassen was post-
In the Conlin affidavit, Glotta poned yesterday for three weeks
cited the following reasons f o r while the fate of the second is in
Conlin's disqualification: doubt.
- personal bias against Glotta: The trial for Carla Kish, '70,
Glotta says Conlin told him he Carol Shalita, Grad, and Janie
was "notorious for delay" and that Herman, Grad, was rescheduled for
he "would not put up with it.") tomorrow.
-- conflict of interest because of
the extensie renalestte holu~ding Ron Glotta. attorney for the
of Conlin and his family. striking tenants agreed to a re-
- the reference to Conlin in quest by Robert Brimacombe, at-
the affidavit for Elden's disqual- torney for Summit Associates. for
ification. (The affidavit claims a three week postponement of the
that Elden had a law partnership trial of Brian Lang, 171, Wayne
ment was aimed specific, at with Conlin whose family can be Robinson, '70, and Robert Agle,
fraternities and sororities. Some l considered an interested party in '70.
members of the committee ex- eviction cases.) However, the trial tomorrow m1y
pressed the fear that continued Glotta's affidavit is based on be dismissed if both parties agree
ties with national organizations District Cour rule 405.1 w to accept binding arbitration with
says that a judge may be disquali-.teUiest s~rirtr
might promote racial discrimina- ,, the University asarbitrator.
tion in the proposed housing. dor if there is reasonable doubt he Binding arbitration as an al-
Gates Moss, president of the In- will be impartial. ternative to a trial was proposed
ter-Fraternity Council, welcomed The same rule also says a judge by Thomassen after Glotta sug-
the addition of the independence can be disqualified if he has been gested that the trial be dismissed
requirement. "With University a partner of a party or attorney because the tenants had an ap-
support in this form," he said, connected with the case within pointment tomorrow with Summit
'houses -will fare better in their two years preceeding the hearing. for University mediation,
attempts to convince their nation- Although Conlin flatly denied Thomassen made binding arbi-
als to grant them independence." See JUDGE, Page 8 tration rather than mediation the
Pan-hel executive vice president alternative because Brimacombe
Cindy .Szady agreed with Moss, claimed that the tenants declined
saying that official University ac- tudents fho d to go into mediation before evic-
tion in enforcing the Regents' bn { luI.
Rgens'ban tion proceedings began.,
against potential or actual dis- Summit accepted the proposal
crimination would put more Itnure rail for binding arbitration imme-
tweight 'behind the sororities in I~.LI..~ .z.. diately. Glotta said that his clients
their arguments with their nation-!

ecks N.


studen t
to encourage better and more di-
verse types of student housing.
- A comprehensive study of fu-
uite development of housing units
on both North and Central cam-
puses should be undertaken. The
study would aim at investigating
new innovations in student living
-Purchase of North Campus
land parcels be limited to those
student organizations that prove
themselves'to be "independent" of
the influence of a national af-
filiate organization.


return to
SGC seat

ruts only the present iteradry cUl- 3board, will move tomorrow that Vice President for Student Affairs'
lege requirement. °SGC become a plaintiff in the Barbara Newell.
Most RC students apparently 'suit. Council officers say it was The three part recommendation
favor some change in the require- important that students take the requests that:
ment, but are split on what form "'offensive" rather than wait for -Up .to ten acres of land on
this change should take. Most 'the committee to issue subpoenas North Campus should be made
faculty members are expected to "A court case resulting from our available to student organizations'

Inter-House Assembly voted last oppose any move to completely See QUESTION, Page 8
night to return to their voting ex- abolish the requirement, but may -- --- -- --
officio seat on Student Govern favor some modifications.
ment Council to further com- "A lot of students have been lt1 1
In return, IHA voted to offer quirement," said Guskin. ".Some
an ex-officio seat on their or- felt they didn't have any say over ;
ganization to SGC, and expressed} the requirement, and we want to j h ,h pe t a th r su et r ho h m t att e id"Picto n
thehoe that ther student rsowth"em tt y id"' P r m ceton
ganizations would do the same.
Alh hIHA ha atoetm Guskin said several sophomores irmWr eic eot
Although ad at on time who have not yet fulfilled the re- 'rom Wire Servce Reports
occupied an ex-officio post onSeeahihsolsndclgs
SGC, they voted last fall to with- quirement have complained that Several high schools and colleges
draw from Council because they this may bar them from complet- in the Los Angeles area were dis-
believedSGCwan o respon- ing their concentration program. rupted by a series of demonstra-
sive enough to student opinion. These students will concentrate' tions yesterday marked by numer-
However, IHA members said re- in Urban Studies, a program f- ous fires, vandalism and 12 arrests,
cent SGC action on the Student fered only in RC. If they fail to Meanwhile, students at Prince-
Discount Store and the Consum- complete the requirement, tiney ,ton University ended occupation o
ers' Union report prompted I a s t would be forced out of RC xnd their schools administration build-
night's action. into the literary college where ing. At Howard University, stu-
ni~h acton.dents left one building but con-
IHA also discussed a new pol-. they would have to change their d to ldft o others.
icy proposed by'the Office of Uni- concentration. tinued to hold two others.
The violence in Los Angeles
versity Housing which concerns In arguing for his proposal, came during the second day of a
the loss of or damage to student Daskovsky said it was necessary classroom strike called by blacks
property in University housing. that "a student's educational Nmo-' to protest alleged police brutality.
Under the new proposal, the tivation be changed from the Mayor Samuel Yorty responded
housing office would assume re- external force upon which he has by announcing that all "trouble-
sponsibility for lost or damaged grown dependent, to an internal- makers" would be arrested and'
luggage only if it were stored in ized desire to learn.'' prosecuted.
"designated storage areas in each Prof. Charles Maurery, coordi- The boycott was called last Fri-
residence hall." Furthermore the nator of RC's foreign . language day after police used batons to
Unmversity would be responsible program, countered by arguing clear 200 demonstrators from a
"only in instances where negii- that "any arts degree which does junior high school who were pro-
gence in the maintenance of rea- not reflect experience with a for- testing removal of a visiting mem-
sonable security precaution" could eign language is an unthinkable ber of the college Black Students
be proven by the housing office. 'abomination." Union.

a . n __

. for housing purposes in an effort The "independence" require-
its L.A. igi schools;
students end protest
Some schools reported attend- ton University students left the
ance down as little as 20 per cent , university's administration build-'
yesterday. However, the boycott ing last night after occupying it
was reportedly ignored at other all day to protest the school's in-
schools. vestments in South Africa.
A $2000 fire was reported in the A spokesman for the students
police science building of Los An- aid the demonstration was in-
geles City College, where a crowd tended as a peaceful one to dram
had overturned furniture and atize the students' resentment over
smashed water pipes and windows. administration policy.

al organizations. An ad hoc committee of about
Although the resolution uses the 50 students'has called for a noon
phrase "student organizations," it rally today to protest the denial of
was mainly aimed at facilitating tenure to Prof. Julien Gendell of
the sale of land to fraternities. the chemistry department and

Opposition came from Prof. Loren
Barrit, of the School of Educa-
"I'm not opposing the existence
of the fraternity system, or recom-
mending we should get rid of
them," he said. "But I ask simply

Similar incidents were reported at
Fremont High School, where 200
students demonstrated.

The students left the building t that, if we are going to use this
at 6:30 p.m. after being served land for housing, should it be this
summonses by the university's kind?"

Police were then called to hedisciplinarycommittee. Barrit suggested the University
San Fernando High School and . At Howard University a court might use the land itself, andl
Taft High in Woodland Hills, injunction issued yesterday after- construct living facilities that
where a $600 fire was set in a noon ended a one-day takeover of would allow undergrads, graduate
teacher's storage room. the Fine Arts Building, students, and faculty members to
The 12 arrests were made at Students had demanded an live together.
open discussion with the trustees Moss indicated that at least six,
Crenshaw High School. Seven and the president concerning "the ;and perhaps eight fraternities were
adults and five minors were ar -; grievances of all colleges throuhi- axost aeavnaeo h
srested on charges including u,"ging jreacso l olgstruh anxious to take advantage of the
to riot, disturbing the peace, re-' out the university and formati oportunity to relocate on North
sisting arrest, failure to disperse f a student-faculty council in Campus. Currently, only one fra-
or drunkenness. each school and college. ternity, Zeta Beta Tau, is located
or drnkeness.However, students continued to there.
Meanwhile, more than 75 Prince- hold the office of theuniversity.
president, James Nabrit, in the
administration building which was;'A '"
also closed yesterday. g-te
And students occupying the lib- i1 L V

Prof. Tom Mayer of the sociologyj
department. ,
Dave Sole; Grad, a committee
member, said one of the featured'
speakers at today's rally will be
Bert Garskoff, an assistant pro-'
fessor of psychology at Michigan
State University who was recently,
denied tenure there.
Afterhthe speeches there will be
a march to the Chemistry Bldg. 3f'
enough students attend the rally.
The students plan to submit a
list of demands to Prof. Charles D.
Overberger, chairman of the
chemistry department, which in-
cludes a call for the rehiring of
Gendell, and making public both
Gendell's own report and the fac-
ulty report concerning his status.
Although the Mayer report has
been made public, students will
demand at a later date that the
sociology department rehire him

have to confer with them first.
Brimacombe asked that the rent
held in escrow be held by the court
because his clients feared that if
the judgment was in Summit's
favor it might not receive the back
Glotta claimed that the court
has no power to hold the rent
payments, and that the question
of whether any rent is due has
not been ruled on. I
Thomassen r e j e c t e d Brima-
combe's request.
Brimacombe also had asked the
court for summary judgment
which would find the tenants
either guilty or innocent imme-
diately. He claimed that there was
no factual question for a jury to
However, Thomnassen, denied the
request after hearing Glotta's
argument that there was a ques-
tion of fact concerning the exist-
ence of a lease and whether or not
rent money is owed to Summit.


e' backers consider


to prosecute militants
uWASHINGTON (IP} - The Convention in Chicago last Au- cution under the ant
Justice Department said yester- gust. tion of the 1968 Civil R
day it plans to prosecute mili- Mitchell requested the Chica- "These rambling, r
tants who allegedly travel from go grand jury to delay all indict- ers," he said, "take<
campus to campus to foment ments until federal investiga- may be a legitimate c
disturbances among college stu- tors pursue further evidence test and turn it into
dents. a ain-t the civilin "

ti-riot sec-
Rights Act.
oving riot-
over what
ollege pro-

er al arts building, who were als~o
threatened with an injunction, ""
met to negotiate with 20 faculty eaig c f eho s ininoi
members.catcoffeehouse in nion
At San Francisco State, the stu-
dent newspaper, the Gater, con- By NANCY LISAGOR ing of it will accept the Alterna- thetic to our cause and we are
tinued publication despite suspen-
sion by acting president S. I About 35 shareholders of the tives plans. looking forward to approval.
Hayakawa. Alternative coffee house met last Ross said the shareholders are The proposal to be presented
Hayakawa said the suspension night to discuss the possibility of optimistic about the outcome of to the Union board states that be-
was the result of the absence of establishing the coffee house in the board meeting, cause there is "little sense of com-
a functioningthe Michigan Union. If the Alternative is set up in munity among the students and
Iafntoigpublications board.teMcaUno. the Union," he said, "they will bevaiugrpsothcmute
However, members of the board The Alternative originally had doing us a favor, but we will alsoe groups of the campus. the
claim it does exist. planned to rent a building in the olgu ao.btw ilas Alternative could serve as a meet-
amt said the board plas nned toret campusldiga. the bdoing them a favor by bringing ing place in the campus area to
Hykw sadtebadhsState Street campus area. The;moepoltoteUin"atctabadrs-eton f
not fulfilled its function because expense proved to be too great, more people to the Union" attract a broad cross-section of
it has not reported on a contro- however. so shareholders decided offee house will be coop- the campus community."
Iowever, soF decidedarp sri1 ha

Asst. Atty. Gen. Jerris Leo-
nard said investigations have
produced evidence of "individu-
als and organizations" who may
h a v e violated federal laws

g Lar ns.
The attorney general was re-
portedly concerned that the gov-
ernment's case against the dem-
onstrators was not as strong as
that against several policemen.

"In my mind," he added,
"there are clear distinctions be-
tween legitimate exercise of
protest that college students
may engage in and other dem-

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