THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, January 12, 1969 9'F'';,,: "s ,j 9' "s 4. Yd r : e ... "..,.. n';u7 :s£ i\i '> .a. < ;'i: DAILY OFF ICIAL ACLU, NSA BUL LLE 9rI I N to challenge he Daily Official Bulletin is an fficial publication of the Univer- ty of Michigan for which The [chigan Daily assumes no edi- >rial responsibility. Notices should e sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Qom 3528 LSA Bldg. before 2 p.m. riday for Saturday and Sunday. eneral Notices may be published a taximum of two times on request; ay Calendar items appear once nl1y, Student organization notices re not accepted for publication. or more information call 764-9270. SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1969 Day Calendar sitat, Berlin, D.D.R., "The Ethnology of the Mexican Revolution": Auditorium C. Angell -Hall, 4:00 p.m. Recent Chamber Music - Reid Nib- Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem- ley and Thomas Warburton, Guest 1iar: "Management of Managers, Pro- Pianists, Works by Alexius, Berry, gram No. 78" : North Campus Commons, Browne, Cacioppo, Dapogny, Derr, Hod- H:15 a.m. kinson: Rackham Lecture Hall, 8:00 Public ;Health Assembly: Dr. Anna M. feetjer. Professor of Environmental p.m. Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Professional Theatre Program: Imo- "Change--Stress or Challenge?": Audi- gene Coca and King Donovan in Ro- torlum, School of Public Health, 2:30 bert Anderson's You Know I Can't Department of Anthropology Lecture:1Hear You When the Water's Running: Dr. Friedrich Katz, Humboldt-Univer- Hill Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. General Notices Health Service: A flue clinic offering "Hong Kong" flu vaccine will be held at Health Service Tuesday, Jan. 14, from 8:00 - 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 - 4'30 p.m. The charge will be $2 per person. Stu- dents, faculty, staff and their spouses are eligible. Tuesday, January 14, 4:10 p.m. Angell Hall, Auditorium D. Broadcasting Service: WUOM R a d i o (91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily, Saturday 12 Noon to 11 p.m., Sunday 12 Noon to 6 p.m. Sunday 2:00 p.m. Cleveland Orchestra, Martin Turnov- sky, conductor. Haydn, Janacek, Dvor- ak. Sunday 4:00 p.m. Ernest Block: The Man and His Music,. TOMORROW AFTERK Monday 11 a.m. The Eleventh HourI Center for Russian and East European (repeated at 7 p.m.) Ed Burrow hosts Sudiesa riter-in-ResidenceP-anhour of news and conversation Studiecadure-icin:Rerzdyc o- about the arts and literature. Guest: ski, Writer-in-Residence, "The Writer U-M sociologist - Marcelo Truzzi in a and Collectivity: The Soviet Diiemma, discussion of witchcraft today. Monday 1:00 p.m. The United States in a Re- vou tionary World: aPrt 2 of 4. "Con- } . .A< sciousness - Africa and Latin Amer- ica", with Orlando Pals Borda, Uni- Uni- versity of London, and Nathan M. Shamuyaria, London School of. Econ- omics. From a Princeton conference. Monday 5:00 p.m. Calendar of A r e a Events. Monday 5:15 p.m. Law In The News with Prof. Joseph R. Julin. The University of Michigan C i v i l «r;Liberties Beard. Open Meeting. Mon- day, January 13, 1969. 7:30 - 9:30. 6006 ISH. Agenda: 1. Minutes of December 7; .t .f1 o/ w7- 2. Final action: amended policy on ttions w hich maintenance and disclosure of faculty records; 3. Design for a central student judiciary. Josephine De Karman1 Scholarships distr fbU TI fl with stipend of $2500 per year available., to graduate and senior undergraduate students in any discipline. Special con- sideration given to applicants in the humanites. Applications due by Jan. 31, 4r 1969. Further information: Financial r Aids Office, 2011 Student Activities 3tBuilding. 717 the LSA Faculty will be considering our pe demand an immediate end to language an req Uirements S.A.B., hours: 9:30 - 12 & 1.:30 - 4:30 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1969 M-F. Registration is urged early for use Air Force Logistics Command, all (Continued from Page 1) in interviewing companies visiting, and day, Ohio, B Chem., Econ., Educ., Gen. job hunting elsewhere, by mail and Lib. Arts, Hist. and B&M in Math for es that are frequently handed out vist. If gong to grad school, collect Elec. Computing, Library, Mgmt. Trngt. in the name of "exemplary" law professors' recommendations now, Personnel, Stat., Transportation andi watch this column for information on Bus. Ad, enforcement, and the deep fear, all post college opportunities. Continental Can Company, Inc.. all suspicion and mistrust generated day. B&M in Gen: Lib. Arts for Mgmt, on our campuses by the flood of ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trng., Mktg. Res., Personnel Produc- disguised and often university- Seminar and Film on Careers in Sales tion, Purchasing and inside and territ. Management presented by Proctor and sales.,sanctioned narcotics agents. Gamble and Friden, Inc. Open to all U. S. Marines, see Monday listing. Students are also profoundly dis- students, of special interest to LS&A Michigan Consolidated Gas, All ay, ed Powell said, by the politi- andBus Scoolstuent. Tesdy, anB Chem., Econ., Math and Phy"sics for oerns 14, 4 p.m. in Multipurpose Room of Computing, Mgmt. Trng., Stat and cal of law enforcement Undergraduate Library. Contact Place- Acctg. fi many college communities. He ment Services. General Division for fur. U.S. Navy, see Mon. listing, cited the "pre-dawn, military-style ther infomation, ENGINEERING PLACEMENT SERVICE raids" at Bard College, Franconia Goup meeting for Summer Intern 128-H, West Engrg. Bldg. College, American University and Program in Washington is being held Engineers: For full placement servir" the State University of New York on Jan. 15, 4 p.m., Multipurpose Room your "College Interview Form" must at Stony Brook, which seriously of the UGLI. Underclassment, seniors be on file by the First Day of Classes. and graduate students may attend to If you expect to interview, obtain form disrupted those campuses. get information on the programs spon- immediately from Engineering Place-' While workingtoget eistin sored under this plan. ment Service. 128-H. West Engrg, Bldg. Engineering Placement Meeting: No, marijuana laws changed through Placement Interviews: The following 1. "Engineering Market and Placement popular ballot in various states, organizations will interview at Place- Services." Salary and demand trends Powell said, NSA will also: ment Services, the representatives ex- and how to use the Engineering Place- pect to see at least a vita sheet on in- ment Service. First of four meetings, -attack in court the constitu- terviewees, therefore, if you are not Primarily for seniors and graduate stu- tionality of current marijuana already registered with the General dents, but open to all interested. Pro- statutes. The Association has al- Divide you with the proper materials, p.m. and 7:30 p.m. in Room 325. West ready successfully petitioned the Please call 763-1363 to make appoint- Engineering Building. (Afternoon and Supreme Court as an amicus cur- ments by phone, or stop in and make evening meetings will be the same.) iae (friend of the court, who, is appt. in person. Make appts. as soon Engineering Placement Meeting:eNo, allowed to file briefs the judges as possible, none accepted after 4 p.m. 2. Engineering Careers. , The different day preceding visit.inds of careers for engineers, and how willconsider in their decision to decide which you should follow. Se- in the Timothy Leary case, and ex- INTERVIEWS THE WEEK OF cond of four meetings. Primarily for pects to do so in other cases; JANUARY 20-24 seniors and graduate students, but open to all interested. Professor J. G. -publicize and distribute P. MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1969' Young. January 14, 1969, 4:00 p.m. and maximum amount of information U.DY AUR 20, nes, a196a9. degree 7:30 p.m. in Room 325, West Engineer- drugs; U. S. Marines, all day. All __peerovide levels and any majors for U.S. Marine ing Building. (Afternoon and evening - V arrested students as meetings will be the same.) Corps Officer Programs. much information as possible on U. S. Navy, all day. All degrees and .. ., . their legal rights. majors for Navy Su.rface Wave andthileargts ' Aviation Officer Programs.A i A - Both NSA and the ACLU blast- Smith Kline and French Laboratories, O RGA NI ZA I I ed federal'law enforcement of- Phila, Pa.: All day. B and M Biochem., O ficials who lawunf oe etof-e Anal, Chem., Organ. Chem., Econ., Gen. Spunish oung people Lib. Arts, Hist., journ., Math, Micro- "in cruel and inhuman ways" for biol., Pharm., Philo., Poll. Sci., Psych,, Euse of a mild intoxicant while "or- and Soc. for Biol., Zool., Mgmt. Trng., r:,> m.;",: i,":.. gani rt Mktg. Personnel, Stat., Gen. Writing., ': '' x .'""..;.;.+::.1 r ' ::;inzed crime, operates this multi- Systems Anal., and Operations Res. U Fellowship of Huron Hill Baptist billion-dollar business with almost Church, Jan. 12th, 7:00 p.m., 2nd floor, total immunity." TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1969 Ann Arbor, "Y", faculty and adminis- Hollander urged "the hundreds American Airlines, all day, all de- trative personnel: "What Jesus Christ grees for stewardess positions. Means in My. Life." 8:30 p.m. campus of thousands of families who have Kraft Foods, all day. B Arch., Chem., and careers fellowship and refresh? been hurt by this condition" to Microbiol., Engineering, and Acctg., for ments. work for repeal or liberalization Biiol.; Mgmt. Trng., Production, Pur- Libertarian League Meeting, Sunday, of current marijuana laws'Inde chasing, Transportation. Jan. 12th, 2:00,p.m., 2X(MIMES) Un- U, S. Marines, see Mon. listing. ion. Upcoming lecture and activities to pendently or through their con- U. S. Navy, see oMn. listing. be discussed. gressmen I i i -Speak to a Professor tomorrow and urge his support Placement -Read Tuesday's Daily to find out the result -Be prepared to develop new strategy if our demands are not met -Attend the Radical Caucus meeting Tuesday night G I PLACEMENT 3200 S.A.B. April, June and August Graduates. Placement Services offers assistance in career planning and job hunting to anyone with 12 hours at U. of M. 3200 G . , ' ; COME TO Student Book Service and visit LIZ HAHN CLIFF CAROL LOFTUS f _f .... .... ...... J, ....,, ., ,..,.. .... .a, _ } UN ON-LEAGUEa . 1 ''1 S~.',+{' 1"x."111*t{E; iMN - 11. rJ h.. 'VI l1 c ;i I G The most complete supply of "We must work together," he said, "to put the issue on the ballot by 1970." COMk TO Student Book Service arind visit PETE SHERMAN SANDREA DON BREITER 1''' NEW and USED TEXTS and PAPERBACKS is at the Assoc. of College Union International Local Student Book Service MARCH ON WASHINGTON Jan. 18, 19, 20 1. Ann Arbor Movement Center 2. Liberation Classes . Countey-Inauguration March 4, Counter-Inauguration Ball BUS TICKETS NOW eekend of the semester MEETING I 2527 SAB 1 -6 P.M. Phone 761-3252 or 769-1400 *. 7:30 UNION BALLROOM Sponsored; by Mobilization Committee to End the Vietnam War I TODAY 1:00 Survey of Demand for Courses in Languages of 3rd floor conference room MICHIGAN UNION 4ASTE IN E JROPE Would you like to take any of the following in the 1969 Fall Term? $1.00 per person FIRST-YEAR CZECH SECOND-YEAR CZECH FIRST-YEAR POLISH SECOND-YEAR POLISH Michigan Union First Place Bridge Winners placed second nationally last year 11111I I II liiI CID~CT 'VC A D CCD R-rn IA