Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, March 4, 1969 INA L VOT E TODAY: AIJC group LSA faculty may back new degree without sets protest C ntiued from Page 1) language and distribution requirements However"Jan"discounted impor tant of the guaranteedi the in- t I Thompson's PIZZA' THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR --off 50c off- ON A LARGE ONE ITEM (OR MORE) PIZZA k Coupon expires Wednesday, March 5th STEAK and EGGS with hashbrown potatoes, toast and jelly $1.10 STEVE'S LUNCH just west of SAB NOW OPEN SUNDAYS, TOO (Continued from Page 1) g enough to be required of all ourn studerits." The report recommends a col- lege entrance requirement of twoi years of foreign language study int secondary school, or one year in college for students admitted whot do not satisfy the requirement. E The minority recommendationc opposed substitution of courses ine non-language departments to sat-t isfy the requirement. "The advocacy of substitutions, no matter how genially accom-v modatingror well-intentioned, is a logically false position," the report stated. The curriculum committee's ma-c jority recommendationpresented by Prof. Eric Steiner of thex botany department, called for at "marriage of positious." It pro- posed combining substitute coursesI for satisfying the requirement1 with administrative changes, such as pass-fail grading and a two-t track system. Substitute courses included two-1 year sequences in English; lang-i uage history and development, lin-f DAILY OFFICIALl BULLETIN r M1 : F d!nn? '".A"y# ## ? ::C** v: *.$' *,* : .. '?:'. (Continued 'from Page 2) Instruction, Harrisburg, Pa.: Profes- sional vacancies in Gnr. and Academic education, curric. dev., ed. quality as- sessment, vocational tech. and contin- uing ed., special ed., guid.and related pupil services, school construction, pri- vate schools, veterans' educ., higher ed- ucation areas of teacher education, in- stitutional studies and services, com- munity colleges, state colleges and uni- versities, research and administration and coordination, statistics, library po- sitons. Fisher Wallpaper and Paint Company, Detroit, Mich.: Sales Representative for industrial products, contacting arch. firms, interior designers, hosp., p u r- chasers for public buildings, hotels, etc. BA in any area, no exper necess. Bell Aerosystems, 'Biuffalo, N.Y.: Posi- tions for experienced personnel in areas of Marketing, Engineering Services and administration, integrated systems, structural syst. engrg., electromechani- cal syst. engr., space syst. engr., manuf. engr.,,research, and finance. Marquette Michigan Girl Scout Coun-7 cil: Marquette, Mich.: Executive Di- rector, BA degree and exper in admin., finance, staff supv., adult volunteer groups, fund raising techniques, train- ing provided. Local Office: Secretary / receptionist for office of three surgeons, very re-' sponsible person with typing skills, BA it any area, good advancement pos- sibili ties. SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE 212 S.A.B., Lower Level Tuesday, March f: Cedar Point on Lake Erie, Ohio: Interviewing in the Union, room 3D. If you are talented come in for an audition in any of the performing arts. Join the Courtesy Corps as host-hostess teams, Hun- dreds of concessions open. Room a n d board on grounds avail. Announcements of Summer Opportun-. ites, not interviews: Continental Can Company, Chicago, Ill.: Offers Summer Intern Porg, in Research and Dev. Center, Soph., Jrs., and Srs. in ME, EE, Metal. E., Chem., Physics, Food St,~ Material S, Appli- cation deadline is March 15.£ Law Students offered positions by Amer. Civil Liberties Union. N.Y. Se- cond or third year students, legal re-£ search and writing in constitutional law. Departments of Army and Air Force, Dallas, Texas, offers management posi- tions for'jrs. and srs., good salary, ask' to register in S.P.S. for interview to be arranged. Cooks Needed: summer jobs in camps and resorts all over the country.mCon- tact S.P.S. for info. Goldblatts of Chicago offers College Boards while home this summer, girls1 apply at S.P.S.1 Birmingham Day Camp, Bloomfield Hills, Mitn. Camp Director position, man or woman over 21. Need counsel- ors over 18 also. Camp runs from June X33- Aug. I. Steineway Drug and Ford Hopkins companies offer summer opportunities as replacements for vacations in areas of Chicago. Interviews may be ar- ranged over Spring break. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT SERVICE 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. Make interview appointment at Room 128 H, West Engrg, Bldg. unless other- wise seciffede, MARCH 11, 19691 ARO, Inc. Ingersoll-Rand Co. Lorain Products Corp. Los Angeles, County of Nalco Chemical Co. Parke, Davis & Co. Ryan Aeronautical Co. Rex Chainbelt Inc. guistics, mathematics and com- Burks' department is only two munications sciences. years old. Representatives of the depart. "If we were to have such a mients which would be involved course, the focus would be on in language options objected to computers," he added, noting a the majority recommendation. difference between artificial lang- Prof. Russell Fraser, English de- uages and natural languages. partment chairman, said, "The' Faculty members from other English department declines to departments also opened fire on consider the majority report pro- the committee's two reports. p'osal of a four-course sequence in Prof. Alexander Eckstein of the majority report, defended the come." "shotgun marriage". fare reci "Although language purists may don't al look upon this proposal as a poli- portance tical arrangement, I see is as a she said. marriage consummated in mutual respectof individual views,' "We l( Br'aun said. sleep by hard voi "It is a collective judgement, a yohand spectrum of views" he added youand Unfortunately, some wel- pients we have rented to ways recd-gnine the im- of paying their rent," * , ONE COUPON PER PIZZA nr sw w wi r ww wrnmw w aw r w -w w rw w r ose tenants, people w h o night and work by day. rking normal people like I. They get disturbed by i the English language."E Linguistics Department Chair-' man Prof. John Catford said he was "not sure what was intended"1 by the majority report.I He suggested that new courses dealing with "culture and lang-I uage" or "language as such" might be established to get students in-1 terested in learning a language. ! The problem with the language requirement is one of motivation," i he said.c Prof. Arthur Burks, chairman ofc the communications sciences de- partment, said it would be "at. least three years before this de- partment can make a contributiont to distribution requirements." economics department called the majority report's combination of administrative changes in the language with optioncourses in non-language departments a "shotgun marriage." "I fail to see how the math sequence can be a substitute for the language requirement," he added, Eckstein said he sympathized with student grievances about the quality of teaching in language courses adding, "The language de- partments don't have enough funds." Prof. Frank X. Braun of the German department, one of the committee members signing t h e a~ci xw v v~woxxcLUC. tenants who have parties all Prof. James O'Neill, chairman night," she claimed of the Romance language depart- ment, went through the reports "I really don't think we need paragraph by paragraph, criticiz- excuse our policies to anyone," ing certain sections as "a lowering she said. "You go right ahead and of standards," "impertinent to the protest," language requirement," or "mean- Th ingless, whatever the dimension." eoongorecexia In ddiionto he angagere-group of moderately-priced apart- In addition to the language re- ments. They rent for about $150 quirement, the faculty today isa month for a single apartment, expected to consider an executive Haywood explained.Present resi- committee decision made last dents include both whites a n d month to reduce the college's per- blacks. centage of out-of-state students. A 1 t h o u g h recommendations have passed the curriculum com- mittee concerning an Afro-Amer- ican studies program and aboli-.. tion of ROTC credit, these issues; University will not come before the faculty U iest until April 7. OPEN MEETING To discuss the Implications of the Firings of Profs. Julie Gendell and Tom Mayer and PLAN ACTION TONIGHT 7:00 P.M. 2nd floor SAB Ad Hoc Committee for the Rehiring of Gendell and Mayer Great fig ure"8" U.S. Gov't. Long Beach Naval Shipyard1 Naval Ammunition Depott MARCH 12, 1969 Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric Co. Illinois Division of Highways Ingersoll-Rand Co. Lawrence Radiation Lab. The Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago Public Service Electric & Gas Co. 7 Ryan Aeronautical Co. Sandia Laboratories Texaco Inc. United Technology Center U.S. Gov't - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center MARCH. 13, 1969 . Aerojet-General Corp. General Dynamics - Quincy Div. Hooker Chemical Corp. Sandia Laboratories MARCH 14, 1969 Aerojet-General Corp. American Motors Corp. Gulf General Atomic The Rand Corp. Sandia Laboratories TEACHER rLACEMENT The following schools will send repre- sentatives to our office to interview prospective teachers the week of March 17. MONDAY, MARCH 17 East Detroit, Mich.: Elem., Vocal Music, Jr High English, Vocal Music, yen. Sci., Math, SS, Gen. Bus., Sr. High Engl., Bus. Educ., Spec. Ed. Type A. Orchard Lake, Mich. (West Bloom- field Schools): Elem., Library, PE, Se- condary Math, Sci., SS, Engl., Lib., Bus., Art, Home Ec, Music, Fr./Span., Couns. (Boys) Ind. Arts, Girls PE. Spec. Ed. - Sch. Soc. Worker, Type A, Adj. Study, Percept. Dev., Diag., Speech. Coaching positions available. Port Huron, Mich.: (St. Clair Co. In- termed. Sch. Dist.) - Special Education. Oak Park, Ill.: Elem., Jr. High Lang.E Arts, Math, Sci., SS, Span., Lib., Home Arts, Ind. Arts, Voc./Gen. Music, Girls PE, Boys PE, Couns., Learn. Disabilities. TUESDAY, MARCH 18 Mt. Morris, Mich.: Elem., Jr. High Engl., Alg., Chorus, Sci, Math, SS, Boys PE, Sr. High Bol., Engl., Drama, Coo p. Educ., Chorus, Engl./Speech, Spec. Ed., Reading, Sp. Corr., Type A. Elem. Mus., Art. Bloomfield Hills, Mich. Old Bridge (Mattawan), N.J.: (Madi- son Twp. Schools,, Middlesex County): Elem., Spec. Educ., Sp. Therapist, Learn. Disabilities, PE, Vocal Mus., Instr. Mus., Art, Home Ec., Ind. Arts, Typing. Sec. English, Sci., Math, SS, Languages, Ind. Arts, Dist. Educ., Coop. Trades & Ind., PE, Art. Guid., Lib, Psycholq- gist, Soc. Workers, Home-Sch. Coord., Reg. Read. Toledo, Ohio: All fields. Flint, Michigan (Carman Sch. Dist.) - All fields. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 Dearborn Heights, Mich. (Dist. No. 8)1 - Elem., Guid. Couns., Boys PE, Girls Madison Heights, Mich. (Lamphere PE. Lib, Jr. High Math. High School Schs.): All fields. Guid~,Fine Arts, nd. Art., Sci. FRIDAY, MARCH 21 Utica, Mich.: All fields. Albion, Mich.: Elena., Lib., Rein. Lincoln Park, iMch.: All fields. Read., Sec. Debate, Journ., Type B, Sex Pontiac, Mich.: (Waterford Township Educ, Schools): All fields. Palos Hills, Ill. (HS Dist. No. 230) - Vallejo, Calif.: Elem., Speech Ther.,i All fields. Ment. Ret., Jr. High Bus. Ed., . Engl., Northville, iMch.: All fields. Span., Math, Voc. Mus., Instr. Mus, Cleveland, Ohio (Orange Local Seh. Biol .Sci, Phys, Sci.. Hist., MR, Girls Dist.): All fields. PE, School Psych., Sp, Therapist. Detroit, Mich. (City School of Det.): THURSDAY, MARCH 24 Early Elem., Sci.'Math, (mandpfd.) ALang. Arts, French. Albion, Mich. (Starr Commonweafth) Strongsville, Ohio: Elem., Sec, Art, - Elem., Ind. Arts, Instr. Mus., Art, Bus. Ed., English, Boys PE, Girls PE, Hist., Sci., Lib. Ind. Arts, Latin, Span., French, Ger., Flint, Mich.: (Westwood Hgts. Schs.): . Lib., Math, Voc. Mus,, Instr. Mus., Sci.. All fields. SS, Spec. Ed. - Slow Learn., Em. Dist., Bridgman, Mich.: Elem. High Sch. Intern Psych., Speech/Drama, Voc. Ed., Phys./Chem., Phys., Chem., Girls PE, Guid., Coaching. Engl., Speech. Flint, Mich.: All fields. For additional information Saginaw, Mich.: (Saginaw Twp. Schs.) and appointsment contact Mrs. Staelin Elem. Spec. Educ. starting March 10, 764-7459. POT SHOP SEMI-ANNUAL SALE 25% OFF ON ALL HANDMADE Ceramics; Stoneware, Mugs, Plates, Bowls, Teapots, Vases, etc., etc. "Come SEE and SAVE" ! ~Sunday, March 2---March 10 619 Packard 9-51 7-11 UT of M Ski Club final meeting for I reinblant 1T93P (all filled up) Final $30 payment due Also Nomination of Officers 7:30, Tues., Marci 4 Union-Room 3C Colorado WRITERS' CONFERENCE 36th Year JUNE 15 -27 POETRY RICHARD EBERHART ALAN DUGAN DRAMATIC WRITING ARNOLD WEINSTEIN FICTION VANCE BOURJAILY GEORGE P. ELLIOTT HARLAN ELLISON NONFICTION RICHARD GEHMAN WRITE: PAUL LEVITT, Director HUNTER 125 UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO Boulder, Colorado 80302 Scholarships Available Manuscript deadline: April 15 Ap, 40 Don't Forget! EXECUTIVE COUNCIL PETITIONS DUE MARCH 12th Available Student Offices 2nd Floor Union 1 , -1 1 THIS W EEK~ is the last week of voter registration for the April City Election REGISTER- City HaIl (2nd floor) Huron and Fifth Mon.-Fri. 8 A.M.-8 P.M. but no body noticed aren't you happy! You can wear the briefest skirts, the slimmest slacks, anything you want, anytime you want, without ever worrying about noticeable bulges or th' possibility of odor forming. You use Tompax tampons. Worn internally, they eliminate the bother of belts, pins and pads. And most important, Tompax tampons do away with the dis- comfort of chafing and rubbing. You feel secure and perfectly comfortable every day of the month. Tampax tampons, available in three absorbency-sizes: Regular, Super and Junior. Neat. Con- venient. Completely disposable. Try Tampax tampons and see how great it is when nobody notices. Not even you. - w UtOSED BY MILLMNSO? WOMIN TAMPAX5 TAMPONS ARE MADE ONLY BY TAMPAX NCORPORATED. PALMER. MASS. 4 TV IKEA -10 No Deposit FREE service per month Required Calland elIive ry NEJAC TV RENTALS 662-5671 SERVING BIG 10 SCHOOLS SINCE 1961 - - -- - - - - - - If you have been refused registration, try again (and again) this week. Many students are successful on their second try. SGC VOTER REGISTRATION-662-7394 .a STUDYIN CUERNAVACA Learn to speak SPANISH 0 intensive courses, with drills, supervised labs, and theory taught by experienced Mexican teachers. *$05 per month. Study in the INSTITUTE FOR CONTEMPORARY LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES. Examine themes such as "Protest d its Creative Expression in Latin America" and "The Role of Education in Social Change" in 10 to 30 new courses each month. I f j {a i i I i i { HELP THE TENANTS UNION [ a i r Because of legal fees and operating expenses, the rent strike i must supplement the strike fund through donations from the 213 S. STATE ST. U.of M. Payroll Checks cashed here G OPEN 10-9 NO GAMES NO GIMMICK S NOW OPEN Monday thru Friday Nights! . t ~After 6 Coupons.... I I