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March 04, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-03-04

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. WI"9

See editorial page



Low-i 7
Sunny, but colder;
no chance of rain

Vol LXXIX, No. 129 Ann Arbor, Michigan--TwuE

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Ten Cents Eicih Paces







BIG RAPIDS OP) - Backed up by authority from Gov.
William Milliken, about 70 state. troopers moved onto the
Ferris State College campus in Big Rapids last night and
dragged about 300 demonstrating black students from the
school's administration building.
A crowd of white students estimated at about 500 gather-
ed around the building as police tried to eject the demon-
strators. The whites, chanting "white power," were ordered
to leave the scene, but most reportedly refused to obey the
Gov. Milliken, when informed of the occupation of the
building by the blacks, told Ferris President Victor Spathelf













LSA faculty
without lan






° _ .-

SF State
end strike

to issue an ultimatum to the
s t u d e n t s -relinquish the
building in 30 minutes or face
forceful eviction.
State Police said they arrested
nearly 300 students. Ferris has 360
black students out of a total en-
rollment of 7,700.
Those arrested weretaken in
buses to the National Guard
Armory in Big Rapids where a
d yps op

wage and county prosecutor pre- i
From Wire Service Reports sided in arraignment proceedings.
SAN FRANCISCO-200 picket- Most were charged with trespass-
ing students peacefully left San! ing, State Police said.
Francisco State college on orders
of the sheriff yesterday, in sharp The black students staged an
contheashifhestonerdi hall-night sit-in at the Ferris 11-
contrast ewth the violencecahmi brary Sunday but returned to
since a student strike began last otheirdormitories without any re-
Nov. 6.p
At the same time, nearly 300 . The blacks have been demand-
teachers ended the strike which ing the hiring of a few Negro pro-
they began Jan. 6. The American fessors, the institution of Negro
Federation of Teachers voted late history courses, the investigation
Sunday night to end their strike. of alleged racism by certain ad-
However, about 100 of the union's ministrators, and liberalization of
400 members voted against re- off-campus housing policies.
turning to work. Union president, There are currently no Negroes
Gary Hawking, said the union among the colleges faculty-out1
would probably post informational of 400.
pickets despite the vote to end Disturbances began on the Fer-{
.the strike. ris campus last Thursday, whenl
William Stanton, an economics two black students were allegedly
professor and long-time supporter attacked by whites. One of the
of the student strike, said a num- blacks charged that someone had
ber of professors would continue thrown a liquid into his face.
to strike. The number was im- The melee which ensued was,
possible to determine but Stanton spurred by a fire alarm which
said it would includeeat leastth esounded in a men's dorm, causing
65. professors who went on strike several hundred persons to leave
Nov. 13, long before the AFT the building.
strike, in support of the, student Louis Stone, president of the
demands. Ferris chapter of the NAACP, said
Those professors who stay on he received reports that some stu-
strike will probably lose their jobs, dents had been seen with guns
if recent administration pro- on campus over the weekend.
nouncements are carried out. For this reason, he said, the'
Although there was no official blacks had decided to remain to-
announcement from the admin- gether through the night, Sunday.
istration, it appeared that those However, Spathelf said there
striking professors who returned have been many rumors circula-
to work would be kept on the fac- ting the campus that some stu-
ulty, even though the AFT did dents are in possession of weapons
not meet the atlministration's and in violation of college regula-
Saturday deadline for deciding to tions. He claimed this is "unsup-
return to work. ported by fact."
Meanwhile, the campus was Two black state senators, upset,
quiet under the watch of 50 po- at the racial conflict, have called
licemen whose presence has been for a Senate investigation of stu-i
routine for more than three : dent activity at Ferris. Senators°
months. Sheriff Matthew Carberry Basil Brown and Coleman Young


An Editorial .
AFTER MONTHS of tedious academic debate on the
language requirement, the literary college faculty
yesterday overwhelmingly favored still another proposal
to resolve the controversy.
Certainly the proposal for two University degrees is
not the best of all possible plans; it bears discomforting
resemblance to an institutional policy of "separate but
not equal" degree-granting.
The possibility exists that the Bachelor of General
Studies could become the stepchild of the Bachelor of
Arts, unwanted by graduate schools and business. At
least some faculty are convinced that the BGS could
never survive in competition with the BA.
BUT THIS IS not to say that the Bachelor of General
Studies is without educational value. On the con-
trary, it is one of the most educationally sound degree
programs ever proposed by the literary college faculty,
and its effect on the academic world could be revolu-
tionary. The institution would be a satisfactory solution
to the problem of required courses.
Students would have control of and responsibility
for their own educations. Each degree would represent,
in name as well as fact, the efforts and interests of the
Employers and graduate school admissions commit-
tees would be forced to consider the merit of a student's
individual program instead of his perfunctory perform-
ance in required courses.
THE INFINITE flexibility of the general studies degree
also reflects a vote of confidence in the caliber of
faculty and students who make up the University com-
munity. For certainly, a "liberal education" depends on
the quality of the intellectual community which offers
it. But the general studies degree would prod even the
most recalcitrant students into seeking out the re-
sources which the University provides.
If the faculty could somehow guarantee that the
Bachelor of General Studies would allow "separate but
'equal" status in relation to the Bachelor of Arts, it would
be entirely satisfactory. If employers, graduate schools
and students could be encouraged to accept the BGS as
equally valuable as the BA or BS, it would be preferred.
THE MORE important issue is raised by literary college
faculty: "Why have any degree at all?"
The answer is-quite honestly-that a degree is a
record of how much the student has profited from his
attendance. The degree's value varies with the institu-
tion granting it. Behind the degree stand hours of cred-
itable study and research. But the valuable things the
student learns usually have little to do with course re-
quirements. Requirements are, in fact, antithetical to the
individual nature of education.
rTHUS, THE IDEAL would be fore the University to grant
only general studies degrees. While the faculty should
create the Bachelor of General Studies degree, it should
also immediately consider the case for abolishing all

po \ssible
In a series of straw votes
yesterday, the literary college
faculty supported some form
of language requirement, at
the same time favoring the
adoption of a separate degree
program which would not re-
quire proficiency in a foreign
In another straw vote, a "sub-
stantial majority" of faculty
members opposed retention of the
language requirement in its
present form.
The faculty may make a deci-
sion on the language requirement
at a continuation meeting today,
.at 4:00 in Trueblood Aud,
The proposal for the alternate
degree came from an ad hoe com-
mittee consisting of four faculty
members and three students ad-
vocating a "Bachelor of General
Studies" degree.
Under the proposal, students
working toward the new, degree

-Daily-Jay Cassidy
PROF. i 1 a a - s; . of the l.' ., , department prepares to express his views on the language
requirement at yesterday's literary college faculty meeting. '. . was one of the many faculty
members who spoke during the 2'/, hour session.

Phys ic i
Over two-thirds of the Univer-
sity's physics professors have
signed a letter urging abandon-r
ment of the proposed Sentinel an-1
ti-ballistic system.
The three-page letter, signed by
40 faculty members, was sent to1
Michigan Senators Philip Hart,
Democrat, and Robert Griffin, Re-
publican, on Feb. 25.1
Court to I
on aselte




'We are convinced that the de- Your statement will be of much s would not be required to meet any
velopment of an ABM system help." distribution requirements, Includ-
would be a grave mistake either as ing language, and would not have
a 'thin' system for defense against Griffin's Washington office said to major in any department.
the Chinese or as part of a more the Senator would reply to t he Prof. E. Lowell Kelly of the psy-
extensive system designed to with- letter after meeting with two Uni- chology department e x p r es s e d
stand any form of nuclear attack," versity physicists tomorrow. support for such a program.
the letter states. The physicists, in their letter,1 "Proponents of the special de-
In his reply to the letter, Hart established four main arguments gree program deserve serious con-
said, "As you know, I have been against the ABM: . sideration," he said. "I'm intrigued
fighting this move for over a year. -" by the idea of a Bachelor of Gen-
year. --It is relatively easy fr thej eral Studies. It is the simplest
attacker to- build penetration aids solution and most direct," he
° to fool the defense system." added.
"By surrounding our cities As Dean William L. Hays open-
with nuclear ABM's we are, if any- ed th8 monthly meeting yesterday,
thing,. increasing the probability he read a message from Student
of technical accident, either due to G o v e r n m e n t Council which
vot1n one of our own missiles or due to "strongly urged the faculty to
one of theirs." accede to the mandate of the stu-
-"Building an ABM system is a dent body and abolish the lan-
by absentee ballot in Tennessee very inefficient way of improving guage requirement."
in the November election. ouy defensepotury .f .mOr nag The message was met with scat-
Mrs. Hencken's attorney, George tion can ill afford to waste even tered laughter among the faculty.
Sallade, said that as far as he $5-10 billion on a thin system, let Before the faculty formed into
knew, this is the first case brought alone $50-100 billion on the thick a quasi-committee of the whole to
before the court concerning the system which would be likely to discuss the language requirement,
sysem hih wuldbelikly o ha nlvl tri111 nmta


read over a loudspeaker a Superior
Court injunction limiting studen
pickets to five at any entrance
and ordering them to remain fiv
feet or more apart.
The injunction was obeyed
However, the Black Students
Union and the Third World Liber-
ation Front stuck to their demands
for an autonomous Black Studies

r - both Detroit Democrats - said
t j the violence at Ferris was of
e "grave concern." They cited the
e racial overtones that have' accom-
panied much of the disturbance.
Black students, the senators
' said in their resolution, tave "ex-
pressed fear of being attacked by
white students and fear of in-
ability of local law enforcement
officers to handle the situation."

John Bentley, Ann Arbor City
Clerk, has been ordered to ap-
pear today before the Washtenaw
County Circuit Court to answer
charges that he illegally denied
the right to register to vote.
The charges were filed by
Paula B. Hencken who said Bent-
ley refused to let her register for
the April 7 local elections after
she admitted that she had voted


absentee ballot and its effect on ' follow."





mothers plan to
Ann Arbor welfare mothers will
meet today to plan a protest of
the rental policies of Long Shore
Apartments, 521 Long Shore
The mothers oppose a "rule of
thumb" policy which allows the
landlords to refuse to rent to fe-
males because they are on wel-
fare. The policy is set by the own-
er, Long Shore Management-De-
velopment Corp. of Detroit.
A strategy session is scheduled
for 1 p.m. today at the regular
meeting of Humanizing Existing
Welfare (HEW), a welfare rights
The mothers are expe.tced to go
en masse from the meeting to

confront landlord

the Michigan residency require-
"This is a very significant case,"
said Sallade, "because there is a
decided possibility that either sidei
might appeal to a higher court."
The specific issue at stake is{
whether the act of voting by ab-
sentee ballot in another state nul-
lifies attempts to fulfill the resi-
dency requirement for Michigan.
"The key element in. this case is
the intent of the voter," Sallade
Traditionally, when an individ-
ual living in Michigan votes for
a whole ballot of national and
local officials in another state,
he is not considered a potential
resident of Michigan.

-"It seems unlikely that a sys-
tem of this complexity, if ever
called upon, will perform w i t h
any degree of success."
According to Prof. Vander Velde,
one of three professors who wrote
the actual letter, the idea sprung
up spontaneously in the physics

ne college's curriculum committee
presented its majority and minor-
ity recommendations, which later
became the target of sharp cri-
ticism and ridicule.
Prof. James Gindin of the Eng-
lish department, the committee
chairman, presented the minority
report, which he said was "based
on the fact that language pro-
ficiency either is or is not valuable

A Detroit spokesman for Long
Shore yesterday defended t h e
policy. "This is a policy based on
experience," said the spokesman,
vho would identify herself only
as "Jan."
She claimed that while the pol-
icy was not written, it was regular
practice not to rent units to any-
:ne who is unemployed, on wel-
fare, or single.
Although "Jan" claimed the
policy was unwritten. Davis yes-
terday told a reporter who asked
to see a copy of the policy that he
would not allow the reporter to
see it.
"There's no reason for you to
have it," Davis said.
Davis would not define anv ri.

"We might make exceptions,"
she added. "If some everyday gal
came in, with her kids well scrub-
bed, and she loked like she was a
straight shooter, and her former
landlords said she was okay, and
she looked like a hard worker,
well, maybe we might stretch the
Haywood said yesterday the city
Human Relations Commission and
supporters of HEW had sent two
young, white girls to apply for the
apartments to test the policy after
a black ADC mother was reject-
The first girl, who told t h e
manager she was single, was ac-
cepted "eagerly" as a tenant, Hay-
wood said.

Princeton withdraws
credit fromn ROTC

PRTNCRTON N .T (A") _... T lip

Mrs. Hencken has been living in Princeton University faculty vot-
Ann Arbor since Aug. 1, 1968. ed last night to withdraw aca-
Bentley claims that persons who demic standing from all courses in
voted by absentee ballot in an- the school's Reserve Officer
other state last November must Training Corps program despite a
begin accumulating time for plea from U.S. Defense Secretary
Michigan residency from that Melvin P. Laird not to tamper
date. with the program.
Ann Arbor Democratic Party Princeton President Robert F.j
chairman Walter Scheider yes- Goheen confirmed that he had re-
terday explained, "Between 200 ceived a plea from Laird.
and 500 people may be affected The defense secretary wrote, "I
by the absentee voting rule-half am most concerned over actions
of them students." ' i -r -rn i.... - ao

quires notice of a full academic
year before changes can take 'f-
fect in the ROTC program with-
out the Pentagon's consent.
Goheen said, "We've had the
ROTC under scrutiny for years
and the steps we are taking are
not sudden."
He said he received the letter
from Laird on Feb. 14. The request
from the defense secretary may
have been sent to all Ivy League
colleges. It was learned that a
similar letter was received by
,Rrown Tnnivmrcfty Pnc-an+nr.


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