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March 01, 1969 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-03-01

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Page Eight


Saturday, March 1, 1969

Nixon, Urban plann
DeGaulle creating 'me
con fer "The nature of urban problems wide
is not limited to bricks and mor- eral
(Continued from Page 1) tar," says Prof. Gerald E. Cranesoci
chairman of the Department of quire
other leftist organizations called Urban Planning.
for a demonstration Saturday aft- cour
ernoon against Nixon and the war Crane believes that the depart- tory
in Vietnam. The rally was to take ment's graduate program must be to t
place at the Place de la Repu- geared toward providing a broadtot
blique, far from any place Nixon understanding of urban problems, Th
was supposed tony visiti in addition to teaching specific Sept
skills that a student can employ anal
Earlier in Rome hundreds oft dhem
leftist demonstrators tried to toward solving these problems. orde
march on the Palazzo Chigi while The first year of the two-year city.
Nixon was conferring there with(_-
Italian Premier Mariano Rumor.
Police turned them back after a |'|||||
battle.::>:::;:r : :::::

1in1 students aim at EXPERIMENTAL LEARNING:


tropolitan utopia'
gram is designed as an over- During the student's second year
of urban problems from a he concentrates on individual
range of perspectives. Gen- study in the area in which he
courses in political science, feels he is niost interested and has
ology, and economics are re- acquired the most expertise.
ed, in addition to a lecture During the final semester of the
se which deals with the his- second year all students in the
of the city from ancient times program participate in a group
he present day. seminar.
he program, which began last "There is no one individual of
ember, also emphasizes the any one skill that can deal with

OSO to offer leadership project


Following Nixon's departure to
Paris a discussion of the "ioting
In the Roman senate resulted in
fist fights in the senate itself.
Meanwhile, demonstrations were
breaking out all over the city but
were mainly directed at American
About 100 youths smashed the
windows of the American Express
building with a barriage of rocks.
Then they marched to Piazza di
9pagna and burned U.S. flags.
A mob of several hundred dem-
onstrators broke into the printing
plant of the Rome Daily Amer-
ican, fought with about 40 cm-
ployes smashed equipment and set
fire to rolls of newsprint with
Incendiary bombs.
The employes, all Italians,
fought with the demonstrators,
until police arrived and dispersed
the mob. The fire was extinguished
before it could spread to the rest
of 'the plant.
The American's general man-
ager, Robert Cunningham, esti-
mated loss in damage to the news-
print and plant at $20,000.
In other parts of the city, small
bands of youths moved out of
throngs on sidewalks, threw stones
and Molotoy cocktails at police,
then faded back into the crowds.
Police nabbed three of the dem-

V,11 N A L w ~ ll(lt L~UV]y A S hese problems any more," says
ytic tools a planner needs in Crane. Therefore, the concept of1
r to solve the problems of the teamwork among urban planning
students is highly stressed, he
Team efforts are applied in an
analysis of rural areas for their
development potential, based on
the factors of soil conditions and
topography. Students are also in-
volved in an area social study em-
phasizing the building and demo-
graphic features of a neighbor-
hood in north central Ann Arbor.
The students are also working
on the development of a simulated
metropolitan utopia.
Based on the model cities pro-!
gram, creation of the new city
involves a "total attack on the
problems of a given area."
Proposals for the city, which
' would be designed for location in
the Detroit metropolitan area,
f will be presented to the state and
federal governments in orderto
show how city development should
take place.
In creating the ideal city, stu-
dents must take into considera-
tion all of the various aspects of!
city planning in an investigation
of how different people from dif-
ferentabackgrounds can live in
peace and harmony.
The factors involved in consid-r
eration of the city include physical
design, population make-up, rec-
reational and entertainment fa-;
cilities, and future growth and

They began as a granfalloon.
No one knew what to expect ex-
cept a conference on rules of
parliamentary procedure or how
to conduct group discussions.
They were all leaders at their
universities and they had all
come to the conference. That is
about all they had in common
when they arrived.
Friday night they created
their granfalloons. They milled
around in a bunch of people and
haphazardly picked out eight
people to be with for the week-
By the end of the weekend
each granfalloon had become a
karass. If you read Vonnegut's
Cat's Cradle, you know t h a t
granfalloons are not supposed
to become karasses. But some-
how the hodgepodge of pers-
onalities had pulled together in-
to a closely knit group that
worked together and understood
each other.
This was a Leadership Con-
ference sponsored by the Hum-
ble Oil Education Foundation
and designed by the National
Leadership Institute. Fifteen
undergraduates from the Uni-
versity attended two confer-
ences for Midwestern colleges
last year and pronounced it a
So the Office of Student Or-,
ganizations is sponsoring a
leadership weekend March 21
through 23 for students here us-
ing the format of the Institute:
Tom Clarke, co-ordinator of
the project for the OSA, de-
Dems reveal
(Continued from Page 1)
The platform called for a may-

scribes it as "bordering on a T-
group or micro-lab. It is ex-
perimental learning, where we
let people discover for themselv-
Al Theiler, administrative vice-
president of IHA, says, "a n y -
body, not just leaders, can get.
anything they want from it.
You learn sensitivity to others,
and through others sensitivity to
your own weaknesses and
The conference begins .Friday
night, March 21, at 7:30 at the
High Scope Conference Center
in Clinton, when students will
split into their small groups-
granfalloons or karasses.
They will work within these
groups on tasks for their o w n
groups, or in conflict with other
groups, until Sunday at 4:00.
Will Smith, assistant to vice-
president in the OSA, is con-
ducting the lab.
The intensity of each person's
involvement within the group
welds it into a strong unit.
Joyce Weisshappel, president
of Couzens Hall, says, "You're
on a witness stand before your
group. But by the end you feel
as if you've known the people
almost all your life."
The.groups usually begin by
constructing a group painting to
reflect the personality of t h e
group. Al Theiler says that "the
painting created an incredible
amount of group loyalty. The
paintings are later used in "in-
tergroup warfare."
The the first task the groups
participate in decision-making.
Each group takes a multiple-
choice test in which the group
must decide on a single answer.s
Glenn Hahn, treasurer of Pan-
hel, said that in spite of the
control of the test, "the group
goes wild." She says the con-

flict situations which arise "can
get dangerous."
But Al Theiler says, "You
knew you could really hurt each
other if you wanted to, but no
one wanted too." She compares
it to a "friendship circle" -
where you stand in a group of
friends and let yourself f a 11.
trusting them to catch you be-
fore you hit the ground.
Tom Mowry, a vice president
of IFC, says, "The group seems
like conflict or co-operation-
depending on what glasses you
are wearing. But if you s t e p
back you see that it's a little
of both."
Glenn Hahn says too, "There
is a lot of sensory perception
stuff where you communicate
with your eyes and hands. You
become aware of other people's
needs. This awareness is neces-
sary when you are leading."
The groups rate each mem-
ber on his involvement with the
group. Later the conference pre-
sents a pattern of leadership
lifestyles, characterized by Dr.
Paul Rothaus, an officer of the
National Leadership Institute.
Dr. Rothaus describes the iso-
lated person "who operates for
himself alone," the opposite ex-
treme, the person who is sub-
missive to everyone else, and
the middle-of-the-road individ-
ual "who seeks to solve life's
problems through compromise."

The ideal leader is none of
these, but is one who "knows
what he wants and will I e a d
others to what they want."
The weekend ends with a
feedback session on the impact
of the weekend. Yet the im-
pact of the weekend lingers far
beyond the final session of the
Glen Hahn says, "You'll be
sitting at a meeting, trying to
lead a discussion and something
will hit you from the leadership
conference, and you try it, and
it works."
poll delayed
(Continued from Page 1)
degree at the University of Mich-
The survey will hope to pull a
standard percentage of return or
about 1100 individual responses. It
will draw from students of all
years in a representative sampling.
Though the original plan was
to, weight the survey towards Jun-
iors and seniors to get their hind-
sight opinions, the delay caused
by ISR's and Dean Hays' mone-
tary mixup also required the eli-
mination of the extra detail.


Watt epcag

PRESIDENT NIXON passes before French veterans yesterday at
the Unknown Soldier Tomb, under the Arch of Triumph.

.46 J4...'.'.. . . . ....':.tJ:.:' 4.:. :Y::"Y.."J:.

or's lobby to pressure the state
Designing a metropolitan utopia legislature for an amendment to
is no eymtask.Crane sum up existing state tax laws. Present
th. rbemwlhn esy, state laws forbid a sliding city
"The city is a product of society.
You can't have a better city until income tax, and a sliding rate of
you have a better society.'' exemption on property tax.
you ave beter ociey."The platform calls for a con-
r<:. .s:;:>"::"::.:.:...":>:;;::tinued fight "to intensify th e
struggle to end poverty amidst af-
E T IN Prof. Robert J. Harris, Demo-
cratic candidate for Mayor, en-
ET N =
I dorsed the platform yesterday.
In the area of national polr-
.::: ::::::<.:.::r :::::..::s:_:::.::.".::::.. tics, the Ann Arbor Democrats re-


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MARCH 4, 1969

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 358 L.S.A. Bldg., before
2 p. m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum or two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are
not accepted for publication. For
more information, phone 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Basketball: U-M vs. Wisconsin:
Events Building, 2:15 p.m.
Gymnastics: U-M vs. Iowa: Events
Building, after the basketball game.
Hockey: U-M vs. Wisconsin: Coli-
seum, 8:00 p.m.
Cinema Guild: Jeanne Moreau in
The Lovers: Architecture Auditorium,
7:00 and 9:05 p.m.
Degree Recital: Inga Piranian, cello:
School of Music Recital Hall, 8:30

seated as an ex-officio member of Stu-
dent Government Council.
Approved: That Wally Stromberg,
President of University Activities Cent-
er, be seated as an ex-officio member
of Student Government Council.
Appointed: Ronald Harris, Mary Liv-
ingston, Gary Rothberger, Gary Thorp
and Bruce Wilson to the Policy Com-
mittee for Vice President of Student
Appointed: Ronald Lafferty to the
Student Housing Advisory Board.
Appointed: Alex Nelson and Larry
Glover to Central Student Judiciary.
Appointed: Michael Farrell and Joan
Shemel to the Committee on Classified
Appointed: Carol Hollenshead to the
Martin King Scholarship Committee.
Approved: That Student Government'
Council allocate $60 to Michael Koeneke
for expenses at the BEig Ten Confer-
ence held at Northwestern this week-"
Approved: To grant temporary re-
cognition as a student organization to
"State Street Lost Bird Movie Makers"
(class of Professor Felheim). !
Approved: That Student Government
Council allocate up to $100 to "State
Street Lost Bird Movie Makers" toward
expense of making a movie, "Let's Play
University," and that SGC has access
to the movie.

young men regardless of their selective els of economics for international econ-S
service status. Please call 763-1363 to I omists.-
make appointments, or come in. The Rand Corporation, Santa Monica,
Calif., and N.Y.C.: PhD only in Econ.,
MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1969 Physics, Poli. Sci., and Masters and
Michigan Department of Civil Serv- PhD in Law, Math and Urban Plan-
ice, Lansing and statewide. All degree fling for theoretical research.
levels and majors for banking, biol.,
cartography, EDP areas, insurance, lib- SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE
rary, mgmt., trng., mktg. res., merchan- 212 S.A.B., Lower Level
dising, personnel, production, publ. ad- }Interviews at S.P.S.
min., publ. relations, purchasing, writ-
ing, statistics, social work, secretarial. INTERVIEWS THE WEEK OF MARCH 3
and recreation.
National Center for Health Statistics, MARCH 3, 1969
Wash. D.C., Bach. and Masters. in Camp Tamarack, Fresh Air Society,
Econ., Math, Psych., soc. and statis- Detroit. General Counselors, spec. in
tics for positions in statistical studies, waterfront, arts & crafts, nature-camp-
craft, tripping, music, dramatics, case-
TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1969 worker, unit supervisors, bus-truck dri-
Naval Personnel Research Laboratory, ver, camp physician, and nurse. Col-"
Wash., D.C.: Bach. and masters in lege credit up to 4 hours is avail, for
engl., gen. lib. arts, hist., journ., poll, work at Tamarack.
sci., soc. and all degree levels in econ.,_-
education and psychology, for d a t a MARCH 4, 1969
process., mgmt., trng., personnel, publ. Cedar Points on Lake Erie, Ohio in-1
admin., purchasing, and statistics. terviewing all day at Mich. Union,
Neiman Marcus, Dallas, Texas: All Room 3D. If you are talented at the
majors and degree levels for m g m t . performing arts come In for an audi-
trng., and merchandising. tion. Join the Courtesy Corp, be a
host or hostess team. Hundreds of con-
No interviews Monday, March 10 cessions positions open. Room a n d

solved to oppose the establish-
ment of the Anti-Ballistic Missile





Approved: That Stude.
General Nvtiies Council allocate $100 to1
sistance to bring Joan B
Harris to Ann Arbor on D
Women's Research Club Meeting: Dr. Approved: That SGC e
Patricia Berger Porcello, English Dept., ommendatin of the L.
'!The Use of the Railroad in American riculum Committee to a
Literature; Poetry, Folk-Song, and the credit for ROTC and urp
N novel", Monday, March 3. West Con- to accept this recommen(
ference Room, Rackham, 8:00 p.m. March meeting.
Approved: That SGC a
The Child Development Consultant of the cost of the wiv
Project, Dr. -Gerald Weinstein, author Restaurant) to David G.
from the University of Massachusetts at accident while engaged
Amhurst March 3rd, from 4 - 6 pm.the SGC co-sponsored "C
In the Shorling Auditorium of the Uni- cation," hoping thatt
versity High School on East University. $20 will be paid by UAC,
Topic: "The Disadvantaged: Challenge sponsor.
to Education." Apnroved: That SGC
the Regents and Pan He
Engineering Seminar, Professor Stuart tion that we contact of
Schwartz, Dept. of Electrical Engineer- versitles where Pi Beta T-
ing, Princeton University, "Analysis of Delta have chanters and
a Decision-Directed Receiver with Un- follow our action and th
known Priors", Monday. March 3, 4:00 sure on more than one
p.m., Room 1504 E. Engineering. rhanter, giving all of
In numbers. aiqinst the
Broadcasting Service: WUOM Radio crity. thus forcing the n
(91.7 Mc.) 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily: to take a position which
Saturday 12 Noon to 11 p.m.; Sunday urnon'titutional
12- Noon to 6 p.m. Apnroved: That SGC
Saturday 1:00 p.m. Institute on the faculty to accede t
Teaching Disadvantaged Youth: First lathe student body ant
of five lectures delivered at EMU, Dr. language requirement.
Cynthia Leutsch, Psychologist. NYU, on A nr'i t
yc g Approved: To place th
"Learning in the Disadvantage". Sa- ferendurn on the March
turday 2:15 p.m. Basketball - The U-M the Language Reuireer
vs. Wisconsin, reported by Tom Hem- and that the ballots 1
lngway from the Events Building. Sa- tween L.S.&A. School at
turday 5:15 p.m. Jazz Revisited - Ha- th S ca .s both slc
en'Schumacher presents Dances of the thcaproved: thsect
Twenties. Saturday 7:30 p.m. The Re- camnaign for the Diony
cord Collector with Prof. Warren Good. Fund.
Saturday 10:00 p.m. New Music, with Approved: That SGC a
George Cacioppo. Ann Arbor Committee t
Sunday 1:30 p.m. Directions in Child- Alive to bring Stephen
ren's Literature: Herbert Kohl reads Arbor.
from his book 36 Children. Sunday 2:00_
p.m. Cleveland Orchestra C o n c e r t,
George Szell conductor. Prokofiev, Hay- PlaCem 4
dn, Hozart.
STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL Placement interviews ai
AT ITS MEETING, FEBRUARY 27, 1969 sion, 3200 S.A.B. Please:
Approved: That Wendy Kress, Presi- ments as early as possil
dent of Parnhellenic Association, be sentatives are anxious

board avail. on the grounds.
Chesebrough-Ponds, Inc., Cleveland, ENGINEERING PLACEMENT SERVICE
Ohio and East Central Region: Ench., 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg.
Econ., Educ., Engl.. Gen. Lib. Arts, Make interview appointmene at Room
I and Psych for Inside and Territorial 128 H, West Engrg. Bldg. unless other-
Sales, wise specified.
Department of Health Education and MARCH 10, 1969
WefrOffice of Education, Wash. I Clarage Fan Co.
D.C.: Bach. and masters in Educ., Engl., National lank of Detroit.
Gen. Lib. Arts, and Poli. Set. for mgmt. Jervis B. Webb Co.
trng., publ. admin., and education ad- U.S. Gov't.
min. Naval Weapons Center Corona Labs.
& Naval Fleet Missile Systems
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1969 Analysis Evaluation Group
Dayton's, Minneapolis. Minn.: Bach.
in Gen. Lib. Arts, and Bach. and .......................
Masters in Econ. for management train-
ing and merchandising. 0IGANIZATIION
Department of Housing and Urban!
Development, Office of Education, see N0 NO ICES
Tuesday. above.
Time Travelers Insurance Companies,
Th rvlr nuac pneDetroit, Mich.: Bach. in Chem., Econ., :::;: :: ....;:;; :;:.
Engl., Gen. Lib. Arts. Hist., Math, Poli.I.'":: : ........"..
Sci., Psych., Business for Data Pro- "Marcuse. Philosophy En Titre of
cessing, Insurance, Mgmt. Trng., Mktg. the 'New Nihilism' " Lecture by Dr.
Research. Elliseo Vivas, Northwestern University.
THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1969 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 4; Room 3-B
Cole National Corporation, Cleveland. Michigan Union. 4th Annual Lecture of
Ohio and nationwide operations: Bach. the Society of Classical Liberalism. Re-
in Chem., Econ., Educ., Engl., Gen. Lib. quested announcement date: March 1,
Arts. Hist., Law, Philo., Poll. Sdl., 2, 3, 4.
Psych., and Soc. for management train-
ing positions. U of 31 Ski Club meeting, Tuesday,
n March 4, 7:30 p.m. Room 3C. Final
FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1969 plans and payment for Mont Tremb-
U.S. Treasury Department, Wash. lant trip. Also nominations for next
D.C., Office of the Asst. Secretary for years officers. Requested announce-
International Affairs - All degree lev- ment date Sun, and Tues., March 2 and |
The Fun Place uN

At State and Huron Streets
Hoover Rupert, Minister
Bartlett Beavin, Campus Minister
Interim Associate, William B. Lutz
9:00 and 11:15 a.m.- Morning Worsihp.
Sermon by Dr. Rupert, "How God Meets
Our Needs-2. Salvation-God Saves."
6:00 p.m.-Fellowship Supper.
7:00 p.m.-Fellowship Program. Dialog with
the Wesley Foundation Board Members.
12:00 noon-Luncheon Discussion-"Are the
Arabs and Israelis Pawns in the East-West
Conflict?" with Rev. Beavin. Out in time
for 1 :00 classes.
7:00 a.m.-Holy Communion, Chapel.
7:30 a.m.-Breakfast, Pine Room.
12:00 noon- Luncheon Discussion - "The
World at Our Doorstep: Far East," with
Rev. Lutz and International Students. Out
in time for 1 :00 classes.
7:00 p.m.-Square Dance, Wesley Lounge.
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
1511 Washtenaw Ave.
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 9:30 and at 11:00 a.m.-Services,
Communion in second service.
Sunday at 9:30 a.m.-Sunday morning class.
Sunday at 6:00 p.m.-Gamma Delta, the Rev.
T. Voss of Dearborn, speaker.
Wednesday at 10:00 p.m.-Midweek Lenten

1001 East Huron
Phone 662-3153
Minister: Calvin S. Malefyt
10:30 a.r.-Rev. Calvin S. Malefyt-"Com-
mitment and Assurance."
5:00 p.m.-Folk Worship-Bob Davenport,
former All-American football player speak-
ing. Everyone welcome,
W. Stadium at Edgewood
Across from Ann Arbor High
John M. Hamilton, Minister
10:00 a.m.-Bible School.
11:00 a.m.-Regular Worship.
6.00 p.m.-Evening Worship.
7:30 p.m.-Bible Study.
Tranportation furnished for all services-Call
NO 2-2756.
1679 Broadway (at Baits Drive)
Rev. William S. Baker, pastor 663-2969
Only 3 minute walk from Bursley Hall j
10:00 a.m -Forum (discussion group)
1 (unconventional building shared with St.
Aiden's Episcopal)
1236 Washtenaw
Donald Postema, Minister
10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship, "How Odd of
5:00 p.m.---Supper.
6:00 p.m.--Holy Communion.
On the Campus-
Corner State and William Sts.
Terry N. Smith, Minister
Ronald C. Phillips, Assistant
Services at 9:15 and 11:00 a.m. -- "The'
Cross and Loneliness," Rev. Terry N. Smith.
Doupglas Memorial Chapel open daily.

1432 Washtenaw Ave.
Phone 662-4466
Worship at 9:00 and 10;30 a.m.-The Rev.
Harold S. Horan, Associate Minister.
Presbyterian Campus Center located at the
306 N. Division
8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion.
9:00 a.m.-Holy Communion and Sermon.
11:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sermon.
7:00 p.m.-Evening Prayer.
(North Campus)
1679 Broadway
Service at 10:30 a.m.-Holy Communion.
During the service, the Calvary Players, udider
the direction of Norman Wilkinson, will
present "The Gift," a story of Abraham.
7~30 p.m.-Lenten midweek service of the
Holy Communion.
8:00 p.m.-Lenten Study Group Discussion,
"A Christian Style of Life."
1917 Washtenaw Ave.
Dr Erwin A. Goede, Minister
Church School and Service at 10:30 a.m.-
"Who Speaks for Children?" Guest Speak-
er Sally P. Vinter.
Student Religious Liberals at 7:00 p.m.
A L.C -L.C.A.
Hill St. at S. Forest Ave.
Donald G. Zill, Pastor
9:30 a.m.-Mass of a Pilgrim People.
S11:00 a m.-Matins-Sermon: "The Divinity
of Christ."
6:00 p.m. - Supper (60c)-Program:
"Egypt and the Middle East Crisis."
Speaker-Dalal Greiss.
7-15 n m.-Lenton Devotional Services.





To Gio


" Bedspreads
" Rugs
" Pillows
" Wall Hangings

1 i

330 Maynard
1 i:00 a.m.-"The Rite of Life."
423 S. Fourth Ave.
Telephone 665-6 149
Pastors: H. G Kroehler, A. C. Bizer,
W. C. Wright

1833 Washtenaw Ave.


a 111a








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