I I steve aiizalonue i, u(luiet despei'at*oi ~~4e 3fr4i4u aU Ell sictianatly Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan A tale of three Senators 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in aU reprints. SATURDAY, MARCH 1, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: BILL LAVELY Soc Union on tenure: A commendable recommendation AFTER A quiet off-season, political fig- ures are shaking off the lethargy of the long 1968 political campaign and are starting spring training for 1970. Ann Arbor, which incidentally has a mayoral election next month, has already seen a good assortment of senators, both old veterans and some of the season's rookies. ' New York Sen. Charles Goodell was in town last night with his friend Mary Esch; Phil Hart made several speaking appear- ances on behalf of mayoral candidate Rob- ert Harris; rookie Robert Packwood spent a quick four hours seeking student support for Harris' opponent Richard Balzhiser. And a couple of weeks ago, Wayne Morse, a casualty in last November's election, came as the opposite side of the coin to Strom Thurmond, the Southern troglodyte, who was here last month. Morse, a pretty Senate is Packwood, and Hart represent good cross-section of what the going to be, and what it could be. THE UNDERGRADUATE sociology union has taken a commendable step toward giving students a more equitable role in the departmental decision-making pro- cess. A proposal, passed by the union Thurs- day and to be presented to the depart- ment's curriculum committee Sunday, marks both a novel and pragmatic ap- proach to the thorny-prolelem of student participation in tenure decisions. The proposal asks for establishment of separate student and faculty committees that would both make tenure recom- mendations to the department. If the student - faculty committees agreed on a tenure question, their recom- mendations would become departmental policy and the decision would' be sent to the literary college executive committee for final judgment. If the two groups disagreed, the deci- sion would be resolved by a joint commit- tee composed of an equal number of students and faculty members, with a faculty chairman having final veto power. This is a radical departure from stand- ard department policy. Usually a depart- ment's executive committee provides tenure recommendations directly to the college's executive committee without consulting students, and sometimes un- observed by many faculty. IWAT SEEMS to bother many faculty members, at least on the surface, is just how three or four students sitting on a departmental executive committee can presume to represent the hundreds of concentrators in that department. This would easily be remedied under the sociology proposal, for it stipulates that the student tenure committee be informed of upcoming tenure 'decisions at least three months in advance of the time a decision must be reached. This would give the students ample oppor- tunity to hold a departmental forum and reach, by democratic processes, a decision representing all the graduates and under- graduates in attendance. Chi cago THE SELF - PROCLAIMED "World's Greatest Newspaper" - the Chicago Tribune - denied the existence of any student protests one day this week as a "protest" against protest. Keeping in line with our elders, The, Daily today denies the existence of Chicago. -MAYNARD One would hope the proposed faculty committees in each department would also take the forum (or all-faculty meet- ing) route so that they too could come to representative decisions. ANOTHER ASPECT of the tenure issue that disturbs the faculty is having students participate in what many pro- fessors consider "a highly personal mat- ter between professors." Yet the students, unlike the professors, would not be evaluating the professor from the standpoint of how well he re- searches or how much rapport he has with his colleagues. They would be evalu- ating the man solely on his worth as an educator, solely on how well he can teach. Consequently, the student committee would not be probing issues of personal- ity or issues that faculty members, quite understandably, would just rather not discuss with students. Instead they would be probing matters which they, as stu- dents, can demonstrate expertise. BUT TENURE is not an all or nothing proposition. There is a definite need for both the students and the faculty- to express their opinions on the value of a professor to his department. For to ex- clude one, as students have been excluded for years, is to take away from the ulti- mate quality of the decision. And this is what is so commendable about the sociology proposal. It delegates authority between the two groups on a basis of presumed competence. The number of times the two agree may not be as infrequent as some professors expect, since both are primarily interested in academic excellence. When there is a dispute that the joint committee finds itself unable to resolve, a compromise valve exists. The proposal stipulates that a faculty member would have final veto power. It would be even fairer to give a more im- partial party, for example, the literary college executive committee, final power in resolving departmental conflicts. Both faculty and student committee reports could be presented to the college execu- tive committee, where final judgment is ultimately passed anyway. THIS WOULD guarantee that both stu- dents and faculty members have a shared role in departmental decision- niaking, with what would hopefully be an equally impartial mediating body. It at least deserves a try. -RICK PERLOFF ROBERT PACKWOOD, who succeeds Morse in the Senate, is everything that Morse is not. Young, disarmingly good- looking with the voice of an urbane disc- jockey, Packwood is frightening when we see him as the trend in the Senate. Packwood is another of the super-image super-Republicans who fall outside the traditional bounds of liberal and conserva- tive. They are a new breed of pragmatists, an advanced, stage of Charles Percyism- very -Republican-youth-vigor-success, and moral insensitivity. At a reception last Thursday, Packwood demonstrated pragmatic appeal. For him, the question of ABM deployment is two- fold, "will it work, and is it necessary." He chides the liberals who are making it into a "moral issue." Considerations of a con- tinuing arms race, antagonizing the Rus- sians, and the distaste of spending so much money on weapons are not important to the Robert Packwoods. The answer to the ABM dilemma is a business-like pursuit of data that will give them the answer to that most essential of questions: "Will it work?" THE DEAD in Vietnam do not signifi- cantly phase Sen. Packwood. The little oposition to the war that he does muster seems to be built upon the fact that the Saigon government is not proceeding with land reform. When he throws in words like "market value" in discussing the Vietnam situation, one can see that his celebrated opposition to the draft is merely a busi- nessman's dislike of inefficiency. Packwood would not say that the draft is wrong; he would say that it does not work well and therefore should be replaced. Packwood is a cruel pill to swallow as the sucessor to Wayne Morse. The most comfoiting thought about his kind of poli- tician is that perhaps someday it will be replaced by a computer, as his type of ' pragmatism is carried to nth degree. Wayne Morse WITH THE twin defeats of Wayne Morse and Ernest Gruening last year. it becomes necessary to rely on 'people like Phil Hart to. preserve some semblance of moral sensitivity in the Senate. Hart is a dependable liberal, adequately independent to act upon his political principles. The Michigan senator's performance as regards the war has been very disappoint- ing for one who should have known better. But now, he shows himself to be sufficient- ly repentent for, as he puts it, the lack of "wisdom" to vote against the Gulf of Ton- kin resolution. His admission of culpability is certainly encouraging in the face of the current self-congratulation of the J. Wil- liam Fulbrights whose performance on war votes was no better than Sen. Hart's. THERE ARE other encouraging signs about Sen. Hart. On campus last Sunday, Sen. Robert Packwood in a meeting with Daily senior editors, he said that he would support amnesty for those Americans sitting out the war in Canada. Hart is also expected to introduce draft legislation of his own next week that will ask for reducing enlistment to one 'year after selection by lottery. Hart will probably oppose such things as campus investigations and Ilegislation to get law and order back on campus. But in any case, Hart should be returned to the Senate in 1970 if for no other reason than to keep out potential opponent Don Riegle of Flint, who is even more Packwood than Packwood. WE USED to have a choice between fire- breathing mavericks and wishy-washy lib- erals. Now the wishy-washy liberals are beginning to seem damn good. Sen. Philip Hart domiy culled notes randomly culled notes o randomly culled notes * manf Lolled notes 9 randomly culled notes 9 randomly culled notes e ra ndomly cu rtes " randomly culled notes s randomly culled notes * randomly 'culled not By HOWARD KOHN PROF. PETER FRANKEN of the University's physics depart- ment may yet prove to be 1968's most unheralded sage. A year ago Franken predicted that "there is a 50-50 chance Cali- fornia will be hit by a major, bone-shattering earthquake soon." "I would not want to live in California because I'm raising a' family and the risk is simply too great," he added, noting that the most likely place would be along the San Andreas Fault. On Thursday night two gentle, rolling earthquakes, centered 25 miles northeast of Los Angeles- squarely over the San Andreas Fault, hit for nearly a minute. The quakes measured 4.3 on the Richter scale--significant, but not enough to cause much damage. Still the odds in Las Vegas on Franken's prediction suffered a sharp blow. SEN. WILLIAM PROXMIRE (D-Wis.) continued his investiga- tion of Pentagon malfeasance by revealing "the United States is being cheated out of millions of dollars on petroleum contracts" used for military operations in Thailand. Proxmire said $1.2 million was lost on one contract alone with Asiatic Petroleum Corp. and charged Secretary of the Navy John Chafee with shoring up the waste. * * * WISCONSIN'S state assembly this week approved a bill to cut off financial aid to students con- victed for offenses rising out of campus demonstrations. The fever pitch of emotion against college protesters also hit the Wisconsin state university board of regents who urged that dissenters be expelled from school. "I'm in favor of kicking out a stu- dent and letting the courts decide if we were wrong," explained James Riley, a new appointee to the board. The state university board. however, has no direct control Gver the University of Wisconsin. * * * AGAINST THE WALL: Elvis Presley, who hasn't made a stage appearance since 1956, still com- mands a pretty fair price at the International Hotel in Las Vegas. He signed a four-week contract this week for an estimated $800,- 000. Only Barbara Streisand has received a higher salary at the hotel ... . . . Max Rafferty, unsuccessful candidate for the U.S. Senate, will seek a third term as superinten- dent of public schools in Califor- nia. Gov. Ronald Reagan is his bigest booster . . . Still loose after rains flooded their cages at "Afri- cas-U.S.A." in Parndale, Cal., are. four eight-foot crocodiles which were used for Hollywood movies. They're believed to be swimming in the Santa Clara River .. - . . . Foreign-built taxis used in a six-month test in New York got a strong favorable response from riders, but the drivers complained because the cars had no power steering . . . Bill Cosby has been named man of the year by Har- vard's Hasty Pudding Theatri- cals ... ... ACCORDING TO a Wayne State University study, Detroit's white policemen, which make up 92 per cent of the force, "believe the black community is overprivi- leged" . . . ... Two years ago a Los Angeles study committee set out to prove that a public transportation sys- tem was far superior to individual- ly-,driven cars in a megalopolis. This week the committee reported that cars are far superior to a public transportation system . . . G. Mennen (Soapy) Wil- liams has resigned as ambassador to the Phillipines . . . This week's death of King Saud, former ruler of Saudi Arabia, deprives Greece of its ideal tourist. Saud report- edly spent $10 million a year in Greece since being exiled in 1965 . And Joseph Ivasiatyn, 20, was sentenced to three to 13 years in a Philadelphia prison for stab- bing his wife, Shirley, 17, to death after she went out on the street in a bikini. Letters to the editor should be typed triple spaced and no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing, and those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. Unsigned letters will not be printed. A rent strike reply: Please define 'unconscionable,' Mr.,T alley 4IV (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following ar- tice was written by members of the Rent Strike Steering Committee.) T HE ARTICLE appearing in Tues- day's Daily by Thomas Talley attacking the rent strike is packed with inaccuracies, dubious logic and strong implications based upon fal- lacious information. The most blatant mistruth in Mr. Talley's article is the charge that the Rent Strike has not been willing to negotiate with landlords. The land- lords have refused thus far to enter into any kind of serious negotiations, although the Strike Committee has always been and is now ready to be- gin negotiations. Instead, the apartment landlords continue their belligerincies com- pounded by their own tacit man- euvering to destroy the student sup- port the strike now has. Despite Mr. Talley's guise as a dis- interested party he is in fact a land- lord himself. In addition, many strik- ing tenants have reported that their landlords have referred them to Mr. Talley for "objective" legal advice. Thus, we can only draw the in- ference that his article was but ah- other attempt by the landlords to dis- credit the intentions of the Strike Committee and to confuse the issues involved. WE ARE NOT concerned funda- mentally with the profit margins of Ann Arbor apartment owners. What commands our interest and the ma- jority of our time is the absymal con- ditions in which many students live. It is clear that all tenants-not just students-are being denied the right to decent housing at decent prices. The backlog of housing violations and the general condition of rental housing in Ann Arbor attests to the fact that tenants here are just not getting a fair deal. Given these objective conditions it becomes unavoidable: tenants must organize to deal with landlords from a position of strength. It would be Utopian to depend any longer on the University, the city, or on anyone but ourselves to rectify the existing in- equalities. MR. TALLEY claims Ann Arbor is a place where the student can live in "high style." But anyone who has lived here in an apartment knows what an imaginative leap it takes to cross from the building that violates safety codes, lacks maintenance serv- ice, never returns damage deposits to the city imagined by Talley. He claims that profit margins in Ann Arbor are eight to 12 per cent. But a study made in 1965 by Uni- versity graduate student Stewart Gordon revealed that two typical Ann Arbor apartment buildings yield- ed 18 to 25 per cent return to the landlords and beyond that, a seven to 10 per cent return to the manage- ment company. If it were true that landlords were in such a precarious financial posi- tion', why, then, have 50 new build- ings representing more than 2,000 new units been built here since 1964? MR. TALLEY further asserts that banks never write mortgages for less than 20 years. But data from the Washtenaw County Clerk's office re- veal that most mortgages are written for less than 15 years in Ann Arbor and that only a very few exceed 20 years. IT IS TRUE that Ann Arbor has high property taxes as Mr. Talley in- dicated in his article. But he disre- garded the causes for those high taxes. According to City Tax Assessor (see Action Line, Ann Arbor News, Feb. 13, 1969): "When appraising in- come-producing property, the income produced by that property is also taken into consideration in the as- sessment process." It is also clear that managers have no intentions of correlating their rents with taxes. The Ann Arbor City Council has passed a statement of intent to lower the property tax rate in the city next year, but the land- lords are still promising higher rent. In actuality, property taxes dip into the managers' income very little. Property taxes can be deducted as "expenses" from federal income tax. Further, the managers can repeat- edly make tax write-offs for building depreciation, thus placing the burden upon Ann Arbor home-owners. IT HAS BEEN suggested Ann Ar- bor rents "really" aren't exhorbitant. Acting on Mr. Talley's suggestion, we consulted the Detroit Free Press for comparative data on rents in the Detroit area. While we found com- parable rent ($265 for two bedrooms) the facilities were quite incompar- able. In Southfield, a Detroit 'suburb, that price included two bathrooms, swimming pool, private club, brand- new kitchen, 1570 square feet of liv- ing space (compared to Ann Arbor's 750-1000 square feet). A comparable apartment in Ann Arbor-such as those offered by Apartments Limited at 515 Walnut St.-averages near $360 per month. WHILE MANHATTAN rents may at times rival Ann Arbor's, the negli- gent mantenance and general service in Ann Arbor are beyond comparison. Further, a majority of the buildings in New York City now have rent con- trol. And the city council there is moving to extend. such control to even more apartments. MR. TALLEY'S comparison of pri- vate apartment costs to dormitory costs is spurious. We can draw a valid comparison between university- owned and privately-owned apart- ments. The Northwood apartments for married students offer two-bed- has conducted research in the area of consumer credit. He states: "The fact that a tenant has withheld his rent would only have a remote possibility of ad- versely affecting a tenants' or'his parent's credit rating. First it, would be most unusual for a credit reporting service to pick up this kind of' information. A recent study in Ann Arbor showed that these reporting services sometimes failed to report even such major matters as bankrup- ticies. "Second, most credit reporting services do not make ratings 'per se.' They compile facts con- cerning the debtor. Potential creditors willing to pay the price purchase these facts and then evaluate the debtor's record themselves. It is improbable that rent withholding on the part of one who is in other respects a good credit risk would substan- tially impair his ability to obtain credit." Again, the most obvious misrepre- sentation in Mr. Talley's article is that students have not made attempts to negotiate with the landlords. We offer the following statement by Mark Schrieber who was chairman of the Student Housing Association at the time landlord-tenant discus- sions were broken off: "For the past two years, re- sponsible student leaders have 4ri~l oA *nmnniean~n d0thei. r wrin.- * 4 fused to come because an an- nouncement of the meeting was published in The Daily. They con- sidered openness a sign of bad faith - they wanted all proceed- inp-c to ha crrn-I nd kept from trap. Our attorneys are dedicated to the premise for the strike: that in the " over-whelming majority of cases in Ann Arbor tenants are compelled to sign unconscionable I~s~aP ~o nt~ ,hfn in hmihr _Tnenrn inn - k;;:r. ...1