Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan ,:::n:;..Ik. p'I.x#I:L";... :w::::.. . . . .; fi}."}f"tiESt :..".~%. ..v...,....v. :::::%t.ceterisV ..t.. .a b u Californiia: The politics of unreality jenn ii 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in aIl reprints. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: STUART GANNES Voter registration: Out of student control SINCE ITS conception, politics has been a game of maintaining, as well as obtaining power. And many kinds of moves have ap- peared on the political chessboard - from the natural use of influence which accompanies a governmental post, to the basest payoffs and ballot box stuffing. But perhaps one of the most odious means of maintaining political power, has been the -frequent attempts to tamper with the electorate, rather than the elec- tion results. THE WORDS "GERRYMANDERING" and "rotten borough" conjure up images of sinister nineteenth 'century politicians carefully carving up electoral districts to insure maintenance of their power. But, with the recent "one-man, one- vote" ruling of the Supreme Court-and other electoral reforms which preceeded the ruling - such political machinations Have seemingly disappeared. At least they have gone underground. In Ann Arbor, state law has allowed for a new, relatively unique kind of tampering with the electorate - the dis- enfranchisement of University students. The state law in question provides that "no elector shall be deemed to h a v e gained or lost a residence ... while a stu- dent at any institution of learning." Thus it bars college students at away- frorn-home schools like the University from participating in the control of the government which exerts significant con- trol over their lives for four years or more. OT SURPRISINGLY, students have a great deal of difficulty registering to vote in Ann Arbor. For once admitting to their educa- tional status, they are subjected to a series of questions which are totally in- Aux Armes.! IT LOOKS AS if student demonstrators at the University will be confronting a much more powerful city police force in the future. Yesterday the state commander of the American Legion pledged the support of 72,000 Michigan Legionnaires to the Ann Arbor Police in curbing disruptive tactics by student pressure groups. The commander telegrammed the an- nouncement'to Police Chief Walter Kras- ny warning the chief that he expects "problems" at the University this semes- ter. The chief hasn't as yet replied. -J. H.- Editorial Staff HENRY GRIX, Editor STEVE NISSEN RON LANDSMAN City Editor Managing Editor STEVE ANZALONE............ Editorial Page Editor JIM HECK................. Editorial Page Editor JENNYSTILLER..............Editorial Page Editor PHILIP BLOCK ...........Associate Managing Editor MARCIA ABRAMSON .. Associate Managing Editor LESLIE WAYNE............ ..".......... Arts Editor JOHN GRAY.Literary Editor PHOTO EDITOR . ............Andy Sacks appropriate to the determination of a citizen's ability to vote intelligently - questions concerning financial independ- ence, plans after graduation, and even such pleasantries as where last summer's vacation was spent. These questions, of course, are direct- ed at determining the student's "real" residence, and the nature of his commit- ment to Ann Arbor. Thus, while non- students are allowed to register after liv- ing in Ann Arbor for only 30 days, stu- dents find it virtually impossible to secure the vote after four years in this would-be All American City. Sadly, the city clerks who administer these interrogations are fully supported by the law, as an opinion issued earlier this week by state Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley demonstrates. What is needed then, is a change in the law. Or, barring that, the law must at least be allowed to pass into oblivion by disuse. THIS PATH to disuse is well lit. The voting restrictions would follow the steps of innumerable archaic statutes which, though on the boks, are simply too ludicrous to enforce. Very likely, however, there will be a great deal of resistance to the en- franchisement of students. For those in power believe that giving full voting rights to students will precipitate a de- cline in their own power. Hopefully they are correct. The Re- publican Party has denuded c i t y gov- ernment of concern for the underprivi- leged, for the students and even for simple honest and clean government in such matters as the enforcement of building codes. It is time for a change. But finding the means to effect that change, finding a way to win the vote for students, is a difficult task, indeed. Surely, electoral reform is needed and hopefully, the legislature will act favor- ably on proposals which would give stu- dents the vote. But the legislature is slow - a n d conservative. A quicker, more effective means of driving the statute into obliv- ion is required. pERHAPS, SIMPLE CIVIL disobedience in the best tradition of the registra- tion marches in the early 1960s in the South may be what is needed. Some students have in the past con- cealed information from the clerk about their financial status. Perhaps some concerted effort in this direction would sufficiently minimize the use of the election law as to make it in- operative. For if every student were fin- ancially independent and had spent his summer in Ann Arbor, there would be no point in the city clerk even bothering to ask about it. In response to an election law as op- pressive and undemocratic as the pre- sent one, a wide range of tactics could well be justifiable. For the right to vote, especially where that vote could make so much difference to so many people, is worth defending. -MARTIN HIRSCHMAN (EDITOR'S NOTE: For those of our readers who have never had the good fortune to take a course in the economics depart- ment, "ceteris paribus," the title of Jenny Stiller's column, is Latin for "everything else remainingthe same," which everything does, even after Miss Stiller finishes writ- ing.) "UNIVERSITY of California employes said they saw Eric Davidson severely beaten as he lay screaming and crying 'please don't hit me anymore"; reported the Daily Californian recently. "Davidson, a tall, blond youth who says he is a non-striker, recalled that he was on his way to class when he stopped at Sather Gate to see what was going on." Seeing policemen beating a black re- porter, Davidson tried to stop them be- cause that seemed to him the only moral thing to do. "He was immediately clubbed to the ground and was quickly taken to the base- ment of Sproul Hall. The two plainclothes- men . . . threw Davidson in a corner and beat him into semi-consciousness. "Then the two men dragged him down the hall by his ankles, leaving a trail of blood . . . . Davidson had his two front teeth knocked out, needed five stitches to sew up the gash in his head, and acquired numerous bruises on his body as a result of the beating . .." * '. FEEL POLARIZED? Just remember that those cops with those clubs are backed up by the governor, the regents, the legis- lature, and most of the voters of the sovereign State of California. Now how does it feel to be a student? The necessary first step toward under- standing what has been going on at public college campuses all over the Golden State this year is to absorb the concept that Cali- fornia just isn't quite like anywhere else. If you are young, if you have any human sympathies or sensibilities at all, it is in- evitable that you will find yourself facing the policemen's clubs along with the most diehard revolutionary. The key word to remember when dealing with California's student-establishment relations is "polarization." Never before in recent history have so many felt such deep mutual antipathy-even hatred-for s6 many others. Because there is no middle ground, the student finds himself at the barricades because there is no other place to go. THE POLICE at Berkeley and San Fran- cisco State are not an aberration; they are allowed to act as they do because Gov. Reagan and the legislature-even its liberal members-back them up, partly from their own totalitarian predilections, partly be- cause they feel that it is politically ex- pedient. The frightening thing is that they are probably right, for such action is vigorously applauded by a sizeable portion of the Letterf 0 electorate of the sovereign state of Cali- fornia. To understand California politics in gen- eral, and its treatment of students in par- ticular, it is therefore necessary to make some attempt at analyzing this unique electorate, which within a five-year span has sent George Murphy to the U.S. Sen- ate, elected Ronald Reagan governor, and retired former Senate Minority Whip Thomas Kuchel in order to give Max Raf- ferty the Republican nomination for his Senate seat. Most Californians are transplanted Mid- westerners. They are ordinary middle-class Americans who left Detroit or Chicago or Minneapolis or any of the towns in between to seek the good life in the sun. And when they went West, they took their middle- class Midwestern values and political con- servatism with them. BUT IN CALIFORNIA they met some- thing they hadn't had to confront in the Midwest--change on a mammoth scale. It is not for nothing that Los Angeles and freeways are synonomous. Movement is a way of life in California; movement and speed and noise. The millions of migratory Midwesterners suddenly found themselves a part of the most dynamic society in America today, and adapting to that so- ciety left its scars on their personalities. The tension of California increased their already considerable insecurity over their social and economic status, particularly in and that seems to have made the crucial the face of the growing challenge of the difference. Negro. Not only were there the Joneses to keep up with on a larger scale than ever before, they also had to keep ahead of the blacks. THIS IS NOT to imply that the Califor- nia electorate is uneducated, and was therefore hostile to higher education. The misplaced Midwesterners' disaffection goes deeper than that. The white-collar menials in the suburbs of Los Angeles had been to college, so they had no quarrel with universities as such. In fact, they contributed much in support of building up what once seemed the most impressive system of state colleges and universities in the nation. They had attended college during the Depression, usually at great financial sacri- fice, and they saw college in a purely utilitarian light. Universities were valuable to society because they trained future teachers, businessmen, doctors and engin- eers. They were valuable to the individual' because the diploma was a passport to a higher income and a more prestigious job than one could get without it. Their view of higher education was en- tirely consonant with their materialistic view of society. This view was and is of course, not limited to California. But like everything else it is more intense there, SO WHEN A NEW generation of stu- dents began to challenge the meal-ticket function of the universities, the public re- belled. For if the students were correct in their contention that there is some- thing-be it social justice or personal ful- fillment-which is more important than material success, the lives of a fantastic percentage of Angelinos aiqd even a large number of San Franciscans would be mean- ingless. It was a threat which could not go un- challenged, and indeed it has been met, first with decreased appropriations .and now with billyclubs and tear gas. Thinking of students as subhuman demons motivated by the international Communist conspiracy allows that vast majority of the California voters who favor Reagan's "get tough" approach to ignore the students' challenge to their funda- mental values, and in turn alienates ever- increasing masses of students who find themselves flocking to the barricades in self-defense. The climate of political unreality which breeds such polarization exists to a lesser extent all over the country, but only in the intensity of California has it come to full fruition-so far. *i 40 Prof. Harris on housing To the Editor: CAPTIOUS fellow that I am, I succumb willingly, nay eager- ly, to the temptation to comment on the response of Prof. Harris (Daily, Feb. 25) to the commend- able offer of Professor Balzhiser to help bring rent strikers and landlords into prompt negotia- tions. The response in question struck me as vacuous but not wholly devoid of entertainment value. First of all, Harris arbitrarily labels Balzhiser's civic concern as "hypocritical"-it seems that Pro- fessor Harris not only reads the law but mens' minds as well. In his case, palmistry, too, may like- ly be a favorite leisure-time activ- ity. In so defining Balzhiser's motivation, Harris is confusing his certainty with absolute certain- ty. Furthermore, Harris sweeping- ly describes student housing as "outrageous" (for which, pre- dictably and from the fullness of a generous heart he holds Re- publicans responsible). Now for me, at least, the implication of such a statement is that the over- whelming majority of stu'dent renters are in fact living in un- safe, unhealthy apartments and paying exorbitant rent for this "privilege." But is this the truth of the matter? Are the strikers, indeed, the "good guys" and the landlords the "bad guys"? Do the facts so clearly and substantially favor the one party over the other? I won- der. Perhaps once again Piof. Harris is confusing his certainty with absolute certainty. To close out this award-winning essay, let me observe that Profes- sor Balzhiser is willing and anxious to become involved in the :esolu- tion of-ahcommunity dispute-a praiseworthy posture; Prof: isor Harris, apparently, is willing Io stand offstage and throw spitballs -a praiseworthy posture? -Prof. E. M. Shafter, Jr. College of Engineering Feb. 25 n hef Rollo May To the Editor: HIS IS ABOUT Dr. Rollo May's lecture on myths and inter- personal communications. He said that one of the main steps towards solving the problem of identity lies in bringing back the myths or for a mythless society to create its own myths. I do not agree completely with Dr. May's solution, but there seems to be an element of truth in it. For a man in 20th Century, it is difficult to draw a line between mythical figures and historical figures who lived long time back. Therefore, he can draw not only from the myths but also history. I come from a civilization which is loaded with myths. In India, mythical figures, even when they are divested of their divine wings, have continued to help man to- wards a sense of purpose. As far as symbols go, the river Ganges and the Himalayas have been the symbols of the noblest things that a man could ever think of. Even the most modern Indian is not immune to the mystical and mythical attraction of these noble symbols. But all this does not make the problem of identity any easier for an Indian. But one definite point in favor of Dr. May is that these myths and symbols get a guy started on the way to I do not know what! In these days of widespread communication (?) and racial mixing, a man tends to be short- sighted if he looks only to his country or his religion for myths. The iodern man is heir not just to the myths and heritage of leis own people, but to the myths and the heritage of the entire world. -P. R. Vishwanath, Grad. Feb. 25 Social jargon To the Editor: THE NEW SEMINAR course to be offered by the 'University on Jewish-Arab relations, a course "aimed at objective appraisal and systematic study of the explosive Middle East," could be an inte- resting one. The man who will lead the seminar, Joseph Ben-Dak,' seems to me to be a capable per- son. But it would be a travesty to advertise the course as one in which the participants would get, according to Ben-Dak, "a broad objective view of the conflict." Ben-Dak is not a neutral observer; neither is he merely a committed, but non-participating, advocate of one side. He is a man who, in the 1967 war, claims to have inter- rogated Egyptian prisoners for Israel's intelligence service-hard- ly an objective scholar. There is also a fraudulent im- plication in the designing of the proposed course. The implication is that the Middle East dispute is amenable to solution by utilization of the academic tools of "conflict resolution." To bring to bear "quantitative analysis, conflict theory, and other social science disciplines" upon the political and historical roots of the continuing Arab-Israeli confrontation, is about as useful as applying magic potions. The last thing needed by an occupied and dispossessed peo- ple, or by an occupying and dis- possessing'people, for that matter, is social conscience jargon. -Larry Hochman Feb. 24 Letters to the editor should be typed triple spaced and no longer than 300 words. All let- ters are subject to editing, and those over 300 words will gen- erally be shortened. Unsigned letters will not be printed. BYS oand girs, let's coed 7oor! By MICHAEL THORYN rrE HARRAD EXPERIMENT is becoming more of a reality at the University. Both with and without University sanction the age-old taboos against men and women living next to one another are being disregarded. In- stitutional co-ed housing is the wave of the future. Inter-cooperative housing, dormitory housing and fraternities all seem to be joining a gen- eral movement away from rigid separation of the sexes in giant repressive buildings. In the fall in one house of the Inter-Cooperative Council, John Nakamura, women will live next to men. Some dormitories are also considering the possibility of ,co-ed floors or corridors. THE RAPID MOVE toward institutional co- educational housing shows that the University has come a long way in breaking down many silly barriers Phat separated the sexes. Way back in 1962 the University had a Dean of Men and a Dean of Women. The D'ean of ed, Markley and South Quad (converted) were immediately popular. And now, only one Uni- versity dormitory is not co-educational. When Nakamura co-op passed the motion to go co-ed in the fall, it was by a margin of 27-1. The only no vote was a forty-year old grad who tenaciously argued that the move was "unwise." ICC president Don ."Stewart calls the move "no big thing. Women will have to work and cook about five hours in the houses like every- one else in return for the lower cost housing and community democracy. It will be more of a family living situation." Actually, having women live with men in the same structure is not new to the cooperative movement. Two co-ed co-ops have been opera- ting successfully at Wayne State University in Detroit for the past year. Co-ops at the Univer- sity of Toronto and at Waterloo in Canada have had the arrangement for the past several years. Stuart Lester, house manager at one of the Wayne co-ops said the arrangement is working out "real well." Approximately 26 people live in would be able to interrelate without being in a sex situation." Miss Theiler's plan for men to live on half of Bush's eight corridors may not come into effect in time for the fall term. The Hughes Housing Committee has asked for more information and the position of the Residence Hall Board of Governors is uncertain. Also working against Bush's effort are two other factors, reapplication for fall dormitory spaces has already begun and like all dorms Bush has "gang-type" washrooms. Judging from the speed of University com- mittees and the number of sources likely to be consulted, it is unlikely there will be co-ed hous- ing in dormitories before fall of 1970. FRATERNITIES ARE going co-ed too. The plan for women as associate members of Phi Epsilon folows a precedent set at Stanford and Pennsylvania Universities. One Phi Ep member is happy that women will be close at hand but feels it is just as well that they are on the other side of the house. * 'Cut and fill . .. cut and fill . .. cut and fill' 0' ::.::: NEI