See editorial page
Sir Ct~~
Cloudy with occasional
snow flurries
Vol. LXXIX, No. 86
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, January 12, 1969
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Brandeis expels
65 black students
WALTHAM, Mass. (R) - Despite promised expulsion, some
65 Negro studehts remained in possession of a key building at
Brandeis University yesterday to enforce a set of demands,
including control of a proposed Afro-American studies
Brandeis' president, Morris B. Abram, announced he is
recommending expulsion of the rebel black students, who
have been in control of Ford Hall, since last Wednesday.
The building contains the school communications center,
computer and some laboratories.
Regents to review dorm residency rules
The University's policy of re-
quiring sophomore women, and
all freshmen to live in dormi-
tories will receive an extensive
review Thursday when the Re-
gents meet for what may prove
to 'be a lively open hearing.
The issue is so complex and
the divergence of opinion so
great that no one is willing to
predict the outcome. For while
nearly all of those testifying
before the Regents will recom-
mend elimination of t h e re-
is made optional? Is it an edu-
cationally sound move to allow
greater choice for all students?
The Regents must answer
these and other questions be-
fore arriving at a decision.
The most significant impetus
for elimination of the require-
ment has come from two Uni-
versity-wide studies, the Reed
Report in 1962 and the Hatcher
Commission report in March.
With regard to mandatory
residency in dorms, the Reed
report stated, "The committee's
studies indicate that the ele-
ment of compulsion significant-
ly impedes the achievement of
educational goals." The report
concluded that the "availabil-
ity of choice is educationally
sound and emotionally impor-
However, the recommenda-
tion was tempered by the state-
ment that the movement to-
ward more freedom of choice is
"necessarily limited by fiscal
requirements. Although a n y
change from present policy will
have to take place gradually, it
should begin immediately."
The change has been slow. In
1962, senior women were first
permitted to live out of dorms
or sorority houses. In 1965, jun-
ior women received the same
right. There has been no change
since then.
However, the movement to-
ward greater freedom began to
gain support again following
the completion of a second ma-
jor University-wide report is-
sued in March 1968. The Presi-
dential Commission on the Role
of Students in Decision-Making
(Hatcher Commission) issued
then recommended that "the
University move as rapidly as
possible toward a policy under
which residence hall living will
not be compulsory at any level."
In the past year pressure has
again built-up for further lib-
eralization, That pressure abat-
ed, however, when then Vice
President for Student Affairs
Richard Cutler reported to the
Regents last May on the feas-
ibility of such liberalization.
According to University Hous-
ing Director John C. Feldkamp,
the report by Cutler "painted
a gloomy picture" of the eco-
nomic consequences the move
would have on the dorm system.
Cutler, however, recommended
t h a t a further study of the
problem be made in the fall
term of 1968.
But that study and the de-
liberations of the B o a r d of
Governors of the Residence
Halls have failed to reach a
consensus on what should be
Using data from the exper-
ience of three other Big Ten
schools, the housing office con-
cluded that a small percentage
of freshmen would decide to
live out of the dorms, partic-
ularly if a statement urging
them to spend their first year
in University housing were sent
to them and their parents.
Given a slow-exianding off-
campus market and a small loss
of freshmen . . . our residence
halls should be filled to capac-
ity next fall," Feldkamp said.
However, if the off-campus
market is capable of handling
a greater nufnber of students
or if a bigger percentage of
freshmen decide to live out of
dorms than anticipated, hous-
ing officials say it may cost the
dorm system $100,000.
For that instance, Stockwell
Hall would be closed for plumb-
ing and electrical renovations
that can be more easily accom-
plished in an unoccupied build-
Stockwell normally provides
about $100,000 in excess rev-
enue each year and that $100,-
000 loss would slow plans for
expansion of University hous-
ing in the apartment field,
Feldkamp says,
That eventuality will o n l y
compound another s e r i o u s
problem in the University com-
munity, the tight off-campus
See REGENTS Page 10
His announcement came three
hours after he said the black stu-
dents, barricaded in the build-
ing, failed to send representatives
to a negotiations meeting arrang-
ed with them.
"No university can have its aca-
demic program and structure dic-
tated to by student violence and
negotat ionthreats," he said.
Abram announced the expulsion
move at a news conference in his
office in the administration build-
From Wire Service Reports ing, the front entrance of which
A reasonable calm continued for directly faces Ford Hall, where
the second day at San Francisco the blacks were in command.
State and, San Fernando Valley j Most of the invading students
Colleges as quiet but persistent at- were hidden behind-closed vene-
tempts at reconciliation continued. tian blinds on the ground level of
S. I Hayakawa, acting presi- the building, and doors and win-
dent at San Francisco State, con- dows were barricaded and locked
tinued to meet informally with with chains
Roscoe Blount of the Black Stu- WHITE STUDENTS
dents Union and two outside nego-
tiators in an. attempt to settle About 150 other students, most
some of the issues that have kept of them white, sat in at the ad-
the urban campus in turmoil for ministration building lobby, list-
months ening to speeches by their leaders.
Shortly after Abram's an-
"We have reached a certain de- nouncement ofthe expulsion
gree of trust in one another," move, abouit 100 of the sympa-
Hayakawa said after talking with thizers went outside for a picket
Blount, although he later conced- march in front of Ford Hall. They
ed that he was not optimistic moved quickly in the cold, with a
about reaching an early settle- brisk, wind making the 25-degree
ment of the long student rebellion, temperature seem chillier.-g
A teachers' strike that had add- Abram told his news conference
ed to the chaos on campus also that the blacks demands anid ac-
appears far from resolution. tion in seizing the building were
San Francisco Mayor Joseph a "threat" to the university's
Alioto criticized'Gov. Ronald Rea- academic freedom and inte-
gan in a speech Friday when he griy . '
said "state intervention with Na- 'The real issue is whether we
tional Guardsmen and their bay- or any other university can sur-
oneted rifles" was unneccessary. vive," he said. "We must ask our-
And a threat by Reagan to fire selves . . if this or any univer-
s ity can permit a small dissident
4 faculty members who struck for group to substantially disrupt its
more than five days was at least educational mission.
partially thwarted when 23 of 57
department chairman refused to ACADEMIC FREEDOM
submit attendanace records of "Where students adamantly de-
professors. mand control of area powers
In a joint statement they de- properly in the domain of the fac-
nounced the demand because "it ulty, nothing less than academic
tends to foster distrust and disin- freedom itself is under assault."
tergration in each department, dis- Abram said he did not see the
tort our function as department necessity for forcible removal of
chairmen and ultimately set fel- the rebel students at this point.
low teachers agains teach other." "In my judgment, force is
At San Fernando clashes re- never necessary, especially in a
ceded although militants have university," he said.
urged a classroom strike for to- Brandeis obtained a court in-
morrow that may bring more flare- junction directing the students to
ups. A short ten-minute march to leave Ford Hall. He said he be-
the administration building was lieved an attempt had been made
peaceful, unlike the one the pre- to serve the injunction, but said
vious day that saw 286 persons he did not know whether it suc-
arrested. ceeded.
'Uoffers new course
in studenlut leaders1ip
By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN One highlight of last term's
University credit for student course which will probably be re-
activism? It's not an impossibility. peated in many sections this term
was a discussion of "the contem-
quirement for sophomore
men, the removal of the sti
lation for freshmen has ra
serious economic a n d edt
tional issues.
What will be the impact
the decision on the alre
tight Ann Arbor housing r
ket? C a n the dorms rem
economically stable if reside
t of
Ed school deanship off ered
men are sentenced to 20 years
in prison for selling an ounce of
marijuana, a drug described by
top researchers as a "relatively
mild intoxicant," yet the use of
marijuana is growing and spread-
ing from coffee houses to frater-
Snity houses.,
TheNational Student Associa-
tion (NSA) and the American
Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
have decided that what has hap-
pexiedis that penalties regulating]
marijuana in America are totally
out of proportion with the nature
of the drug and the people who
use it.
Both organizations recently an-
nounced that they plan to workj
.this year for changes in the lawsI
surroundingruse and possession of
marijuana, and for an end to
what NSA calls society's "hypo-!
crisy and inhumanity toward its
NSA officials, citing the results
of a three-year study of drugs
and their effect on students, have
anounced that NSA will begin
"campaigns to place on the ballot
by 1970 various schemes for mari-
juana regulation-from legal sales
in stores (like alcohol) to reduc-!
tion of criminal penalties."
At the same time, ACLU has
urged removal of criminal penal-
ties for use and possession of ma-
rijuana (which are now felonies'
punishable by up to 40 years in
prison in some states), and said
it will take on selected cases
of individuals charged with theseI
Charles Hollander, who has.
headed NSA's Drug Studies Pro-I
gram since 1965, said the number
of students arrested for drug
charges across the country in
Former 'U professor
has no definite plans
Outgoing Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare
Wilbur Cohen has been offered several important University
posts, including dean of the education school, high admin-
istration sources report.
However, Cohen, a former professor of public welfare
administration in the University's social work school, says he
has made no definite plans past Jan. 20 when he leaves office.
President Robben Fleming says he has not made a choice
for the. education school post, but that Cohen is being con-
Cohen will not say he has been
offered the deanship, but admits
he has exchanged a "number of
observations" with President
Fleming concerning the education
Cohen reportedly will accept the
position if two conditions are met:
- he is provided with two top-
level assistants who would relieve
him of some of the administrative
responsibilities, freeing him to
continue his extensive outside ac-
tivites :
Daily-Thomas R. Copt
Girl talk
As sorority women entered the first weekend of formal rush one g
but this is the first weekend of two weeks." The hectic pace, howl
this year, since the number of women registering for rush declined
LSA faculty meets t(
rirl re.marked- "It isn't terrible vet_
1968 has risen 800 per cent over
1967 for the same September-No-'
vember period. Sixteen thousand to ebate
students were arrested during the t
ten weeks after school started last'
fall, Hollander said. By DAVID SPURR
"The issue of drugs," according
to NSA President Bob Powell, "has The controversy over language
plunged the campus into one of and distribution requirements may
its worst internal crises, and has flare into a direct confrontation
driven another wedge between a between professors and students
large and growing number of stu- tomorrow at the monthly meeting
dents, and their elders. of the literary college faculty.
"Intensifying the situation are The meeting will be devoted
the two- and three-year sentenc- solely to discussion of course re-
See ACLU, Page 6 quirements, but will be closed. The
coulrse req
rRadical Caucus, however, has de
manded that the faculty take de
finite action this month and plans
to send students to the meeting
"We're going to have people g
to the meeting," Radical Caucus
member Martin McLaughlin, '71
said. "I know the meetings have
beef closed in the past, but we'll
have to see what happens."
Inaugurated on an experimental
basis last term, a two-hour sem-
inar entitled "Leadership and Stu-
dent Organizations" allows parti-
cipants close scrutiny of problems
facing the university and the role
students can play in finding solu-
Last term, the course was run
with a great deal of flexibility and
covered a broad spectrum of top-
S ,With an expanded enrollment
this semester however, students
will be broken up into a number
of small sections each focusing on
one aspect of the problems fac-
ing student leaders.
For example, one section led
by Will Smith, assistant to the
vice president for, student affairs.
will deal with race relations.
Other sections will be led by
alumni of last term's experimental!
course. These sections are expect-
ed to concentrate on problems re-
lated to student activism.
Last term, a considerable num-
ber of students in the course were
already involved in student ac-
tivities. But Tom Clark, assistant
to the director of student organi-
zations, says he hopes to enroll
students with diverse backgrounds
this term.
'rrja rn naS. urill ., rim n
porary function of the University
in society."
And with President Robben
Fleming as resource person, this
discussion is likely to prove a
strong drawing point for the
m ,- -theMRegentscommitasub-
never, promises to be a little easier -- the Regents commit a sub-
stantial increase in appropriations
d by about 20 per cent. for education school programs.
Education school sources indi-
cate Cohen was not the first choice
of the student-faculty committee
which has been searching 'for a
successor to retiring Dean Willard
O -I-orT ow C. Olson since last spring. The
search committee submitted a list
of. five candidates to President
" Fleming in December.
[11rein e-1iSt It is not known whether Cohen's
name was one of the five. How-
L ever, when the committee narrow-
ed the field of candidates to 30 in
The college apparently has no September, Cohen's name was not
-plans in the event of student at- listed. The committee reserved the
s tempts to attend the meeting. "Iopioned. T eommite istho
really can't comment on what option of reopening the list of
o would happen," Dean William candidates.
s Hays said. A blue-ribbon committee h a s
been studying the education school
'Last sping, members of Voice- since October. The panel, created
e SDS broke up a faculty meeting by Vice President for State Rela-
1 by refusing to leave the auditor- tions and Planning Arthur Ross,
ium where the professors had was to report by Jan. 15. It is now
I gathered. not expected to finish until the
The literary college faculty 'is middle of February.
currently considering a proposal Cohen has had a long career in
to open its meetings to the pub- government. service culminating
lic. Action on that motion is being with his appointment in 1967 as
help up because of the special na- HEW secretary.
ture of tomorrow's meeting. A graduate of the University of
Faculty attention to complaints Wisconsin, Cohen served as as-j
against course requirements was sistant to the executive director of
stirred most recently by petitions President Franklin D. Roosevelt's
circulated by Student Government Committee on Economic Security
Council and the Radical Cau- which drafted the original Social
cus, signed by some 3,500 stu- Security Act of 1934.
dents. As technical adviser to the Pom-
What surprises me," said missioner for Social Security
James Shaw, assistant dean of the (1935252), Cohen was in charge of
college, "is that they were only program development and legis-
able to get 3,500 signatures." lative coordination. He joined the
The petitions, some demanding University faculty in 1956.
an end to all required courses
and others dealing only with theE
language requirements, were ini-
tially delivered to the college's
curriculum committee. The com-
Smittee passed the bundle on to the
faculty, which decided to return y=
them to the committee for fur-
ther consideration.
At thes ame timo howeor the i .:
Date set
for fina
ADC trial
A trial date has been set for
sometime next month for 37 Uni-
versity students who lost an ap-
peal on Dec. 24 to h a v e their
criminal trespass cases heard in
federal district court.
The students are the last of 241
persons to be tried for the Sept.
4 and 5 welfare sit-ins at t h e
County building. T he y will be
tried in the Ann Arbor Municipal
Court where 204 previous cases
were heard.
Their appeal to have their trials
in federal court was based on th.e
charge that their arrests w e re
motivated by racial discrimina-
Federal Judge Thaddeus Mach-
rowicz denied the petition to move
the case to a federal court deny-
ing that racial discrimination was
involved in the arrests.* In such
cases federal intervention is con-
tingent upon the court's finding of
Machrowicz ordered the A n nl
Arbor Municipal Court to hold
the trials. The students later de-
cided not to appeal the decision.
The sentences for the partici-
pants in the sit-ins who were tried
earlier have included fines of $15,
a choice between jail terms or
county work projects of seven
days in length, 90 day probation
-ary periods and payments of
court costs.
The hearing with Machrowicz
included testimony from Mrs.
Mary Chatman and Mrs. Maxine
Hebert, two welfare recipients,
Robert Hunter, assistant director
of the Human Relations Commis-
sion and George Stewart, head of
the Ann Arbor Legal Aid Clinic.
Mrs. Chatman, who was found
not guilty of the trepass charge,
testified her arm had been "twist-
ed" by a sheriff's deputy when she
was arrested.
"The types of treatment and
the nasty attitudes that county
Draft violations hit new high
Prosecutions of alleged violators of Selec-
tive Service laws increased more than 40
per cent in 1968, reaching the highest levels
since World War II.
In addition, the average sentence for con-
victions has increased from 17 months in
1964 to 37.3 months last year.
These figures, released by Atty. Gen. Ram-
sey Clark last week, though interesting,
aren't really too surprising.
"Everyone knew prosecutions were up and
the sentences were getting longer," Prof.
Joseph Sax of the Law School says.
Besides visiting deserters in Sweden last
year on a trip sponsored by American
per cent from WW II, but "I am more in-
terested in the warrants that have not been
prosecuted," Sax says. "It would be an in-
dicator of the less visible aspects of the
draft resistance movements-the people
who have gone to Canada to avoid the
Figures on the number of draft resisters
in Canada are very unreliable, ranging from
many hundreds to quite a few thousands.
There is no sure way of telling how many
resisters are there.
Sax recalls that when he covered the trial
of Dr. Benjamin Spock for The Daily last
summer, the prosecutor showed him a list
of warrants, a large percentage of which
1 A irl nana,. na ton ,,,t nc en.,Ac rnn 't
per cent increase over the 1,417 cases begun
in 1967.
in fiscal 1968, ending last June 30, 1,192
draft law cases went before federal district
courts, the most cases before the courts since
1947, according to figures released last
month by the Administrative Office of the
United States Courts.
Convictions were also way up-784 in
fiscal 1968-the highest since 1946 and six
times the number of cases in 1960.
And prosecutions and convictions are
nearing records, length of sentences is sur-
passing old marks. The 37.3 month average
of the year was the highest since the figures
were first compiled in 1945.
And to no one's surprise, all these figures