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February 27, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-27

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111k iAa


Blue skies will soon
clash with clouds

' Vol. LXX IX, No. 1 25

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, February 27, 1 969

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Voter 'registration.




It is becoming increasingly common to
see a student walking out of City Hall a
little surprised and somewhat confused
over not being allowed to vote.
.The campaign by Student Government
Council and other student groups to get
more students registered to vote in local
elections apparently has resulted in more
bewildered students than registered voters.
However, the reason for the general dis-
enfranchisement of students can be traced
to state statutes which legally deny most
students the right to vote in their college
The State Constitution requires that a
prospective voter be 21 years old by the
time of the election, a resident of Michigan
for six months, and "meet the requirements
of local residence provided by law."
However, the problem for students has

centered around a statute which states that
"no elector shall be deemed to have gained
or lost, a residence by reason of being (a
student) .:. nor while 'a student at any in-
stitution of higher learning."
The statute has come under attack by
more people than students, who have a
vested interest in it. State Atty. Gen. Frank
Kelley has called for a change in the elec-
tion law to permit students to vote where
"they habitually sleep, keep their personal
effects and have their place of lodging."
However, Kelley's opinion is not legally
binding and legislative action is needed
to implement the ruling.
In Ann Arbor, City Clerk John Bentley
has used the present election laws to make
students give additional proof that they
are legal residents.
Bentley maintains that a student must
show he is free from parental control and

intends to make Ann Arbor his home for
a reasonably long time after he graduates.
But students say the questions Bentley's
assistants use are inconsistent and ir'-
relevant. These include:
-Are you self-supporting?
-Do you live in private housing?
-- -Where did, you spend your last vaca-
When a prospective registrant arrives at
City Hall, he talks to one of several
women in the clerk's office. Invariably, the
first question is "Are you a student?"
The case of Janice Shelberg, '70. is
Last January. when she tried to register,
after living in Ann Arbor the past several
years, the clerk asked her how much fi-
nancial support was coming from her
"I indicated that 50 per cent of my

expenses were being paid for by my par-
ents," Miss Shelberg says. "She then told
me I would have to register in my home
town, because students who receive that
mnuch from home are considered under
parental authority."'
Miss Shelberg tried again to register
this month. When the clerk-a different
one---questioned her about self-support,
she refused to answer because "I didn't
see how this had any bearing on whether
I can vote." The clerk then !told hei' to
see Assistant City Attorney Fred Stein-
"He said my period of residency could
not be fulfilled as a student, atnd my being
under parental authority indicated I was
here as a student."
Miss Shelberg says she gave him a note
from her father saying she was not under
parental authority. "but he said that since

I was receiving 50 per cent financial sup-
port from home, I was considered under
parental control, according to the inter-
pretation of the laws made by the city
clerk's office."
Vie Adamo, Voter Registration Chair-
man for SGC recently questioned Stein-
gold on this interpretation. "Steingold
said that if they were being unfair, they
were being equally unfair to everyone"
State elections director Bernard Apol
told Adaino he would be glad to accept
calls from the city clerk's office for clari-
fications of the election laws.
According to Miss Shelberg, however.
when she asked Steingold to have Bentley
call Apol, Bentley refused, maintaining that
Apol had indicated he did not want to
decide matters of residency.
Currently, John Bowers, '71L, is asking
the Washtenow County Circuit Court to

hold that seven questions, including the
ones cited, which the clerk uses to de-
termine eligibility are "irrelevant" and
should not be asked during registration..
If the court finds these questions rele-
vant to determining eligibility for registra-
tion, Bowers will ask the court to hold
that the clerk cannot keep a student from
registering because of circumstances such
-not being more than 50 per cent self~-
-being absent during University vaca-
°-not having fixed intent to settle here
Currently, both the state elections divi-
sion and the Attorney General's office
have taken steps toward enfranchising
more students.

R adi c als stage D i ag rall
to demand, end of ROTC
About 100 students protested
* the presence of the Reserve
x .'Officer Trainin Corps
(ROTC) on campus yesterday
- "- with' a guerrilla :theatre po-
duction and a speech on the <?
}:. .,Diag.
The protest was part of a pro->
. >...gram, sponsored by the Students
4 for a Democratic Society, against
"militarism" on campus. The pro-
gram is being carried out concur-
' rently with similar SDS chapters
"V *at other campuses across the
Steve Fitch, the SDS speaker at
r 4 . } the Diag rally, questioned the role
of the military and the "increasing
militarization of this country."
'<' . "he army is not only suppress-
g' ing people in Vietnam, but it will}
" also, be used to put people- dow~n
here," he said.
After£ the, rally the protesters ' '
}V marched to North Hall-the build-
... ing where ROTC classes are held
-and continued the demonstra-
tion there...
At North Hall, one protester
called for the blocking of the en- '(,uerri l
trance of the building, but only
nine others were willing to take,
Sthis action. M I X T 'E T
v Don Rotkin, '70, objected to tak -"'MSU-INCIDENT
ing any action at the time. "You!
,,A have to have some idea of what
you are doing and where you ar e c l f
going to," he said. /( +
After the protest, Capt. W. R.
Sisley, head of the naval scienceM
department said, "They didn't felonemuhirobl.
cause uch truble.
-Daily-Sara KrlI ch~ "They could have caused trouble

Faculty unita
EMU critic izes,
The faculty council at Eastern Michigan University
severely criticized yesterday the administration's handling of
the recent student disorders and also urged the administra-
'tion to drop charges against 14 students arrested last week.
The proposed amnesty was part of the faculty council
resolution which also:
* Condemned the administration's use of police in stu-
dent disorders without prior ~----
consultation with the faculty; -
S!Pushed for the acknowl- Ntb
edgmen b th adinstrtin srEEEE-
ofed emndby othe aminstraet i E 9J .4
ofic the emands ofablack studt
were, not unreasonable. Ji J M5O JJ'U
J{EMU President Harold Sponberg 5/WEANEEt

-Daily--Peter Dreyfuiss
h1a theatre' protests ROTC on campus

dical Ayers arrested
~ous assault charges

said he couldn't tell if the univer-
sity would defend the students
who were arrested, but added that
the university would "seek a fair
and favorable disposition.''
sponberg said the decision to
call for law enforcement agencies
was essential to.,provide protection
for university records and build-
Black students caused a disrup-
tion at the student library yester-
day by checking out over 3,000
books. They also discussed plans
to hold more boycotts of classes.
Preliminary hearings began yes-
terday in Ypsilanti District Court
for Robert L. Smith, '72 Eastern,
who is charged with inciting a
riot during last week's disturb-
'the examinations of the other
13 individuals arrested, of which
11 are students,\ have been ad-
journed until March 26.
The resolution of the faculty
council, which is composed of all
departmental chairmen, was ap-
proved during anr open meeting
between students and faculty.
The resolution will be presented
to the entire faculty on March
5 for a vote.
During the faculty council
meeting, many professors stressed
that student-faculty communi-
cations must be rebuilt and re-
A report presented to the coun-
,Ml showed that only 17 blacks
were presently employed at the
University in administrative or
faculty positions.

JERUSALEM(W) -_The Ideathi
of Prime Minister Levi Eshkol has
thrown Israel into an internal
power struggle at one of the most
crucial times in the 20-year his-
tory of the state. Some Arabs fear
the passing of Eshkol will turn
loose the hawks,
As border incidents have re-
cently escalated to alarming pro-
portions, Eshkol's death was ex-
pected to open the floodgates to
a tide of political infighting. Esh-
kol was 73.
For the time being -- until the;
official period of mourning ends
after at least seven days-Depu-
ty Prime Minister Yigal Allon, an
Oxford-educated former major
general, Is in charge,
But the Kniesset, Israel's parlia-
ment, must elect a new govern-
ment to run the country until the
national elections in November.
Obviously, whoever holds the pre-
miership over these months w ill1
be heavily favored to stay in pow-
er for a full term of four years.
There are three main candi-
dates: Allon, Defense Minister
Moshe Dayan and former Foreign
Minister Golda Meir, once a Mil-
Waukee teacher, Israel's ambassa-.
dor to the United States, Yitzhak
Rabin, is probably on outsider, be-
lieved to be unpopular with t h e
army high command.
Allon, 50, and Dayan, 53, were
comrades in arms during Israel's
war of independence. For s o m e
months now they have been bitter
rivals for the top job.
See ESHKOL, Page 8

*S'n. PackwOo'
Senator I
.ashs volun
Oregon's Republican Senator
Robert W. Packwood visited the
University yesterday to seek stu-
dent support for a voluntary army.
1 "We have to convince public '
opinion that a volunteer army is
desirable and would work," Pack-
wood told about 300 students at a
noon, rally on the Diag. "We are
having problems and need your,
Packwood and nine other sena-
Stors are sponsoring a bill that
would abolish the draft and set up
a professional, volunteer army
in its place.
"Studies indicate that a volun-
teer army would cost $5-$7 bil-
lion more than the present sys-
tem," Packwood told the crowd.
SHe asserted that the abolition of
the draft and its inequities would
be worth the extra expenses.,
Packwood said fears of a pro-
fessional miliary becoming t o o
powerful were exaggerated. "Un-
til 1940, except for the Civil War
and World War I, this country al-
*ways had a professional army,
and the military never took over,"
he explained.
Packwood closed the ten-minute
r'ally by urging students to get
involved in politics. "You may
not be able to vote but you can

J at Diag rally if they wanted," he added, "but By MARTIN IRSCHMAN of the Paper, an established tin-, there, takinig pictures as they had
b they know that it is against Uni- Prominent Ann Arbor radical derground newspaper at Michigan to sit in the middle of the street,"
versity rules and they are smart Bill Ayers was airrested yesterday State. Greene said.
a koo i enough not to cause any." on charges of felonious assault An official in the Ingham Colill- LPric was arraigned yesterday in2
a k v A leaflet distributed last week with a dangerous weapon. tyPrsct'sofeysedaLnigMucpl Court and re-
by SDS said, "ROTC on this cam- The charges stem from Ayers' said further arrests were expected; leased on $2,500 bond. Preliminary
pu not easewitmaitisholowbeaca-e participation in a demonstration i in connection with the Feb. 10 in-, examination was set for March 6.
ntbcueimananlo c Feb"Tiisacmlt *oiia
nerort'tdeic standards, but becausehe the . 10 at Michigan StateUn-cdt.,Tiisa omle ltcl
Jloiiiasieefnsadrh n versity and an incident there in The maximum sentence 1n-: as- frameup," said Price. "Cops are
terests it serves are fundamentally which a WJBK (channel 2) news; sault with a dangerous weapon is out to get the key organizers in
can't handle bombers or missiles: wrong." camera was damaged, five years in prison, the Movement any way they can."
witin he tmsphre. OnFe. 1, te crrculm cm- The demonstration was staged WJBK news commentator Ttom The Movement is the ad hoc
Packwood said he did not favor mittee recommended that the fac-1 to protest MSU President John Greene said an "expensive lens" group of students who, have led
Sen. Edward Kennedy's plan for ulty take steps to abolish all aca- Hannah's State of the University; was broken in the alleged ;cuffle demonstrations in support of p,)p-
a lottery system of military selec- demic credit for ROTC. address. between students and the . epQ;Hers Iular Prof. Bertram Garsiroff.
tion., "The lottery is fair to 80% As alternatives to the present! Ayers was arraigned in Ingham' which touched off the arrests. Hei Garskoff was recently refused ten-
of the people but grossly unfair to ROTC program, the committee County Circuit Court. Bond was said the damages could run 8 cove ure by the MSU psychology die-
the 2V/; who will have to serve," recommended that the needs of set at $2,500 but he was unable $1,000.; partment.
he explained, cadets for background in history, ! to raise this sum and spent lastE An official in the Ingham Coun-! The department's action pre-
On the subject of Vietnam, politics, and science could be sat-j night in Ingham County Jail. Noa ty Prosecutor's office said th'e cipitated a series of demnonstra-
Packwood urged pressure on the isfied by a program of electives' date was set for his preliminary{ demonstrators swung clubs, 4hhh tions and involved the student
South Vietnamese government to from courses taught by regular ' examination, he described as "two by fours," atS newspaper, the State News, in
institute reforms. "Saigon is not 'University faculty members. Ayers' arrest is the second to the camera and damaged it. minor crisis when the paper pub-
responsive to the people. There's Action against ROTC programs emerge from investigations of the Greene claimed they swung at fished an alleged obscenity while
a great need for reforms, espec-- has been taken by the faculties of- incident. Mike Price, a member of the cameraman and threatened to quoting one demonstrator.
Tally land reform." 1he said. several universities, including Har-1 East Lansing's SDS chapter was swing at another member of his The demonstrator quoted in the
He quoted a U.S. government y ard, Yale, Dartmouth and Stan- arrested Tuesday on the same crew. papei', Anthony S. Ladiner, was
See PACKWOOD, Page 8 ford, charges. Price is a former editor "We had as much right being convicted of "indecent and ooscene'

!The council reiterated a state-
ment approved by the entire fa-
culty last week asserting that all
University departments should
atmpt to become integrated.
Black prob




Langua'ge cang
By TOBE LEV language progranis also agree
The Romance languages de- that the new courses don't go
artment has reacted to the far e n o u g h.- They differed
ressure for reform in the ele- among themselves about t h e
nentary languages program, changes needed, but there was
lthough sonic teaching fellows a, consensus on the need for'
nd professors in the depart- fui'ther reform.
nent think it hasn't reacted The two new Spanish sec-
nough. tions, in Spanish 232, center on
The department's move to love themes in Spanish liter-

/ + conduct" earlier this week. 1-(e re-
cevda suspended sentence af-a
L PRO RAMSter pleading guilty to the charge.
Ayers is a regional organizer
for SDS and was an unsuccessful college Press Service
candidate for Ann Arbor School Tension mounted at Rutgers
Board last summer. Ayers, for- University yesterday as bomb
DS l c li n te nitythe founder of the now defunct fires occurred following a con-
elementary program should be Spanish program, would like toi Children's Community School -an frontation between the black or-
reorganized to include cultural see drastic changes made in the. experiment in the progressive edu- ganization of students (BOS)~ and
courses taught- in English -- program, cation of young children. university President Mason Gross.
Spanish 101 and 102. He says "Although improved experi- The demonstrations in support! Trouble continued at the Rut-
this would supply more incen- mental courses could well inter-I of Garskoff have been going on gers branch in Newark, and there
tive for students to proceed est those people who put in los- for over three weeks now, and were indications of difficulties at
withthelthe agelanguageg ffoitself. an in,"geeffortsge frinro101rowandte102," Camhe.1 haven Krangedeteafromsayrock-throwingi istoothe ThCamdensue Campus. re
MareneKurz, he eacing say "i soe csesit s to lte melees to counter-move, a 10,000-soTh e ain kssedenft orbethe
fellow in the 232 section on by 232. The damage is already name petition presented to out- sle r lc ead o h
Spanish love themes says "the done." going MSU President John Han- firing of the university's admis-
.4.- cn-- - -,',,,.In' A nn r f }t~ic i ~ c-ti4n

ests mount
Cam's were vandalized indis,-
'crimninately, and antennas ripped
'off some. At the Douglass Campus,
black students locked off the
women's bathrooms in some
At the Newaik Campus, the sit-
'Iin at Conklin Hall, a classroom
rbuilding, continued into its. third
day, with 30-50 students still In-
side. A rally scheduled for 10
a.m. yesterday went off with no
Following the rally, some wite
students from Essex College, grab-

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