OLD NIXON'S LETTER. TO OLD NOTRE DAME See editorial page Ci 4c Sir i!at ~~Dait MUNDANE High-40 Low-20 Cloudiness defeated by afternoon sun Vol. LXXIX, No. 124 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, February 26, 1969 Ten Cents Six Pages ARTiSTIC EXPRESSION: Faculty board supports Dionysus defense fund Black protest continues on EMU By JIM BEATTIE The motion, which was partly a The Faculty Civil Liberties reply to the Regents' statement of Board last night passed a motion February 21 criticizing the play expressing support for University for damaging the University's Activities Center's legal defense public support, "took no position cm nforthe tfDon the question of whether or not campaign frte cast of Dionysus the performance of Dionysus in in '69. The board refused to ac- tepromneo inssi tively support the cast in the 69 was desireable or not." courts. however, The motion did, however view the An Editorial . DESPITE THE efforts of student groups to transform the language requirement issue into a movement for shared decision-making in the literary college, it has obviously remained, in the minds of most faculty mem- bers, a question of academic renovation.I With faculty action impending next Monday, it is clear that the literary college faculty has been moved to act only because it believes an academic issue is at stake. The, faculty is concerned that language as taught at the University is not an effective way of training stu- dents to deal with the unfamiliar, the abstract, the foreign. It is not surprising, then, that the curriculum com- mittee's two disparate proposals, both the minority and majority reports, advocate abolition of the language requirement as it exists now, but insist upon retention of the stress on learning a language. RESUMING, as the curriculum committee has, that the study of languages will prove educationally valuable,I the majority report recommends options for required1 study, such as an intensive study of the English lang- uage, a two-year study of mathematics, or courses in communication sciences. The defense of language study has been based largely on the necessity of understanding and knowing a foreign culture. Computer and mathematics culture are hardly substitutes for this purpose. If these courses may be allowed to substitute for foreign language, why have any language requirement at all? Furthermore, mastery of communication arts should be incorporated as a goal of every University course. To set it apart in the sterile setting of foreign gram- 4 mars or mathematical logic is to debase its total value. THE MINORITY REPORT recommends that the lang- uage graduation requirement be abolished and used as an entrance requirement. Those few faculty mem- bers who supported the renort are likewise favoring thet retention of the requirement in an altered form. But they realize that elementary language study, especially in its sad state at this institution, deserves no place in a college curriculum, Clearly, language study should not be used as a gauge for admitting students to the University. Although only five per cent of the freshmen do not meet the * minority report's two-year requirement of high school language study, even this small percentage should not be discriminated against because of poor secondary schools. However, these few students who could not meet the language entrance requirements could learn a language in University language departments less burdened by too many students and too few good teachers. HOWEVER, BOTH proposals are flawed and neither should be accepted unquestioningly. The faculty should abolish the language requirement as antitheti- cal to the individual nature of the learning process. But if past faculty decisions are any indication, the faculty is apt to approve an amended form of one of the curriculum committee's two reports. With built-in guarantees for disadvantaged stu- dents, the minority report might prove an effective first step in abolishing the language requirement altogether. However, both of the proposals show an alarming disregard for a students' share in the decision-making process in the University community. ANY DECISION now to alter or abolish the language requirement should not be misconstrued as a change in faculty sentiment toward shared decision- making at the University. And this can only be deplored. -THE SENIOR EDITORS I .. .... issue as one of primarily "art ex pression" and stressed that "what- ever the artistic value of the per- formance may be, the community cannot witness the resulting prose- cutions passively." The motion also supported the Dionysus cast on the grounds of free expression. "Since the per- formance was sponsored by a University group for a University audience," the motion continued, "the arrests placed in jeopardy the standing of our University comn- munity as one responsibly com- mitted to free expression of iedas." Martin Gold, chairman of the* board, added that "the trust of the motion was that the Univer- sity by inviting a group for artis- tic purposes owed the persons in- volved a fair trial." "The University has a special obligation as an educational in- stitution to defend the group on the basis of free expression," he said. Other members of the board disagreed that the case involved free expression, however. It was because the cast had "a pretty lousy case for free expression" that the board refused to ask that the University present a brief of amicus, in fact. Others suggested the cast not be supported on the basis that their nudity on stage was not for the sake of art. "These people did what they did for publicity value because no one3 was paying to see them other- wise," another continued. "Wheni you get right down to it, what they were doing was not really art." he' campus By JIM NEUBACHER Activity on the Eastern Michigan University campus increased yesterday as students, faculty and administrators searched for a solution to problems stemming from campus violence last week. Faculty members as well as students demanded amnesty for 14 students arrested during demonstrations on the EMU campus Thursday. Hearings for the arrested students will begin today at 9 a.m. in the District Court at the Ypsilanti Municipal Building. Several different events occurred on the campus relat- New Panhel officers-- ing to last week's disorders. '- 150 studentĀ§ rallied at the stu- dent union in support of demands made by blacks during a lock-in at the administration building last Thursday. After hearing speeches from black leaders, the students j marched across campus to the{ home of President Harold Spon- berg where they sang and march- ed, demanding amnesty for the arrested students. Black faculty members met and Harris criticizes Balzhiser Panhellenic Association yesterday announced the selection of new officers for the coming year. Pictured from left to right are administrative Vice President Lillian Krezel, '70. President Wendy Kress, '70, and Executive Vice President Cindy Szady, '70. NA TIONAL S'ANDARD: Kennedy asks draft end to wartime II-S College Press Service 3. WASHINGTON - Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass) yesterday introduced a bill proposing sweep- ing reforms in current selective service laws. K Pnndv'C bhill inltiA n n- nein ey s 01 icluues a paru- said. vision ending student deferments Professor Tom McClure of the in times of war. Under the pro- Fine Arts Department, a member posal, student deferments would of the board, also expressed con- not be granted if the military were cern that performances such as engaged ''in a shooting war" Dionysus which gave the Univer- where at least ten per cent of those sity artists a reputation of being drafted in a given month were in- "crazy" -would hurt his depart- jured. ment financially. Further, national uniform san- "Onthe basis of simple dollars dards for determining draft classi- and cents lost from my department fications would be set up. Kenne- I can hardly support this resolu- dy said he feels the lack of such tion," he said. a standard for student deferments is indicative of the whole selective service operation. Under Kennedy's proposal young man would only be exemp to the draft "during the cours of bona fide studies" to be define by law. Currently. individua schools and local draft boards de fine whether a student is makin satisfactory progress toward< degree. Kennedy said he believes stu dent deferments are a major in equity. "The draft does not operat fairly. It operates unfairly, in equitably, and unevenly." he sal in his address to the Senate yes terday. "It should be changed-change not in one or two years from no organized the Black Faculty As- Robert J. Harris, Democratic sociation. Later in the afternoon, candidate for mayor, yesterday these faculty members, along with blasted his Republican opponent, refo rm s, with Sponberg. They voiced up of the student rent strike port of the students' demands and Harris said Balzhiser "knows d e erm es d for amnesty for those ar'f well that his solution to the menton the meeting. problems underlying the student e but changed this year." Kenne- Sponberg met to discuss the rent, strike is. in effect not a solu- dy added. crisis with administrators in aton at . hastily called meeting. Dean of "Balzhiser's program for bring- a He called on President Richard Admissions and Student Financial ing down inflated rents and equal- Pt Nixon to issue an executive order Aid Ralph Gilden said the meet- izing tenant bargaining power e to help eliminate some of the in- ing was called to "apprise ad- consists of an appeal," Harris said, d justices before the law could be ministrators of the current status "to enforce existing laws more l "gassed and enacted. Kennedy of things." He said it was the' strictly; to sentence naughty land- recommended the President order general consensus among adminis- lords more harshly, and to hire g' that occupational deferments be trators to recommend a joint stu- more than the present inadequate a ended, the youngest be drafted dent - faculty- administration com- number of housing inspectors." first. standards be made more mittee to study the problems and "Balzhiser's program is an out- - uniform, and selective service negotiate the demands. right admission of the indifference - procedures be modernized. Gilden defended EMU efforts of the past and present Reub- Ce to recruit black students, and la ty anistrast e - Kennedy urged similar stepsdE lican city administrations to the d during the Johnson administrationpointed out that Eastern ranks problems of students," Harris said,. -~ecn onyt an tt n-in the form of a Senate resolution. seodol oWyeSaeUi Now that the Republicans say He said he believes Nixon "intends versity in total enrollment of they are concerned, they have d to make a determined effort at blacks at colleges and universities chosen to propose out-dated solu- d ,,in the state. draft reform."''i tesat.. tions. The Student Senate, meeting The new President has said he last night, passed a resolution "One wonders whether Balzhiser favors an all-volunteer army. De- calling for creation of an eight- and the Republicans are serious fense Secretary Melvin Laird said man committee to study the stu. in their new-found concern for recently that a lottery system dent unrest. The fact-finding student tenants." might be tried until the Selective committee would be set up along Harris said he will ask the Service System can be ended. the lines recommended by the ad- Democratic candidates and the Kennedy included a method for ministrators earlier in the day. Democratic platform to specifical- random selection in his bill, but Richard Scott, student body ly pledge a coordinated attack on said he feels an all-volunteer army president, reported to the Senate two levels. sadhefe nnthe dinistration metingt .w. - S.F. State faculty nears accord in seven week-old teacher strike From Wire Service Reports demands for admission of more cording to Rutgers President Ma- is not "realistic policy for the im-"m Am-o"Sponberg's comments today mdi- A seven-week-old t e a c h e r s black students, and to dramatize son Gross.- . mediate future. cated he will continue to follow strike at San Francisco State Col- other demands. The students, who began their The proposed legislation also j the hard line," he said. lege appeared near settlement yes- ocupation of modern Conklin Hall extends conscientious objector During the day protesting stu- terday as minor disorders and The university administration, Monday, demanded dismissal of status to atheist and agnostics dents continued their efforts to demonstrations occurred on other facing budget hearings with the two admissions officers, assurance now protected only by court deci- promote a general boycott of campuses across the country. state legislature, had obtained a that no black student will be dis- sions, and prohibits a draft board classes, but with little support. The American Federation of court order Monday night to evict ! missed for academic reasons for from punishing a registrant who Most students ignored the picket- Teachers set two conditions for students from the building. The one semester, and acceptance of participates in an anti-'ar dem- ers, who were hampered by the Fran- ijunction prohibits sit-ins and all black residents of Newark who onstration by drafting him. It pro- cold weather. returning to work at SanFrnI other assemblies for five days. have high school diplomas. TheyontainbdrfighmItp-cldwte. cisco State: approval of the settle-s. poed a "ronged cot vides for right to counsel in appeal -----'-~- "--- ment by the 'full state college William H. Masterson, the new- clas.se adfrthe act t proceedings.} board of trustess and the return ly-named president of Rice Uni- 1dendsarenrthet. tThe bill also designated fourt"umyeeaue to "a peaceful and fi'ee 'atmos- versity, resigned yesterday in the demanssfaresnotdy.. Statefswhient phere" on the campus. wake of student and faculty pro- At Stillman College in Tusca-e would consider the desirability of Trustees of the college will hold test against his appointment. In aAned inside the union even granting amnesty to youths who, their monthly meeting today but selecting h, the Rice board o fled the country to avoid the draft. there is doubt about whether they tustees ignored recommenda- though the school is shut down. fledy conty to a thedraft. s Stdent representatives of nine will accept the proposed settle- tions from a student-faculty coin- precedent for such amnesty. institutions of higher learning met t mittee it had set up to help in its wake of a classroom boycott and recently at Michigan State Uni- mea. the occupation, spawned by stu- The other studies will consider versity to begin setting up what CalrdyosidRtheld Reaganhas private Houston school. Rumors of dent complaints about food serv- nonmilitary service alternatives, will be called the Michigan Asso- "illegal" and has said he will os p a student strike and mass faculty ice, dorm conditions, and armed an all-volunteer army, and reha- ciation of Students. theg settlement. resignations had circulatedon campus police. School President bilitation programs for volun- This organization, said Student pose the settlement. campus if the appointment was Harold Stinson said he would let teers who fall below induction Government Council Executive Nearly 500 students at Pennsyl- made. the students stay in the building.s Vice President Bob Neff, "by pull- md.standards. n stgtercmie u vania State University in Uni- A Methodist black college m ing us together combines our versity Park, Pa. gathered in front Black students at Rutgers Uni- Texas was closed after students Kennedy's late brother Sen. Rob- strength. We may be able to see of an administration building yes- versity's Newark, N.J. commuter barricaded buildings for the sec- ert Kennedy proposed ending stu- who is for and against higher terday in defiance of a court in- campus took over a major .class- ond time in 10 days. dent deferments because they dis- education." junction.!room building and renamed it! State and local police moved on- i nte ns se h - "The biggest effect," he added, Tjuctio 'srs. wer "Liberation Hall" to protest "ra-?to the campus of Wiley College at criminate against those who a- "nhe stcte gae The crowd dispersed. however, " ~may be in the state legislature after the doors to the "Old Main" cist" admission policies. Marshall, Tex., removed barri- not afford or do not qualify for in April-our legislators may be I were locked. Earlier in the week The administration was en- cades and conducted a fruitless college. Teddy Kennedy raised the more receptive to a coordinated the students had occupied the;gaging in "good, open discussion" room-by-room search for weapons same argument yesterday. student lobby." building to seek support for black with the dissident students, ac- inone dormitory. _--- - -- - ___ Wiley. whose 750 students are all black, wasclosed on the order , FELLOWSHIPS of President T. Winston Cole, who SU stunts conde 'also rejected a student demand that he resign. Some 200 students at American" " University in Washington, D.C., 33 yesterday to protest his refusal to let Dick Gregory hold his "rump" From Wire Service Reports rupt the normal functions of 'he' letter to the faculty last No- lish a visiting professorship and presidential inauguration on cam- EAST LANSING-Nearly 10,000 I university. vember. an Afro-American Studies Cen- pus March 4. They left peacefully. students at Michigan State Uni- "The average student wants to "Only by making a univer- ter. However, Haber says that and planned an announcement versity have signed petitions con-Iget his education over and get out sity education available to black so far a black center will only later.d"a, h ,observed. people," said Fleming, "can the be involved insofar as it con- The long-awaited Kalven Re- eni intdtion n viole-e ofhere," He eonbserve University encourage black peo- cerns scholarships, fellowships, port on disciplinary procedures at' ansrtion He sa the peiion s aures ple to emerge in many of the and professorships. t the University of Chicago, released otra tions e r n o total9,ns iloly half of roles which they now legiti- Interested business supporters Monday, said students should be The petitions were presented the petitions circulated have been fund areseeeeto'iglin"De- givenfanwider voiceninishould yesterday to MSU President John returned. Enrollment at MSU mately seek to fill." of the decisions A Hannah. knumbers some 38,000 students. The fund includes three main troit to discuss plans to solicit that don't affect the basic struc- Hm objectives: funds from their respective ture of the school such as drug "He seemed extremely appre-Demonstrators have for the past . ., r co~~in fi VP f the f'tions" said iPeter (three weksstaed it-ins and City Council legislation, he said, will be' promoted to: -increase the supply of scat- tered-site public housing; -grant tax incentives to in- crease the supply of federally-sub- sidized moderate income housing; -give the Transportation Au- thority the $120,000 it has sought, to enable it to run a bus system that will open up new parts of the city for rental by families that lack two cars and must get to cam- pus, the hospitals, or other central city points each' day; -declare certain unfair, small- print terms that now appear in most leases to be against public policy; -establish tribunals in which landlords and tenants may obtain swift, fair, and inexpensive reso- lution of disputes over deposits. Harris said Democrats will ask the mayor to lead a lobby of Mich- igan Mayors in Lansing to achieve state legislation "recognizing and protecting the tenant's right to collective bargaining in the same way that the employe's similar right is now recognized," and to reform the state housing law to "make city housing codes truly enforceable." in violence; to Hannah in an atmosphere of intimidation, violence and disruption which is being fostered by irresponsible people. "Dissent is a vital part of the university community, but the dis- ruption of President Hannah's State of the University address went beyond the limits of dissent that an organized society should tolerate." Hens said the Concerned Stu- SCHOLARSHIPS King fund to By SAM DAMREN The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Fund has begun to collect contributions, and has extensive plans to solicit more. The gifts will be used to create graduate fellowships, scholarships, and a black profes- sorship to "expand the pool of trained business, scientific and educational leaders among t h e committee with Regent Otis Smith, has set a goal of $500,- 000 in gifts for the King Fund. He plans to solicit contribu- tions from faculty, , students, business interests, and alumni, William Smith, assistant di- rector of student organizations, reports an organizational meet- ing of all major student groups on campus will be held early