94e Sirlgau ail Seventy-eight years of editorial f reedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan power and virtue A critical view of democracy by ron landsman * 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in ol reprints. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: NADINE COHODASI Trampling civil liberties at Berkeley THE REGENTS' of the University of Cal- ifornia have laid down a set of rules and penalties which will seriously endan- ger the civil liberties of every student at that institution, and, by extension, every student at every state university in the nation. In reaction to recent disruptions at Berkeley, the regents last week voted ov- erwhelmingly to require specific actions of university administrators whenever the governor declares a "state of emergency" on one of the University of California's nine campuses. Oni such occasions, the administration must: - Place all students believed to have been involved in disruptions on imme- diate interim suspension, banning them entirely from the campus a n d holding disciplinary hearings on the accusations within two weeks. - Suspend for at least one quarter, dis- miss, or expel any student found guilty of involvement in the disturbances; take away all student financial aid from disrupters; and -Ban the use of university facilities for organizing or carrying out disruptions. Curses! WITH VIOLENCE in the s t r e e t s and muggings in the alleys, it's nice to know some things are still sacred. Fif- teen-year-old Dorothy Young h a s been held since Dec. 4 for cursing a w h i t e classmate on a schoolbus in Sylvester, Georgia. Although the state supreme court released Miss Young yesterday, it is hoped that her two month detention will be enough to stop the spread of obscenity. Edward Brill, editor of MSU's S t a t e News, should be heartened. T h e State News is under fire for the use of obscenity in a page one story, but editor Brill might anticipate similar corrective treatment from the "open-minded" citizens of Mich- igan. -E. K. Editorial Staff HENRY GRIX, Editor STEVE NISSEN RON LANDSMAN City Editor Managing Editor .STEVE ANZALONE ......... Editorial Page Editor JIM HECK . ............... Editorial Page Editor JENNY STILLER ............. Editorial Page Editor PHILIP BLOCK .. .... .. ..Associate Managing Editor MARCIA ABRAMSON ..... Associate Managing Editor LESLIE WAYNE ......................... Arts Editor JOHN GRAY ................ Literary Editor PHOTO EDITOR ...... ..... Andy Sacks NIGHT EDITORS: Nadine Cohodas, Stuart Gannes, Martin Hirschman, Bill Lavely, tJim Neubacher, David Spurr, Chris Steele, Daniel Zwerdling. COPY EDITORS: Jim Beattie, Robert Kraftowitz, Nancy Lisagor, Harold Rosenthal, Judy Sarasohn, Charles Silkowitz, Sharon Weiner. Business Staff - GEORGE BRISTOL, Business Manager STEVE ELMAN Administrative Advertising Manager SUE LERNER.... ........ .... Senior Sales Manager LUCY PAPP ................. Senior Sales Manager NANCY ASIN . ......... Senior Circulation Manager BRUCE HAYDON ......... ...... Finance Manager DARJA KROGULSKI .... Associate Finance Manager 'BARBARA SCHULZ......... ,....Personnel manager' THE CENTRAL question raised by the regents' directives is whether the state may legitimately deprive any student of his education for the period of two weeks which can elapse before disciplinary hearings are held. Indications are that the directives vio- late both the basic proposition that a man is innocent until proven guilty and state and federal constitutional guarantees against deprivation of 1 i f e, liberty; or property without due process of law. A suspected student found to be totally innocent of participation in any disrup- tive activities would in effect have been barred from one-sixth of his classes (un- der California's 12-week quarter calen- dar) irrevocably on a mere suspicion of guilt. A further consideration is how the ad- ministration .w o u 1 d decide who to bar from campus under suspicion of radical political activity. This conjures up the nightmare vision that the regents' regu- lations could be used to effectively bar all minority students from campus during times of alleged disturbance. Furthermore, the regents' directive de- fines no statute of limitations for such interim suspensions. Are the students ar- rested last fall for sitting in at Sproul and Moses Halls to be barred from campus now, even if they have no connection with the current strike? And what about those who were involved in the F r e e Speech Movement five years ago? Are they sus- pects too? ANOTHER consideration is the practi- cality of enforcing the n e w regula- tions. It is all very well to say that hear- ings shall be held within two weeks, but it is inconceivable that t h e ponderous university bureaucracy could act so effi- ciently, particularly if large numbers of supposed activists are placed on interim suspension. The other two restrictions are objec- tionable, but unfortunately probably both justifiable and legal. While it is strange that freedom of speech and assembly should not be allowed on state property, there is already a bulk of precedent be- hind such a ban. Similarly, the withdraw- al of financial aid is the university's per- rogative, although it smacks of racism in that it hits poor minority students hard- est, in effect telling them not to concern themselves with injustices perpetrated against them for fear of losing their rel- atively 'privileged status as students. THE CALIFORNIA regents' directives, if fulfilled without protest at Berkeley, will set a dangerous precedent for the de- nial of fundamental civil liberties to stu- dents in public-supported educational in- stitutions all over the country. By their actions, the regents of the Universityof California are trampling upon the ele- mentary guarantees of due process and the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty. -JENNY STILLER Editorial Page Editor DEMOCRACY - APPLE PIE, mother- hood, the flag - all that is good in the American Way of Life - Jackson, Jeffer- son, George Washington and God. The myths of democracy are pervasive in our society. We all think of democracy uncritically, as an end in itself that should go unquestioned. We unconsciously attrib- ute to it virtues undreamed of in other po- litical systems. Born perhaps of m a n y years of pre- pubertic propagandization, these ideas must be challenged and must be analyzed. They have their virtues, but they also have their faults. First let it be noted that democracy does not generally exist in our society. I DO NOT SIMPLY MEAN to criticize the lack of responsiveness of our elected governments. There is at least the structure and the pretense of democracy there, and to some degree its effective implementation. But what of all the other social struc- tures that play a part in men's lives? What of where a man works, where he spends the largest single block of his time? And of those institutions he joins voluntarily, how democratic are they? Not only are the big industrial concerns entirely undemocratic (and yet often the most uncritically respected of American in- stitutions) but they are almost entirely un- receptive to demands from below save by pressure (e. g. union strikes). BUT SURPRISINGLY, the non-profit- oriented institutions are also undemocratic, most specifically academic institutions. Organizational heads, including depart- mental chairmen, can not be expected to promote or defend policies which they do not themselves believe. But therein must lie the balance - be- tween the wills of individuals within the organizations and the wills of the or-gani- zation's representatives and leaders. The importance of the first part cannot be underestimated. It is the supreme value of our society that the individual be free to make himself what he will. But the urge for individualism at the University has been more fancy than fact, until a re- cent "participatory democracy" plea began making some inroads. However, in its wide sweep, "participa- tory democracy" has not taken into account certain requisites of organizations, such as the need to rely on expertise and compe- tence. THERE IS A COMMON CRY from anti- institutional types that "competence" is a smokescreen for weeding out the institu- tional and politically undesirable, and in- deed, it may often be used that way. But the misuses of such qualitative demands hardly justify the elimination of them as standards altogether. But to the other question, it is the man at the top who must answer for what is done. It is the chairman who seeks money for his department, and so must defend Letters. Another view of Proj what it does, its standards for personnel selection and programs. It is thus only fair to expect of the peo- ple on the inside to tolerate what some- times may appear as autocratic decisions by those who, must be directly responsible for what s done. But likewise, the indi- viduals held responsible for decisions must operate so as to maintain cohesion and to a certain degree, representation, a m o n g their personnel. To a 1 a r g e degree, then, institutional troubles seem to stem not from actual dire splits, but from splits that are the result of an unresponsive structure. Demands that are not inherently divisive may become so when the problem is cast in terms of in- dividuals and their good names. THUS, IT IS FAIR to ask whether the five-year chairman method of running de- partments is appropriate. A m o r e fluid structure allowing for differences between department leaderships and their faculty members would not force conflicts that now occur almost entirely as a result of rigidity. What is involved, at least par- tially, is a change in the common view of chairmanships, that it should be ,a more temporary, a more transient- role. The importance in such a change is the effect to the men at the bottom - the av- erage, especially younger, faculty members. Such a change could breed greater com- mitment, greater allegiance toward the de- partments. Cohen ds upon them but. for them." The reader is to be will recall historical parallels in le, and which the wielding of power is that is justified because it's for their own for. good. does the petences I HOPE THAT Professor Cohen right to does not really feel as entrapped set of by student insistence' on partici- hat stu- pation as these and other over- guided, statements suggest. I supposed that nearly every proposal for reforms toward greater sharing of power analogy has been resisted on grounds that cians or if you give 'em an inch they'll take convinc- a mile - a threat to-which at one ower to point he alludes, ons" is Surely a "rational procedure" of nts, who joint student - faculty decisions profes- made in terms of present needs rescrip- and wisdom is not to be ruled out rmpetent because at some fu ure time still further changes may be called for, n o t we A very good case can be made are not on sheerly pragmatic grounds that ular de- joint student - faculty decision aculty's making often leads to better re- ght" of sults than do forcibly unilateral ds a n d ones. Such will not always be the tla can case, but neither can it be claim- unds of ed 'that the traditional procedure nalogies. has been without fault. Above all, I beg my colleague to excep- consider the possibilities that Stshat shared participation provide f o r poss ss students' learning. Change is the ue tomi only certainty, and we can best help students to prepare for it through participating in proces- at the ses of change in their here-and- d it has now world of the university. 01 * To the Editor: PROF. CARL COHEN'S col- umns in The Daily (Feb. 11 and 12) on student participation in curricular decisions have a spec- ial interest for me. We are close colleagues in the Residential College, in which the issues that he raises are v e r y close to all of us. I'd like to have The Daily's readers know that we, as friends and cheek-by-jowl co- workers, have honest differences, and that exchanges of views on these and othe educational mat- ters are characteristic of life in the new college. "The Faculty," my colleague writes, "is the group most likely to reach wisescurricular decisions" (my emphasis). He believes that this conclusion follows from his assumptions that a university "is not one conmunity-but many" (of which the faculty is one); and that m e r e desire to participate in the making of a n y decision (curricular, for example) does not confer upon the members of every community (upon students, in this case) the right to do so. I do not quarrel with these assumptions, but they do not lead me to Prof. 1Cohen's conclusions. NO ONE WOULD claim t h a t members of communities (in this sense) that are neither interested nor affectedby curricular decis- ions has the rightto make them. But this fact hardly forces us to assume t h a t a single community has that right. After all, there are intervening steps between all communities and just one community. Besides, dis- tinguishable communities are not friozen into fixed compartments; rather, different individuals and groups are constantly reshuffling themselves to function as differ- ent communities for various pur- poses. Given this all-or-none alterna- tive - only faculty or only some other community - Prof Cohen justifies his preferencefor decis- ion-making by faculty alone on the twin grounds of faculty re- sponsibility as teachers, guides, and certifiers, and of faculty com- petence. 'Let's look at each of these. If "faculty members are appointed to teach," so also are students as- signed to their roles - that of learning; how can the two be sep- arated? Or does t h e statement mean that, traditionally, the role of teacher automatically carries total power of decision, in which case the appeal is simply to tra- dition. And is it necessarily true that "only if they control the cur- riculum" can faculty fulfill their responsibility of certifying stu- dents? "The only knife I remember seeing is the one you used on this . .. dolp- f I" t ff Avg " F r Oil "i 3 U 1- t j.. b students from the deman( them from the world that theirs? To inform, guid stimulate? Yes, of course; what faculty members are But by what reasoningt possession of s u c h coma carry with them the sole declare that it is in one areas but not in another tl dents are to be informed, stimulated? I FIND Prof. Cohen's between faculty and physi attorneys particularly un ing. Surely the latters' "p make professional decisi freely granted by their clie come to technically trained sionals for diagnoses and p tions that they feel inco: to provide for themselves. Students, whether or r regard the mass mistaken, begging us to make currici cisions for them. T'h e f self-proclaiming s o 1 e "ri diagnosing students' need prescribing their curricu better be justified on gro tradition than on such ar I suppose there are few tions to the general rul those who at any moment power over others are quit sist upon their own uniqi petence to do so. But self-justification very least is graceless, an( led my colleague to overs case uncharacteristicall He writes, "Careful re will oblige one to! conclu entrusting (curricular) d to a body partly consisting sons with a far smaller (* ulty's) degree of experier knowledge- on the matter decided is simply foolish" phasis).. If one does not agree w well, then one is simply i because "careful reflecti oblige one" to reach that sion. But it turns out tha all, "students do have a making curricular decisio evidenced by the fact th curriculum is designed: #i , IF, AS I ASSUME, certification means only assertion of compe- tence (in general, or in particu- lar areas, or both), it does not necessarily follow that decisions about areas in which students, competence is asserted must be made solely by faculty - but only that faculty h a v e concurred in those decisions. Is it inconceivable that a fac- ulty could learn something from students, and about students, through processes of joint decis- ion? If so, and only if so. then re- sponsibility for certification jus- tifies faculty refusal to participate in joint decision making with stu- dents. Prof. Cohen finds "the factor of competence, alone, entirely per- suasive." Competence for what? To decide what is good for stu- dents, even though faculty decis- ions are made from a perspective far more removed than t h a t of tate his ly. eflection de that iecisions of per- lan fac- nce and s to be my em- ith this, n error, on will conclu- Lt, after role in ins," as at "the not by -Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb Psychology and Sociology Department. Feb. 20 Sunday's rape To the Editor: NY RESEMBLANCE, whether Ielor imagined, between the article published undermyename (Daily, Feb. 9) and t h e manu- script actually submitted to The Daily is, I suspect, purely coinci- dental. Happiness is a red, r e d pencil, the imagination of a-hack and five minutes with virgin prose. -Tom Heisler, Grad Feb. 11 Supporting the rent strike is not an endorsement of moth )rhood (EDITOR'S NOTE: In this article, Thomas Talley presents another opin- lon on the rent strie. He is a law student and holds a master's degree In business administration.) By THOMAS N. TALLEY -ENT STRIKE? Of course," you say. It will bring lower rents, shorter leases, and bet- ter service. Who can argue? Many people feel this way. It's like supporting motherhood. But mother- hood is productive; the rent strike is not. The rent strike is emphatically wrong and those supporting it are being used in ways which will be detrimental to themselves (e.g. loss of good credit ratings). For nearly two years I was rental agent for one of Ann Arbor's largest apartment agencies. I am no longer so employed so I have no stake in what I am about to say. But I can contribute some facts and reality to an issue that has been clouded by emotions, guesstimates, and mislead- ing statements (not to mention a ing in high style at fair and com- petitive rents under landlords sin- cerely trying to please. The rent strike is based on the as- .sumption that apartments are bring- ing high profit margins. FACT: A significant' portion of the modern apartment buildings in Ann Arbor have consistently LOST money. FACT: "Excluding" the loss build- ings, the average return on invest- ment in the profitable buildings is in the range of 8-12 per cent. This'is not excessive. In fact it is low. Compare this return with the secure 71%2 per cent minimum return that banks expect on the risk free FHA real estate loans. Now some people say that these percentages are based on the fact that apartment building mortgages are paid off in five to ten years. This couldn't be more wrong. Banks rarely write anything for less than 20 years, and many investors try to and suc- ceed in getting longer terms of up to 30 years in order to lower annual months worth of your rent goes to- ward property taxes. Second, the total costs of land, constr'uction and furnishings of a m o d e r n two-bedroom apartment average $17,000 to $25,000. Payments of these costs account for more than half of your rental payments. Third, maintenance costs are fan- tastically high due to the rapid turn- over of tenants and the "over-use" of apartments by single young people. Insurance, utilities, and general management expense account for the remainder of the cost structure which has, by now, accounted for nearly all but one of the twelve rent pay- ments. EVEN THOUGH COSTS are high, by comparison Ann Arbor rents are not high. Compare them to either the non- profit dormitory system or to other areas in the country. If done honest- ly, you will feel fortunate living in an Ann Arbor' apartment. to check for all the above stated requirements. A few students think Ann Arbor is comparable to Manhattan. Have you ever heard of two-bedroom fur- nished apartments in Manhattan costing less than $300 per month or anything less than a two year lease. Furthermore Time reported in its February 21 issue that Manhattan rents "have been rising an average of 31 per cent and . . . increases of 60 per cent are not unheard of." PERHAPS, COMPARISON in our immediate community would be more illustrative of the fair rates of Ann Arbor apartments. Apartment buildings were built and priced to compete with the Univer- sity dormitory system. This was dif- ficult considering the fact that the University pays no property tax, no income tax, and no- return to in- vestors. Yet, even today it costs only a few dollars more per person for twelve It is noteworthy that most frater- nities and sororities are even more expensive than the dormitories. Does the Tenants' Union strike against them? It is also interesting to note that if landlords offered 8 month leases on the same monthly rates as the twelve month leases, it would cost students several hundred dollars less for a private apartment plus groce- ries than in the non-profit, non-tax paying dormitories. This is why short term leases are unrealistic without rent increases. NOW, TO THE MEAT of my charge that the rent strike is "em- phatically wrong" and "detrimental" to those supporting it. Being aware of. the low profit mar- gins, I realized that the withholding of rent could accomplish nothing ex- cept havoc. I remembered two years of inability of the student leaders and landlords to effectively com- municate mutual problems. (This was I was told that the goal was de-. struction of the landlords regardless of whether the alleged set of goals could be accomplished. I am sure few strike supporters are aware of this. FOR THIS REASON I, feel they are being used to satisfy the emo- tional outlets of a few student lead- ers. Furthermore, the Tenants' Union has distributed literature with false and misleading statements of both fact and law. Strike sppporters have relied on this information. As a re- sult their credit ratings could soon carry a black mark never to be erased. As a matter of fact, in the last issue of Prospectus, a legal publica- ion, the Tenants' Union attorney frankly admits his doubts as to the legality of many strategies involved in strike tactics. Yet, he expects stu- dents, and/or their parents, to lay their future credit ratings on the line. to a story-especially when one side appeals to the emotions. Before the strike many tenants asked their land- lords for their side of the story. I have tried to present a bare outline of this unpublicized side. There is much more. There is much to be said about The Daily's extremely biased and, I would think, unethical reporting; e.g., pub- lishing out of context quotes; editor- ializing in the front page "news," in the sports' section, and even in the classified section; and intentionally writing uninformed, misleading, un- researched and one-sided "news" articles. There is much to be said about the attitudes of some of the "student leaders" where a lack of honesty and respect for others are among a few of their missing virtues. There is much to be said of their obsession to criti- cize to destroy rather than to con- struct (which is admittedly more - ..i 1