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February 25, 1969 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1969-02-25

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CJ r

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Considerable cloudiness;
chance of light rain
Eight Pages

".I...I I .."JI\..' LI

VOI. LAAIA, NO. t123

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday. February 25. 1969

Ten Cents

t _. .. _. _.I/ ....... ....... ...i f . v.

Ten Cents Eight Pages

Kelley hacks
Asks change in election law
voter residency requirement
State Attorney General Frank Kelley yesterday-called for
a change in the election law to permit all students to vote at Y
the place they habitually sleep, keep their personal effects
and have their place of lodging."
However, the attorney general's opinion is not legally
binding and legislative action is needed to implement the t
Under present statute, students can neither gain nor lose a
residency while attending an institution of higher learning.
City clerks have often interpreted this law as requiring
students to show additional proof that they are legal residents
of a given community.
The state requires that a pros-
pective voter be 21 years old by
the time of the election, a resi-
dent of Michigan for six months, 9
and a resident of the town in
which he will vote for 30 days be-
callS for fore he is registered.
Kelley's statement was part of
a response to a request by Sen.
a r vs Anthony Stamm (R-Kaamnazoo)
ren t talks askingwhether "studenthood was
a relevant factor in determining
By BILL LAVELY residericy requirements,"
Stamm says he plans to intro-
Republican candidate for mayor duce legislation asking that the
Prof. Richard Balzhiser yesterday city administrator ignore whether
announced his intention to lead or not potential voters are stu- EMUS1
the feuding rent strike steering dents.
committee and Ann Arbor land- Stamm maintains the present
lords into negotiations, statute governs only electors d
In an attack on his Democratic those already having declaredS
opponent, Balzhiser criticized Prof. their residency-and does not pe
Robert Harris of the Law School tain to students making their in-
for his "reluctance to get involved" itial residency declaration.
in the rent strike. A l t h o u g h Kelley rejected.
However, a itc Stam's interpretation of the e a s k c
ed Balzhisrs cosncern forl theisting lawe, Stamm claimed Ke
4tudent tenants "hypocritical." Ie'I uikrsoneadquaiid
"If one checks the record for answers indicate the attorney gen- By JIM NEUBACHER
"If onet c ecshe ril eorda eral would definitely support a
the past 10 years, he will see that change in the election laws. Some 400 Eastern Michigan
it is Balzhser and his Republican Wallace Segendorph,Kassistant University students held a rally
thle oage wouarspudnsingf attorney general, said Kelley in- and an educational meeting yes-.
theutr aus student housing tended to do more for the students terday to support demands that
situation," Harris said. but was legally prohibited from university officials grant amnesty
Balzhiser, a professor of chem- changing the intent of the law. to 13 persons arrested during cam-
cal engineering, said he did not Kelley's ruling said that by pus demonstrations last week.
Intend to mediate the dispute, but showing relevant facts such as The aiernoon ially was carried
only to "act as a catalyst" which age, lack of parental support, fai- off without incident, in contrast
would initiate bargaining between ily location, employment in the to the nearly violent confrontation
students -and landlords." community and property owner- wihocre atTusa
"RI feel it is in the best interest comnt n rpryonr which occurred last Thursday
fhee it i bin the bet t ship, a student can rebut any when students rallied to protest
of the city to bring the two parties previous residency requirement, the arrests of 12 persons who re-
to the conference table and stopj However, since the ruling does; fused to end a lock-in at the EMU
the building of further tensions not change the law, Ann Arbor administration building.
between them," Balzhiser added. City Clerk John D. Bentley said
Balzhiser said he has conferred he expects it will not have much Student leaders yesterday also
with the rent strike steering com- influence on registering procedures called for increased support for
mittee and with the University in Ann Arbor. an attempted class boycott, begun
Office of Student Housing, both "It really sounds pretty much last Friday. Boycott efforts have
of whom expressed a willingness like early rulings which haven't not yet gained significant student
to participate in such discussions. been enforced by law," he added. support.
*1e is waiting to hear from the City Attorney Peter Forsyth The students will continue to
realtors. said the ruling is "merely a re- picket all university buildings to-
Nancy Holstrom of the rent See KELLEY, Page 8 day. Another rally is scheduled
strike steering committee said «for 1 p.m.
Balzhiser had met with strike
leaders over the weekend to dis- jce
cuss his proposal. Ctjo r c14p
"We told him we had always!
*een interested in serious negotia-
tions with the landlords and that
we would talk to the landlords on
the condition that the Tenants
Union be recognized," she said.
John Feldkamp, director of Uni- From Wire Service Reports spawned by student complaints
versity Housing, said his office Major college campuses were about academic standards, food
had reacted positively to Balzhis- quiet yesterday although students service, dorm conditions, and
Pr's offer, held buildings at Stillman College armed campus police.
"We have offered before to sit in Tuscaloosa, Ala. and at Rut- School President Harold Stinson
in at a meeting between landlords . gers University. oe sdent off thecapu
and tenants, and we are still will- ges ves .ordered students off the campus
ing to," Feldkamp said. Students at both the University Sunday, but at least 75 stayed last
Balzhiser was uncertain how the of California at Berkeley and San night-locked inside the union.!
landlords would react to the pro- Francisco State College. where They have established their own
posal. Several real estate manage- prolonged strikes have been mark- rules of behavior and curfew, and
Wment firms contacted yesterday ed by violence, limited their action apologized for a broken door.

withheld comment. to small picket lines and indoor Dr. Stinson conceded that the
Balzhiser said he will recom- meetings. students' academic grievances are,
mend to the City Council at its Predominantly Negro Stillman justified, but he refused to fire
next meeting that an ordinance College has been shut down fol- the man who shot a student in
be passed making it a misde- lowing a classroom boycott and the leg last fall while serving as
meanor for a landlord to withhold occupation of the union buildino a campus cop. The officer was de-
fraudulantly a damage deposit. late last week. The protests were moted to a maintenance man,
The students in the building at
Y1 Court Dack Sthre small Presbyterian-affiliated
uprem e schoo say they will allow them-
selves to be arrested if the police
" are called in to evict them.
i school rotests Meanwhile yesterday black stu-
dents seized a classroom building
on the Newark, N.J., campus of
WASHINGTON (I)-The Su- School officials do not possess ab- Rutgers University.
preme Court told public school of- solute authority over their stu- The eight or 10 students who
ficials yesterday they cannot pre- dents. seized the building were members
vent pupils from peacefully ad- "Students in schools as well of the Black Organization of Stu-
vocating causes which may be un- as out of school are 'persons' un- dents, which has been protesting
popular with school officials. der our Constitution," Fortas add- university admissions policies and
* The ruling . involved public ed. He also said students "are pos- admissions officers, both of which
schools at the elementary-sec- sessed of fundamental rights which they have called "racist."
ondary level. the state must respect, just as Barricading themselves early
Although the ruling might con-' they themselves must respect their yesterday and forcing classes to
ceivably be applied in some cases I obligations to the states. be moved to other buildings, the
The decision undercut school black students threatened to de-
of disent at colleges, it did not ostrv th gnhnn1 gwitrhhnnrd


iittee asks
gage options

-Daily-~Larry Robbins

studi(eitM 1picket Ipresiden~It's lionli

ss rally at EMU,
ss strike support

A majority of the literary
college curriculum committee
last n i g h t recommended
changes in the present lang-
uage requirement that would
enable students to substitute
sequences in non-language
A separate minority report also
was drafted which recommended
replacing the present language re-
quirement with an entrance re-
The majority report recom-
mends options for required lang
uage study which are subject to.
consideration by the departments
involved. The recommendations .r
- a four- course college se-
uece in th hitor and develo
q e c int e h s o y adment of the English la ngua ge, in -
cluding Middle English;
-two years of experience in
mathematics- ;
a sequence in communica- .. "}".
ions science:
- a sequence in linguistics.
In addition, four years' study of
a language in secondary school x
would satisfy the requirements.daily-Larry Robbins
The report, which representedDiiLayRbin
ten committee members, also rec- Cormtnillee debates proposals
ommended several administrative
chances in the requirement, in-
tfackssuchaeag ornoB lacm ajor
uversational instruction in element-
ary language courses.
Both the majority and minority
reports will be submit ted to the recom m e1l
monthly meeting March 3.
The six members in the minority
faction, which included the three By RICK PERLOFF
student members, wetreomm ereendd:
s-replacing the prescomended: The literary college curriculum committee last night
ment with a college entrance re- unanimously recommended the establishment of an inter-
quirement of two years' secondary disciplinary concentration program in Afro-American studies,
school study of a foreign lan- to become operational in the fall.
guage; The faculty is expected to approve the committee's
--requiring one year of college recommendation at its April 3 meeting.
admitted without meeting the re- The proposal for the concentration program was sub-
quirement. mitted by a subcommittee of the curriculum committee and
The report also recommended will go before the executive committee of the college tomor-
that individual departments not row, for what is expected to be routine approval.
require more than two years In- In its present form the program introduces five inter-
!centrators. fdisciplinary courses, a senior seminar and three introductory

Students met again last night
for ern "educational" sessi-)n.
There strike leaders called for
Ycontinued pressure on the Emu


administration to meet the de-
niand for amnesty as well as the
demands of black students who
began the demonstrations last
Disruptions began after nearly
75 black students locked them-
selves into the administration
building early Thursday to em-
phasize a list of ten demands.
University officials ordered the
protesters to clear the building.
Twelve demonstrators who refused
to leave were arrested.
After the arrests, an angryj
crowd of more than 500 gathered
outside the home of EMU T Prat -

of five to ten years in prison and
fine up to $1000.
The black student demands in-
tuition based on family in-
appointment of a black vice
president for minority affairs:
inistitution of a black studies
program with blacks controlling
the curriculum:
--establishment of M a r t i n
Luther King and Malcolm X
-creation of an all-black, coed
At yesterday's rally. black stu-
dent leaders explained their posi-
tion. Some complained that only
100 of EMU's 700 blacks are sup-


\ltAU )IAU U11G 11Vi11G VI .1'11Vlu r-lub- 4.1-- \_ _L -

ident Harold --Violence porting the black demands. The two separate recommenda-
eybk onbhern Volce r Ron Thompson, a student- at tions were finalized after eight
nearly broke out when police ar-
rested one of the speakers at the the University here, told the hours of debate yesterday and a
rally on charges of inciting to riot, crowd that blacks in Ann Arbor full year's study of the require-
a felony which carries a penalty are supporting the demands of ment.
the EMU students. A major division among coin-
* After the rally, some 300 stu- mittee members became apparent
; dents marched on Sponberg's early in the debate when the com-
uet .house for half an hour without mittee considered the feasibility
incident. of an entrance requirement.


courses which will


serve as requirements for a
In addcition tn thenu-mrp


ican history. Leade s of the Third
World Liberation. Front were
meeting during the day with a.
special faculty committee appoint-
ed by acting President S. I. Haya-
kawa. They planned a general
strike meeting late yesterday eve-
ning to report on the discussion.
The San Francisco State Amer-
ican Federation of Teachers chap-
ter, which is also .on strike, has
been considering a settlement pro-
posed by the California state col-
lege trustees.

At the evening meeting. stu-
dent criticised Sponberg for not
following standard EMU procedure
in handling the demonstration.
An EMU policy report on mass
disturbances prohibits the presi-
dent from taking disciplinary ac-
tion until he consults with faculty
representatives and student lead-I
The students say Sponberg did
neither of these things.
Students and EMU officials met
Saturday with no results. EMU
administrators refused amnesty
and said that civil authorities had
informed the university they
would charge the .protesters even
if the university dropped charges.

Prof. James Gindin, committeel
chairman, suggested that abolition
of the present requirement, with
possible replacement by an 'n-
trance requirement, would illow
individual departments to set their
own language requirements.
"Only four per cent of the stu-
dents enter the college without
any foreign language experience,"
Gindin added.
Prof. Carl Cohen of the phi'o-
sophy department objected that
such an entrance requirement
would work "to the marked dis-
advantage of the German depart-
ment," because most high schools
do not offer German.
Mark Rosenbaum, '70, a repre-#
sentative of Student Government
Council, spoke in favor of aboli-
See LSA, Page 8


At Berkeley, students were hold- Black students walked out of
ing meetings yesterday afternoon the meeting and negotiations have
and evening to discuss the issues not resumed. The blacks demands
in their five-week-old strike., have not yet been discussed.

s *iuuiav u e new cuss
recoverri about 20 hours in already existing
advanced courses in several areas
WASHINGTON (P - Former will constitute a major.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower The program would be admin-
SPt iistered by an interdisciplinary
yesterday progressed smoothly to- committee composed of students
ward recovery from high-risk ab- and faculty. The chairman of the
dominal surgery to remove an in- committee would coordinate the
testinal obstruction. introductory courses.
The first introductory course
The five-star general took small and a prerequisite for the other
sips of water and his life signs- two is a study of Afro-American
pulse, blood pressure, breathing history. The second course covers
and temperature-remained stable, black cultural developments and
officials at Walter Reed Army the third offers a survey on the
Hospital announced. socio-economic problems of the
But Army doctors said Eisen- black community.
hower "will have to be watched The five interdisciplinary cours-
especially carefully during the es include studies in black ac-
next two weeks." complishments in the arts, an
The former president, who was examination of black economic in-
near death last August from his stitutions, an analysis of the re-
most recent heart attack, under- lationship between blacks and the
went 2 hours and 20 minutes of American political system, a study
surgery late Sunday night for the in the psychological aspects of
removal of scar tissue that was l American racism and an evalua-
blocking the passage of food tion of the various methods of ed-
through the intestine. ucating black men.
Individual students would set up
their own senior seminars, where
they could participate in group
discussions or do research on
specific topics.
The disciplines in the program
s 5 would include anthropology, econ-
'e sp omics, history, music, political sci-
ence and sociology.
Some of the courses presently
respondants, such as their offered which would be included
cumulative grade point average, in the program are sociology
their reason for selecting the courses in race and culture c o n-
course. -cussi aeadclueeon
Members of the course evalu- tacts, studies in urban commun-
ai n esy othatthe hose e to ity, music courses in twentieth
atindsay th n alt-Uyhoestycentury music and history cours-
expand to an all-University es in the civil war and the Amer-
study next year. ia iy
Co-chairman Frank Viviano, ican city.
'69, says Engineering Council The professors who are teaching
has asked about an evaluation courses which may eventually be
for engineering school courses. been officially consulted yet
The Law School, the Medical However Prof. Nellie Varer of
School and the schools of pub- Ho, ve, ro_-Nlli Vrne o


Evaluation draws mixed r

The long-awaited course eval-
uation booklet opened to the
public yesterday amid m i x e d
Many of the students w h o
consulted the booklet said they
found it helpful. But most of
them complained about the
highly technical form in which
student evaluations of m o r e
than 500 literary college courses
are compiled.
The booklet contains evalua-

student consensus with fewer
questions would be an improve-
ment," Louik said.
Barbara Engel, '72, said she
found the booklet "useful in de-
termining which courses were
extremely bad." However, s h e
added that it was very difficult
to discern shades of difference
for courses between the two ex-
Edie Spielman. '72, also found
the evaluation useful. "There
is enough data on higher level

than 550 literary college classes.
All freshman courses and many
upperclass courses are included,
unless the professor or curri-
culum is being changed.
The booklets were not pre-
pared for publication because
printing would have delayed
their distribution until after ad-
vanced classification for next
fall, which began last week,
said Pamela Friedman of the
student counseling service.
The Association for Course

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